Five Times Klaine F*ck and One Time They Make Love
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Five Times Klaine F*ck and One Time They Make Love: Chapter 5

M - Words: 1,957 - Last Updated: Sep 24, 2017
Story: Complete - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Sep 14, 2017 - Updated: Sep 14, 2017
466 0 0 1 1

Kurt stood in front of the mirror, looking at himself from different angles. He sighed, his shoulders dropping. 

Blaine entered the bedroom and gave a low whistle. "Is that it? Your costume?"

Glancing down, Kurt sighed again. "Yes." He didn't look impressed, tugging at the waist of the leather briefs. 

"Well, I think you look great. Is it comfortable?" Blaine came up behind Kurt, looking over his shoulder into the mirror. 

Rolling his shoulders and marching in place with his knees high, Kurt nodded. "Yeah, not bad. There isn't much to get in the way." He glanced downwards with a chuckle. 

The costume left a lot of skin bare. Blaine let his eyes go from the Spartan helmet that covered most of Kurt's head, extending down his nose and over his cheeks. His ears, eyes and mouth were exposed. The red cape covered his shoulders and flowed down his back almost to the floor, with straps crisscrossing over his chest to hold it in place. Guards covered his forearms and his lower legs, with leather sandals on his feet. Dark brown leather briefs completed the look. His chest, thighs and upper arms were bare.

Blaine chuckled, grabbing his digital camera. "Come on, you need to test it out better than that. Can you Vogue in it?"

Making a frame around his face with his hands had Kurt laughing, and he went through the various poses, as Blaine took pictures. 

Taking off the helmet, he bent to remove his sandals and the leg guards. He took off the arm guards next.

Blaine snapped another picture. "Mmmmm this is like a Spartan strip tease. Keep going."

Rolling his eyes, Kurt hammed it up for the camera as he took off the cape and the leather shorts. He carefully packed it all away once he had some black boxer briefs on. 

"Wait! Your sword and shield is in there! Let me see them on you." Blaine said, still holding his camera. 

Kurt smiled at Blaine's curiosity, and put his arm through the straps on the shield. He picked up the sword, the sharp edge swooping down into a graceful arc to the top. It had taken a while to get used to the unbalanced shape. 

"Ok, give me some good poses." Blaine encouraged, holding up his camera.

"In just my underwear?" Kurt looked down, feeling goofy in this get up.

Blaine clicked a couple pictures. "Just for us, promise." 

That loosened Kurt up a little, and they had fun doing various lunge poses, Kurt giving his fiercest faces. This close to opening night, the costume department had styled his hair and beard finally. Instead of a scraggly mess, they had trimmed Kurt's beard down to a short length, keeping it mostly along his jawline. It was lighter on his cheeks and upper lip, still looking masculine but not too precisely groomed. His hair now reached his shoulders, surprisingly thick, with the top portion held back with an elastic to be out of his face. 

Eventually, they put the props away, and Kurt was just in his boxer briefs. He picked up his sai swords. "Too bad Stelios didn't use these instead. I feel so much more comfortable with them."

Kurt had kept up his skills with them, effortlessly spinning them in both hands. He often played with them once or twice a week, finding the feel of the cold steel familiar and taking comfort in the well practice motions. 

Blaine closed the blinds and lit a tray of candles, the light coming only from the one place making the shadows deeper. As Kurt continued with his practice, Blaine kept taking pictures. Often, Kurt was in silhouette against the light, or the lines of his body emphasized by the deeper contrast. 

Kurt had changed so much in these busy months. His muscles stood out, well defined but not bulky. His cheekbones and jawline seemed sharper. The blue of his eyes seemed more intense with his hair pulled back off his face, his scruffy whiskers darkening the bottom half. It wasn't the Kurt he had known so long. 

Laying down a blanket, Blaine got out the massage oil. "Kurt, lie down."

Setting down the swords, Kurt saw the glint in Blaine's eye and sunk down onto the blanket. He laid on his stomach, and shivered when Blaine poured a generous line of the cool oil along his spine. 

Blaine's firm hands quickly warmed it, working it over Kurt's back. His touch was firm, exploring the new muscles, massaging deeply. He tugged the briefs off. "Don't want to get oil all over them."

Slick hands worked down his legs and up again, as Kurt relaxed on the blanket. It was so relaxing, feeling his lovers hands all over his body like this. There wasn't anywhere they hadn't touched and explored each other. 

It was a surprise when Blaine's hands kneaded into his ass. He traced over the shape, and then stroked over him firmly. Blaine was kneeling between his legs. 

Even more surprising when Blaine pulled Kurt's cheeks apart a little, and ran his tongue along the sensitive skin. Kurt jumped a little. 

"Mmmm...relax...let me do this..." Blaine said as he pressed kisses every inch or so. 

It wasn't something they had done before, but since Blaine seemed so keen, Kurt settled down and tried to relax. 

What seemed a bit strange at first soon became better, as Blaine got more confident. He pushed his face right against Kurt, his lips and tongue making him lift his hips in silent demand. When oiled fingers pushed in, Kurt cried out in relief, rocking against them. 

"Fuck, you look good like that." Blaine said, taking a second to strip off his own underwear. He was soon back, grateful they were monogamous as he pushed slowly into Kurt, no need for a condom. "Mmmm you are so hot and tight."

