Dating Lessons
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Dating Lessons: Independent Women

E - Words: 1,855 - Last Updated: Dec 10, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Nov 22, 2015 - Updated: Nov 22, 2015
270 0 0 0 0

Tell me how you feel about this
Who would I want if I would wanna live
I worked hard and sacrificed to get what I get
Ladies, it aint easy bein independent.
Question: Howd you like this knowledge that I brought
Braggin on that cash that he gave you is to front
If youre gonna brag make sure its your money you flaunt
Depend on no one else to give you what you want



“OK, give it to me straight, Kurt.” Blaine set down his medium drip, and braced himself for the worst.

Chuckling, Kurt flipped through his notes. “Alright. Well, lets just say that you probably wouldn't get a second date if that's a typical first date.”

Blaine looked a bit hurt, and looked down at his coffee. “Really, that bad?” He thought back on his previous relationships during college, and realized that they were usually friends he had hung out with a fair bit, and then eventually hooked up with. But that old way wouldn't work outside of a college setting. He'd never really had to go on regular dates. Time to grow up and figure this out.

Reaching over, Kurt patted his hand lightly. “Not all bad. How did you pick the restaurant?”

Blaine shrugged. “I googled the best restaurants in San Francisco and it looked interesting.”

“Well, it was delicious and a good date restaurant. You know, not too loud to talk, and you can sit close to each other.” Kurt smiled, and took a sip of his mocha.

Blaine seemed to be considering this, and nodded. “OK, you gave me the good news. Give me the bad news now.”

Taking a big breath, Kurt looked down at his notes and got started at the top. “You were twenty-five minutes late and didn't text me to warn me or anything. When you finally arrived, you didn't apologize or explain at all, just told me to rush so we wouldn't lose the restaurant reservation. You were dressed in wrinkled clothes and your hair was a bit messy. Your car was full of fast food wrappers and had a funny smell. At the restaurant, you were rude to the hostess about the reservation, even though it was your fault we were late. During dinner, you got barbecue sauce on your face and often licked the sauce off your fingers. The conversation was mostly about the latest trailer for the new Star Wars, in spite of the fact that I've never seen any of the other movies. You left a tiny tip, even though the service was excellent. And when you leaned in for a good night kiss in the car, you had coffee-breath.”

For a few minutes, Blaine just sat back in his chair, blinking. He was shell-shocked by Kurt's rapid delivery.

Looking down at the notes, Kurt gave a small smile. “Well, on the good side, these are all things that are fixable. Things that we can work on during your lessons.”

Blaine bit his lip. “Will ten weeks be enough time?”

“Definitely. There are a lot of great things about you, Blaine. You just need to polish stuff up a little.” Kurt said with confidence.

Sitting up, Blaine squared his shoulders. “You know, I was thinking that it's time that I finish the transition from teenager to man. I looked around my apartment, and it's all my old college second-hand beat-up furniture and creature feature movie posters on the walls.”

Shuffling his papers, Kurt looked down. “It's on my plan. You want to have your apartment looking good in case you invite him over.”

“OK. Im planning on selling off a bunch of my collectibles anyways to pay you and have money for new clothes and everything. Where do we start?” Blaine's expression was a mixture of looking a bit overwhelmed, but determined.

“Well, after watching ‘My Fair Lady', ‘Pretty Woman' and a bunch of old episodes of ‘Queer Eye for the Straight Guy', I think we could start with a makeover. It's quick and will give you an instant boast of confidence to carry on with the all the rest.” Kurt smiled. He'd always loved doing makeovers.

Blaine rolled his eyes. “Maybe we should film it and make a music montage for the magazine.”

Kurt bounced in his chair, clapping his hands lightly, until Blaine glared at him. “Oh, you were joking. Crap.”

“Actually, speaking of the magazine, a lot of my assignments are things that are better to do with someone. If we have to do more ‘practice dates', maybe we could do things I need to report on.” Blaine took out his phone, scrolling to his notes screen. “Like checking out the Exploratorium.”

Cringing, Kurt jotted something on his paper. “That's a science museum, right? Hmmm… How about you email your list and I'll pick out some of the things that are good for practice dates?”

Blaine finished his coffee, and set down the mug. “OK, I'll leave the plan in your hands. But be gentle with me, OK?” He gave Kurt a small smile.

That little smile made Kurt catch his breath, and he took a sip of his drink to cover it up. There was such an openness to Blaine, a vulnerably that Kurt had no defenses against.

“Um, yeah… and that brings up something else. The end of the date, when you leaned in to me...” Kurt wasn't exactly sure how to approach this topic.

Blaine's eyebrows rose. “You mean kissing? Well, you must admit it's usually a part of dating. And I need to know how to make a move, and know that I'm not totally screwing things up there. It would be crappy to have a great date with Adam, and then totally ruin things because I kiss badly. Here's my chance to actually get real honest feedback on this.”

