Five Times Klaine F*ck and One Time They Make Love
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Story
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Five Times Klaine F*ck and One Time They Make Love: Chapter 6

M - Words: 3,230 - Last Updated: Sep 24, 2017
Story: Complete - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Sep 14, 2017 - Updated: Sep 14, 2017
363 0 1 1 1

Blaine sat with Lauren Zizes in the audience, feeling a little uncomfortable in his rented tux. 

"Relax, you look great." Lauren said, looking up from her program. She wore a dark red full length dress, the elbow-length sleeves and wrap style bodice suiting her full figure. 

Giving her a small smile, he felt glad for her presence. They had been friends since high school, and both loved Kurt dearly. "I'm just so nervous for him. You don't know how hard he's been working at this."

"I read the article in that magazine. Those Spartan workouts sound insane! The guys looked hot in the gym though." Lauren said in her normal direct way. 

Blaine nodded in agreement. The article had come out a few weeks ago, talking about the production and introducing the guys who were in it. There was a lot of coverage about the warrior fighting lessons and the intense workouts. 

"Did you hear about the '300' workout? 50 forward lunges, 50 jump-squats, 50 push-ups, 50 crunches, 50 triceps dips, and 50 leg raises." Blaine had tried doing it at the gym on his own, and barely did 20 of everything. 

Lauren smiled. "I wouldn't have believed our Kurt could keep up with all that until you posted those pictures of him on Instagram."'

Waggling his eyebrows, Blaine gave her a cheeky grin. "He looked great. I couldn't resist posting a few. Only friends could see them." 

"Are you kidding?" Lauren gave him a confused look. "Check your profiles. Those pictures went totally viral. I've seen them everywhere."

"What?!!" Blaine's smile dimmed. 

Lauren lifted a bag she held from the gift shop. "Why do you think I insisted we come early and head right for the gift shop? The Stelios posters and post cards were already almost sold out." 

Blaine would have asked more questions, but the house lights were dimming. The curtains drew back, revealing a stage lit very atmospherically with sepia tones, almost like black and white tinted with a dull yellow. A narrator spoke of a boy raised with the harsh Spartan ways. 

Already, Blaine felt drawn in. The music and lighting set the mood, and the stark sets hinted at the ancient world well. 

At intermission, Lauren and Blaine stood silently sipping their drinks, listening to the crowd talking excitedly. 

"I can't believe the imagination that dreamed up how to show those large scale battles so convincingly on stage!" An older man commented to his wife. 

"I was half afraid the fight would spill over into the audience!" She replied.

"Who was the man who did that incredible jump with his sword? He was so athletic!" A tall blond man said to his friend. 

"And gorgeous! What a body!" The friend had a shaved head, and looked like he spent a lot of time at the gym himself. 

"'Our arrows will blot out the sun!'" A boy around eight said to his friend, pretending to pull back a bow.

A friend about the same age pretended to clutch a sword and cover with a shield. "'Then we will fight in the shade.'"

Going back for the second half, Blaine reached over to take her hand. They clutched them for the rest of the show, until Stelios' touching death scene had them grabbing tissues. 

The show ended with enthusiastic, thunderous applause, and immediate standing ovations from the whole audience. 

Lauren and Blaine beamed at each other. This was going to be a hit! 

Escaping the crowd, they snuck backstage and knocked on Kurt's door. 

He answered it, a towel around his neck from taking off his stage make-up, a robe belted at his waist. 

They were both hugging him hard, as he closed the door behind them. "It was so great, Kurt!" Lauren gushed.

"You were perfect." Blaine said, knowing words could hardly express how proud he felt of Kurt right now. 

Kurt leaned against his counter. "It still feels unreal. Good thing we had so many rehearsals. We just got out there and it flowed well, I think."

"Amazing. You stole the show!" Lauren punched his arm lightly.

Scrunching up his face a little, Kurt chuckled. "Even from 'This is Sparta!' Leonidas?" 

She laughed back. "OK, maybe you are co-leads then. It's still fucking awesome. You are a heart-throb. Girls and gays are all talking about you, ever since Blaine's pictures got out."

"Yeah, thanks for that, Blaine." Kurt shot him a bit of a glare. "You said they were 'just for us' and a week later, the guys in the gym are showing me pictures on their phones."

