How Kurt Got His Groove Back
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How Kurt Got His Groove Back: Chapter 11

E - Words: 2,719 - Last Updated: Apr 26, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Sep 25, 2015 - Updated: Sep 25, 2015
204 0 0 0 0


Blaine was sitting on the bed, playing with a bottle of water he had grabbed from the bedside table, looking uncomfortable.

"Kurt, I was so embarrassed after what happened at the Empire State Building. Seriously, I just hid out at home and moped around, when I wasnt working. By a week later, my brother was so sick of me phoning and bending his ear about it, he begged me to do something, anything. So, I finally went over to the theatre on Tuesday. I just didnt have the nerve to contact you beforehand."

"Tuesday... " Kurt repeated, thinking back on that time. 

Blaine nodded, his face looking so sad, Kurt wanted to reach over and just give him a hug. But they had to talk this out. 

"So, I got to the wardrobe department, and Lucy was there alone. And she told me that you are away for a few days with your boyfriend.”

Kurt remembered that week so vividly. Warren had been so excited when Kurt had called him Sunday night, and said he wanted to be exclusive. Monday, Warren had surprised him by getting him to pack a little bag and they went to his parents' cabin upstate for a few days, everything all approved by Lucy already.

It had been a lovely little getaway, just what Kurt has needed. By the time they came back, Kurt felt like hed made the right choice with Warren, as they were closer than ever. It was so strange to think that things could have been so much different if Blaine had contacted him a couple days earlier.

"What were you going to say to me, if you saw me at work that day?" Kurts curiosity pushed him to ask. 

Blaine closed his eyes for a minute, and when he opened them, Kurt couldnt look away from his intense gaze. "Kurt, Im so, so sorry and embarrassed for dragging you off and kissing you like that. You deserve much better treatment. That was no way for me to treat a guy Id had a crush on for months."

Crush?? Months??  Kurt swallowed hard. "You had a crush on me?" His tone was incredulous. 

Blaine let out a little laugh at Kurts surprised expression. "Really, Kurt? You had no idea? I followed you around like a puppy dog, always trying to make you laugh and smile at me, begging for your attention. All those times I would come to yoga on Sunday mornings, just hoping you wouldnt be rushing off on some date afterwards and we could hang out a bit."

Kurt shook his head. "No idea, none at all, Blaine. I just thought you were my trainer, my friend. Why didnt you ever say anything? Ask me out?"

Rolling his eyes, Blaines expression was pained. "That stupid no fraternization policy at work. I would have lost my job if we dated while I was your trainer. So I was counting down the days until those three months were up."

Kurt smiled at Blaine, still having a hard time taking this all in. "I cant believe you liked me like that back then."

"Are you kidding me, Kurt? By your second week at the gym, I was gone. You were just so smart and funny, I would keep remembering your jokes and laughing about them later on. My co-workers thought I was nuts."

"The second week??! When I could hardly do anything? When I would sweat buckets, turn deep red and practically pass out from walking on the treadmill for ten minutes? And you were into me then?" Kurt laughed. 

Blaine gaze was warm in Kurts, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "It was the first day we did burpees, Kurt. You really showed your true personality that day, for the first time. Before then, you seemed like a really quiet, shy guy, who just wanted to work hard at the gym."

Kurt scoffed. "My true personality??? Didnt I just swear and bitch at you the whole time? Stupid fucking burpees."

Blaine smiled widely. "Yes, exactly. After I demonstrated how to do them, you said there was no fucking way you were doing that. We are supposed to be all professional with clients in the gym, but you almost had me losing it there. My little mild-mannered client, swearing up a blue streak."

Kurt shrugged his shoulder, unapologetic. He still hated doing burpees. 

"And then when I finally got you to try doing them, you were complaining that it was cruel and unusual punishment, and that I didnt need to torture you to get you to talk. You were confessing to shooting Kennedy, knowing where Hoffa was buried, going to tell me all about Area 51..."

Kurt smiled proudly. "Oh yeah! And you finally let me quit after I told you I knew the Caramilk Secret." 

Blaine nodded. "And then you next session, you gave me that little framed excerpt from the Geneva Convention. Its still on my station at work. Makes me laugh every time I see it."

Kurt chuckled. Hed gone home that night, printed out the definition of torture from that famous UN document and put it in a cheap dollar store frame. Hed been so giddy over making his hot trainer laugh like that, he couldnt resist giving Blaine the little gag gift the next time. After that, Kurt had always joked around with Blaine during sessions.

