March 27, 2012, 5:36 p.m.
March 27, 2012, 5:36 p.m.
'we r going back on the 2nd, Blaine ur running out of time'
Blaine sat in his living room faintly listening to the TV, which was playing the classic claymation rudolph movie. He sighed at his phone, Rachel was right. He was running out of time; even though January second was a whole week away, it was a week of holiday. It was Christmas eve and there was no way his parents would let leave the house at 7:30pm the day before the biggest holiday of the year. He grimaced and started his reply.
'I would see him tonight if it wasn't CHRISTMAS EVE, Rachel, CHRISTMAS. There is no way in hell I would be allowed to leave the house except to buy more cookies and milk!'
'Blaine, why don't you just sneak over to the hotel at like 2am'
'that won't work, I passed his house earlier his car is there'
'why did you pass his house?'
'Cooper drank it all?'
'Blaine! Just text him, and TELL HIM TO MEET YOU AT THE HOTEL!!!!!' before Blaine could reply she sent him another angry text
'and don't you say "oh Rachel, I don't have his #. Angst angst angst" BECAUSE I KNOW YOU HAVE HIS # MEMORIZED' Blaine smiled a little.
"What's so funny Blaine?" his mom asked. "Blaine sweetie, please. It's Christmas, don't be on your phone"
"sorry mom, just let me tell Rachel I can't talk."
He picked up his phone under his mothers constant glare.
'fine, Rachel. I'll text him right now. Moms getting mad, no more phone on Christmas eve. But she didn't say anything about having sex with Kurt ;)' he went to text Kurt quickly before his mother noticed.
'Hey Kurt its Blaine. I want t-' before he could finished his phone buzzed and a text from Rachel popped up on his screen.
'dear lord, Blaine your killing me. It's not fair.' he laughed a little; his mom noticed this time,
"Blaine, get off your phone."
"H-hold on mom" said trying to concentrate on texting Kurt.
'to meet me at your hotel-'
"Blaine, I'm going to take it-" his mother said threateningly. He panicked a little based on the fact of what he just texted Rachel, he did NOT want his mother seeing that. He rushed through the rest of his text quickly.
'tonight at 2:30, technically tomorrow morning, I know Christmas, I want to see you.' he hit send just in time for his mother to stand and put her hand out.
"really mom? I'm 17." Blaine asked looking up at his mother her curly black hair falling over her hazel-green eyes as she looked at him, her hand moved forward a bit. He slapped his phone down in her palm and she smiled, shoving it in her back pocket and sitting back down next to his father. He stood and grabbed a book of of the book case, the light blue cover of 'Mockingjay' stood out. He walked to the sitting room but didn't read the book. He simply watched the snow fall outside. It was getting heavy, his and Kurt's cars would definitely be iced over. He knew Kurt wouldn't care. He didn't know how long he sat, staring outside and eventually resorted to reading the book. He knew it was dark and he soon needed to turn on a lamp but that was hard to judge the time by because of the storm. His mom came into the room, she had a green, pink and white striped nightgown on.
"Blaine, you need to go to bed it's 2am. Here's your phone" his mom said her finger on the light and his phone in her hand. He panicked a little but knew he couldn't show it in front of his mother.
"What? Oh, gosh. Sorry mom, thanks." he said standing up and grabbing his phone. He walked down the hall, she followed him slowly. He didn't know what made him do it, maybe the fact that they were alone and she had always been so accepting, but he stopped on the third step and addressed her.
"Mom, I still have feelings for Kurt." he said quickly.
"what? Sweetie, oh-" She said sadly. Blaine bent his head and stared at the floor. His mom put her hands on his shoulders. "I know, Blaine. I KNOW you're not happy with Sebastian, Hun-" she took a dramatic pause pulling his chin up so he looked into her eyes. "I just want to know, why are you still with Sebastian if you're still in love with Kurt?" he thought for a moment he really didn't know, he had so much angst about Kurt, he didn't want to be alone again.
"I can't bare to be alone mom. I have all these feelings about Kurt inside me, I guess- I guess I put them on Sebastian so- so that I can- put them into something- and I just-" he pause his mouth open trying to form words and holding back the lump in his throat. "Mom, I'm just leading him on but- but I can't leave him- I'm such a terrible person." he bent his head over again and a sob passed his lips. His mother pulled him into her chest and cradled his head as he cried.
