Dec. 10, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 10, 2015, 6 p.m.
Former Title: "May the Fierce Be With You"
Warning: Contains Fluff, Angst, UST, Yearning, Pining, Dating Other Men, Self-care, Film References, Miscommunication, Swearing, Naughty Words, and Excessive Talk about Hot Butts.
May contain: Some Hot, Smouldering Smut and probably eventually some Big, Sappy Love Confessions, but youll probably want to bang their heads together long before that happens. This will be a long, strange story, so strap yourself in and hope you enjoy the ride.
Please see the appropriate medical professionals before reading. ;P
I shake my jelly at every chance
When I whip with my hips you slip into a trance
I dont think youre ready for this jelly...
Cause my bodys just too bootylicious for ya babe
What a strange mix of people. Blaine looked around the dance studio, doing some of his normal running stretches as he waited for the class to start. There were women from twenty to seventy, all shapes and sizes, happily chatting with each other with the ease of long time familiarity. Off to one side, there were a group of younger men, all in their twenties and thirties, and dressed in carefully considered gym ensembles. It only took a glance for Blaine to recognize that they played for his team.
No matter how divergent the group seemed, they all seemed to move in unison, like a school of fish, when the door banged closed and a man rushed to the front. All eyes were on him as he set down a gym bag on a chair, digging out a towel, a water bottle and an iPod.
"Hey Everyone!" His voice was surprisingly high-pitched as he waved to the class, rushed over to the stereo and connected his iPod. Taking the remote control, he put the music on, a steady beat filling the room and contributing to the gathering energy.
Back at the centre of the room, he calmly surveyed the class. "Liam, Anna... Will you come join me up here for a demonstration? I know you two know this one well."
A tall, attractive blond man and a fit woman in her sixties with well-styled auburn hair joined Kurt at the front, standing on each side of him.
Nodding to them, he turned back to the class. "For the newer people, Im your instructor, Kurt, and we will be learning Bootylicious today. Ill be going through each of the steps slowly and by the end of the hour, youll be able to do the whole routine. Liam. Anna and I will give a demonstration of the whole song now. Please just watch, dont try dancing along yet."
Pressing a few buttons on the remote control, Kurt had the volume cranked up and the iconic song started. The class hooted along as the trio began to move in sync to the lyrics, like a well-rehearsed dance group whod been together for years. Although they varied a lot in size and age, they were all equally committed to the dance, gyrating their torsos and shaking their hips in time. By the end of the song, everyone gave them a long round of applause.
Kurt smiled and took a sip of his water. "Great job, Liam and Anna. Thanks." They returned to the class.
"OK, lets turn to the side, legs together, knees bent, and look in the mirror as we do the chest pops. Slow to start and then well speed up."
Blaine laughed to himself as he got into position, still finding it hard to believe he was doing this. He tried to follow along, but his hips were stiff and it was really hard to get them into a motion even remotely similar to Kurts or the experienced people around him.
The other problem was Kurt. He seemed to be a regular attractive man, about 510, with a slim, lightly muscled body dressed in yoga pants and a fitted red tee. His skin was pale, and his light brown hair styled into a tall quiff. But when he started dancing, it was like he was glowing, a raw energy pouring out of him that drew every eye to him. It was pure charisma. No wonder all his students gave him their rapt attention the whole class.
He was a good teacher, getting everyone engaged and working hard at the moves. But Blaine found himself missing steps because his eyes were tracing over Kurts body as he moved. He was hypnotic.
It seemed like only minutes had passed when Kurt shut off the music and thanked everyone for coming out. He was packing up his belongings when Blaine walked over to him.
"Um Hi," Blaine held out his hand awkwardly, hoping it wasnt too sweaty. "Im Blaine Anderson, from Geek World magazine."
Kurt nodded and shook Blaine hand, his grip firm and confident. "Oh right. You are doing an article on this class?"
Blaine nodded. "And Santana mentioned you would do an interview and pictures with me."
Kurt swung the strap of his bag to his shoulder. "Lets go to my cubicle. The next class is about to start in here."
A tall, pretty blond woman waved at them as they left the studio. About ten girls stood near her, all around six years old.
Kurt led them down a short hallway and into an empty room with a few cubicles. He waved Blaine towards a chair and sat down, sipping his water.
Fumbling with his pad of paper, Blaine felt a bit nervous. This was only his third interview for the magazine. Finally, he found his list of questions.
"So, how long have you been teaching the Beyoncé dance class?"
Kurt looked upwards, and then met Blaines gaze. His eyes were an interesting shade of blue-grey, with a hint of green. "Its about three years now."
Looking down to make notes, Blaine was a bit surprised at the answer. That class was so full. "How did you come up with the idea for offering it?"
