Dating Lessons
Lose My Breath Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Dating Lessons: Lose My Breath

E - Words: 2,737 - Last Updated: Dec 10, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Nov 22, 2015 - Updated: Nov 22, 2015
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I put it right there, made it easy for you to get to
Now you wanna act like ya dont know what to do
After I done everything that you asked me
Grabbed you, grind you, liked you, tried you
Moved so fast baby now I cant find you

Im startin to believe that Im way too much for you
All that talk but it seems like it cant come through
All them lies like you could satisfy me,
Now I see where believing you got me
Gave you the wheel, but you cant drive me


“…all people should be treated equally, regardless of who they are or who they love.” 

Blaine couldn't help but wipe a tear away from his cheek, and caught Adam looking over at him. They shared a small smile and turned back to watch the rest of President Obama's speech.

“I still can't believe this. It's so incredible.” Blaine said softly, closing the browser window when the speech ended. “Truly a historic moment.”

Adam nodded. “I'm happy that you probably haven't seen as many friends affected by it as I have.”

Blaine gave him a confused expression. “But hasn't the United Kingdom had marriage equality for awhile?” 

“Not really, only since 2013.” Adam shrugged. “But I've been living here half my life, so you really feel it when everyone is twenty-five and getting married and you can't.” 

Blaine nodded. He didn't like to think of their age difference, but in this scenario, it had more of an impact on Adam then it had on Blaine.

“And the timing couldn't be better, with Pride this weekend. That parade is going to be such a party!” 

Adam nodded, his eyes glowing. “And I want you right down there, covering it. Last year, Silicon Valley made a big showing with all the big companies being represented. And I've heard it will be even bigger this year. I want you to report on it, see the reaction of the crowds, from the employees, the whole geek view.” 

“I was planning on going anyways.” Blaine smiled at Adam, admiring how good he looked in a white linen shirt that brought out the light tan of his skin. Kurt was working, but Santana and Brittany were going with a group of friends, so Blaine had planned on joining them. 

Why had he let Santana and Brittany dress him up for the parade? Blaine tugged at the bottom of the tiny gold shorts and for the tenth time, counting himself lucky that at least he was wearing a mask and hopefully wouldn't be recognized by anyone. 

Even more unusual was to be out and about, dressed so skanty, so early in the day. But at least he wasn't alone. Brittany was dressed in a bubblegum pink leotard and tights, with a unicorn horn and ears on her head. Santana, for some reason, was dressed as a skanky devil, in a tiny red leotard, black fishnets, heels, tail and horns. And a red feather boa. 

Looking in the mirror, he wasn't quite sure what his costume was. He was wearing tight gold shorts, gladiator sandals, a black eyemask, black eyeliner and lots of gold body glitter. And a rainbow flag as a cape to top it off. 

They headed down to Market Street, and Blaine was able to use his media pass to get them a good position on a bleacher. The crowds were already packed along the street, and everyone was estimating that it would be over a million people attending. San Francisco usually had the largest pride parade in North America, and with the marriage equality decision Friday, there would even be more people out. There was a buzz of celebration, a quiet hum of energy that infused everything.

The parade was a six hour party. Marching bands, floats playing disco hits full of drag queens, and tons of people walking and dancing the parade route. Rainbows were everywhere. Dykes on Bikes roared along on their motorcycles, decked out in leather. 

The day was warm but Santana kept sending her friends to get them rainbow coloured slurpees, liberally spiked with vodka by Santana. Blaine drank and danced and partied with the crowd. Many people took selfies with Brittany, Santana and Blaine, loving their fun costumes. 

Blaine took lots of pictures and short videos of people commenting on the parade and marriage equality for his article. 

Silicon Valley companies were out with strong representation. Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, Google and many others had impressive floats and tons of employees dancing the route, in matching t-shirts. 

Most impressive was Apple, though. Behind a white banner, Apple employees and friends wore white t-shirts with only the word Pride and a rainbow apple logo. They waved rainbow flags. But most impressive was the number. They streamed past, hundreds and hundreds of them.

"Holy shit! There must be 5,000 Apple people here." Santana looked over the crowd in appreciation, and Blaine could see she was wearing her marketing hat. It said a lot that companies wanted to be identified with the parade, to show their support, their inclusive culture. 

Glancing at her phone, Santana smiled broadly. "OK, bitches! Get your camera phones ready. The best pic of the next guy gets a special prize from me." She pointed at a guy who was coming up after a small piper group in colorful shirts with their traditional kilts. 