"Blaine, do you care about Sebastian? Like, as a friend?" she asked into his hair.
"yeah, he's a great guy- just not the one for me." blaine looked up at her face.
"Then leave him, Blaine- the longer this goes the more it's going to hurt him. What if he falls in love with you, like you have with Kurt. Imagine the heartache he would have to go through watching you be happy with Kurt, if he feels like this about you." she put her hand to his heart, the one that ached for Kurt everyday. Blaine imagined seeing Kurt happy with someone else, after all they've been through. His heart jerked angrily, he wouldn't force Sebastian to feel that way. "this may sound horrible, but- push him away before he gets too attached." Blaine furrowed his eyebrows guiltily and stepped away from his mother. "I will- but, I have to go. I'm meeting Kurt soon." he didn't want to tell her but he thought she needed to know. Her eyes went wide for a second then closed. She bent her head.
"Ok,-" she sighed "when?"
"I should go soon to see him on time." Blaine could tell she wanted to say no, and lock him in his room but she didn't.
"You better come home before your father wakes up. If he finds out you stayed at a hotel having- staying with Kurt, he would have a cow."
"Yes mom." he said smiling. He kissed her on the cheek and she watched as he shoved his phone in his pocket, threw on a button coat and looped a green plaid scarf around his neck. He looked back at his mom still staring at him, what was that look? Pride? Love? He went with pride, he had found a love for the rest of his life, and she was happy for him. "thank you mom, I really love him. This is definitely it, he's the one. Merry Christmas" she smiled wide.
"I hope so, he's a really good one." Blaine grabbed his keys and ran out the door into the the snow drifts. His car wasn't iced over badly, just a few smacks with his keys and he was able to get in. He started the car and turned the heat on high. There was a foot of snow outside and he wanted the car to be as hot as possible, trying to melt the snow around him. He looked at his phone, 2:10, he had time. He revved the engine. Steam went up around the car. He tried backing out, he managed to get to the empty street. He started on his way to the hotel on 2nd, across town.
He stopped his car and checked the time again. 2:25. He took a deep breath and got out of his car. He looked around the parking lot, there were a few cars but then he spotted it, Kurt's green van and the small rainbow sticker on the back. Blaine smiled remembering the origin of that sticker. Blaine looked up the wall of hotel and saw a light on in a window on the 2nd floor. He reached Kurt's room which already had the do not disturb sign on it. He knocked three times and the door opened on the third.
"I heard your car." Kurt said simply. Blaine grabbed Kurt's biceps and pushed him forward, in one movement he kicked the door closed and had Kurt pinned to the inside of the door. Kurt looked into his eyes, deep way into his soul. They gazed at each other for a moment, holding eye contact like this, it was the kind of intimacy they they'd always had. Even if had been a week since they had last seen each other, it was like they had never left.
"I love you Blaine." Kurt whispered very quietly. Blaine felt Kurt's hands clench on the sides of Blaine's coat, trying to pull him closer, if that were possible. Blaine just continued to stare, he had told his mother that Kurt was the one, that no matter what he would be with Kurt. Now that he was here gazing into Kurt's eyes he knew that was true. He pulled away a bit, taking his weight off of Kurt, and looked him head to toe. He was barefoot and had the same jeans from before. He had a big cozy red Christmas sweater on, with three Teddy bears smiling. Blaine grabbed each side of the sweater and pulled it off of Kurt's torso with grace. Kurt's hands fell to Blaine's shoulders pulled at the sleeves of his coat. Blaine also tore at his scarf.
"why do you bundle up so much when you come to meet me?" Kurt asked jokingly as tugged at Blaine's thin t-shirt. Blaine tugged at Kurt's waist and pulled him to the bed. For a second they both paused, Kurt looked questioningly at Blaine. He knew what he wanted so he turned so his back was facing the bed and pulled Kurt to lean over him. Kurt leaned in to kiss Blaine but he pulled away crawling backwards up the bed. "Blaine! What are you doing?" Kurt said irritated.