Kurt let out a little scoff. "It wasnt my idea. It all started about three years ago, with an old video I made back in high school being posted on YouTube by someone. It got thousands of hits, went viral overnight. My friend Santana, the one who set up this interview, contacted me and suggested the dance class. We thought it may last a few months before interest waned. But here I am, three years later."
Blaines eyebrows rose. "What was the video of? The one that went viral?"
"I danced Single Ladies with Brittany, the blond dancer we just passed, and another girl." Kurt shrugged.
Making a careful note of that, Blaine fully intended to watch it later. It was clear Kurt wasnt that impressed with all the attention, and wasnt that enthused about teaching the successful class for so many years.
"Have you been a dancer your whole life?" Blaine wanted to know more about Kurt, finding him nothing like hed expected.
Shaking his head, Kurt reached over to pick up his towel. He rubbed it over his face and neck, making Blaine aware of how the tee clung to Kurts sweaty chest. "No, my background is singing. I did my degree in New York, but struggled to find enough work afterwards. After a couple years, this came up and I came out here for a short break thats lasted longer than I ever intended."
"And if this ended? Would you go back to a singing career out east?" Blaine took his own sip of water.
Kurt shook his head. "No." He looked around and leaned a little closer to Blaine. "If you dont publish this, Ill tell you what my plans are."
Blaine made a point of setting down his pen very deliberately. "Id love to know."
Kurts eyes glowed and came alive. "Im saving up to move to Paris. Im ready for a change and Ive always wanted to live there."
Glancing down, Blaine took a minute to catch his breath. Kurt was an attractive guy, but when he just spoke, he was amazing. The passion he had about the subject shone through him.
Blaine glanced back at Kurt, looking him over. He was beautiful and so talented. And he was working towards doing such a daring thing. Blaine sighed, looking down at himself, feeling so young and inexperienced next to him.
"Paris. Wow! And you want to live there, not just visit? What will you do for work?" Blaine made his expression back into a professional reporter one, pushing away his own feelings.
Kurt smiled, a real genuine dreamy smile. "I have a few ideas, but Ill have to wait until Im there to finalize things. Thats why I want to save up enough to live comfortably for six months or so. Give myself time to get established."
Blaine returned the smile. "Do you speak french?"
"Oui, Monsieur." Kurt smirked.
Picking up his pen again, Blaine looked at his other questions. "You have known Brittany and Santana a long time then?"
"Yes, since high school back in Ohio. Brittany has always been an incredible dancer. The studio is run by a cousin of Santanas, and they moved out here a few years ago. Santana works for a marketing firm, and helps her cousin out from time to time." Kurt reached over, picking up his phone and scanning over a text message.
Standing up, Kurt held out a hand to shake Blaines again. "I have to get going now. Is it OK if Santana emails you some photos? You can email me if you have any other questions."
Blaine shook his hand and thanked Kurt for the interview.
"Oh my... Who is that?" A sexy British drawl came from over Blaines shoulder.
A tingle travelled through Blaines body like it always did when he heard that sexy accent or Adam was nearby. "Um... Kurt, the dance instructor for that assignment you sent me on." Blaine smiled over his shoulder at the blond Brit.
Adams blue eyes glinted with interest as he watched the video of Kurt performing Single Ladies.
Blaine sighed as he took in Adams expression. "Its when he was in high school. Heres a picture of him now."
Clicking his mouse, Blaine brought up the emailed pictures of Kurt looking gorgeous, dancing with his class, but easily pulling focus.
Whistling softly, Adam smiled at Blaine. "Those pictures will help get your article read. Hes a hottie."
Blaine was surprised at that comment. "Do you really think our readers will be interested in this? They are geeks."
"Yes, but it doesnt mean they wouldnt be interested in joining a dance class, maybe. And we have our fair share of gay geeks who can appreciate a fine looking man like that." Adam gave the picture another admiring glance.
As Adam walked back to his office, Blaine sighed to himself. Even though Adam liked Blaines work and they got along well, Adam had never looked Blaine over the way hed looked at Kurts picture.
Ever since hed started working at the online magazine, hed been attracted to his manager. Adam was twenty-nine years old, six feet tall, and had a slim, well-muscled body. Hed lived in the US since he was a teenager, but hed never lost his British accent. Blaine loved talking with him, finding him so knowledgeable about the world as well as being so sexy.
Around Adam, Blaine felt shy and self-conscious. He felt so young and inexperienced, compared to this worldly older man. If only he could become more confident, more sexy. Maybe then Adam would notice him.
Turning back to his computer, his eyes landed on the photo of Kurt, the one Adam had admired, and an idea popped into Blaines head. Maybe if he could be more like Kurt, he could catch Adams interest too.
-Disclaimer: I own nothing.
-A/N: Beyoncé dance classes are a real thing, in many cities including San Francisco, Toronto and London. Google if you are curious. :D Clip of Single Ladies scene from the show is here.