The guy she pointed to was running around, getting the crowd worked up, and then posing theatrically. He was wearing a black cape, fingerless gloves, boots, briefs and a belt with a sci fi gun and leg strap. But what made it fantastic was that he was wearing a Darth Vader helmet and holding a sign that said "May The Fierce Be With You." The back of the sign had the name of the dance studio on it. 

"Your idea?" Blaine smiled over at Santana. 

"Yup. We couldnt afford a big fancy float, but if we get his picture going viral, well do fine." She was a savvy business woman.

They huddled together, looking at the pictures and chose the best one. Santana posted it on her Twitter Account, referencing the dance studio and they all retweeted it, hash tagging the parade, San Francisco, Star Wars, Beyonce, and anything else that would spread it, and messaged friends to ask them to spread it too.


Blaine took pictures and did his interviews, making sure he had a lot of good information for his article. But eventually, he felt he had enough and could relax into the spirit of the day.

He was on his third spiked Slurpee, sitting back on the bleacher and getting a bit of sun. Pleasantly buzzed, he was watching the pretty boys in the parade walking by with an appreciative eye. 

Santana wasn't as quiet about her appreciation. “Check out that ass, Blaine. You're only twenty-two. You should be chasing after that, son!” She flicked him with her red boa.

The cute blond guy glanced back and shook his ass at Blaine, shamelessly flirting. “Come on, Captain Fabulous! Come party with us!” 

Maybe it was Santana encouraging him. Maybe it was from all the slurpees. Maybe it was a cute guy with a great ass. But for whatever reason, Blaine found himself jumping off the bleacher and joining the group of guys, dancing down the street to the music blaring from a parade float.


A few blocks later, Blaine was on the float, dancing along to “It's Raining Men”, with his new found friends, a little drunk. It was practically an out of body experience. As he danced near the hot guys hed met, he felt young, sexy, free. He felt great that the world was becoming more accepting and so many people were waving rainbow flags and cheering their support.

A couple months ago, he would have never been up on a float like this, dressed in only tiny shorts and an eye mask. Kurt had really made him feel more confident, more willing to jump in and just have fun. 

The lessons had been going well, and were well worth the money. Kurt was pulling him out of his comfort zone and expanding his world. He dressed like a man now instead of a teenager, and it felt good to get second glances from attractive men. Hed even had a woman flirt with him in a Starbucks line, until he mentioned having a boyfriend. He felt more confident handling himself in situations like a dance club. 

But their last night together had been so awkward. Blaine had honestly been looking forward to kissing Kurt, ever since they had discussed it initially and Blaine had negotiated for lessons on how to make a move, and kissing. It had almost become a fantasy, picturing the different ways it could go. 

He pictured it being awful, the worst possible way. Sitting beside Kurt on the sofa, and leaning in for a kiss and having their noses bump together awkwardly. Or to be kissing Kurt, and for Kurt to pull back with a disgusted expression, saying " that really the way youve been kissing people all this time and nobody said anything to you?"

Well, at least Kurt would give him honest feedback about his kissing skill and teach him the correct way. 

He pictured the kissing being fine technically, but missing any chemistry. Like kissing a relative. And that it would feel oddly inappropriate and weird, and there would be no reaction from it. No heat, no breathing faster, no urge for more or deeper.

In that case, Kurt would only say it was good, and to kiss guys until he had chemistry with one. 

He pictured Kurt being cool, not reacting, while Blaine got into it. Deepening the kisses, until Kurt pushed him back. Trying to catch his breath, as he looked down at a cool faced Kurt. Feeling like a little kid with a crush on his teacher, as he eased back to his side of the sofa and tried to calm down. 

Given that Kurt is five year older, so much more worldly, and Blaine wasnt really his type, this was what Blaine mostly expected to happen. He knew he was attracted to Kurt physically, ever since that first dance class, and seeing him as Frank and at the club had been the final nails in that coffin. And the more time they spent together, the more he was drawn in. He liked his sarcastic humour, the way he flirted with everyone, how he encouraged his students to find their inner divas, the way he lit up when performing, and his passion about travelling. 

But hed never considered kissing Kurt and having Kurt kiss him back. Sink into the kisses. To feel his breathing get faster and hotter. Feel Kurt respond to him, Blaine. It had totally thrown Blaine off. 

And ever since then, he was kicking himself for stopping. He should have continued. Seen where it had gone. 

But another part of him argued that it would have been wrong to get caught up in the moment. To take things further than either of them wanted. Kurt didnt want it, as hed clearly said, and it would probably have ended their lessons, and Kurt might have even returned the money. It could have screwed things up between them completely. 

