How Kurt Got His Groove Back
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How Kurt Got His Groove Back: Chapter 6

E - Words: 2,830 - Last Updated: Apr 26, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Sep 25, 2015 - Updated: Sep 25, 2015
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Kurt joined the yoga group, waving hello to other regular people in the class after paying Sabina. Laying out his mat, he laid down and closed his eyes, stretching his body out as long as he could, pointing his toes and pushing his arms out above his head in the cool grass, waiting for the class to start.


It was a beautiful day in the park. Kurt had come to love these Sunday morning outdoor yoga classes. During the week, he went to yoga in a studio near his workplace. But the park just seemed to deepen the experience. Being around all the greenery, breathing the fresh air, hearing sounds of the park. Dogs barking, ducks, the rumble of people talking in the distance. The city seemed far away, no sounds of traffic. 


He was pulled from his tranquil state by hearing someone unrolling a yoga mat beside him. Opening his eyes, he turned his head and was surprised to see Blaine sitting cross-legged on the mat, smiling. 


Kurt sat up, hugging his knees. "Hey, hows it going?" Since last weeks kiss, Kurt felt a little shy around Blaine. 


"You stole my yoga class!" Blaine jokingly accused. 


Kurt shook his head, laughing. "This is my fifth class, and this is the second one Ive seen you at, Blaine. Whos the more loyal person here?"


"Dont try to get around me with logic and reason, Hummel. Im onto you, now." Blaine smirked, standing up as Sabina started the class. 


Kurt followed suit, moving into the Warrior stance. After about a minute, Blaine gave him a little push, making Kurt step out of his pose to keep from falling over. He glared at Blaine, who was giving him an innocent expression. 


Later, Kurt was in the Tree Pose, concentrating on his breathing, and Blaine gave a solid push to Kurts hip. Kurt fell down onto the soft grass. "Blaine, cut it out!" Kurt hissed, giving him an exasperated look. 


Blaine just smirked in return; looking so damn adorable Kurt couldnt keep from smiling back. 


"Would the boys flirting in the back row please compose themselves or leave?" Sabinas voice rang out. 


Kurt and Blaine glanced at each other, trying hard not to burst out laughing, and turned their attention back to the class. 




"I think you owe me an ice cream for getting me in trouble with Sabina." Kurt remarked as he rolled up his yoga mat. 


Blaine smiled. "How about a game of chess? Winner buys the ice cream. "


Kurt scoffed, walking away. "Whats that saying from George W.? Fool me once, shame on you..."


Blaine followed. "Nice workout clothes, by the way. How come you never wear nice stuff like that when you come to the gym?"


Kurt looked down at his yoga gear. Hed splurged after the first yoga session with Blaine when all his loose clothing hindered his workout. 


"Youve seen me with sweat pouring off me, my face beet red, swearing up a storm when you make me do those fucking burpees. Didnt figure I really needed to dress to impress when youve seen me like that. Those images are probably burnt on your brain." Kurt shook his head, smiling. 


"Yeah, but other images have been burnt over those ones since then." Blaine said softly. 


Kurt glanced at Blaine, and couldnt figure out his expression. That was happening more often lately. Hed be working out at the gym, running on the treadmill, totally in his own zone, and hed feel someone watching him. Looking around, it would be Blaine, from across the gym. And if he waved at him, Blaine would kind of startle, like he had been daydreaming. 


They got to the ice cream cart, and Kurt ended up buying the treats. Sitting on a bench nearby, they people-watched as they enjoyed them. 


"So, are you rushing off now for another date with Scott?" Blaine asked, biting into his creamsickle. 


Kurt was taking long slow licks of his Rocket Popsicle. He didnt indulge in sugary things much anymore, and was determined to make this one last. "Nah, not Scott. Hes not in the picture anymore. But I do have a second date with a guy Rachel set me up with." 


Blaine laughed. "Your lips are really turning red from that popsicle, Kurt. Maybe you should get a napkin."


Turning towards Blaine on the bench, Kurt made exaggerated pouty expressions and kissy faces with his red stained lips, making him laugh. 


"Do I make you horny, baby, yeah, do I?" He did a reasonably good Austin Powers impression, if he had to say so himself. 


"Yeah, youre drop dead gorgeous, Kurt." Blaine joked. "But it looks like youre working your way through every gay guy who works on Broadway." 


Kurt scoffed. "Yup, two men in two months. Im such a skank." Kurt finished off his popsicle. "Besides, I havent dated in ages. I need to make up for lost time."


"Ive created a monster!" Blaine teased. 


Kurt made a growly face back at Blaine, and got up. "Gotta get going now. See you tomorrow at the gym." 


"Ok, bye Kurt." Blaine said softly as he watched Kurt leave, brow furrowed. 




Getting in late, Kurt locked his apartment door with a sigh. The date with Warren had been fun. Being the second date, they already had the basic questions out of the way and just flirted all night. Warren looked fantastic, in jeans that made the most of his long legs, an untucked button-up white shirt with rolled up sleeves and a blue tie that brought out his light blue eyes. His dirty blond hair looked soft and touchable, the tousled layers free of product. 


