A Certain Romance
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A Certain Romance : Love me again

E - Words: 2,085 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Aug 07, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
135 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: *hopes for reviews* Love you guys. Thanks for reading this :)

How he ended up here was a good question. Kurt was aware that there was a 99% chance of getting drunk and having a one night stand like some other inglorious times before, but this was a bit much.

It was 8 am and he was lying in a huge and extremely comfy bed. Strong arms were holding him around his naked waist while sunrays peeked through the curtains.

He didn't have a headache from yesterdays alcohol (how was that even possible?) and also not one single clue how he ended here. The stranger's embrace was the perfect mix of soft and firm, so relaxing that it reminded him that he could have that now. Kurt was free from Sebastian and his quick fucks with no cuddling afterwards, free from the most meaningless relationship he could imagine.

Kurt wanted to move out of bed and get home, but as soon as he even tried to turn around the stranger's grasp tightened which was accompanied with "Please stay. I'm going to make you breakfast."

Wait. This voice sounds familiar. And why do I have my boxers on?

He turned his head so he could at least see the guy. The wild dark curls gave him away.


The afternoon before

Kurt was in his office happily chatting with his employees, the ache in his chest barely even there. He knew for long how this would end and now wasn't the time to be bothered with trivial things like his cheating ex-boyfriend.

Speaking of the devil. While going upstairs to his 2 in 1 office and fashion studio Sebastian called. He ignored the call in favor of having peace for the first time longer than 20 minutes in the last two weeks. He sat on his antique leather couch when his phone started ringing again.

Sebastian again. The universe doesn't really like me today, huh? Better to answer and get over it as soon as possible.

"Yes Sebastian?"

"So you decided to take my call in the end? Smart decision."

"Obviously today is the day of smart decisions, at least for me. What do you want?"

"Besides your beautiful and tempting ass here in our apartment nothing, sweetheart."

"I hope you're aware that's not happening until you leave my apartment and the key in the mailbox."

"Better you change your attitude honey,"

"First of all stop the endearments" Kurt cut him off mid sentence "and second of all, if you don't leave the apartment until the fucking deadline I'm calling the cops and I will tell them all your stories and escapades, especially about your little garden down in New Jersey."

"You wouldn't."

"Wanna bet?" Kurt said in a mocking tone.

"Fuck you! You will hear from me! This isn't over!"

And with Sebastian's shouting the conversation ended and Kurt's migraine started.

This is going to be a long day.


Blaine wasn't glad to be back home for several reasons: 1. It was so fucking hot and no air condition in sight. Seriously September you need to chill. 2. His apartment was empty and Santana was right- he needs a boyfriend as soon as possible. 3. Jeff (who is not only his friend but also the owner of the bar Blaine worked at) called him to tell Blaine that he has to do a shift today because some co-worker didn't show up and it was friday, which automatically means lack of staff. Okay, he was promised a little extra for his shift like always on his free days so it wasn't that bad. Maybe he could finally afford something from Kurt's last year's fall collection? The royal blue cashmere sweater would be a great addition to his wardrobe.

A night at the bar mixing drinks instead of having a movie marathon with all Chris Pine movies ever made? Maybe he meets somebody for a change?


Drinking was a plan from the beginning. Not plan A, but F. If talking to the crew in the shop, drawing, listening to music, preparing the NY fashion week show and eating ice cream wouldn't be enough he could always escape to The Factory.

The Factory is a club for everybody; there were indie kids, frat boys, upper-class trendsetters- literally everybody. You can chill most of the time but on weekends they had the best parties in town. That club is practically a miracle with its variety of customers, music genres and drinks.

Kurt loved The Factory for 3 simple reasons: 1. The relaxing atmosphere of the club 2. The huge amount of cute guys who hang out there and 3. The cute waiters who are sometimes behind the bar and give him a lot of drinks on the house.

That club has been his safe little escape since it existence. Nobody knew he was hanging out there except for Rachel and it should stay that way.

So, drinking wasn't the surprise. It was more the handsome guy behind the bar who awfully looked like Santana's friend only after one drink. In that moment he decided to switch to water because he wasn't really into hallucinations. That reminded him he should ask Valerie, his secretary, for Santana's number.

To Valerie (16:20):
I know it's a bit late, but could you do me a favor?

I need Santana Lopez's number ASAP.

To Kurt (16:21):
I'm on it boss!

After 5 minutes and some shy smiles from the guy he finally got the number and decided to text Santana after his next drink.

To Satan (17:01):
So you dragged my prince charming from me?
How dare you?!

To Unknown (17:12):
Who is this? Lady Lips?

