Dating Lessons
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Dating Lessons: Telephone

E - Words: 1,711 - Last Updated: Dec 10, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Nov 22, 2015 - Updated: Nov 22, 2015
261 0 0 0 0

You shouldve made some plans with me
You knew that I was free
And now you wont stop calling me
Im kinda busy

Shopping is fun. Blaine never thought hed think that way, but this day with Kurt had changed his whole way of thinking about it. 

It had started at the hair salon. Kurt and the hair dresser, Shannon, had a quick conversation over Blaines head, and both nodded in agreement, without even consulting Blaine. Kurt turned to wait in the lobby and Shannon got busy cutting. Blaine cringed as his hair got shorter and shorter, and he had to remind himself to trust Kurt. It was what he was paying him for, after all. 

Shannon showed him a couple different ways to style the cut, and Blaine nodded, feeling unsure about it. It was a lot shorter than he was used to. Normally, he had casual curls, curls he often got compliments on. Curls more than one man had dug his hand into during a hot kiss. Now it was short, and more wavy than curly, with longer sideburns than he was used to, and most of the hair off his forehead. 

But all his doubts flew out the window when he walked into the lobby and saw Kurts expression. He kind of froze, his eyes wide and blinking slowly, silent. It only lasted a few seconds before he shook himself out of it, and went back to normal. It did wonders for Blaines ego seeing Kurt a bit flustered like that. 

Blaine got the same reaction when he came out of the change room in a pair of jeans that really hugged his ass and thighs. And when he put on shirts that skimmed along his slim, muscular chest or showed off his arms. Everything that got that reaction from Kurt went into the Yes pile. 

The clothes were still mostly casual, jeans, t-shirts, relaxed button-up shirts. He wouldnt feel overdressed at work. But they were definitely a step up from what he wore before. More fitted, more put together. More like Adam dressed, come to think of it. 

Back home, he boxed up most of his old clothes, only keeping a few favorite old movie tees and comfy jeans. The rest went to charity. 

Going around his apartment, he took down the creature feature posters. Looking over all the geek collectables, he weeded them down to a couple shelves in a bookcase. The rest he boxed up to be sold online later. The apartment looked clean, but boring. Hed need Kurts help for how to decorate it. He looked around like he was a stranger seeing it for the first time, and nodded that was more neutral than geek now.

He also cleaned his car and got it detailed. It smelled good.

Blaine lowered his menu to find Kurts eyes on him. It was a bit disconcerting. 

"What? Do I have shaving cream on my nose or something?" Blaine gave him a half-smile. 

Kurt chuckled. "No, no.... Its just that you clean up surprisingly well, Anderson." 

Blaine smirked to himself as Kurt went back to reading his menu. He had purposely worn the slim jeans and the jade green shirt that had got the most reaction from Kurt on their shopping trip. Hed styled his hair in the messy way off his face that the hairdresser had shown him, and he felt good. Seeing the way Kurt kept sneaking glances at him made him feel even better. 

Monday, he was going to wear the new clothes to work and hed see how Adam would react. He was looking forward to it. 

"Ive heard they do a great spinach salad here, and Im getting hot wings too." Blaine closed his menu, and finished off his beer. It was pretty hot out and he was feeling thirsty.

Kurt just shook his head at Blaine. "This is a practice date, Blaine. You want to order food that is easy to eat and wont be messy. Spinach could get stuck in your teeth and then youd look like a goof as you are talking. The sauce from the wings will be all over your hands, and licking your fingers in public is kind of gross."

Blaines eyebrows rose, and then he nodded his head. Opening up his menu, he reviewed it. "OK, how about chicken fingers with a side of edamame? They are finger foods but fairly clean to eat."

Kurt smiled in approval. The server came by and Kurt ordered Butter Chicken Flatbeard. But when Blaine was going to order another beer, Kurt changed it to a Coke. 

"You shouldnt drink much alcohol on dates, especially if youre nervous. It will just make you do or say stupid things." Kurt coached him when the server left. 

Blaine nodded. "So, how am I scoring for this date compared to the first one?" 

Giving him an assessing look, Kurt scrunched his lips to the side. "Better in some areas, but you still are learning. After a few more dates, well do one where I dont coach you at all and see how you do."

"Hey, come on. I was on time, my car is clean, Im dressed well..." Blaine poured on his best puppy dog look.

Chuckling, Kurt reached over and patted his back. "Ok, you arent totally hopeless." 

