Sept. 5, 2013, 4:18 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 4:18 p.m.
"How do you think will they take the news?" a concerned Nick asked a relaxed Jeff. Maybe a little bit too relaxed for Nick's liking.
"How we'll take what?" asked Blaine after taking his coat of. Winter decided to stop by early this year which was great for the fashion industry as he got from Kurt's monologues about how he needs to start early on mid-season collection for a cheaper price which will be sold out in a week.
"Uhm, you better sit down for this one." Jeff said. He sat down together with Nick and took his hand. He was feeling like some kind of new Darth Vader betraying him like that.
"Guys you're scaring me. What's going on?"
"Well, I've got a new job." Nick said
"That's awesome?"
"It's in London."
"Oh." Blaine said disappointed.
"Before you ask- yes we're moving to London together. Domino Record wants him Blaine, it's a big deal for us." Jeff said with a small smile, squeezing Nick's hand in reassurance.
"Wow, Nick that's great! I'm so happy for you guys, all of your dreams are coming true."
"Yeah, about that..."
"Oh my God, wait what's happening with the club?"
"And that's what we wanted to talk about with you. We sold it."
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Blaine was furious.
"Nope. But he seems like a nice guy and in the contract we made it clear he may not fire all of you so you're safe."
"But still, it's your club Jeff! You worked hard to get the reputation and the customers. Now you're throwing it all away?"
"You don't understand it, do you? Blaine, my dream came true and I enjoyed it while I could. It's time to move on, to make new dreams come true. If that means selling the club I worked my ass of for, I'll do it. That's just a part of the things we have to do to make the next dream, which is so much better than having an own successful club, come true. You have to sacrifice things in order to get better ones in life Blaine. If selling the club helps me to pay for the apartment in London, where my fiancé and I will live, while he will live his dream than I won't even hesitate to do it. I'd do anything for Nick to be happy."
Blaine sighed and stood up. He went around the table to Jeff and Nick who stood up too.
"I love you guys, you know that?"
"Yeah we do Blainers. " Nick said as Blaine pulled them both into a hug.
"And we love you too. " Jeff added.
Blaine stepped away to look at his best friends. " Good luck in London. And you mister big producer better send me some good vinyls!"
Nick chuckled. "Will do."
Early autumn in New York was something everybody liked except Kurt. Kurt loved every aspect of an early autumn. Finally it was cool enough to wear a scarf, boots or a coat, which meant two things for him: 1. Wearing his favorite pieces on a daily basis and 2. Making a brand new mid-season collection (which he enjoyed too much).
The only problem was he had no inspiration, or not too much at least.
While he was in a relationship with Sebastian he had no problem to see ordinary things and noticing the extraordinary in them. He was seeking happiness in the smallest things, not on purpose of course.
Now nothing was good as Blaine's good morning kisses when he stayed the night. (Not that they had sex yet, but waking up to him was something he insisted on doing as much as possible.) Or his smile every time Kurt handed him a cup of coffee. Or the color of his eyes while he looked at Kurt when he was laughing.
Yeah, life was beautiful at the moment but the mid-season collection won't design itself.
"Why are you throwing another piece of paper away? Do you know how many trees died for that paper?" Valerie said in her best fake ecology freak voice.
"Because the designs sucks. And don't you dare giving me lessons missy, I'm recycling it!"
"No inspiration?"
"Nope. Nada. Rien. Niente. Nichts. Ništa."
„Wow, how many languages was that?"
"6 but I'm only fluent in 3 of them."
Valerie snorted. "Only 3. Man your life isn't easy."
"Well right now it isn't because I need an inspiration ASAP."
"I heard rumours that Chanel is doing some kind of navy chic."
"Are you sure? That doesn't make any sense."
"Yeah, to get the feeling of a lingering summer."
"Fuck. That's genius."
"Kurt that's Chanel, what did you expect?"
"Classy and boring, but still fabulous. "
"You win."
"Not until I design something that will be better."
"You will. Stick to your motto."
"I have a motto?"
"Duuh, of course you have."
"How come I'm not aware of that."
"You said it like years ago, maybe you don't remember it."
Kurt gave her his best bitch glare. "Do I look like I know what you're talking about?"
"Then tell me what my motto is."
"Fashion with passion."
Kurt slumped down in his chair and sighed. "I'm screwed."
