March 27, 2012, 5:36 p.m.
March 27, 2012, 5:36 p.m.
Blaine sat with Tina and Artie at graduation. Figgins called names and the band played Pomp and Circumstance but Blaine was numb, he needed to be strong for Kurt.
"Rachel Berry" Figgins announced as Rachel trotted along the stage smiling wide. Blaine and Tina stood and cheered while Artie waved a flag. They waited as more unknown seniors were called. "Mike Chang." Tina yelled happy, incoherent words and tears ran down her face. Blaine reached over and patted her shoulder. She smiled at him.
"At least you know what I'm going through" she said quietly. Blaine gave her a teary smile. They clapped lightly as students crossed the stage and cheered loudly for the glee club members. Then one name Blaine didn't want to hear.
"Kurt Hummel." Blaine jumped up and screamed loudly for his boyfriend. Artie and Tina cheered and several of the seniors clapped as well, Kurt was obviously more liked than he thought. He beamed at the audience and did an adorable little bow. Blaine laughed a little wanting Kurt to catch his eye. Kurt looked him and winked. The crowd was quieting down and Tina hit Blaine's shoulder encouragingly. Then, still holding eye contact with Kurt, Blaine took the chance.
"I love you Kurt!" he yelled loudly. Kurt's face turned pink and he blew a kiss to Blaine. He laughed with Tina and Artie as he sat down. After all the seniors were called the valedictorian had another short speech and Blaine watched Kurt as he moved his tousle. That movement would tear them apart, Kurt was going to NYADA across the country and Blaine still didn't know what they were going to do. Hats flew into the air and Blaine clapped still watching Kurt, as he hugged Rachel, Finn, Puck, Santana, and laughed. Blaine saw Tina running down to the crowd and Blaine walked down behind her, pushing Artie. Artie reassured Blaine that he would survive and that he needed to see Kurt. Blaine heard Kurt's laugh behind him and turned to see Kurt inches from his face.
"I was going to sneak up on you, but Puck made me laugh." Kurt said trying not to laugh, he grabbed Blaine's hand casually as if it belonged there and had finally found home. Puck walked up behind Kurt and laughed.
"what did you say?" Blaine asked.
"I said it was impossible to sneak up on a hobbit."
"Puck! you're so mean." Blaine said jokeingly. The rest of his day was filled with everyone in the New Directions and he did things he would not admit to his parents.
The summer with Kurt was definitley the best two and a half months of his life. They were together almost everyday and Blaine spent so may nights at Kurts house they had to pack a suitcase in august so he could have half of his wardrobe back. That month went by way to fast for Blaine's comfort. He wanted to stay in those two weeks with Kurt forever. A strange kind of anxiety began to build in Blaine's chest. He didn't know what they were gonna do about thier relationship while Kurt went to NYADA and Blaine still had to stay in Ohio and finish school. So, one day, just a week before Kurt had to leave Blaine brought it up.
"Kurt, what are we going to do?" Blaine said into the warm chest next to him.
"What do you mean Blaine?" Kurt asked as he shifted his body so he would have eye contact with Blaine.
"I mean you're leaving for New York TOMORROW. We have been putting off this conversation way to long and i know neither of us wants to have this conversation but it needs to be done, and I'm not going to see you in person for months." Blaine said trying to hold back tears. Kurt noticed the tightness in his breath and pulled him in for a soft kiss. "Kurt how are we going to deal with the distance."
"I know, distance sucks. I've been thinking about it too, and Blaine if- while I'm gone- you find someone-"
"You think we should take a break don't you." Blaine said standing up, a little angry. "Kurt we found eachother, despite everything we fell in love and we're meant to be! You can't just end it like that."
"I know that Blaine! We are made for eachother and I'm not gonna be happy with anyone else, but what I'm saying is if you need to- entertain yourself when I-"
"I want you to have someone to go to! This is your senior year and trust me, those 'I have a boyfriend' chains are not fun at all when you never see said boyfriend."
"I just wan't you to be happy and have fun, and if our relationship could potentially be a domestic one with, like, a dog or- or kids, then we will find each other again. I'm sure of it." Blaine simply stared at Kurt for a while. Kids. Blaine had never thought of that before. Of course he dreamed daily of his relationship with Kurt becoming domestic. Living in New York where gay marrige was legal and then Kurt would be his husband. That word haunted him constantly, but when it was on his mind it made him giddy. Kids though, with that spoken word things started to run through Blaine's head and he couldn't control them in the slightest. Doing what Rachel's dads did, having just one child but never knowing which one it biologically belonged to. Finding a surogant and having twins, one Blaine's and one Kurt's. Then names came swooping into his mind. William, Tyler, Rory, Claire, Rose, Nicole, and with each name an unknown face that looked simalar to either him or Kurt. There was one toddler, that had been i his head for a while but was genetically impossibe, her name was Hannah and she had long curly black hair just like his and his mother's. Her eyes were a bright grey-blue and she had the cutest pointed nose, both just like Kurt's. Blaine looked at Kurt, and actually saw him.
