Oct. 20, 2012, 1:52 p.m.
Oct. 20, 2012, 1:52 p.m.
He grabbed his bag and his phone and made his way through the schools halls and towards the study hall, having decided on skipping breakfast. Wes and David looked up as he walked in, they shot him smiles as he sat down but went straight back to their work, which, was once again being down at the last minute. Blaine smirked and pulled out his phone, and started to text his girlfriend.
Good Morning! How're you? I've got two free periods last, want me to come over to McKinley? X
The reply was quick. Blaine knew she'd be up applying make up or something.
Morning! I'm great! And YES! The new guy Sam keeps flirting with me, and he won't take a hint! Come and show I'm yours! Xx
Blaine sent back an affirmative and looked up at Wes.
"Hey Wes, I'm skipping Warbler practise this afternoon." Wes didn't even look up as he replied.
"No your not. You can't. unless that girl of yours is finally putting out. The girl none of has met." Blaine scowled.
"You're an ass. There's no chance of sex, because she's a hardcore Christian," Plus I'm not ready, he added in his head. Wes looked up now.
"What a downer. I'll let you go if you do my homework for me." At this, David's head shot up fast.
"If he's doing yours, he's doing mine." Blaine pretended to think about before replying.
"I'm not doing either. Do it yourself and don't leave things till the last minute. You guys can't stop me so I'm going." Wes frowned but said no more, then both of them went back to their work, leaving Blaine with a smirk on his face.
The day had been long and draining. Blaine ran to his dorm at lunch, skipping that meal too. He dropped off his bag, deciding to his homework when he got back. Then he grabbed his car keys and ran through the building to his car. It would take him a while to get to McKinley and judging by the current time, he'd get there in time for the beginning of her glee club rehearsal. This theory proved correct as he pulled into the nearly empty parking lot of McKinley High.
He obviously didn't know where to go, so he was walking around for a while until he heard talking. He followed the sound and stopped in front of what he assumed was the choir room. Blaine entered, straightening his blazer as he went. A perky blonde shot up out of her seat and bounded over to him and caught him in a tight hug.
"Hey, baby." he said, placing a soft kiss on her cheek. She pulled out of the hug to smile brightly at him.
"HI!" she then grabbed his hand and turned to face the group of on looking teens. "This is Blaine, the guy I've been telling you about."
"Bit on the hobbit size for me, but he ahs a nice ass. If stretch mark's not putting out for you, you feel free to tap this, prep school." a Hispanic girl said from where she sat besides another blonde, throwing him a wink and cheeky smile. Blaine's brain had stopped at stretch mark. What did that mean?
"Not to be rude but what're you doing here?" Blaine turned to a man standing at the front of the room besides a whiteboard, a pen in his hand.
"Urm… Quinn's my girlfriend. I had a couple of free periods so I came over from Dalton to see her…" he said nervously.
"Dalton? Are you part of the Warblers?" he asked as his eyes flashed to one of the teens watching silently.
"SPY!" Blaine jumped as a tiny brunette jumped out of her seat and screamed at him. His eyes widened as she started ranting about some guy called Jesse and that he was just here to spy and get their set list for sectionals.
"Rachel, shut up. We've been dating all summer, before we knew we'd be competing against each other. And glee never comes up in any of our conversations. Not everyone uses girls to win at show choir competitions!" Quinn squeezed his hand while saying this. Rachel, however, refused to let it drop, and the got into a heated argument. Most guys would be watching this and then probably jump the girlfriend afterwards, but Blaine took this time to scan the room.
The Hispanic girl and the other blonde wore cheerleading uniforms as well as Quinn and had their pinkies linked. A Blonde haired guy was staring at Quinn intently (Blaine thought he should've been jealous or something, but it didn't bother him). A guy with a Mohawk was smiling at the fight. A really tall guy (even when sitting) was trying to Rachel attentions and get her to stop. An Asian couple were ignoring the girls and were talking and holding hands. A guy in a wheelchair looked really bored. And two more people, a guy and a girl, both very well dressed, were simply acting bored. Both had phones out. For some reason, the boy caught Blaine's eye more. He looked almost tired. Blaine shouldn't of known this but, the boy was definitely wearing concealer. He wondered maybe if this boy was bullied, it would explain why his concealer was also on his neck. Maybe he got hit there, or pushed into something that hit his neck.
"Guys! Just stop!" The man, who Blaine assumed was Mr. Schuster (He remembered Quinn mentioning him a couple of times), yelled over the girls. They quietened immediately. Quinn shot Blaine a look that he deciphered that she was sorry. He shrugged in return, not really bothered.
"Rachel if you're so worried about him stealing our set list, which we haven't even decided on yet, we can cancel glee today. Seeing as Dalton is two hours away and Blaine shouldn't of had to come all that way and get told to go back because you don't want him finding out something we haven't got yet." Blaine saw a couple of faces that looked sad at this.
"No, urm, I could wait in my car… I don't have a problem with that. You shouldn't have to cancel your glee club just because of me." Quinn smiled at him and he knew he did something right. He gave her a quick peck on cheek and turned to leave, but stopped and turned around at the door. "Also, which ever one of you is Sam," Blaine looked at the Blonde boy, not evening feeling the slightest bit of doubt in guessing who he was, "Quinn's taken, so quit with the flirting." The boy scowled and Blaine laughed at him before leaving the room.
The passenger door open and the blonde girl stepped in, shooting a warm smile at her boyfriend. He welcomed her with a kiss and she started giggling on his lips.
"What's funny?" He asked, looking into her eyes.
"Sam. After you left he was acting totally different. Usually he flirted with me every chance he gets, but today he just seemed to avoid me completely. It's funny but he's a nice guy and don't want him to avoid me just because I have a boyfriend." Blaine frowned.
