Feb. 8, 2018, 6 p.m.
Feb. 8, 2018, 6 p.m.
"So, what's going on with you and Blaine?" Carole asked, taking a bun from the breadbasket and buttering it.
Kurt gave a small smile to their server who topped up his wineglass, waiting for him to move away before typing on his new smartphone. Carole had encouraged him to use it everywhere, but he was still a bit self-conscious about it. "We are just friends. Don't you like him?" He gave Carole a curious look, wondering what was behind her question.
Carole nodded, taking a sip of her wine. "Oh, yes. He's fantastic. So attractive, smart, and funny." Her eyes were on Kurt's and she grinned when Kurt seemed to be relieved at her answer.
"He's been so kind to me, right from the start. Hannah said he read me about a dozen Vogue magazines while I was still in the coma. What kind of young guy would volunteer to do something like that?" Kurt sipped his wine, liking that he was tolerating alcohol in limited amounts lately.
She nodded. "Yes, I would say he has a good heart. But I don't think its just kindness that has him helping you at the apartment now."
Kurt furrowed his brow. "You think he wants something from me?" It was good getting an outsider's view on the whole situation. Kurt didn't have the perspective of leaving the apartment for work everyday, or other grounding influences.
Carole just grinned as their server appeared back at their table, fussing around and topping up Kurt's glass again. Once he was gone, she levelled a straight look at Kurt. "Yes, I think he wants you."
Widening his eyes, Kurt chuckled at her comment. "And I think you are just playing matchmaker. He's got his shit together. He's young and attractive. Why would someone like that be interested in me?"
Reaching across the table, Carole put a hand on his arm. "Because you are young and attractive too, Kurt." She could tell he wasn't buying it though, his confidence so shaken from his long recovery. "Sweetheart, just look at the effect you've had on our poor server. He's topped up your wineglass three times and brought over extra butter, and we've only been here fifteen minutes."
Kurt just shook his head at her comment, chuckling. He glanced over to where their server was standing, and caught his look. Oh. Carole was right. He knew that type of look, got caught up in it for a moment, before gathering himself and looking away. It was a look of pure interest. A look better suited to a crowded bar around midnight than this upscale restaurant in the early afternoon.
Watching as their server got busy with his work again, moving quickly between the tables, Kurt looked him over. He was probably in his mid-twenties, athletic, attractive. Muscular arms that filled his dress shirt well, perfectly styled light brown hair, the complete package. And Kurt knew from the way he behaved around them that he didn't know Kurt as a former star. People had a different way around him, of looking at him, when he was recognized for that. So, that meant his interest was for Kurt now, Kurt as he was now.
It was flattering, and a bit embarrassing. Carole shot knowing smirks his way during the rest of their meal every time their server was by, checking that everything was OK a little too often and bringing them complimentary chocolate mousse with their coffees. There was a folded note under Kurt's dessert plate, and a quick glance showed that it was a phone number. Kurt tucked it into his pocket before Carole could see it and tease him some more.
He was so out of practice with dealing with this kind of thing. He'd been in the apartment for months, only now getting out more with Carole. Before that, he'd had years of being out with Adam as a couple.
"What about you, Carole? You are bugging me about my non-existent romantic life. Is there some handsome Doctor-without-boarders coming by the clinic lately? Selflessly helping when there is a malaria outbreak?" Kurt nudged her shoulder as they took the scenic route back to the apartment, walking slowly through a park.
Carole chuckled. "Hardly. Just lots of good friends. Someone as special as your father doesn't just show up that often."
Kurt gave her an assessing glance. She was still attractive, with her intelligent eyes, slim body and big heart. He wouldn't be that surprised if she did meet someone else, and would be happy for her.
"Well, I'm determined to show you everything I love about New York. Thailand is great, but I think you should move back and live near me." Grabbing her hand, he tucked it around his waist and put his arm over her shoulders.
Carole gave him a little squeeze, walking along tucked against his side. "What would I even do for work here?"
Kurt rolled his eyes before typing one-handed on his phone. "There are tons of nursing jobs here, silly. I'm going to invite my nurses over and get their help convincing you. You'll love them."