After drinks and tapas, Warren had suggested they check out a midnight showing of Slumber Party Massacre, a cheesy 1980s slasher horror. Kurt said why not, wanting to try new things, and then spent most of the movie jumping in fright, with Warren teasing him. 


Partway through the movie, Warren took pity on Kurt and put his arm around him, and they cuddled close, with Kurt hiding his face against Warren's shoulder during the gory scenes. They were sitting in the back row, and when Warren had tipped Kurts chin up for a kiss, he had kissed him back. 


I cant believe I made out with someone in the back row of a movie theatre! Kurt walked into his bedroom, smiling to himself as he undressed and hung up his clothes. 


Warren had been a very good kisser, and Kurt definitely felt it all over. Being in the theatre made it fun, but also safe... It could only go so far. 


In bed, Kurt thought about the night, smiling. The flirting, kissing, cuddling was great. He liked Warren, he was so interesting and fun to be with. But what he liked most was how he felt about himself when he was around Warren. He felt like he could be himself. He felt funny, smart and attractive. He felt sexy.


In bed, Kurt thought again about those kisses with Warren in the movie theatre, reliving it. Light, teasing kisses, then the harder, deeper ones. The way his skin tingled when Warren's mouth moved along his jaw. Feeling Warrens breath against his ear, hearing his deeper breathing. The gentle bites into the tender skin of Kurt's neck.


When Kurt had brushed his lips against Warren's cheek, the light whiskers were slightly scratchy against his soft lips, and his cologne had made Kurt want to nuzzle closer. Kissing along his neck, Kurt had loved it when Warren had arched his head away to give Kurt better access. 


It had just been so sensual. The light touch of Warren's hand against his leg, and then when he traced patterns against the material with his fingers. The way when Kurt stopped him from moving his hand up any further, Warren respected his wishes and didn't try it again, but kept his caresses closer to Kurt's knee. It allowed him to relax into the sensation, and not have to be on his guard. But those light, teasing touches still made his skin sing with awareness.


When they left the theatre, they held hands. Warren walked him to the subway station, and his goodbye kisses were hot, their bodies close, touching. Then feeling Warren's arms tight around his body in a hug, as Kurt rested his cheek against his chest. 


Kurt imagined being with Warren in his apartment, lying together on the sofa, or even on the bed. Having time and privacy to explore more. And he had the feeling if he told Warren that he wasn't that experienced and wanted to take things slow, he would be OK with it. 


He'd been a little aroused since the movie theatre, when there had definitely been a part of his anatomy that was very interested in letting Warren's hand go wherever it happened to go. He'd been so hard, aching practically, for a while, but without direct touch, he'd calmed down. Now, with only a few strokes, he was fully hard again. Picturing letting Warren unzip his pants, right there in the theatre, stroking slowly under the cover of darkness, wondering if the other people would notice. Being afraid he'd moan, and what would happen when he came. But it would feel too good to stop. Kurt imagined hot, deep kisses, digging his hand into Warren's hair as his hand stroked Kurt. Moaning into his mouth as the pleasure intensified. Having Warren watch as he came. 


But as Kurt found his release, the final images that were flashing through his mind was having his hand buried in dark, curly hair while hazel eyes watched him.




“Is it OK to have sex with someone if you don't love them?” 


Lucy's mug almost tipped over. “What?! Where the hell did that question come from?” 


Kurt blushed, looking down at the costume he was working on for Peeseblossom. Taking a deep breath for courage, he looked back at Lucy. “Sorry for springing the question on you, Lucy. But I'm like a teenager dating for the first time. I know nothing!” 


Lucy smiled at Kurt fondly. “Honey, I'm twice your age. And a woman. Do you really think I'm a good one to ask this type of question? I'm OK with the fashion and general life type of questions, but this one is a little beyond my area of expertise.”


Shrugging, Kurt grabbed the zipper, and began to pin it in place along the material. “Who else could I ask?”


“Don't you have any friends your age? Any gay friends? That would probably be best.” Lucy nodded, taking a sip of her tea.


Kurt held up the costume, checking that the zipper was placed correctly. “OK, I have someone in mind. But what is your answer, just for curiosity's sake?” 


Lucy looked up, thinking. “Well, in my spotty experience, there has been a time or two that lust overrode sanity. And I can't say I regret those times, because I knew what I was doing. And sometimes you just have to jump in and experience life to the fullest. Suck the marrow out of life.” 


Smiling, Kurt turned back to his work.




“Blaine, can I ask you a question?” Kurt lifted his foot to the waist-high bar and leaned over to grasp his ankle, feeling the stretch in his back and legs. 


Blaine blinked a couple times, and looked up at Kurt. After Blaine had bugged Kurt about his gym clothes, Kurt had made an effort to wear nice workout clothes to the gym. They just happened to be fairly tight shorts, and a fitted t-shirt. He didn't mind showing his fair skin anymore. 


