Feb. 8, 2018, 6 p.m.
Feb. 8, 2018, 6 p.m.
Hey man, do you have Kurt's new address? –S
The text came out of the blue, and Blaine furrowed his brow in confusion.
Kurt? You mean Kurt Hummel? –B
Well d'uh! Yes, Kurt Hummel. I sent him some flowers to his old address and the florist told me he doesn't live there anymore. –S
Blaine was even more confused by the reply.
What the fuck are you doing sending flowers to my ex in the first place?! –B
Ha ha chill, man. Chill. They are just thank you flowers for mentioning my name on a radio program he was on. I've been contacted by a bunch of people from it. –S
Radio program? Kurt? Blaine just shook his head in confusion. He googled it, and saw the link to Broadway Beat's website, with a downloadable mp3 of the interview.
Oh OK. Sorry. I'll check into Kurt's address and get back to you. –B
OK, cool. –S
Blaine put in his ear buds and listened to the interview. And then listened to it again two more times.
"Blaine, right? Are you looking for Kurt?"
Blaine looked up to see Nate walking towards him at the stage door entrance of the theatre.
Nodding, Blaine smiled in relief at seeing him. He'd been having a hard time getting past the receptionist.
"Um, Hi Nate." They hugged briefly. "Yeah, I guess Kurt isn't working today and I was hoping to get his new address. I want to see him."
Nate gave him a considering look and then nodded, pulling Blaine to the side for privacy. "He's in pretty rough shape, Blaine. I'll give you his address, but please don't say anything to upset him, OK?"
Blaine's eyebrows rose at Nate's tone, obviously protective of his dear friend. What the hell had happened to Kurt? His mind was whirling with horrible possibilities, and he felt scared, truly scared. A tendril of dread settled into his stomach, and he needed to see Kurt with his own eyes. Now.
Nate clicked on his phone and showed Blaine the address on his contact list. Blaine copied it into his contacts with shaking fingers.
"Thanks, Nate. I'll be careful with him. I promise." Blaine said, giving Nate an anxious look.
Nate took in the worry and caring in Blaine's expression, and seemed satisfied by it somehow. He patted Blaine's shoulder fondly, and pushed him towards the door.
Kurt woke up to a pounding on his door, and rubbed his eyes sleepily. He had stayed up late, working on the new project, and was in no hurry to rush out of bed on his day off.
Getting up, he stretched and pulled on his robe before walking to the door, and peered through the peephole.
WTF! Blaine!
Jumping back, Kurt almost tripped on a box near the entranceway, running his hands through his messy hair as he stared at the door, his heart thumping. What was Blaine doing here? How did he know this new address? Dozens of questions zipped around his mind.
"Kurt, I heard you moving around in there. Open the damn door." Blaine knocked again loudly, his voice sounding stressed and impatient.
Rolling his eyes, Kurt couldn't think of a way to avoid facing Blaine now. Pulling the edges of his robe closer together, he took a deep breath and opened the door.
For at least a minute, they stared at each other. It had been almost two months since they had gone to that hot yoga class, since they had shared those hot kisses, since Blaine said those awful final words and left.
Kurt drank in the sight of Blaine. He was wearing an indigo down parka, a black knit cap pulled down over his hair. His skin was a bit red from the cold weather, and his eyes were dark and intense, looking Kurt over thoroughly.
Feeling the gaze, Kurt felt deeply self-conscious, knowing he looked tired and his hair was a mess and needed a trim. He looked down, feeling the heat of a blush on his face, and cursed his fair skin.
Blaine stepped in, closing the door behind him, and looking around the apartment. Taking in the piles of boxes, the badly placed furniture. And Kurt felt even more exposed, more vulnerable.
Turning back to Kurt, Blaine's eyes searched Kurt's. "Why are you living here, Kurt? What's happened?" His voice was soft, but with an urgent edge that Kurt couldn't get away from.
Lifting an eyebrow, Kurt just waved to the sofa and sat down on the armchair after moving aside some books and picking up his tablet. He started typing, seeing in his peripheral vision that Blaine was taking off his coat and winter boots, and sitting down.
"Don't you remember? Adam only covered the rent on that big place until the end of November. This place fits my budget better." Kurt shrugged, his face expressionless as he looked back to Blaine. Just feeling a bit numb.
Blaine's eyes widened in surprise. "But surely Adam can still afford the other place..."