"Well, it will be good to meet them and thank them for taking such good care of you." Carole guided him over to a shady park bench, knowing Kurt needed frequent breaks to rest still. "But I think you should concentrate on your next career, not mine."
Kurt sighed, leaning back against the bench and looking out over the grassy expanse of the park. "That's the big question. I have been researching it, but I feel kind of lost."
Carole nodded, considering it. "Well, what did you like about being a big Broadway star? What didn't you like?"
It took a few minutes for Kurt to answer, thinking hard about her questions. Having Carole here was great. She knew him for so long, so well. Knew him from his awkward high school years, his NYADA years, the time he struggled to establish his career.
"I liked the atmosphere, working with skilled people at the top of their craft. The cast, but also the crew. The directors, writers, musicians, costume designers. It's a whole creative community coming together to put on the best possible show night after night. Leaving your ego at the door and all supporting each other in that goal." Broadway was highly competitive, always changing. Shows came and went, wonderful productions disappearing too fast because they didn't capture enough audience support to stay. It was exciting and vibrant.
Carole nodded, smiling at Kurt's enthusiasm. "OK, but what didn't you like about it?"
Taking a deep breath, Kurt let it out slowly. "It was exciting, but tiring to always go at that pace. Always having to be 'on'. Being there nights and weekends, eight shows a week, month after month. Hard to have a life outside that schedule."
Kurt had struggled with that a lot over the years. It made it hard to keep up friendships and relationships. Hard to squeeze in seeing people when they weren't free during the day.
Taking his hand, Carole gave it a squeeze. "Frankly, that is something that has concerned me about you for years, Kurt. You gave 200% to the job, and did a fantastic job. But you weren't very good at balancing the rest of your life with it. So before you jump into another career, use this time, these months, to think about what will make you happy in the long run."
She was right, and they sat there quietly on that bench, letting their thoughts take them away.
"I got so involved in my work for so long, I don't even know where to start, Carole." Kurt confessed finally.
Gathering him into a tight hug, Carole ran a soothing hand up and down his back. After a few minutes, she pulled back. "OK, let's picture your ideal life then. Do you live in the city or a small town or in the country?"
Kurt couldn't imagine living in a small town like Lima again, and liked visiting the country, but preferred city life. "The city."
"Do you have a small apartment or a big fancy place?" Carole leaned down, picking a yellow dandelion and twirling it between her fingers.
Thinking back on having the big house in upstate New York with Adam, and all the different places he'd lived over the years, Kurt shrugged. "I don't need a fancy place to impress people. Just somewhere big enough to live comfortably and not feel too squished when a few friends come over." The Brooklyn apartment was lovely, but Kurt knew he'd have to downsize when Adam stopped covering the rent. It was more than he needed, and he doubted he'd be making a high enough salary by then to cover the cost.
"How important is money? Is it worth it to work long, long hours to get a big bank account?" Carole gave Kurt a sideways glance.
Tilting his head back, Kurt looked at the leaves moving with a light breeze overhead as he thought about it. "I want to live comfortably, not worry about covering the bills, and able to save money for retirement. Being able to have splurges like a fancy night out, some designer clothes and a vacation or two each year. But nothing to the levels Adam has. I lived in his world for a few years and found it kind of sad and empty, behind the flashy exterior."
"Really? But it looked so fun and glamorous from the magazine articles and entertainment TV shows." Carole sat up, turning towards Kurt. His answer clearly surprised her.
He smiled back at her. "It was so fun and exciting at first. Going to all the big parties, meeting people, travelling, seeing amazing things. But after a while, I realized the novelty wore off. A lot of the people at that level weren't that interesting, but playing at impressing each other with extravagant purchases and parties." He shrugged. "I'd rather go to a good hole-in-the-wall restaurant than a posh five star one. Rather have friends over, order in some food and play card games than go to a swanky party."
"Speaking of friends, I noticed that you don't really have any." Carole said, pinning Kurt with a direct challenging look.
Kurt laughed, and held up his hands in protest. "Hey, I have lots of friends!"
She scoffed. "I've been here a few weeks and only met Blaine at the beginning. You spend all your time with me. I don't see you keeping in contact with other people."