"Shit. I'm sorry. I fucked up. Did it say they were taken by me?" Blaine gave Kurt a worried look. They didn't need problems, now that things were getting better. 

Kurt shook his head. "Look, I've got to do the stage door, sign stuff if any fans are interested, and then there's the after party. You guys are coming right?"

Blaine passed Kurt a bottle of expensive champagne, with a bow on it. "And later we can share this. Celebrate privately."

Grinning at the gesture, Kurt put it into his bar fridge. "Thanks, baby." He gave him a quick kiss. "Now, get out so I can change for the party."

Outside the door, Lauren grabbed his arm. "Come on. I want the guys to sign my posters."

Outside the stage door, people milled around the cast. Security controlled the crowds around the king and the queen. The rest of the guys only had occasional fans approaching them. 

Lauren got them to sign a poster of the whole cast, and got in line for the king with Blaine. 

Kurt appeared in his tux, looking great. There was an instant reaction from the crowd, and Blaine heard a murmur of 'Stelios' around him. Security was soon moving his way to control the surge of people surrounding him. 

Blaine chuckled as he watched, Kurt's face lighting up as he received compliments about his performance. He looked a little embarrassed when people said how great he looked or asked for selfies. 

"You two are friends of Kurt's, right?" The king asked as he signed Lauren's poster. 

She nodded. "We've known him since high school. Always knew he was something special, truly talented." 

There was no one else waiting for the king now, and he seemed in no hurry to rush off. He was an experienced Broadway performer, about five years older than them. 

"He's everyone's favorite around the set. He chats with the costume and makeup department, goofs around with the musicians, and all the guys in the cast know he's the hardest worker in the gym." The king said, fondness in his tone as he looked over at Kurt. He looked back at Lauren. "Are you his girlfriend?"

She gave a disbelieving laugh. "Ah, no, just friends. Blaine here is his-"

"Roommate." Blaine jumped in, glaring at Lauren. 

"Poor you! He was probably tired and grouchy during all the training. My wife avoids me when I'm trying to get below 10%." The king chuckled, patting his stomach. "Well, maybe I'll see you at the party."

They waved him goodbye. 

"Why didn't you tell him about your relationship?" Lauren asked as soon as they were alone. 

Blaine motioned over to where a teenaged girl was gushing over Kurt, giving him adoring eyes when he posed with her for a selfie. "Look at him. He loves this, getting the fame and recognition he's deserved for so long. I don't want to spoil anything for him. I don't mind that we are only officially out with friends and family." 

The next person in line was a guy around their age, who immediately hugged Kurt hard. The security stepped in, pulling the man away. 

Kurt looked a bit flustered by it, but still signed the guy's picture. 

Stepping forward, Blaine heard the end of the guy's comments. "You are so beautiful. Your eyes, your abs, your ass. Everything. If you ever want a hook-up, just sex, call me." He slipped a piece of paper into Kurt's pocket. 

Nodding, Kurt passed the picture back. "Um, thanks. I'm glad you liked the show." 

"I'm going to tell everyone to go. So many hot men in it!" The fan smiled widely, and left looking pleased. 

Shaking his head a little, Kurt went on to greet the next fan, working through them all. 

When he was finally done, he joined them. "Thanks for waiting. You aren't too tired to go to the party?" 

"Of course not!" Blaine said, even though he was a little tired. This was Kurt's big night. 

The three of them went, and Kurt was greeted warmly by many big names. The producers grabbed him and made their rounds, leaving Blaine and Lauren to enjoy the buffet and free bar. A live band was playing, and many people dancing. 

Eventually Kurt joined them again, and they passed him some food and drinks. He gobbled them up hungrily, and shot them grateful looks. It was a work event, and they were there to support him. Having three people made it easier when one person went off to the washroom or to get food, not leaving the other person standing around alone. Kurt could be a little shy at times. 

Lauren excused herself to go to the washroom. 

Steeping closer, Blaine reached into Kurt's jacket pocket for the slip he'd seen the gay man put there. But instead of just one slip, he pulled out a handful.

"What the hell is this?" Blaine asked, flipping through them. They were mostly guys names and phone numbers.

Looking down, Kurt saw the slips of paper and grabbed the papers and shoved them into his pocket. "First off, why are you sticking your hand into my pocket? Second, it's been happening at the gym, the subway, everywhere, since you posted pictures of me in my boxers online." He ended it with a bit of a glare, and turned to face away.