"Don't leave me-" Blaine said, with all the hurt leaving in his chest and his voice cracking. He stumbled into Kurt's arms and cried, heavy, loud sobs racked his body. He felt so safe in Kurt's arms, he never wanted to be so far from that feeling. Kurt rudded soothing circles into his back, Blaine tightened his grip on Kurt's waist, squeezing him as if that would keep him there forever.
"But Blaine i can't just not go to NYADA, you know I've always-"
"I know Kurt, I love you and i want you to be happy. I just don't thing I can handle a break like that." Blaine said looking up at Kurt. They looked into eachother's eyes, Kurt's family room was empty. Finn was probably in the kichen eating and Kurt's parents were in Washington D.C. Blaine grabbed Kurt's tie and kissed him hard on the lips. Kurt's arms wrapped under Blaine's arms as he moved them around Kurt's neck. Blaine moved his lips with Kurt's, he wanted to be so close to Kurt; he moved his hands to cup Kurt's face. Kurt ran his tongue across Blaine's and hummed into the kiss. Blaine felt Kurt's arms lower and pull their bodies closer. Blaine hummed in response and broke the kiss. He looked down, nuzzling his nose on Kurt's clavicle. he tightened his arms, and Kurt tightened his too. They hugged eachother tight, unable to let go. Kurt moved a hand to the back of Blaine's head; cradling it. Blaine squeezed his eyes shut, he tried to imagine them in a house alone, a place they would always be alone. Kurt made a sound that surprised him, he was trying to stifle sobs. Kurt's body shook, it hit Blaine like a punch in the gut. he raised his head enough to press his lips on Kurt's temple. Kurt tried to speak but stopped in the middle of his incoherent sentence, Blaine took a deep breath with Kurt, who was trying to slow the tremors going through him. He pulled away and Blaine looked into his eyes.
"Blaine, I've said it before and I'll say it until the day i die-" Blaine looked at him questioningly. "I love you and I will never say a final goodbye to you. Except on my death bed." The words hit Blaine, he really thought about the meaning, He let out the air he had been holding in a sort of mix between a laugh and a sob. He clung to Kurt's shoulders in a desprate attempt to keep them there with him forever. He heard a knock on the wall behind him, both he and Kurt jumped and turned around.
"Oh, uh. I'll just leave you guys alone." said Finn awkwardly.
"No Finn, its ok. really." Kurt says sitting on the couch and grabbing the remote control off the arm of the sofa. Blaine turned back around from Finn to see Kurt- not so descretely- wiping tears from his eyes. Blaine sat close next to him locked their fingers together. Finn plopped down in the wide chair to their right.
"Are you sure you guys are OK?"
"Yes Finn. Just please, shut up and watch the show." Kurt said a little angrily. Blaine squeezed his hand reasuringly, they sat and mindlessly watched TV for a while. They sat, holding eachother as Finn laughed and yelled at the TV. Seven O'Clock rolled around and the sun was setting outside. Blaine looked out to the sunset, the way the sky changed from yellow to orange, to pink, purple and blue always shocked Blaine. He stood up with Kurt's hand still intertwined with his.
"I should be getting home Kurt. We should go." Blaine said turning to Kurt who stood quickly.
"Lets go then. I need to get out of here" Kurt said with a whisper, gesturing toward Finn. Blaine led them out the door as Kurt grabbed his keys off the hook. The long car ride to the outskirts of Westerville was one Kurt could drive in his sleep. He was relaxed as he drove down the nearly empty interstate, he looked to his right to find a snoozing Blaine slumped in the passenger seat of his navigator. He laughed a little and placed his hand on Blaine's left knee, squeezing it affectionately. Blaine shifted in the seat and looked up at Kurt smiling.
"Why are you smiling at me like I am some lost puppy? Kurt?" Blaine asked leaning on Kurt's side, trying not to disrupt his driving.
"Because you look like one when you sleep." Kurt said laughing like it should have been commen knowledge.