Plus, Blaine was still so interested in Adam. It wouldnt be fair to Kurt to get involved with him when his feelings for Adam were unresolved. 

But it didnt mean that he hadnt been thinking hot, erotic thoughts about Kurt almost constantly. His taste, his soft full lips, the way his breath caught, the feel of his body against Blaines. He had jerked off again and again to his memories and fantasies of what could have happened next. Undressing Kurt, kissing over his skin, sucking his cock and hearing him moan as his hands clenched in Blaines hair. 

"Blaine? What the fuck, is that you?" 

A voice broke through Blaines thoughts, and he looked around to find the source. Walking beside the float, was Adam. He was wearing a roman costume, a short white tunic with gold trim, a gold belt and sandals. There was a band of gold leaves in his short blond hair. He looked good. 

Smiling, Blaine nodded. "Hey, Adam." He jumped off the float, waving goodbye to his new friends. He walked over to Adam, feeling a little self-conscious in the tiny shorts, but he was still tipsy enough to let it go. 

"How did you end up in the parade instead of covering it?" Adam asked, his eyes travelling over Blaines body in a way that made him feel a bit warmer. Hed never looked at Blaine that way before, and Blaine straightened up, channeling the way Kurt had worked wearing the Frank costume, working it. 

Blaine smiled slowly, letting his eyes travel down Adams body. "I was just being...thorough. I covered it as a spectator and wanted the view of participants too."

"So, it wasnt just an excuse to dance with hot guys on a float." Adam eyes crinkled at the corners. He was totally onto Blaine.

Blaine grinned, loving the flirty tone and looks in their exchange. "Think theres somewhere near here I could get a cold drink? Dancing is hot work."

Blaine poured them more beer from the pitcher. It was a perfect hot day to be sitting on an outdoor patio, sharing a platter of nachos. Only their crazy costumes and all the rainbow bedecked people streaming by made it seem surreal. 

He pulled off the eye mask, setting it on the table. Adam picked it up and put it on, laughing. 

"Who are you supposed to be? Super Caesar? Can take over Europe at the speed of sound?" Blaine chuckled and picked up his phone to take a picture, and Adam hammed it up, his hands on his hips and his gaze off into the distance, looking heroic.

Adam gave Blaine a bit of a smirk. "Providing sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health to Europe at the speed of sound." 

Raising his eyebrows, Blaine gave Adam a challenging look. "Really, was that a reference to Monty Python? Are you quoting Monty Python to a geek?"

Adam looked over Blaines bare chest slowly. "Yeah, some geek you are, wearing tiny gold shorts and body glitter."

Blaine scoffed. "Please, you are too tall and good-looking to be considered a geek."

"Sweetheart, Im managing editor of Geek World magazine. Case closed." Adam looked down at Blaine with a superior tilt of his chin. 

Shaking his head, Blaine took another long pull of his beer. It was probably due to the lingering effects of the vodka and now the beer that he was arguing with his hot boss about who was the bigger geek. 

"Being able to quote Monty Python doesnt count if youre British. You all come out of the womb being able to do that." 

Adam tried to stare him down, but his lip twitched a bit at the corner, almost laughing. "Ok, lets settle this like true geeks." He grabbed his phone, and after a minute, looking up. "Got an online geek test. Lets see who out geeks who."

The questions came fast after that. 

"Do you still get emotional when you think about Dumbledore? Or The Red Wedding? Do you have a tattoo related to a comic book? Do you own a twenty-sided die?"

They were answering the questions quickly and the long quiz was really showing the extent each of them participated in the various geekdoms.

"Do you know the Green Lantern Oath by heart?"

Looking each other steadily, they chanted, "In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evils might, Beware my power, Green Lanterns light!" And then they both cracked up. 

Getting up, Adam threw down some cash to cover the bill. "I think its a tie, Blaine. I have to get going to clean up before a late dinner. See you at work."

Blaine smiled as Adam left. It had been the longest conversation hed ever had with Adam, and the silly geek test had told him a lot about where his interests lay. Now, if something came up related to them, he would have a way to suggest it to Adam. 

As he walked home, Blaine was also happy about the way Adam was looking him over. There was definite interest there, definite heat. And Blaine liked it.


-Disclaimer: I own nothing.

-US Supreme Court legalized gay marriage for all of the US on Friday, June 26/15. Gay Pride Parade was already scheduled for Sunday, June 28/15, the 45th annual one for San Francisco.


-The Monty Python reference was from their movie Life of Brian. Clip here.

-Green Laterns Oath: Clip here.


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