Looking over his shoulder, Kurt rocked his hips back hard. "Come on, fuck me." 

Usually, they took things slow, but Kurt was obviously very ready for more. Blaine grabbed his hips, yanking him up to the perfect height and gave them both what they needed. It was rough, fast and hard. 

Kurt used the oil on himself, pushing into his own fist as Blaine rocked against him. "So good, so good...". This was just what he needed. 

Not long after that, they were sprawled, panting, on the blanket, trying to catch their breath.

With a playful grin, Kurt grabbed the bottle of massage oil. "You need to massage my front now. You've only done my back."

Chuckling, Blaine sat up, and motioned for Kurt to flip over. They were a sweaty, oily mess, but it looked like the night wasn't over yet. One advantage of Kurt's intense workouts was his endurance. 

Blaine poured a puddle of oil onto Kurt's chest, and took his time spreading it to every inch of his skin. Tracing over his pecs, his abs, his biceps. Worshipping him long into the night. 


The next day, Blaine was playing around on his laptop, reviewing the pictures. Kurt always photographed well, but these really showed the changes in his body. His body fat was low enough to show his six pack, pecs and the muscles of his arms and legs really well. His longer hair and his scruff made his beautiful eyes look even more captivating. 

After editing, he shrugged. Kurt was wearing black boxer briefs in the pictures, not revealing too much. Picking six of his favourites, all in candlelight with the sai swords, Blaine posted them to his Instagram. He checked twice that it was the right account, the private one only their closest friends saw, not his public account he used with the general public. 


"Wait, I think the stall over there had some papaya. Be right back." Kurt gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading across the busy farmer's market, leaving Blaine with the groceries they had already purchased.

It was a bright fall Sunday morning, and Blaine enjoyed watching the people milling about. The stalls were heaped with colourful, fresh produce. 

His gaze wandered back to Kurt, admiring him from a distance. Wearing some new black jeans and a long sleeved grey t-shirt, he was casual and comfortable for their outing. Yet Blaine's eyes couldn't help but linger on the way the shirt stretched over his shoulders and chest, hugging muscles he hadn't had a few months ago. His legs looked more muscular as well, and his ass as fantastic as ever. 

Kurt was joking around with the sales person, sharing quips and smiles, and Blaine looked over at the woman. She was in her twenties, a perky blond in a fuchsia sundress with a small apron tied around her hips. She was holding out a plate of samples, urging him to try some, and Kurt finally surrendered to her urging. After taking a bite, he nodded and she picked out some more fruit. 

A older Hispanic man nearby took a sample as well, and chatted with Kurt as he ate it. Kurt was being friendly back, but Blaine could see the way the man was looking him over when Kurt wasn't looking. 

It was only a few minutes later that Kurt returned to Blaine, shrugging. "Sorry that took so long. I couldn't resist getting some apples as well." 

"Pink Lady?" Blaine sniped, picking up the other bags to get ready to leave. 

Kurt gave him a puzzled look. "No, honeycrisp. They are so good."

They walked back towards their apartment, Kurt talking easily, but Blaine a little quieter than normal. 

As they passed a cafe, Kurt stopped. "How about we take a break for a coffee? It might be the last Sunday we can enjoy sitting outside until spring."

Blaine nodded in agreement. The days were warm, but there was a hint of frost at night. They got a table, tucking their bags out of the way. 

Soon, Kurt was sipping a non-fat cappuccino and tipping his face towards the sun. Blaine enjoyed the view as he drank his medium drip. 

"Um...excuse me..." A young man, probably around twenty, stepped up to their table, his dark eyes flicking to Blaine but going to Kurt and staying there. "Could I get your autograph?"

Kurt looked a little startled, and sat up straighter. "My autograph?" It took a second for it to sink in, and then he nodded slowly. "Yes, yes, of course." Taking the pen and paper from the man, Kurt looked up at him. "What is your name?"

The man looked a little stunned for a moment or two, frozen in Kurt's gaze. "Um, Wyatt..."

Grinning a little so that a dimple showed in one cheek, Kurt bent over the paper and wrote a little, before passing it back. "There you go, Wyatt."

"Thanks, Mr. Hummel." Wyatt pushed the paper into his pocket, and pulled out his phone, almost dropping it. "Could I get a picture with you as well?"

Looking over at Blaine, Kurt gave him a 'Can you believe this?' look. Blaine chuckled softly, and gave an encouraging wave back. 

"Sure." Kurt stood and moved close to Wyatt, as the young guy held out the phone. 

"This is so awesome! Thanks, Mr. Hummel." Wyatt stepped away, beaming. "I'm looking forward to '300'. Mostly to see you in that costume."

Kurt could only scoff as the man scampered off, and sunk back into his chair. "That was the first time I've been approached by a fan outside of the stage door area." 

"He was hot for you." Blaine teased.

Rolling his eyes, Kurt smirked back. "Don't be ridiculous." He went back to drinking his beverage. 

Blaine let it go, but couldn't help noticing the other people in the cafe looking Kurt over with more interest, likely wondering who he was. And their looks were quite appreciative. Kurt was oblivious, but it still sent a possessive pang through Blaine.  Mine.


-Spartan Costume: A clip of a man unblocking a Stelios costume from the movie he bought for $3K here.

-Chris with Sai Swords...I was thinking of this pic on his Instagram here.


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