Kurt was setting the table when Blaine unlocked the door with the key Kurt gave him two weeks ago as a one month anniversary gift (which Blaine adored).
"Hi honey, I'm home." Blaine said while taking of his coat and shoes in the hallway. Kurt came from behind, wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and pressed his lips against Blaine's cold ones.
"Hello." Kurt smiled and nuzzled into his neck. "I missed you today. No calls, no messages. Did something happen?"
"Actually it did." Blaine turned around in Kurt's hold and put his arms around Kurt's neck.
"Are you okay?" Kurt asked concerned.
"Yeah. It's just a lot to take in I guess."
"What happened?"
"Nick and Jeff are moving to London. Nick has got a new job there he always wanted. Jeff is moving with him and he sold the Factory."
"Oh my God, this can't be true. Jeff was the perfect owner!"
"I know. He was a perfect boss too. They told us that the new guy is okay so we don't have to fear big changes or getting fired. I guess that's at least the only positive thing in all of this."
Kurt took Blaine's hand and led him to the living room. He sat on the sofa and put Blaine's legs in his lap. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's slim waist. Kurt cupped his cheek and leaned in to kiss him in reassurance.
"I don't want them to go." Blaine choked out while tears started streaming down his face. "They are the only ones who always support me and love me no matter what."
Kurt's heart shattered at Blaine's words. He knew about his boyfriend's parents and how they never really accepted him or told him that they love him since he came out. Right now the only thing he wanted more than anything in the world was to take Blaine's pain away.
"They will always support and love you wherever they are honey. And besides you still have me."
"Yeah I know, but it doesn't change the fact that I'll miss them like crazy."
Kurt's hold around Blaine tightened and Blaine nuzzled his face in the crook of Kurt's neck. They just sat like that for a few minutes until Blaine stopped crying.
"Thank you." Blaine told Kurt and gave him a small grateful smile.
"I'm always here for you, remember that." Blaine's smile just grew wider as Kurt took a deep breath before saying something he wanted for a while now.
"I love you Blaine. So, so much."
Blaine couldn't believe it. They were in a relationship for a month and a half, but after what Sebastian did he didn't expect to hear those words so soon. He was speechless until Kurt started talking again.
"... so don't think I expect from you to say it back, I only need you to know that..." and Kurt was cut off with a deep kiss.
"Of course I love you too. I just zoned out for a second, sorry for that."
"What were you thinking about? Something like how all of this is unlikely to happen for someone like you?" Kurt said a bit sarcastic.
"Actually yes. Good things don't happen to me, and here you are making my life a fairy tale."
"I feel you. Sometimes everything seems surreal to me too."
"Yeah. You know, in the end I've got the guy and my dream job in a city I love. I still wake up in the morning and wonder how that happened."
"Don't ask how it happened because nobody deserves it more than you. Just enjoy it."
"But you need to help me with it, cuddling alone is hard work!"
Blaine kissed him playfully on the lips. "Alright, but first dinner which was cooked by the most amazing boyfriend ever."
"I thought he just came home from work?"
Blaine looked him once again in the eyes before he repeated those 3 little words that meant everything to both of them.
A few days ago
"So Hunter, tell me if you found something new for me to conquer. You know, something new. Not a restaurant or a hotel. That's getting boring." Sebastian said while lighting up a cigarette. Cigarettes were his new way of coping after ending in the hospital with a blue eye and a broken nose.
"What did you have in mind?"
"Maybe club or an old bookstore I can turn into a hipster paradise with coffee and old music? Something like that. Something I haven't done yet. Something fresh."
"You should find a proper job. Buying potential elite hotels or other properties and giving it a makeover so you could sell it for more and make even more money you could invest cannot be a job Sebastian." Hunter, his personal assistant/occasional fuck buddy, complained while searching for something challenging for Sebastian.
"If I get a proper job you're losing yours. Are you sure you want that?"
"Not necessarily."
Sebastian laughed at that. "I'm not going to pay you for sex, I can get plenty of that for free."
"Fuck you. I didn't mean it like that."
"Then what?"
"There's a pretty little club searching for a manager or a buyer. We could split the job."
"Yeah right. Have I ever heard of it?"
"Oh yes you have." Said Hunter and catching Sebastian's attention with that.
"Which one?"
"The Factory."
Sebastian just smiled smugly. After leaving Kurt alone for weeks and not even attempting anything during NYFW it was time to make his life a little more interesting.