"I don't know, slowly torturing you I guess." Blaine said giving Kurt a sarcastic grin. Blaine stopped at the head board and laid back. Kurt smiled at him and sat next to him and sighed. Kurt turned around and leaned on his left elbow. He put his hand on Blaine's bare chest, right above his heart. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, pulling him closer. Kurt's skin was hot to the touch, a comfortable steady heat that Blaine missed being next to him. For some time, Blaine just laid there with Kurt in his arms. They didn't talk, Blaine just took in the fact that Kurt was with him. After months of wanting and lazily trying to get over him Blaine was with the love of his life once more.
Kurt lounged on Blaine's chest. They were together and Kurt was so happy he would have thought he was dreaming. They hadn't spoken for a while and Kurt wanted to talk, it made him feel closer to him than cuddling did. Kurt turned to rest his chin on Blaine's shoulder, cushioning it with his hand.
"Blaine, how did you know to come here last week?" Kurt asked quietly.
"Rachel." Blaine said looking down to Kurt. He laughed.
"Why didn't I guess that?" Kurt said laughing with Blaine. Things became quiet again and Kurt had more questions. He hesitated but he asked anyway,
"What about Sebastian, I know you're with him but yet you've come here twice." Blaine sighed heavily. Kurt couldn't tell if he sounded annoyed because of Sebastian in general or the fact that Kurt asked.
"I'm going to leave him. I'm just stringing him along and Kurt- I care about him and I can't treat him like that. Like my mom said, let him go before he gets too attached." Kurt bit his lip, he pondered for a second. He was going back to New York, his amazing classes at NYADA, in a week. Though Kurt still wanted to be with Blaine. He also didn't want Blaine to be alone.
"I love you Blaine, and I know you feel the same. But I don't want you to be lonely while I'm gone-now that you're leaving Sebastian." Kurt said looking directly into Blaine's eyes, his soul, his heart. When Blaine looked at him Kurt could see far into his heart, where it really lies. The love in Blaine's chest seemed to crawl to every inch of his face when he looked at Kurt. By now Kurt was used to this look but it still set his heart to beat fast. Kurt looked at the clock. 2:50. They had been laying there just being together for twenty minutes. He remembered when they decided on this arrangement in august, taking a break and maybe seeing other people. Kurt remembered how he had made the moment ten times more painful with one word. Kids. He remembered the pained look on Blaine's face. He had waited for a whole minute for Blaine to do anything, and when Blaine came back to the world he said one thing, kids. Then Blaine had started to cry. Kurt hated seeing Blaine cry, especially if he had caused it. Kurt knew that in that moment Blaine had thought of names, and adoptions and surrogates, faces, voices, personalities. He knew because he read it on Blaine's face as his imagination took over his mind.
"Blaine, when I'm in New York, I don't want you to feel bound by this relationship. Enjoy the rest of your senior year."
"I will, for you. But these parts of my senior year are definitely going to the best." Blaine said. Without warning he grabbed Kurt's shoulders and rolled onto him. Kurt's stomach rolled over in reaction to Blaine who was sitting on Kurt's hips, straddling him. Kurt's hand fell naturally to Blaine's hips. He giggled nervously as Blaine's lips slammed down on his. Kurt pulled his hands up the length of Blaine's spine and resting them around Blaine's neck. The kiss deepened and with every stroke of Blaine's tongue across his, a wave a heat went through Kurt. Blaine started to move his hips lightly with rhythm of the kiss. Kurt held on to Blaine's shoulders, trying to pull him impossibly close. Blaine continued to move his hips with Kurt's. All rational thought was slowly oozing out of Kurt's brain as Blaine's movements became more powerful. Kurt let out a throaty moan in between kisses. Blaine broke the kiss and hummed into Kurt's neck, kissing it over and over. One thing was left in Kurt's head as Blaine's hands went to his belt. Blaine sat up, concentrating on his mission. Kurt's breath came quick and heavy, he closed his eyes, letting the moment sink in. Blaine pulled the waistband of Kurt's pants down and Kurt kicked them away eagerly. Blaine's hands left Kurt for a moment and Kurt hitched his breath, keeping his eyes shut in lust.