To Satan (17:14):
Yes this is Kuurt.

Incoming call: Satan

"Hello Satan. Wazzup?" Kurt said a bit tipsier then he thought.

"Kurt are you drunk?" Santana has seen Kurt drunk on some occasions and this was exactly the beginning of his wild night. What the hell? It's not even 6?

"Naah, just relaxed and happy. I'm always relaxed and happy here. You and your hot friend who's name I still don't know should join me. "

Okay, now he sounds high. But Kurt doesn't do weed because of Sebastian...

"Kurt, where are you?" asked Santana concerned.

"At The Factory. It's so awesome here. You know where that is?"

"Yeah. Look, I'm in Berlin right now but I know a friend who will help you because you don't sound okay to me."

"I don't need help. I just want my prince charming!" Kurt said with a childish tone.

"What if I send him to you?"

"I would be the most happy guy on the planet!"

Blaine is going to kill me for this. "Then I'll send him, but you need to behave because you have a boyfriend already."

"No, I don't. We broke up."

Well that explains everything. "Oh. I'd say I'm sorry but I'm not and you know that. You can find a much better guy than that twink."

"I know. And that's why I want my prince. Santana send him over!"



"His name is Blaine. Stop calling him prince charming because you'll scare him away. Anyway, I'm going to call him and he'll look after you until I get here for your show in a few days and then we'll catch up. Bye Kurt." Santana hung up but Kurt didn't catch it because he was focused on only one thing.



"YOU DID WHAT? SANTANA ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?" Blaine couldn't believe it. First of all things Kurt sits at his bar and he can't suppress his smile. He was a bit hurt that Kurt didn't recognized him after a while, but maybe he didn't want to talk to Blaine.

And right now Santana tells him that Kurt was asking for him and that he's single. Also that Blaine would take care of Kurt until she comes here.

This must be some kind of sick joke.

"I told him you're going to be there and join him"

"But I'm working, how should I do that?"

"Be honest and tell him that you're working. He'll get it."

"God, this is so complicated." Blaine groaned

"If you really want to hang out with him tell Jeff about it. He won't mind."

"He will mind if he has to deal with lack of staff."

"You're still on vacation hobbit. Don't be a drama queen. Get your ass over to Hummel and take care of him. He was never the type of guy who would easily handle a breakup."

"Jeff is going to kill me."

"Not if I get you first. I gotta go. Good luck."

Sighing Blaine thought about it for a second before he went to Kurt- a chance like this comes only once in life.

This morning

"I'm a huge fan of breakfasts, but I also don't want to intrude." Kurt said with a gentle and caring tone.

"No, no, no. I don't really mind. You can stay here as long as you need." Blaine said while letting go of Kurt and sitting up on the bed, facing Kurt.

Once he repositioned himself Kurt took Blaine's hand in his which sent shivers down both boys' spines. Blaine could only respond with a small and sweet smile and a caring look in his eyes.

"I suppose Santana told you everything?"

"Yes. I'm so sorry to hear that you two broke up."

"I'm not, it was about time."

"Oh." That response wasn't what Blaine expected.

"Look," Kurt started after he realized that Blaine needs more details to get his point of view
"Sebastian cared only about the fame and money he could get from dating me. And sex. I knew it would end at some point, I just didn't know it would be so harsh." Kurt's glaze went down to their joined hands. He never held hands with Sebastian.

Blaine brushed his thumb against Kurt's cheek. Kurt's glaze was directed now towards Blaine who looked him right in the eyes.

"Maybe I don't know you yet, but I'm sure that you deserve someone who will do everything for you. You deserve to be happy and loved." he said with a kind smile.

"This is the nicest thing I heard from a guy after a one night stand, if I'm going to be honest. "

Blaine laughed. "We didn't have sex Kurt. That's why you still have your underwear on. I would never use someone while he's drunk."

"But usually I beg for sex the second I'm drunk and in an apartment. Well, that's something new."

"You did beg, but I couldn't do it. Sorry."

Kurt flashed him a grateful smile "Don't be sorry. You did the right thing and I have to thank you for taking care of me last night. Oh, and I forgot to mention one more confession."

"And that would be?" Blaine asked with curiosity.

"I'd love to get to know you. In case you were single, of course." Kurt said shyly . He wasn't nervous about asking a guy on a date since he was 15. But Blaine was an exception.

"Kurt Hummel, are you asking me out on a date?"

"I am. Under one condition."

"Which is?"

"I can kiss you right now because I have no idea when was the last time I slept so well in somebody's arms. And I can't resist you anymore."

Blaine only responded by leaning in and kissing Kurt chastely on his lips, starting to smile into the kiss.


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