March 2, 2012, 9:13 a.m.
March 2, 2012, 9:13 a.m.
"Yeah… it looked bad, like, really bad," adds Mercedes.
"I think it was just chest pains, not a real heart attack," says Thad, "although – I'm not an expert".
"Let's get some coffee," suggests Nick.
"Or maybe not coffee… Who wants to get drunk?" it was Jeff this time.
They all were here. All the members of the Warblers, which had had the pleasure to know Blaine. Some of them even had had the pleasure to be in the Warblers when Kurt was attending Dalton. Their best friend, someone whom all of them loved like younger, unruly brother. He and his future husband were dead. His future husband, whom they also loved and accepted like their own. Members of New Directions has also slowly started to arrive for the funeral, which would take place in two days… And after it, the whole case will be definitely closed. Just swiped under the carpet… Or at least that's what court thought…
" Here's for this motherfucker, who practically told us that Blaine was a crazy, bipolar, schizophrenic murderer," screamed Thad two hours later, when they were all drunk, at least a little.
" Here's!" screamed the rest of the group, knocking glasses with each other. They were sitting in Rachel's apartment, every one of them with bottles of wine, vodka and other alcohol standing around them.
"They are dead… they were such a sweet pair of dolphins, and now they are both dead!" cried Brittany, snuggling further into Santana's arm on which she was practically lying.
"I know it's cruel, but it's not really bothering me that much, their death… I mean… it's tragic and it shouldn't have happened and so on. And I miss them, both of them… and I'll probably always miss them…" said Sam. "But, how could they do this? I mean, the whole court? The police? The fucking judge? Were they animals? Viruses? Trees? They were people… FUCKING LIVING, BREATHING PEOPLE! And they just closed this case… without catching their killer. BECAUSE I KNOW, THEY BOTH WERE KILLED!"
"Yeah, we're with you guys" said Rachel, addressing the Warblers. "We know that Blaine didn't kill Kurt."
"That's why we are still anonymous," said David quietly, trying not to giggle. He wanted to giggle the whole time. Because, what was more there left for him?
"Whaat?" asked Jeff, not sure of the meaning of David's words.
"Anonymous with this newspaper thing two days ago. We tried to also be anonymous today in court, that's why we were hiding from the paparazzi. We don't want anyone from the outside world know about us," clarified Wes.
"Whaaat… Wha… bddb…" mumbled Trent under his nose, not able to build the whole sentence.
"We want to investigate on our own. We want to hire a private detective, but we also want to investigate on our own. You know, ask some criminals if they know anything, tell them that we are of them," began David.
"We won't let them do this to Blaine. We won't let the whole world think that he was the killer," finished Wes.
"You know that you can get yourself killed?" asked Mercedes.
"We'll be careful. Besides… it's not something we never did. We always liked to play little spies with Blaine… With Kurt and Blaine to be precise…" added Wes sadly.
"You really loved him…" said Santana, who had been silent till now.
"We still do…" this time Nick spoke. "Both of them… That's why I want to help you, guys".
"No," said both Wes and David flatly "It's too dangerous. You have Jeff. We both know that Jeff wouldn't be able to help us. Don't risk what you both have. Don't forget about your wedding."
"I… I don't think it's gonna happened…" Jeff spoke in silent voice, nearly whisper. He and Nick still hadn't discussed it. But it just… didn't felt right right now…
"Why not?" Flint, who till now was lying on the floor, barely conscious, sobered in a moment. "You think that's what they would want?"
"Yeah, he is right" said Thad "I'm sure they wish that you still get married this year. I mean… they would wish… FUCK!" the tears started filling his eyes. "Sorry guys…" both Wes and David hugged him immediately.
"So…" Santana spoke again, "it's official. You two are still getting married. And I will go all Lima Height Adjacent on your asses if you decide the other way. And I'm serious about it. Also those two morons gonna try find the real killer without getting themselves killed. And I don't want to hear any other moron talking about joining them. Two morons have a chance to survive. Thirty morons? Not really. Everyone understands me?" Everyone, who was able to do it, nodded his or her head. "Good… So it's official… But why do I have so such bad feelings about it..?"