The producers went on stage, giving speeches and thanking their backers. They said how great the cast and crew were. 

Blaine wanted to defend himself, but he didn't want to disrupt the speech. It could wait until later. 

Besides, what could he even say without sounding like an ass? It all boiled down to Blaine liking the way Kurt looked, but not wanting others to be too obvious in their appreciation. There was no ring on his finger. No sign he was taken. Or was he simply feeling irked that he hadn't been as successful yet in his career?

The king was called onstage next, as the male lead. He thanked everyone as well, and said he hoped the reviews would be good and they would have a long run. 

"But the real emerging star of this show is our very own Stelios! Kurt Hummel, get up here!" 

Blaine saw Kurt was stunned for being singled out, so he took his drink and gave him a push towards the stage. 

On the stage, it took Kurt a couple seconds under the bright light to get his bearings. "I just wanted to thank everyone for their hard work, putting this incredible show together. The set design, music, lighting all somehow make it look like huge battle scenes in Ancient Greece. It's fantastic."

He smiled at a few key people in the crowd. "I also wanted to thank the producers for taking a chance on casting this scrawny kid in this role, and to the trainers and cast who helped me keep motivated at the gym." 

"You're not scrawny anymore!" The queen shouted out, and there were a few agreeing cheers. 

Kurt looked adorably flustered at that, shaking his head. "But most of all, I'd like to thank my husband, Blaine." He pointed, and everyone seemed to turn in unison to look him over. "We aren't that public about our relationship, but I have to take this opportunity to give him his due. He encouraged me to audition, ran me hot baths, packed me healthy food, put up with my moods, and he gives the best-"

"Blow jobs?" Dilios shouted from the crowd, getting a few chuckles. 

"I was going to say 'massages', but he gives great head too." Kurt laughed, making the whole crowd join in. "He even boosted my confidence when it was flagging by posting some pictures of me online without my knowledge. Having people coming on to me constantly the last week or so showed they liked what they saw, I guess. It showed the trust and belief he has in me." 

He left the stage, and someone else went up to make a speech, but Blaine could only stare open-mouthed, as Kurt came back to his side. "What the fuck, Kurt!" 

"What? You do give great head." Kurt smirked, sharing a high five with Lauren. 

Rolling his eyes, Blaine sighed. "I thought we were being discreet about us. Not talking about our relationship publicly."

"Look, everyone else is mentioning their spouses, and it felt weird not to mention you as well. I would not have made it through the last few months without your help. You are incredible and I love you so, so much." Kurt said, leaning in until their foreheads touched. 

Blaine felt a familiar swell of emotion for this man, and moved closer to hug him. "I love you too, Kurt. More than anything else in the world." 

There was a tap on his shoulder. The king was standing there, giving him a playful glare. "Roommates, eh?"

Chuckling, Blaine shrugged. "Well, we do share an apartment."

"It's Broadway. If you can't be 'out' here, where can you?" The older man chuckled, patting Kurt on the back before he left. 

Many other people came by, saying they were a cute couple and other words of support. Complimenting Kurt's performance. 

Eventually, Kurt pulled him to the dance floor. It was a slow dance, and Blaine felt treasured, dancing in public with his husband. He had thought it was OK before, but being completely open was better. 

Lauren was dancing with Dilios and seemed quite happy about it. Kurt waved goodbye to her as they left.

Instead of heading outside, Kurt tugged Blaine to the hotel lobby. 

"Where are you taking me?" Blaine chuckled. 

Kurt pushed a button on the elevator. "I booked us a room here for the night."

Blaine was completely surprised, as they stepped into the elevator. 

Pushing him against the wall, Kurt gave him a hard kiss. "You have been so good to me, I want to do something special for you. Tonight is all about you."

"But you must be exhausted!" Blaine objected when the doors opened and they went down the hallway.

Kurt swiped the key card and opened the door to a beautiful room. "No, I'm too pumped from the performance. I'll sleep in." 

Shaking his head, Blaine entered the room, and felt amazed. The windows had a great view of the Manhattan all around them, and lit candles burned from votive holders everywhere. Champagne on ice was beside a tray of charcuterie. It had all Blaine's favourites from the deli; smoked kielbasa, hard landjäger, olives, Gorgonzola, dates, dried cranberries and crackers. 