Kurt just shook his head. "Maybe, but he's already done plenty. Way more than most ex-boyfriends would." The edge of his mouth tilted up into a wry smile.
"Ex-boyfriend?" Blaine said, looking intently at him again in a way Kurt was beginning to feel a little irritated by.
"Why are you here, Blaine?" Kurt asked, feel suddenly really drained, really tired.
Blaine seemed to gather himself, looking around the apartment quickly as if he was trying to remember. "Um, Sam...he tried to send you flowers, as a thank you for that mention in the radio interview, and then the address..."
Nodding, Kurt got up and walked over to the door. "OK, well, you obviously got it now." He opened the door, not really caring if he was being rude. He was seconds away from losing it, crumbling into tears. Go. Just go.
Biting his lip, Blaine got up slowly, and put on his coat. Kurt could tell he still had questions, but Kurt just tilted his chin up challengingly. Hanging onto his dignity as hard as he could.
Blaine was almost out the door, but he stopped and turned. "Kurt, please. I can see you are hurting, but we've always been friends. Can we go for lunch sometime, when you're feeling better? I miss talking with you."
Kurt looked at him, just feeling stunned at Blaine's request. Finally, he just nodded a couple times and pushed Blaine out the door, closing it softly behind him. Just getting him to go.
And then he went back to his bed, pushing his wet face into the pillow and pulling the bedcovers up over his body.
I saw Kurt. – B
He didn't have to wait long before he got a reply.
What?! Why? When? How? Where? ?! - C
Chuckling a little, Blaine shook his head as he answered.
All that doesn't matter, Coop. What matters is that he's not with Adam anymore. -B
Blaine was grinning like a fool. But he didn't care.
What?! Why? When? How? Where? ?! - C
Chuckling loudly, Blaine didn't care that people at the other tables of the café were giving him a funny look.
He told me himself. I heard it right from him. – B
Then why the hell are you messaging me about this? Why aren't you with him? - C
Blaine's expression sobered, and he sighed.
He's a bit of a mess about it all. He was practically in tears by the time I left, barely holding it together. He moved, and he hasn't even unpacked much. I feel so bad for him. -B
It took a while for Cooper to reply. Blaine was almost going to send another message to see if he was still there.
Blainey, Blainey…. I know you care about him, but what are you doing? This is a guy who wanted you to be his second place boyfriend. Are you really going to be happy with someone like that? What if you are with him, and he wants to get involved with someone else? –C
I just don't want you getting hurt, little brother. – C
Blaine knew Cooper was making a good point, but it didn't change the way he felt.
Just be happy for me, Coop. -B
I hope you will be. Be careful. – C
Kurt arched an eyebrow as he opened his apartment door.
Blaine stood there, a small grin on his face and his hands full of takeout. "Beef meatball hero with tomato sauce and cheese on whole wheat."
Typing on his phone, Kurt gave a little smirk. "You know my sandwich order?"
Smiling widely, Blaine stepped into the apartment. "Of course I do."
"OK, I'll let you in. But only because you are bringing me food and I'm feeling too lazy to cook." Kurt trailed behind Blaine as he put down the food and cleared things off the coffee table. He emptied the bags, pulling out sandwiches, coleslaw, chips and drinks.
Blaine sat down on the sofa, and looked over at Kurt. "Can you put on some music or something? Something we can eat to."
Feeling a bit nostalgic, Kurt put on some old Simon and Garfunkel before sinking down on the armchair. One of his Dad's favorites. The smell of the food was fantastic, and he was soon digging eagerly into the sub.
"Why are you here, Blaine?" Kurt asked, when they had finished off every bite of the food.
Blaine wiped a napkin over his mouth, and smiled. "I'm here to offer my services to my friend." And he motioned to the boxes that filled most of the living room still.
Rolling his eyes, Kurt just shook his head. "Blaine, that's really kind of you, but you've already unpacked all my stuff once. I'm working through it all slowly."
"Yes, Kurt, I've unpacked it all once and it fit well into that larger apartment. But you are going to have to downsize a lot of it to fit it in here. And I'm an expert at that." Blaine said confidently.