"Good to know." Blaine sat back, satisfied with the weak praise. "So, I need to cover some weird midnight movie for the magazine Saturday. Would you be game to go with me?"

"Midnight movie?" Kurt gave Blaine a little smirk. 

Pulling out his phone, Blaine read out the information. "'Rocky Horror Picture Show'. Its some cult film celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. Supposedly a lot of people dress up in character for it."

"Sounds intriguing." 

"I looked it up online… A newly engaged couple have breakdown in an isolated area and must pay a call to the bizarre residence of Dr. Frank-N-Furter.'” Blaine read the description from his phone, shrugging. 

Kurt tried to keep his face neutral. “Sure, why not? I'll meet you there. Just text me the details.”

I'm waiting in the lobby. – K

Blaine read the text as he rounded the corner and saw the line in front of the theatre. It was a warm, June night, and many people were dressed in scanty clothes. Corsets, fishnet stockings and French maid costumes seemed more common than regular clothes. Blaine felt out of place in his electric blue t-shirt and black jeans. He just shook his head and bought his ticket. 

Looking around the lobby, he didn't see Kurt. Maybe he stepped out to go to the washroom or something. Pulling out his phone, he was about to text him when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turned, and froze.  What the …

Kurt was standing beside him, wearing a wig with curly black hair, and a shiny, full-length cape with a stand up collar. But he was practically unrecognizable underneath his heavy make-up. His eyes were rimmed with thick, black eyeliner, and eye shadow covered his whole eyelid up to his eyebrows. His eyebrows were dramatically darkened and shiny red lipstick covered his full lips. 

And Kurt just gave a wicked, full smile at Blaine's shocked reaction. 

“Come on, we need to get a seat on an aisle near the front.” Kurt didn't give Blaine a chance to respond before dragging him into the theatre and finding empty seats he found appropriate.

Blaine looked around at all the people in costume, and back at Kurt, who looked completely at ease in all the chaos. “Something tells me this isn't the first time you've come to this show.” 

Reaching over, Kurt patted Blaine's hand. “Sit back and enjoy, Blaine. I'll guide you through it.” 

Wanting to ask more questions, Blaine held back when the theatre darkened and the whole audience starting shouting “Lips! Lips! Lips!” 

One person shouted out, "A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away, God said let there be lips,and there were, and they were good..." 

On screen, a woman's red-lipsticked mouth appeared against a black background and started singing about science fiction double features.

After that, Blaine could only follow Kurt's whispered instructions and taking the things he passed to him. Throwing the rice when the married couple came out of the church, and squirting water in the air when Brad and Janet left the car, clutching the newspaper over his head to keep dry.  They allow this in a movie theatre? 

People dressed like the characters on screen kept jumping up and acting out the scenes in the aisles, singing along with the songs. The rest of the audience shouted out things like “There's no phone, asshole!” and “Hey, Riff Raff, show us your mother!”, in perfect timing with the lines of the movie.

It didn't take long for Blaine to get into it. When the Time Warp started and Kurt nudged him into the aisle, he was up there dancing along with the rest of the audience. 

And then, a slow beat started, and Kurt stepped out into the aisle, tapping his foot along. Then, Kurts character appeared onscreen, and Kurt matched every move, singing along. He threw off his long cape, and underneath he was only wearing a black, sequined corset, black underwear, elbow-length gloves, fishnet stockings and heels. And he was singing a song about being a sweet transvestite, strutting around the theatre and working his hips. 

It should have been ridiculous. But somehow it was just great, campy fun. And Kurt, dressed in lingerie, heels and wearing so much make-up, was still as sexy as hell somehow. He matched the character on screen really well, and the audience was cheering him on. Blaine watched, bemused, as he chased a blond guy wearing only gold shorts around the theatre, then chased a woman wearing only underwear and a torn slip, and did a can-can dance with the other characters. All of this in heels. 

When the movie ended, Blaine was on his feet, applauding along with the rest of the audience. Kurt stayed at the front with the other people dressed as characters, and they posed together for pictures. Blaine joined in, getting some good pictures for the article. 


-Disclaimer: I own nothing.

-A/N: Yes, I guess Kurt got over his high school aversion to dressing up as Frank when he moved to NYC & saw how much fun it could be. :D Clip of the Sweet Transvestite scene from the movie is here.

-One of my favourite pictures of Darren Criss...


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