“Oh sure, you have a question?” Blaine gave Kurt his attention.


Kurt bit his lip, and looked around. Luckily, there wasn't anyone close by. Still, Kurt spoke in a quiet voice. “Um, this is kind of weird for me to ask you, but could you give me some dating advice?”


Blaine's eyebrows rose. “I thought you were doing OK. You seem pretty happy.” 


Nodding slowly, Kurt switched to having his other leg elevated for the stretch. “I'm doing OK, but I'm so inexperienced. And I don't know that many gay guys around my age to ask questions.”


Sighing, Blaine put his hands on his hips. “OK, what's your question?” 


Shaking his head, Kurt looked over at Blaine. “Could we go for coffee after and talk about it? We could go to that place you like with the black and white cookies. My treat, of course.” 


Blaine smiled. “Cookies? I'm so in.”




“It's truly amazing that you stay slim with the amount you eat, Blaine.” Kurt marveled as Blaine finished off his third cookie.


Blaine simply grinned back at Kurt, rubbing his tummy. “So, what's your burning question? I'm all curious.”


Biting his lip again, Kurt wondered if this was a good idea. Blaine was his friend, kind-of. And they had that one kiss. And sometimes things were a bit flirty. It was confusing. But he had so many questions.


“Um, really it's about gay relationships in general. I'm so inexperienced.” Kurt didn't think he blushed. Much.


Blaine sipped his coffee, looking at Kurt levelly. “How inexperienced, Kurt? Like, um, are you a virgin?” 


“No!” Kurt said quickly, and then looked around at the tables around them, a little embarrassed. Looking back at Blaine, seeing his amused expression, Kurt sighed. “I dated one guy in senior year, and we were a couple for about two years. He moved here too, but we didn't live together.” 


“Why not?” Blaine asked.


Kurt fidgeted with his napkin. “He moved into the college dorm.” He took a sip of his coffee. “Have you ever lived with anyone?” 


Blaine blinked. “Not officially, but I've had the type of relationships where you practically live at someone else's place, you are over there so much.” He shrugged. “But getting back to you… Since that boyfriend, what have you done?”


Kurt blushed. “Nothing, really. I was really shy and self-conscious. You saw what I was like when I first came to the gym.” 


Nodding, Blaine thought for a minute. “You asked about gay dating. Well, so many guys don't want to date, just want hook-ups. That most of what goes on at the clubs, online, Grindr, and bath houses.” He shrugged.


“Yeah, it's not really my scene.” 


“So, you have to be really clear what you want early on. Just tell the guy that you take things slow, or whatever, and he will stick around or take off to find what he wants elsewhere. Guys can be brutally honest about it at times, but it save you from getting involved with someone who is looking for different things.” 


Kurt thought for a minute. “Is it OK to date more than one guy?” 


Blaine smirked. “Yes, I definitely created a monster. So, you want to date both Scott and the new guy?” 


“No, Scott's just a friend now. There's this other guy I keep running into at the café in the mornings…” Kurt blushed a little, again. Sheesh! Enough blushing already.


“And you used to be so shy!” Blaine took another sip of coffee, thinking. “If you asked ten people that question, you'd probably get ten different answers. But I'll give you my take on it.”


Kurt nodded. “Yeah, I'd like to hear what you think.” 


Blaine thought for a minute, choosing his words carefully. “Well, every relationship is different, so there are no set rules. But for me, the ones that are extremely intense, right from the start, while very exciting, were the ones that burnt out the fastest. And they are the types of relationships where it would have been better to take things a little slower, and be dating someone else to compare against. Kind of a grounding reality.” 


Kurt nodded. “So, you just right off say that you are dating other people? Doesn't it sound kind of …. Slutty?” He grinned, using that word, but couldn't think of another one.


“Well, in my opinion, the one rule about dating more than one person is that you are keeping your clothes on. Kissing and making out is OK, but as soon as there's more involved…. I don't know. But I think you should be exclusive to do more.” Blaine shrugged, finishing off his coffee.


Kurt's eyes dropped to Blaine's lips when he mentioned kissing, thinking back to that day on that bench. He'd thought about it so many times since. Maybe he could finagle some way to ask Blaine for kissing lessons as part of this dating advice thing. 


When he looked up to Blaine's eyes, he was surprised to see Blaine's eyes on his lips. Was he thinking of their kisses too? Did he ever want to…. Again…?


“Um... thanks so much, Blaine. That really helped a lot.” Kurt drank the last of his coffee. “Would you be OK doing this again if I get more questions?” 


Blaine stood up, turning towards Kurt with a half-smile tilting one corner of his mouth up. “Sure. Isn't that what friends are for?” 



-Disclaimer: I own nothing.

-Nitehawk Cinema in Brooklyn screens retro movies and new indie releases. There are midnight showings of Slumber Party Massacre. A link to their current Midnite Movies selection is here

-Slumber Party Massacre: 1982 cheesy slasher flick. The trailer is here. "A slumber party turns into a night of terror when a crazed killer with an interest in power tools shows up."


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