"I still cant believe you were into me back then. I was so pudgy, wore those awful clothes and I was such a sweaty mess at the gym." 

Blaine shrugged. "What can I say? You were so smart and funny, and your eyes are so gorgeous. And then you suddenly appeared at that open mic night, dressed in tight, sexy clothes, your hair looking amazing. I have no idea at all about what Rachel and I were talking about, I was so distracted by you."

So, Rachel had been right about Blaine that night. Holy Crap. 

"And you kept surprising me like that, all the time. Singing so amazingly at the potluck, doing high kicks and telling me you used to be a cheerleader...I had it so bad for you." 

An old question popped into Kurts mind. "So, that day we played chess in the park..."

Blaine looked a bit sheepish. "Totally beyond how I should have been behaving with a client. The yoga class and cardio were OK, but the lunch and chess were totally just me wanting to spend more time with you. I had this silly desire to show off in front of you, impress you with my mad chess skills. Prove I wasnt just your dumb jock trainer or something." 

"So, if you were so into me, why didnt you just transfer me to a different trainer or something?" 

Blaine sighed, frowning a little. "Well, I was considering it. I didnt think you really liked me as anything more than your trainer though. I thought that as soon as the three months were up, I would ask you out. Maybe by then youd like me enough to indulge me in a pity date, and Id do my best to charm you."

Kurt just shook his head. It was all too crazy. 

"And then, you are suddenly super hot and dating every man in New York!" Blaine groaned. "I thought that if I transferred you to another trainer and asked you out then, youd probably say no. So, I figured it was better to stay your trainer, and hope you didnt get too serious with any of the guys you were dating. Biding my time."

Kurt laughed. "And I was asking you for dating advice back then!!"

Blaine grinned a little wickedly. "And I couldnt just tell you that all guys except me had cooties or something. All I could do is try to encourage you to keep to first base with them."

Kurt groaned, remembering how sexually frustrating it had been. All those long make-out sessions with Warren and Mason. 

Drinking the last of his water, Blaine set the empty bottle down on the bedside table. "And then, finally, it was the day of the run-up, and it didnt sound like you were exclusive with either of the guys, but it seemed like you would be soon. I needed to act fast. So, I had this whole elaborate speech I was going to tell you, holding your hands at the top of the Empire State Building, so romantic that you would be swooning, and Id ask you out for a fancy dinner. It was going to be epic. Amazing."

Kurt was touched, imaging if that was what had happened, he would have totally jumped into Blaines arms. "But instead..." 

Blaine dipped his head, sighed. He looked back up at Kurt. "Yeah, I totally choked. We were walking around the Observation Deck, looking at the view, and the whole time Im trying to get the nerve up to say my little speech. Maybe Id built the moment up too much in my mind, for so many months... And then suddenly we are in the elevator, and I still cant seem to say a fucking thing to you, and it felt like my little sliver of a chance with you was slipping away."

Kurts heart was pounding, and he couldnt look away from Blaines intense gaze. 

Blaine shook his head, scoffing lightly. "And then it was like this reptilian part of my brain took over, just some base animal instinct. If I couldnt tell you how I felt about you, I was going to show you, claim you... Before I knew it, without even really thinking straight, Ive dragged you off to some shadowy corner and Im kissing you like a sex-starved beast, slobbering all over you. Im just shocked you didnt hit me before you walked away."

Kurt was remembering that kiss, how amazing Blaines mouth and body had felt against him, how hot it had been. Didnt Blaine notice at all that Kurt had been kissing him back? Grabbing and pulling Blaine closer? Groaning and panting?

"Again, Kurt, I am so, so sorry about the whole mess. I was so embarrassed after that I couldnt face you. I should have apologized right away." Blaines eyes were full of sincerity. 

"Blaine, there really isnt anything to apologize for..." Kurt started, but Blaine jumped in. 

"When I ran into Rachel a couple months ago, I was so happy to hear you werent with Warren anymore. She thought I could have a chance with you, and I knew I couldnt screw up again. This was my last chance to get it right with you. And look how I acted with you tonight. Ugh! Why is it with you I become such a mess? Please, Kurt, dont break up with me. Im going to try so hard to behave around you, be a good boyfriend for you, take things slow."

Kurt couldnt take it anymore. He crawled across the bed and right into Blaines lap, straddling him with his knees in either side of Blaines hips. Blaine was completely pinned between Kurt and the headboard. Blaine was looking up at Kurt in shock. 