"You want me wasting the little time you are here by going out with other people?" Kurt gave her a disbelieving look, a bit stung by her comments.
Her look softened. "Kurt, I'm just concerned about you. I've seen how you have let your work take over your life and you haven't kept up with your friends. I used to run into your old high school friends in Lima and could tell you had lost contact with them."
Kurt thought of the scrapbook he'd worked on recently, and knew she was right about that. "What should I do?"
"You need to figure out your priorities, what you value, and make them a part of your regular life. Like your Dad with Friday night dinners. He wanted you to have a good family connection, and he made sure you sat down for a meal together every week." Carole ran a hand down his arm.
Kurt arched an eyebrow. "I never had Friday nights off." So often, he'd come home from the theatre, and feel tired. Plus, most people didn't want to do something at eleven pm at night.
Carole gave him a look like he was being a petulant teenager. "You will have to work at it if you end up with a crazy schedule like that again. Find time to see people face-to-face. Book them for a card game on your night off, meet them for brunch before you go into work, play tennis, or meet them at the farmers market to shop and have coffee."
"Yes, mother." Kurt used his old comment that he used to bug Hannah with when she nagged him too much.
Carole shot an indulgent smile his way as she stood up and stretched. "Good, glad you agree with me. Now, I want you to set up three get-togethers with friends in the next week."
Kurt stood up. "Three! In a week!" His voice app didn't have a different tone, but his expressions made up for it, and had Carole chuckling.
Carole just patted his arm, and headed back towards the apartment. She was here for another couple weeks. Might as well give Kurt some well deserved nagging while she was around.
Hey Blaine. How's it going? – K
Kurt pressed Send, and let out a deep breath.
After Carole kept bugging him, he had finally caved and had been contacting friends the last couple days. They had gone for lunch with his agent Melissa yesterday. And he had invited his nurses over for dinner on the weekend, promising to make a full roast beef dinner with Yorkshire pudding and all the fixings. It had been fun contacting them and setting up the plans.
But contacting Blaine was different. Scary. Things were still so up in the air between them. Blaine had sent a few friendly texts, and Kurt had replied, but felt a bit uncomfortable.
Blaine was probably happy to be back in his own place, back in his own life. Not living from a suitcase. He had already done so much for Kurt, gone out of his way for him, Kurt felt a little guilty contacting him now. What if Blaine saw his text and thought to himself, Sheesh, what does Kurt want from me now?
Pretty good. How are things with you and Carole? –B
Kurt felt a surge of relief and happiness when he saw Blaine's quick reply.
We're having a great time. Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? – K
Kurt hit Send before nerves stopped him. There. He'd asked. If Blaine said No, at least he'd get some idea where he stood. He asked for tonight, knowing he'd get too nervous if he had to wait days before Blaine came over.
Sure, that would be good. Around 6 pm? -B
Kurt read the text and felt like dancing around.
See you then. – K
Jumping up, Kurt ran to his closet, needing an outfit that looked casual, but good. Hmmmm...this could take awhile.
Carole kept smirking at Kurt as he danced around the kitchen, getting everything ready. He was a ball of nervous energy, and had put the radio on to an oldies station to have something to move to.
There was the knock on the door, and Kurt froze, glancing over at Carole. She took a sip of her wine, looking very relaxed. He waved towards the door, urgently.
"Oh, you want me to answer the door?" Carole slowly got up, much too slowly for Kurt's liking, and sauntered down the hallway.
Kurt could hear them talking, Blaine's voice so familiar. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
Walking over to the oven, Carole clicked on the light and peered in. "We're making ham and scalloped potatoes."
Looking up from the vegetables he was chopping, Kurt flashed Blaine a smile. Putting down the knife, he walked over to Blaine, stopping directly in front of him. They looked at each other for a couple heartbeats, and then Blaine leaned forward to give him a quick hug. He smelled fantastic, that woodsy cologne Kurt loved.
"Hey Kurt. It's good to see you." Blaine said quickly, his eyes only meeting Kurt's for a second before he looked away.
Kurt bowed his head, silently agreeing with Blaine's statement, a small smile curling his lips. Blaine looked good in a deep red button up shirt, the color working so well with his skin tone and his dark hair.