Sighing, Kurt looked at Blaine steadily. This was so strange, being alone with Blaine after being apart so many weeks. Why was Blaine really here? Did he feel bad for rejecting Kurt back in November? Was this a pity thing, seeing Kurt crammed into this tiny apartment and looking depressed and overwhelmed? Did he really want to spend time with Blaine, just as friends? Was it just a recipe for being hurt again? Being near Blaine, getting to want him again, care for him more, just when he was maybe starting to get over him?
Blaine's confident smile was dipping, and there was a flash of insecurity in his eyes. "Kurt, please let me help you with this. Just a friend helping out another friend. It's a new year now. Let's get this place looking as good as it can. Give you a fresh new start."
Blinking fast, Kurt tried to hold it together. This was really hard. Getting up quickly, he walked to the washroom and shut the door. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Splashing water on his face and then drying it, Kurt looked at himself in the mirror. Come on. Either tell him to go, or suck it up and accept his help. Maybe he just feels bad about how things ended before and wants to be friends now. Offering to help with the unpacking is like a peace offering.
By the time he got back to the living room, Blaine had tidied away all the food wrappers, and was flipping through a Vogue magazine. Kurt bit his lip; reminded of that day they had met. It seemed so long ago now. So much had happened.
"OK, you can help me unpack." Kurt typed, and knew he'd done the right thing when he saw the relief in Blaine's eyes.
"Kurt, Kurt, Kurt….take a look at all the clothes and the size of your closet. You don't have to be an expert at Tetris to see that it's not all going to fit in there, no matter how well I design the storage." Blaine shook his head as Kurt fussed around with the clothes on the rolling rack he'd brought over.
Looking over his shoulder at Blaine, Kurt scowled like Blaine was suggesting he murder kittens. "Come on, you are the expert. There must be a way, Blaine."
It was the third Monday they had worked together on Kurt's apartment, and things were looking a lot better. They had finished the kitchen, living room and office stuff. All that remained was Kurt's clothes, and Blaine knew there was a storm on the horizon.
Shuffling through the clothes on the rack, Blaine pulled out a three-piece suit in burgundy velvet with wide black lapels. "Tell me about this."
Kurt grinned widely, and stroked a loving hand down the fabric. "Ahhhh, my Dolce and Gabbana. Wore it to the opening night party for 'Company'."
"I remember. Your picture was in tons of magazines. And this one?"
Taking the grey blazer off the hanger, Kurt slipped it on and looked in the mirror, doing up all the buttons. It was fitted, with a darker grey mandarin collar. "From when I won my first Tony."
Blaine nodded, and hung it back up when Kurt took it off. "You would have to admit that you love these clothes for the memories they hold, but they are too iconic for you to wear again. Right?"
Nodding, Kurt shuffled through the clothing, so many good times of his past coming to mind as he looked at them. "OK, Blaine. Just spit out whatever you are tiptoeing up to."
"You could put them into storage, since you aren't going to wear them and you don't have space for them here. But I think it would be better if we donate them, or auction them off for charity." Blaine spoke softly, knowing it was a bit like talking someone off a ledge, trying to get them to part with beloved items like this.
Kurt sighed, stroking over the fabrics. "But I love them so much."
Blaine put a light hand on Kurt's shoulder. "Maybe you could take pictures of them, something to remember them by. That way, you could store the pictures in a small box and let the clothes go."
Kurt stilled, and then looked over at Blaine with his eyes bright. Maybe a little too bright. He nodded. "That is a great idea."
"Yes, Yes, A Thousand Times Yes!" Isabelle squealed, and then jumped on Kurt to give him the tightest hug he'd ever had.
When she finally let him go, he smiled down at his friend's glowing eyes. "Which photographer do you think would be best?"
"Henri is fantastic. Suzanne has more of an edgy style. Hmmm….let me think about it." She pulled out her tablet, and typed some notes. "I think a dozen for the magazine, but we'll do a long shoot to cover all the pieces, yes?"
Kurt nodded, glad that she totally got his idea. "Help me sort through everything, OK?"
Blaine felt uncomfortable as he stepped into the studio. There were so many people there already, rushing around, and loud music playing. He looked around for someone familiar, but the only person he would know would be Kurt, and he couldn't see him anywhere.
"Blaine, right?" A woman's voice came from behind him.
Turning, he saw a woman wearing skinny jeans with red heels, and a matching red blazer. Her smile was wide and welcoming. "Ah, yes. I'm Blaine."
She held out her hand. "I'm Isabelle Wright. Kurt has shown me pictures of you. Come on, let's get you some coffee and a comfortable place to hang out."