“Yes, but I'm not really comfortable with the idea of you paying me to do that. It kind of crosses the line between life coach and sex worker.” Kurt didn't look impressed.

Nodding, Blaine chuckled and gave Kurt a cheeky grin. “OK, what if we keep it kissing and some cuddling? Our clothes stay on?”

Kurt couldn't believe this conversation. A week ago, he'd never imagine he'd be negotiating over kissing a twenty-two year old for money. This was his life.

“Well, for educational purposes, maybe we can have some in the context of a practice date. But no extended make-out sessions.” Kurt finally conceded.

Blaine smiled, looking happy. “Deal.”


“Oh shit, Adam is heading over here.” Blaine whispered to Kurt, turning to face his computer screen and typing.

Kurt glanced down at his show of busyness with a little smirk. Looking down the aisle, he saw a tall, attractive blond man heading their way. Hmmmm…. Yes, he could see why Blaine was attracted to him. Adam was definitely a hot guy.

“Oh, Hi.” Blaine said, his attempt at casual nonchalance failing completely. Kurt tried not to smirk as he glanced back to Adam.

Adam stopped at Blaine's desk, and smiled down at him. He looked over at Kurt, perched on the edge of Blaine's desk. “And who is your visitor?”

Holding out his hand, Kurt shook Adam's. “Kurt Hummel. And you must be Robert Pattinson. I love your movies.”

Chuckling, Adam's smile widened. “I wish I was him, just to have his bank accounts. But sadly, I'm just his poor countryman, Adam Crawford.”

Tilting his head to the side slightly, Kurt looked Adam over with a bit of a smirk. “Does that mean that you don't sparkle in the sunlight either?”

Blaine jumped up, and put a hand on Kurt's forearm. “Adam, just ignore my friend Kurt. We're just about to head out for lunch.” He gave Adam an apologetic look as he dragged Kurt away.

“I can't believe you were flirting with him like that, Kurt!” Blaine's outraged whisper made Kurt giggle as he rushed them out of his office.

Kurt continued to tease Blaine as they walked to the deli around the corner from his office. It had been Blaine's idea to come by his office beforehand to see the type of clothes his co-workers wore and to get a feel for the environment. Kurt had been surprised at how casual it was. At the call center Kurt worked at, they were expected to wear business casual, which translated to dress shirts with khakis for most of the men. Blaine's office looked more like a frat house. He had seen more than one guy wearing a Hawaiian shirt and shorts. Blaine's movie t-shirts and jeans didn't look out of place at all.

Settling at a table with their sandwiches, Kurt gave Blaine a level look. “Blaine, don't you ever just joke around with Adam? Flirt with him a little?”

Blaine shrugged, taking a bite of his Reuben. “Not really. I'm new there, and one of the youngest employees. I don't want to give the impression that I don't take the job seriously.”

“I see what you mean, but you've been there a few months now and you said he's only given you positive comments about your work. So, you can probably relax it a bit around him.” Kurt but into his chicken avocado sandwich.

Blaine didnt look too convinced.

Leaning forward, Kurt looked steadily into Blaines eyes. "You know, I cant decide if your eyes are a mossy green or hazel. They seem a little different each time I see you."

Blaine looked a bit shy at the comment. "Um, thanks. I guess they change, depending on my mood and what colours Im wearing."

Nodding, Kurt kept looking at Blaines face. "Do you take after your father or your mother more?"

There was a hint of a blush on Blaines face now. He wasnt used to having older, attractive men giving him appreciative looks like this. "I have my mothers eyes, but people say my nose and eyebrows are more like my dads side of the family."

Kurt smiled. "See? That was flirting...anything that kind of shows the other person that you find them attractive. Now its your turn. Try something on me."

Blaine looked stumped for a minute. "Um... Well, you have a great ass, Kurt. Seriously, when I first saw you in the class, I was in a trance, just like in the lyrics. Its so round and when you wear tight jeans..."

Kurt raised his hands. "Stop, stop... Ill be stopping you right there, Blaine." He was laughing and maybe blushing a bit. "Um, thanks... But that is going a bit too far to be a flirty comment on a date."

"But why? Its true. Youre bootylicious." Blaine smiled, taking a sip of his coffee.

Kurt just arched an eyebrow at Blaine. "I dont think youre ready for this jelly, little boy." It was times like this he almost wished he had long hair that he could flip. He settled for a mock condescending glare.

Blaine smirked. "Would you call what were doing now flirting?"

"Hmmm... Maybe, but you definitely need practice. Well work on it. So, are you free Saturday? I thought we could do your hair and wardrobe." Kurt pulled up the calendar on his phone.

Blaine agreed, and soon had to rush back to work.


-Disclaimer:  I own nothing.

-Pretty Woman shopping montage here.

-Queer Eye for the Straight Guy: Show from 2003 - 2007 on Bravo. Fun clips here.

-My Fair Lady: Audrey Hepburn was so gorgeous in this movie... Going to the embassy ball here.


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