Blaine offered to help, but Kurt was almost done, so he just waved for him to sit down. Carole poured them some drinks and joined him at the kitchen table.
After dinner, they went to the living room and played a little of the Frustration card game. Eventually, Carole went to bed. Blaine offered to leave, but Kurt just shook his head, and they were soon settled on the sofa, watching a movie together like they had so many other nights.
But it felt nothing like the other nights. Kurt couldn't relax, just feeling so aware of Blaine. Blaine, sitting so near, looking so good.
All during dinner, Kurt had watched as Blaine talked and laughed with Carole, having a hard time looking away. His easy, genuine smile. Those incredible big eyes. His natural friendliness and openness.
And now Blaine was giving him small little looks. Looks that made the heat uncurl inside Kurt. Little looks that Blaine diverted when Kurt tried to catch his gaze, a little teasing game.
Finally, Kurt caught his gaze, meeting those warm hazel eyes with a small smirk on his lips. "Why are you looking at me like that?" And he couldn't resist letting his eyes drop to Blaine's mouth, before going back up.
"Like what?" Blaine teased back, not bothering now to look away.
Kurt's eyes widened slightly at his answer. Looking down to type his answer on the tablet, he couldn't resist peeking up at Blaine, his eyes definitely flirty. "Like I'm dessert."
Leaning closer, Blaine looked into Kurt's blue-grey eyes, and let his gaze drift down to Kurt's mouth. When he met his eyes again, Kurt could see the heat there. Matching how he was feeling. Looking down at Kurt's lips again, Blaine whispered, "Because I really want to taste you."
He wasn't sure if Blaine moved closer or he did, but suddenly they were kissing. And unlike the other time, these kisses were hard and deep, right from the start, Kurt's hand digging into Blaine's hair to drag him down.
Kurt could hardly catch his breath between their intense kisses. Somehow, he was lying flat on his back with Blaine on top of him. And it felt incredible. Spreading his legs, they both shifted so Blaine was lying between them, and Kurt rocked his hips up, not caring how desperate it might look. Blaine moaned, tucking his head against Kurt's neck, moving until they were pressed right up together. Guiding his hands down Blaine's back, Kurt cupped his ass, grinding against him, kissing near his ear. His breaths were coming in quick little pants.
In this moment, Kurt missed his voice so much. He wanted to tell Blaine how much he wanted him, how sexy he looked, anything to express how good this was.
Since he couldn't say it, he was going to show it. Pushing back against Blaine, he got off the sofa, grabbing his hand. Tugging firmly, Blaine let out a chuckle as he followed Kurt to his bedroom. So many times, Blaine had helped him get to bed. This time, Kurt was leading him there, eagerly.
The bedroom was bright with moonlight, and Kurt's eyes were admiring as his hands went to the buttons of Blaine's rumpled shirt, undoing them slowly. Watching as more and more skin came into view, beautiful, perfect.
He pushed the shirt off Blaine's shoulder, letting it drop to the ground as he finally got to touch, run light fingers over his toned chest. Clenching them on Blaine's hips as he stepped closer to kiss along his collarbone.
Blaine's moan in response sent a thrill right through Kurt, loving the reaction to his touch. Blaine's hands were busy too, undoing Kurt's tie, and the buttons of his cardigan and shirt. Soon, Kurt was naked from the waist up, and felt a little self-conscious under Blaine's gaze. He was slim, but had lost most of his muscle tone. Faint scars were scattered over his left shoulder and a little down his chest. It was the first time he had been naked with a lover since the accident.
But Blaine's eyes were full of appreciation, and he laid Kurt down on the sheets, lying beside him to slowly touch and kiss over his skin. Deliberately tracing his lips along those scars, those marks. Gazing up at Kurt and letting him see the heat in them.
By the time he was undoing Kurt's tight jeans, Kurt had a hard time keeping still. He just wanted. Needed. Blaine tugged his pants and underwear off, and Kurt launched himself at Blaine, doing the same for him. He just needed to feel Blaine, his glorious naked skin. Needed to feel him pressed up close, no barriers between them.
-A/N: Yay sexy times!