"Why should he avoid you? It's not like I can stop him. If he makes moves on you then yes it's my business but I don't mind you being his friend in the slightest." Quinn smiled and kissed him lightly.
"Where do you want to go? I know for a fact my parents won't be back home till late, and even if they come back early, they love you."
"Yeah sure, but I kind of need the bathroom…" Quinn giggled again and shook her head. She gave him a few directions and he got out and ran towards the school. He followed the directions but hesitated before entering the bathroom. Only because he had a feeling someone else was in there. Brushing away that thought he open the door.
There, standing in front of the mirror, the who had had concealer was crying gently. The tears slowly falling down his cheeks. The concealer was now gone and his skin was wet, proving he had just washed it off. Underneath it, Blaine had guessed right, it had been there to cover up bruises. Bad ones too. Some purple and definitely new, while others were yellow and fading.
"Are you okay?" Blaine doesn't know what compelled him to talk, but he felt a deep running concern for this well dressed, badly hurt boy. He jumped at the voice, unaware of someone having entered the bathroom. He lifted his hands as an attempt at covering the bruises and failing miserably. "Sorry, that was a stupid question." Blaine frowned sadly. The boy just shook his head, blushing slightly.
Blaine took a few tentative steps towards him but stopped when he saw the boy visibly tense.
"What happened?" Blaine asked quietly, wishing he could comfort him properly. The boy said nothing and looked to the floor. Blaine felt a pang of some odd feeling in his chest. He couldn't explain it but he suddenly felt the need to protect him and make him happy.
"Look, I'm not going to judge you. I was bullied once, though admittedly not as bad as you. And I ran away. I regret that. But I can just tell how much this bothers you. I don't know why but I feel this need to help you," Blaine was shocked at how truthful he was being to someone he just met. "I'm not going to make assumptions, but I know first hand that teachers, especially in a school like this, turn a blind eye on bullied students. I know that even the people closest to you seem oblivious to what's going on. So you have three options. One, let it continue," The winced, "Two, run away, or three, stand up. Don't let them do it. Fight back and don't let them win." the boy looked up at him sadly. His eyes were red and tears were still streaming down his face.
"Why are you so nice?" Blaine raised his eyebrows at the question, confused.
"Erm… I'm a nice guy, I guess?" the boy shook his head.
"No, I mean… usually straight guys don't bother with me because I'm gay. Even nice ones." the boy was looking at floor as he spoke. He had obviously not expected Blaine to answer him as he jumped slightly.
"Well I'm not like other straight guys. So you like boys? There's nothing wrong with tha-" Blaine never got to finish because the boy had ran towards him and caught him in a bone crushing hug. He was shocked at the sudden display of affection, but after a second he hugged the boy in return. He knew this boy was hurting and he still wanted to help.
"It's surprising Quinn actually found a nice guy for once. Well… Finn's okay but slightly dumb, and Puck seemed okay to her but he's still sort of a dick." Blaine just listened as the boy babbled on. This must have been some sort of defence mechanism. Talking about random things to get off the subject.
"Who did this to you?" Blaine interrupt him going on about how some girl called Mercedes was really nice to Quinn last year but Quinn barely talks to her now.
The boy looked up at him, wide eyed. Hey were a blue-green colour and Blaine wasn't usually one to say 'oh their eyes are pretty' but he did it now and he shocked himself.
"Look, I'm only trying to help. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to." The boy pulled away from him and Blaine hadn't even noticed they sere still hugging. He went over to a mirror and closed his eyes as he spoke.
"David Karofsky. He's made it his mission to make my life a living hell. I get thrown into dumpsters. Pushed into lockers. Slushied. Tripped. Get called fag, homo, lady. It's horrible, Blaine." Blaine stayed silent for three reasons. One, what was going with this boy was terrible. Two, he'd remembered Blaine's name. And three, Blaine liked the way he said it. "What did you do to get away from your bullies?" he looked at Blaine with hope in his eyes. Blaine gulped, suddenly nervous.
"Well, I ran to Dalton. It has a no tolerance bullying policy, but I don't recommend this. I regret running. I wish I could've stood up and made my life better. There's only so much one can take in a perfect world. You should be stronger, I can just see you standing up to some stupid guy and him realising how idiotic he was. Running is something you might regret." The boy smiled.
"Thank you. You're a really nice guy Blaine." Blaine smiled and thanking his quick thinking mind he took out a pen and paper and wrote down some numbers.
"I want to help you, so if anything happens, call me." he handed the paper over to the boy, who looked on the verge of tears. He took it shakily and leapt in to give him a hug again.
"Thank you, so much." Blaine rubbed his back, but stopped when he winced, obviously having bruises there too.
Blaine pulled away when he felt his phone buzzing, probably Quinn wondering where he was.
"Remember to call me. Maybe I'll see you around…?" The boy realised why this sounded like a question about five seconds after Blaine spoke.
"My name's Kurt."
"Maybe I'll see you around, Kurt." Kurt smiled before Blaine left, obviously having forgotten why he was in there at all, well he remembered when he got back to Quinn's…
you aren't pushing it, very nice beginning. i would like to see where you take it! :)
i know it says it'll be klaine, but oh my god, having blaine with quinn is TORTURE! :P
So good
This story is amazing! I can't wait till it updates:D
Eeeek! I am getting addicted to this story :')
Hi. Yeah. Omg. That was. I'm speechless... This story is really good. Like sooooo amazing. As for the beta thing, I wouldn't mind helping you out :) (just gonna be honest, I've never been one so...)
great chapter
im pretty sure ill love this story!