"Blaine." Kurt said with a moan, opening his eyes to watch Blaine above him. Blaine smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him. He held onto Kurt's shoulders and rolled over, wedging Kurt between his legs. "I love you." Kurt said finishing his sentence. He pushed forward and Blaine hummed into the movement. He sat up, clutched Kurt's shoulders and buried his face into his neck, moaning softly with Kurt. Kurt held him close, as close as possible. They became one mass of skin, sweat, and lust as they moved slowly together. Blaine let out a small yelp and inhaled deeply, Kurt knew he had hit the spot that would send Blaine over the edge. He repeated the sounds a few times and it slowly became several small whimpers.
"Kurt-" Blaine said weakly. Kurt hummed, knowing he had succeeded in turning Blaine into a pile of lustful jelly, he continued moving his hips slowly as he held a whimpering Blaine in his arms. Blaine had a death grip on Kurt's shoulders, his fingers dug into his shoulders painfully but Kurt didn't care. Blaine continued to whimper loudly, a heartbreaking sound that made Kurt hold him closer. Kurt buried Blaine into his chest, realizing that Blaine had rebellious tears running down his face. Kurt pulled his face up and kissed him softly, the kiss gained power as Blaine ran his hands through Kurt's hair. Blaine broke the kiss. Their foreheads were touching, their noses brushed against each other and their lips where an inch apart. "I love you, Kurt." Blaine whispered. He kept making small whimpers as Kurt's moved his hips slowly, picking up power. "Kurt!" he nearly shouts. The soft whimpers became loud yelps, and they died out again. They both moaned loudly together and their movement stopped. Kurt held Blaine against him, both breathing heavily letting small moans escape as they breathed together. Blaine went limp in Kurt's arms, he rested his face on Kurt's shoulders. Blaine's arms hung loosely over his shoulders. Kurt held his rib cage tight, not ever wanting to be apart. As they held each other Kurt's breathing slowed but Blaine still sat, limp and panting goo in his arms. Kurt slackened his grip slightly and Blaine didn't protest so he pulled Blaine away and they both laid down on the bed, side by side. The ceiling fan created a cool breeze and they both decided to curl up under the sheets. Kurt's head began to clear as the rush of arousal left his system. Blaine turned over an looked at the clock on Kurt's bedside table. He groaned, turning back over to face Kurt. He looked at Blaine questioningly,
"3:08" Blaine said. "We have until at least 7 when my parents wake up" finishing his sentence, Blaine got off the bed and walked over to the small iPod docking station. "I don't know about you but I'm in the mood for some music. Kurt sat up,
"oh, play some Train."
"OK. Hmm, oh! I heard this one on the radio and thought of you." Blaine put the iPod back in the speaker as the song started. He curled up next to Kurt. He lay there, listening closely to the lyrics he had heard a thousand times, this time he really felt them as he held Blaine next to him tight. This made Blaine think of him, he imagined Blaine singing this to him and it broke his heart.
And as I float along this ocean
I can feel you like a notion that won't seem to let me go
Cause when I look to the sky something tells me you're here with me
And you make everything alright
And when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with me
And I can always find my way when you are here
And every word I didn't say that caught up in some busy day
And every dance on the kitchen floor we didn't have before
And every sunset that we'll miss I'll wrap them all up in a kiss
And pick you up in all of this when I sail away
And as I float along this ocean
I can feel you like a notion that I hope will never leave
Whether I am up or down or in or out or just plane overhead
Instead it just feels like it is impossible to fly
But with you I can spread my wings
to see me over everything that life may send me
When I am hoping it won't pass me by
Blaine's body started to shake again, small whimpers left him. Kurt rubbed circles in his back as he cried. Kurt squeezed his eyes shut trying not to let those small, weak sobs rip at his emotions. It was extremely difficult though, Blaine had never been this emotional before, Kurt didn't know exactly what to do except hold him. It seemed to be working, the song ended and Blaine calmed a little. He nuzzled Kurt's neck.
"don't you ever change- Kurt. And just stay mine forever." Blaine said into Kurt's chest. Kurt had the feeling that Blaine didn't want that to be out loud, but he hummed affectionately. They had about 4 hours until they would have to apart again, Kurt dreaded that moment as he set his phone to warn them at 6:45. Kurt threw his phone to the foot of the bed and curled back up next to Blaine.
"I will stay yours forever Blaine. Merry Christmas sweetheart." he said to the sleeping Blaine. Kurt closed his eyes with bliss and dozed of to sleep.