How Kurt Got His Groove Back
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How Kurt Got His Groove Back: Chapter 8

E - Words: 2,145 - Last Updated: Apr 26, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Sep 25, 2015 - Updated: Sep 25, 2015
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Back at his apartment, Kurt stripped and went into the shower, still too shocked by what had happened to really make sense of it. And the worst part was that he normally would talk about things like this with Blaine. But Blaine was the issue. 

Lucy? No, she sent him to Blaine last time he'd tried to talk to her about dating stuff. Rachel? Hmmmm… maybe. She knew Blaine a little, so maybe she could help figure it out with him.

Drying off, Kurt got into some casual clothes; glad he had no other plans today. 

Grabbing his phone and a bottle of water, Kurt called Rachel.

“Hey, Kurt!” Rachel picked up after two rings.

Kurt smiled; happy he'd called her. “Rachel, it's good to hear your voice. Is this an OK time for you?”

“Yup, I'm not doing much right now.” She sounded a little sleepy.

“Good. Because something has happened I'd like your opinion on.” Kurt took a big mouthful of water. 

“Ooooooo, some good dirt, I hope.” Rachel giggled.

Kurt raised an eyebrow. “So, you know I was doing the run-up thing today with Blaine, right? Kind of like a graduation ceremony for finishing my three months with him as my personal trainer.”

“Yeah, yeah, right…” Rachel said. 

Kurt sighed. “Well, it went really well. We made it to the top in good time, and I'm happy that I was able to do it with a pretty steady pace. I had a real sense of accomplishment, and we walked around the observation level after, taking lots of pictures, goofing around like normal.” 

“And then…” Rachel prompted, knowing there was more.

“And then…” Kurt sighed, not really sure how to explain it. “And then we were riding down in the elevator alone, and we weren't joking around like friends. He was looking at me, and I was looking at him… “ He stopped talking, unsure how to continue.

“Kurt, you can tell me. I won't tell anyone anything, I promise.” Rachel said softly, sensing Kurt's struggle.

“Yes, Rachel, I know… it's just confusing…” Kurt said, quietly. “He, um, grabbed my hand and was pulling me along the hallway, and then we found this little private alcove, away from any prying eyes, and we were kissing.” 

“Oh!” She sounded shocked. “And how was it….?”

Kurt took a minute, trying to sort it out in his mind. “It was so weird, Rachel. He's been my personal trainer and my friend for all this time, and suddenly we were kissing. And it was really good. Really hot.”

Rachel chuckled. “But isn't that a good thing, Kurt? I saw you together at that open mic night, and then at the potluck dinner. And even back then, I sensed there was some chemistry between you.” 

“But way back then, I had a bit of a crush on him. One of my impossible crushes like I usually have on straight guys.” Kurt scoffed. “And about two months ago, I'd given up on the crush and we were just friends. And I'm dating other men now!” 

“Yeah, but think of things from Blaine's side. He's not in a relationship right now, is he?” Rachel argued back.

Kurt shrugged his shoulders, even though Rachel couldn't see him. “Not in a relationship, but he dates a little, here and there.”  And he flirts with new co-workers. 

"Well, maybe Blaine realized he was attracted to you, but didnt want to act on it while he was your personal trainer. He kissed you when he wasnt your trainer anymore." Rachel theorized. 

Kurt sighed. "I doubt it. If he was really that interested, he could have had me assigned to another trainer. Besides, I asked him to kiss me months ago and he never mentioned it violating personal trainer rules then. "

"Hold on, back up..." Rachel laughed. "Whats all this about a kiss months ago??"

Kurt was glad she couldnt see him blushing. "Um, it was back when I was dating Scott. He was so nice, we got along so well... But he kissed me and I felt zip. And I wondered if it was just me. So I asked Blaine to kiss me as a friend to test."

Rachel chuckled. "Yeah, because lots of friends kiss. How did it go then?"

"Well, after kissing Blaine, I knew it wasnt me and I broke up with Scott."

Rachel laughed, hard. 

"But hes been my dating coach a little, giving me advice about dating guys. Would he do that if he was interested?"

"What kind of advice?"

"Well, I remember asking if it was OK to date more than one guy, and he said as long as you kept your clothes on."

Rachel laughed hard at that. "And youve been dating Warren and Mason for how long???"

"About a month or so."

Rachel laughed. "Youve been dating two hot guys for over a month, and youve kept your clothes on the whole time? And they kept theirs on too?" She sounded incredulous. 

Kurt chuckled. "Well, it hasnt been easy! There have been a lot of hot make out sessions, and Im really attracted to both of them."

"What are you waiting for, Kurt?" Rachel sighed. If shed been with him, Kurt knew shed be giving him an exasperated look. 

"Rachel, I havent dated for a few years and my one and only relationship was with Chandler! You know what he was like." Kurt took a sip of water. "Its like Im a teenager suddenly dating hot, adult men. I feel a bit overwhelmed at times. So, I explained it to them and they like me enough to not rush things."

Kurt was flattered that Warren and Mason were being so good about it. It really boosted his confidence knowing they were OK with taking things slow, and not just seeing him for sex. 

Mason was so good, treating Kurt to fancy nights out. Kurt had objected, but Mason argued that he made way more than Kurt, and he wanted to spoil him. It was interesting seeing how the other half lived, but Kurt wasnt attracted to him for his money. The other night, Mason told Kurt to dress up fancy and surprised him with tickets to The Met to hear a countertenor. It had been an amazing night, holding hands with Mason, resting his head on his shoulder, and listening to that beautiful music. 