Blaine was glad for her guidance as she took him through the large space. Soon he was settled on a chair with a big coffee, taking in the organized chaos.
It didn't take long for Kurt to appear, and he took Blaine's breath away. He was wearing the D&G velvet suit; his hair gelled back and walking confidently to the photographer. Soon, he was positioned on a stool in front of a green screen, looking every inch Kurt Hummel, Broadway Star. Blaine felt a little star struck.
Kurt and the photographer worked well together, with frequent clothing changes. The hairdresser was busy also, styling to best suit each ensemble. Blaine lost count of all the looks, but they all brought up memories. Iconic fashions that captured the last decade of Kurt's singing career.
"Let's break for lunch, everybody." The photographer finally called out, and Blaine could sense the energy of the room relaxing like a big breath exhaling.
Isabelle found him soon after that. "Come with me, Blaine." She had a little smile that he didn't quite understand, not knowing her at all.
Again, he followed her, leaving the studio and through many twisty corridors. They finally entered a large sunny room with lots of windows and casual seating. "This is the staff lounge. I thought it would be nice to get away from everyone for our lunch." She gave him a Coke from the fridge, and got busy with her phone, talking to someone about their lunch order. Blaine walked around, looking out the windows.
He sensed a presence nearby, and turned to see Kurt standing there.
"Oh, Kurt." Blaine gave him a relieved smile. "You're having lunch with us? Great."
Kurt nodded, dressed in a simple white tee and yoga pants. "How are you liking your first photo shoot?" He waved towards the table, where Isabelle was setting out some containers of take-out.
After sitting down, Blaine dished out some Pad Thai onto his plate, feeling very hungry. "It's pretty crazy! You are modeling so many outfits!"
Chuckling, Isabelle nudged Kurt with her elbow. "Normally, there wouldn't be so many, but Kurt is clearing out all the old stuff. Ten years worth of signature Kurt Hummel fashion."
"And hopefully, grouping each outfit with a framed photograph of me wearing it, taken by Henri Moreau, will drive up the prices at the auction." Kurt added, shrugging.
Isabelle practically squirmed in her seat in excitement. "I wonder how much the ones that appear in the magazine will go for?"
Kurt looked at his friend with open affection. "Well, I totally leave it to your experienced eye which outfits you put in the magazine. I'm just amazed you agreed to the whole scheme."
"It will be a good piece for the magazine, and the auction is for a good cause. Have you finalized the name for it yet?" Isabelle helped herself to more green curry. For a tiny woman, she had a healthy appetite.
Kurt looked over at Blaine. It was something they had thrown ideas around for.
"I think I like 'The Shirt Off My Back'. You are literally giving up your clothes, and all the proceeds are going to Carole's health clinic." Blaine smiled, pleased that Kurt had taken his idea and ran with it so far. He had been shocked at the amount of clothing Kurt was getting rid of. It was everything from the time he was singer. Any piece he and Isabelle deemed was recognizable from his red carpet appearances.
As Kurt and Isabelle chatted more, Blaine simply sat back and watched the way they interacted. Kurt had worked for Isabelle when he first moved to New York, only months after graduating high school. And Kurt had shown Isabelle pictures of him. To one of his oldest and dearest friends. They had talked about him. The idea pleased him, and he wasn't quite sure why.
Being around Kurt the last few weeks had been wonderful and awful. Week after week, he could see Kurt was more himself, less unhappy. Initially, the pain in Kurt's eyes, in the way he even held himself, was so close to the surface. Little things seemed to trigger his emotions, and Blaine would see Kurt turn away, sometimes leaving to have a moment by himself in the washroom. And Blaine would do anything to take that pain away.
But there were signs he was getting over Adam. In going through all the boxes, they had come across the boxes they had packed up in the summer and labeled 'Adam'. This time, Kurt just opened them up, shifted through the items and only took a couple things out. The rest went to the donation pile. But still, Kurt rarely brought his name up. Blaine didn't at all, not wanting to trigger bad feelings in him.
"Blaine. Earth to Blaine." Isabelle waved a hand near his face, and he started, pulled out of his thoughts. "Come on, we are going to head back now."
-A/N: Really close to the end now! Thanks everyone for reading this long fic, with the rollercoaster of emotions the boys have been on during the past year. Lots of ups and downs, hopefully learning and growing...