"Do not"
"Do to." Kurt said as he turned into the exit leading to Blaine's large home outside Westerville. They sat quiet until Kurt finally pulled into Blaine's driveway. Blaine opened his door and met Kurt on the other side, walking hand-in-hand to his front door. Blaine looked in to see an empty and dark house. He smiled and dug in his pocket for the key. His parents were away for business, which they did alot. He opened the door and turned on the light in the entryway,
"I don't think they would leave me here alone so much if they knew what we were doing." He said, pulling Kurt behind him up the stairs. Blaine turned around on the landing and pulled Kurt in for a soft kiss. Kurt was on the step underneath Blaine, so Blaine had his arms around Kurt's neck and head holding it close. Kurt was I the perfect place to rest his hands on Blaine's ass. Blaine let out a loud moan that rang through the hall, Kurt pulled his hips closer, their whole bodies were pressed against each other. Blaine's fingers ran through Kurt's hair and there kiss deepened, teeth smashing together with hot quick breathe. Kurt slid his hands down to the back of Blaine's thighs. Blaine pulled away and rested his forehead on Kurt's. He giggled at Kurt's goofy smile, Kurt stepped up, placing his right foot between Blaine's. Kurt stepped up to the landing and for a second Blaine thought that they would fall down the steps, he yelped as Kurt leaned back, but Kurt lunged forward slamming Blaine against the wall. Blaine groaned as all the air left his lungs, Kurt started kissing his neck and the sensation made him gasp and air rushed backed into his lungs. He let the air out in a heavy moan,
"Kurt." He said letting his head slump onto Kurt's shoulder. Kurt readjusted him on his hips with a powerful thrust upward that slammed Blaine into the wall again. He groaned, he was feeling like his clothes were a prison instead of a place of safety. The bow tie and tight suspenders were going to slowly kill him. He took his hands off Kurt and pulled the suspenders away, they snapped his hips, but what should have hurt like hell didn't click in his brain. Kurt pushed against him again and he could feel Kurt hard on him. He started scrambling to touch Kurt, to explore the lengths of his entire body that Blaine was so familiar with. He went to strip Kurt of his vest, his fingers shook with urgency and his entire body trembled with need. Kurt still had his hands on Blaine's ass, supporting him, but they moved to his shirt pulling the bottom out of his pants. Blaine reluctantly pulled away from Kurt placing his feet back on the ground he finally had reach and pulled Kurt's shirt out of his pants. They pulled at each others buttons for a moment in a jumble of shaking fingers and pained moans. Blaine pushed Kurt's shirts off his shoulders and tossed it onto the ground. He slammed his lips to to Kurt's again. He put his hands flat on Kurt's chest and started to shuffle lightly down the hall pushing Kurt in front of him all the way to his room. Kurt held onto his arms trying to keep his balance, they left the door wide open and Blaine stopped in the doorway, he watched as Kurt went to sit on the bed and took off his jeans. Blaine stood in the doorway taking in the sight of Kurt lounging on his bed reaching out to him. Blaine pulled away his short sleeve button shirt.
"God, Blaine. How many times have I told you how beautiful you are?" Kurt said as Blaine walked closer to him. Blaine stood between Kurt's legs and held the flawless face of his boyfriend in his hands.
"Plenty of times sweetie." Blaine said smiling into a deep kiss. Kurt started crawling back, keeping their lips together, on the bed. They were sprawled our across it, both almost naked. Blaine looked into Kurt's eyes, his pupils were dilated and his normally shining turquoise eyes were a deep blue. He dug his face into Kurt's shoulder, moaning softly as he rolled his hips against Kurt's. They continued moving together, just taking in the others presence for hours. Blaine never wanted to be apart from him, he thought he could put in a lifetime of closeness into this one night. He knew it was impossible though. He held Kurt as he writhed in pleasure underneath him. He called out Blaine's name, over and over, clutching him tight. Blaine new he never wanted to let go, he saw tears fill Kurt's eyes but never leave them. He pulled Kurt up into his lap and held him close to his chest.
"I don't WANT to leave you Blaine." Kurt exclaimed into Blaine's collar bone. "I love you, so much Blaine." he said still breathing heavy. He moaned slightly, and dug his fingers into Blaine's back. "I'll never say goodbye to you." he said slowly, letting his breathing slow. Blaine pulled away and let them lay side by side on the bed. He turned to Kurt and laid on his chest, he wrapped his arms tightly around Kurt's middle and burrowed into his collar bone.
"You've told me before, I know we will never really be apart." he sighed sleepily into Kurt's chest. Kurt reach over and turned off the lamp, making the room dark.
"I'm going to miss you Blaine." Kurt said, Blaine felt a small kiss on the top if his head. He hummed in content and yawned.
"I love you, Kurt." he said , he felt so at peace with the world, he fell asleep almost immediately. He didn't hear Kurt's reply, he didn't need to. He knew it was there. It would always be there. Always.
i'm quite speecless + my english fails me (its not mt first language), so sorry, i can't find any other words than: this is freaking amazing! :) waiting for an update!