He was very Type A, a lawyer who was good at his job, worked hard, but in his down time, liked to enjoy life. Mason went to the best restaurants, the best nightclubs, the opera, and the symphony. At times, Kurt joked that he just wanted a trophy husband, someone pretty on his arm to go out with. 

Mason had just smiled, kissing Kurt softly. "You could shop all day, then go out with me all night. Are you saying being a trophy husband would be all that bad?" Kurt was pretty sure he was joking. 

Plus Mason was hot. He worked out every morning in a gym, and dressed in the latest designer clothing chosen to suit his dark coloring.

Warren was much more easy going. He was more artsy, working in theatre. He dressed well, was confident, smart and funny. More quirky. On dates, they went all over the city to interesting little places Warren had found over the years. 

Kurt had made out with both men, hot and heavy. It was hard to keep to the kissing and touches to above the waist, and clothes on. 

But it was getting to the point that Kurt was so horny. He wanted more, but couldnt decide between the guys. Both so attractive, fun and good to be around. Hed have to drop one to be exclusive with the other, and he hadnt been able to decide. 

Rachel sighed again. "Well, I dont know how you can resist one of them, let alone both. Those guys are so hot."

Kurt groaned. "I know. Its so hard."

Rachel giggled. "I bet it is." 

"Rachel!!!" Kurt laughed. 

Unfortunately, it was true. He was jerking off more now than he ever had. Wanting, and being wanted back, was so hot. Reliving every kiss and touch from those make-out sessions, some nights he hardly slept at all. 

"Maybe thats what happened with Blaine. Maybe Im putting out a sexually frustrated vibe, and he picked up on it." Kurt laughed, as he said it. 

"Like a sexual tractor beam? It just pulled him over to you like a big sexual magnet?" Rachel giggled. “Or maybe he has an elevator fetish? They really get him going and you happened to be handy?”

Kurt snorted. “And it's the only time I've ever been in an elevator with him! That's a possibility!” 

“Love in an elevator. Livin' it up when I'm going down.” Rachel sang, giggling. 

Kurt laughed again, surprised that Rachel knew the Aerosmith song. "OK, OK... Whatever happened, what should I do now?" Kurt cut through their chuckles. 

Rachel was quiet a minute. "Well, you need to decide who you are most interested in, and let the other guys down easy. I think you are ready for a relationship, Kurt."

Kurt laughed. "Yeah, I guess so. Thanks for letting me talk this out with you, Rachel." 


Kurt went to bed that night, still thinking things over. 

Mason was sexy, exciting, and flashy. But Kurt had a feeling it would fizzle out quickly with him. Mason would get bored with day-to-day Kurt, and probably move on. He needed someone exciting to keep up with him. 

Warren was probably the best suited for Kurt. They got along great, had good chemistry, and lots of fun.

Blaine.... Kurt sighed, thinking of him. He had a hard time thinking of him as a possible boyfriend, when hed been in a personal trainer and friend category in Kurt's mind for so long. Kurt had long ago quashed his crush feelings towards Blaine. 

Besides, hed only acted like a friend mostly. Even today, except for the elevator ride and the kissing after, Blaine had been in trainer mode and a supportive friend. Kurt had got no feeling that Blaine wanted more. 

Well, no matter how attractive he was, or how much Kurt enjoyed spending time with him, Blaine had never asked Kurt out. Never shown he was interested, really. A few crazy minutes of hot, amazing kissing dont outweigh months of being together as a friend and trainer. 

If he ever was serious about it, Kurt would consider it, for sure. 

Kurt went on to think about Mason and Warren. 

But when the lights were out, he kept thinking of how Blaine kissed, how he tasted, the feel of his hot sweaty body pressed up against Kurts, the sounds he made, how he dug his fingers into Kurts hair. And the feel of his thick, hard cock against Kurts fingers. Kurt hadnt been able to resist stroking his hand along it. Blaine so hard, for Kurt. Turned on, by Kurt. It was the most erotic thing Kurt had ever experienced in his life. 


“I think that if we look for love courageously, it reveals itself, and we wind up attracting even more love. If one person really wants us, everyone does. But if we're alone, we become even more alone. Life is strange.” Paulo Coelho.

Kurt read the quote on Facebook and laughed. Is that what had happened? Basically, it was like saying ‘When it rains, it pours.” Well, it was raining men lately around Kurt. Hallelujah! 

After thinking hard on it, Kurt decided to wait a week before deciding about his relationships. Basically, he wanted to see what Blaine would do. Either he would contact Kurt and show that he was interested, or he wouldn't, and Kurt could only assume that the kisses after the run-up were just a one-off thing. The heat of the moment.

Unfortunately, he had no plans with Blaine for the next week. Nothing in the future either. He wasn't planning on going to the gym, now that his membership had expired. The only place he had a good chance of seeing Blaine was at the Sunday yoga in the park. Unless Blaine contacted him another way. 

For Warren and Mason, he said he was pretty busy this week and limited contact with them. It wouldnt be fair to either of them to date them this week when things were still so up in the air. 


Saturday night, Kurt looked over the clothes in his closet. It had been a long, quiet week. No contact from Blaine at all. So, Kurt was looking for the best possible yoga outfit, to look his very best, in case Blaine was at the yoga class tomorrow. But he didn't want to look like he tried to hard, either. He settled on black yoga pants, and a fitted teal shirt that brought out his eyes. He hardly slept that night.

Sunday was clear and sunny. Kurt was up early, and got a mocha on the way to the park. Sitting on a bench a little distance away from the yoga gathering area, Kurt sipped it, watching as the participants arrived. His heart beat faster each time any man looking vaguely like Blaine walked near. But he didn't appear.

Kurt joined the class, feeling disappointed but resigned. 


Disclaimer: I own nothing.


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