Grabbing his chin, Kurt lowered his face to give Blaine a long, deep, hard, raunchy kiss. He poured out every ounce of sexual frustration hed be feeling into it. Blaine had been frozen still at first, but then hed groaned harshly and his hands had come up to Kurts back, kneading his muscles and pushing him closer. By the time they came up for air, they were both grinning widely. 

"Blaine Devon Anderson. The last thing I want is to take things slow with you. I want to chain you to my bed and have my wicked way with you, again and again, for the next month, at least." Kurt whispered, his voice raspy. He dipped down to give Blaine another hard kiss, unable to resist his kiss-swollen lips. 

Blaine groaned. "Just a month...?"

Kurt laughed, as he lowered his face to Blaine's again.


"So, I take it that you dont mind my beast side too much." Blaine said softly, running his hands gently up and down Kurts arm. 

Kurt scoffed. "I think you know by now how much I love it, Blaine. And when you see all the bite and scratch marks I put on your neck and back, youll realize how much you pull out it out of me too." 

"I never thought youd be so wild, so passionate like that, Kurt." Blaine smiled, looking very relaxed and happy. "Remember, you were the guy who came to me a few months ago and asked me to kiss him! And later you asked for dating advice, confessing you were practically a virgin!"

Kurt nodded. “So, is that why you were keeping everything so PG while we were dating? You thought I would freak out if you slipped me the tongue or something?” 

“Well, isn't that what happened at the Empire State Building?” Blaines brows were pulled down in confusion. ”If you like my deep, dirty, nasty kisses so much, why did you leave like that? So abruptly?" 

Kurt sighed, looking up at the ceiling as he searched for the right words. "The kisses then were amazing, so hot, but I was so confused and overwhelmed by it, Blaine. You had never shown any interest in me before that besides being my trainer and my friend. And then suddenly you are kissing me like that, and in a public place..." 

Blaine cringed. “I just thought that you weren't into it. So, when we were dating this last month, I just tried my best to control myself around you, act like a gentleman. And you were constantly testing my limits without even realizing it. You have no idea how hot you look in those tight clothes you wear, or how good you smell, or the little moans you make when you eat cheesecake. By the end of our dates, a couple quick kisses were about all I could take before I'd jump into a cab.”

Laughing, Kurt leaned over to give Blaine a kiss. “Well, a lot of that was my attempts to deliberately seduce you. I wore tight clothes and ate cheesecake like that on purpose. I kept inviting you up to my apartment at the end of dates, wanting you so much.”

Blaine shook his head. "I wonder what would have happened if you hadnt walked away at the Empire State Building. I was too far gone to have any sense around you, obviously."

"Probably public indecency charges! I was so close to ripping clothes off you." Kurt laughed as he leaned over to kiss Blaines neck. 

Groaning, Blaine tilted his head over to encourage more contact from Kurts wonderful mouth. "I almost came in my shorts when you ran your hand over me."

Kurt bit into Blaines skin, and his hand moved under the covers, cupping Blaines half-hard cock. With a few slow strokes, he was rock hard and moaning.

Pulling back the covers, Kurt scooted down the bed, and kissed Blaines hip as he kept up the strokes. So many times, since feeling Blaines hard cock after the run-up, had he fantasized about this. Now, he took his time, worshipping his cock with little licks, light kisses on the head, wet, sucking kisses down the sides. By the time Kurt took Blaine fully in his mouth, Blaine was arching his hips off the bed, moaning Kurts name in a constant chant. Kurt wanted this to be the best blow job Blaine had ever had, so he sucked him hard and deep, loving how Blaines hand clenched in Kurts hair, showing how close Blaine was getting. Kurts hand stroked along the base firmly as his tongue swirled and flicked around the head, and then licked firmly along the underside until Blaine was shaking. 

"Oh Kurt, thats so fucking good, yes, yes..." Blaine gasped, his body tensing. Kurts other hand reached down, palming against his own hardness, needing the pressure. Blaine froze, holding his breath, and then his hips bucked. Kurt stayed with him, keeping up the strokes as Blaine tipped over the edge, drawing out the pleasure until Blaine collapsed back down against the sheets, panting. Kurt wasnt far behind him, pumping into his own fist as he bit into the skin of Blaines thigh.

Blaine laughed weakly as Kurt moved up the bed and into a loose hug, their skin too warm for anything closer. "Oh my god, Kurt. That was so amazing." His expression was totally blissed out and mellow. 

Kurt couldnt resist giving him a light kiss, before they curled up closer for a well-deserved nap.


Disclaimer: I own nothing.


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