Sinking onto a sofa, they ate and drank, unwinding together as they looked out on the lights of the city they had called home for so many years. Kurt was very attentive, keeping Blaine's glass filled and making sure he had his fill of the food. 

Eventually, Kurt pulled Blaine up lead him to the huge bed. He stripped him slowly, his eyes appreciative as each piece came off. “You looked so handsome tonight, Blaine.”

Giving a small smile, Blaine crawled onto the bed, laying in the middle, posing for his husband. It was good having this night, just the two of them, not feeling rushed. Being the absolute focus of the blue-eyed gaze.

Leaving for a second, Kurt came back with a towel and the rest of the champagne. "I want to celebrate tonight by drinking this off your body."

Blaine nodded, and watched as Kurt undressed. The candlelight danced over his body, again highlighting the bigger muscles. Kurt was beautiful before, and this was just a different version of him. Blaine found both very attractive. Blaine felt even more aroused, as Kurt moved closer, anticipation building. 

Pouring a little champagne over Blaine's chest, Kurt chased it with his tongue as it trickled over his skin. The bubbles were ticklish and Blaine tried not to wiggle around too much. Kurt took his time, positioning Blaine certain ways, before drizzling a little more champagne down over him, catching most with his mouth, and then lapping the rest up.

With a towel handy, Kurt smirked playfully before taking a big swig of the sparkling wine. Leaning down, he took Blaine into his mouth, letting him feel the cool fluid, the bubbles, before he swallowed. He took his time cleaning up any spills, as Blaine moaned, his hands going into Kurt’s long hair.

Blaine was practically begging with need by the time Kurt relented, pulling him down to the edge of the mattress. Standing beside the bed, pushing into him deeply, they shared great eye contact. When they were as close as they could get to each other, Kurt paused, looking down into Blaine’s golden eyes, his own so full of love and passion. The moment seemed endless, barely breathing. Connected in so many ways more than just physically, completely open and vulnerable to each other. 

Leaning down, Kurt’s lips touched Blaine’s softly. A sweet kiss that ended with a chuckle, as Blaine squirmed under him, lifting his hips. Moving slowly, it soon became hot and urgent, both feeding off each other's excitement. It ended with them both sweaty and panting, sharing words of love between slack mouthed kisses. 


Blaine nudged Kurt awake when it was barely light out. 

"What...?" Kurt blinked sleepily.

Holding up his phone, Blaine smiled. "The reviews are posted."

Swallowing hard, Kurt nodded. 

Blaine read them out, the first paragraph to get an overview of the show, and skipping to the parts that mentioned Kurt. 

One after another echoed the accolades, and Kurt's shoulders relaxed, coming down as he felt a glow of absolute happiness. 

Blaine shared the look, just as happy as if it had been his own reviews. 

Kurt took his hands, pressing a kiss to one. "Thank you. There is no one else in the world I wanted to share this moment with."

Hugging tightly, Blaine kissed his cheek, his shoulder. Wherever he could reach. "You deserve it, Kurt. You did a great job."

"We need to start wearing our rings." Kurt said, looking down at Blaine's bare hand. 

Blaine nodded. "OK, I'm ready."

It had taken three years to feel ready for this, knowing there was still prejudice out there. But they were more secure in their careers now, more comfortable together as a couple. They knew they could withstand the hard times together, and wanted to be proudly at each other's sides for the good times. Like today. 


-A/N: Thanks for reading this Klaine story! I haven't written one for a while, so I'm a bit rusty.

Thanks to NikiJuly17 for the prompt. Here's the full version (with spoilers): Hello:-) I have a prompt request. I really hope you take them. Kurt and Blaine are married. Kurt's a huge Broadway star. He's asked to do role on Broadway, where he has to get muscular, with abs. ( Like Channing Tatum in Magic Mike.) He's already toned, so it only takes a few weeks. Blaine can't keep his hands off him, whenever he comes home. Lots of sexy times :-> Opening night comes and everyone is salivating over Kurt and his body. Blaine gets really jealous. Kurt's phenomenal and gets a standing o. At the end, he's signing autographs and Blaine is hanging in the back. Kurt calls him up to stand by him and tells everyone this is his gorgeous husband, Blaine. Blaine waves to everyone with his ring prominently displayed. Could you pretty please do this for me????


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