A Certain Romance
Do I wanna know? Next Chapter Story
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A Certain Romance : Do I wanna know?

E - Words: 1,958 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Aug 07, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
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Author's Notes: Hope you enjoyed it! Some reviews would be nice.

"Chaque fois que je visite cette ville, je tombe en amour avec elle tout recommencer." said Kurt while walking down the Avenue des Champs-Elysées. Being in Paris for the 3rd time now isn't something new for him, but he enjoys it like he's never been here. Through the years in New York he has seen a lot of amazing buildings, parks and sights but there's only one Paris.

"Translation please for us who aren't fluent in 3 languages, Kurt!" Rachel whined right beside him.

"Every time I visit this city I fall in love with it all over again. Happy?"

"Oui. Merci beaucoup." she smiled at him as they continued their sightseeing.

Rachel and Kurt are still best friends. Over the years studying at NYADA and FIT made the two former glee club members unbreakable. Of course it was hard to adapt to each other's lifestyles- like cooking vegan most of the time, after hours of sewing for his classes to be forced to listen to Rachel's vocal exercises or lacking sleep because of the sound of the sewing machine all night, but they made it. It was hard and not to lie, there were fights but nothing they couldn't handle.

After they graduated from college they still lived together for simple reasons: 1. it's cheaper to share an apartment 2. both of them weren't in a serious relationship. But then Sebastian came in the picture. Sebastian was Kurt's attention- loving boyfriend, who supported him, especially in his decision to start his own label.

Kurt started right after his graduation working on K.E. Hummel which was a huge success since the opening day of his shop. Everybody wanted a K.E. Hummel original. He made a name in the industry maybe a little bit too fast and as a result a lot of fashion magazines and experts called him the newest fashion prodigy.

If there were awards in the fashion industry he would win them all. Only one year after the grand opening of his shop he was invited to the Paris fashion week. It was unheard of a newcomer who would have his own fashion show at a fashion week, but Kurt made it.

After his huge success at the Paris fashion week his pieces were selling like crazy. He was working night and day until the point he collapsed and scared everybody. Ending at the hospital overworked and stressed out made Kurt realize that he had to hire new people to help him out, but not only Kurt made a realization. Sebastian was worried he was losing the person he loved to the job, so he asked Kurt to move in with him.

Kurt wasn't sure at first. The relationship was going in a nice direction, not to slow or too fast, but it still didn't feel right. Sebastian was his first in many ways and he really cared about Kurt, but it always seemed like he cared more about his label or the money and fame it could provide.

In the end they moved in together which resulted in a heated celebration both man enjoyed a lot.

"Kuuurt, "Rachel whined "when are we going to see the Eiffel Tower? I know you've been here even before the show last year but come on, I'm dying to see it!"

"And I'm still not sure if I'm regretting taking you with me."

"Like you had a choice. You've won the bet and you had to take me." Oh the bet. The ridiculous bet.

The summer after they graduated high school and got into their dream colleges they've made a bet- whoever first succeeded in their industry had to take the other on a trip. And if the second call to the Paris fashion week wasn't an official win then nothing would be.

"I hate it when you're right." Kurt told her honestly.

"I know. But it doesn't change the fact that we still haven't seen the Eifel Tower!"

"Alright. Next stop: La Tour Eiffel!"


"Hobbit, if we don't hurry up I'll be late for the fitting. So would you hurry up already?" Santana practically dragged Blaine over the streets of Paris.

"But San, this city is magnificent! We can't just run through it! Also we both know you just want to see as early as possible Brittany and get your mack on."

Saying Blaine was excited is an understatement. After graduating NYADA with top honors Santana, one of his ex-colleagues at the bar he works and also his best friend, who sometimes lives with him, gave him the best graduation gift he could only dream of- a plane ticket to Paris and one for the Paris fashion week where Santana was modeling.

It's not her first time modeling at a fashion week. She's actually modeling a lot at famous fashion shows and making herself a name out there. Before that she was just like everyone who came to New York -bartending and trying to find her place in the world.

Blaine was so to say far away from it, unfortunately. He loves fashion and everything that goes with it- from designers, over photo shootings to fashion weeks. Of course he couldn't afford most of the things he wanted but at least he could go window shopping on 5th avenue. His dreams were coming true, but one step at a time. Getting into NYADA and living in New York was a big step he was grateful for. Having great friends like Santana and graduating NYADA was another one. Now he's in Paris where another dream would come true.

"You can be jealous as much as you want, but we're still gotta hurry."

"Don't be like that. You know I'm not jealous, it's just"

"Then why the hell ..." Santana interrupted Blaine but he continued his sentence

"It's just that I want to enjoy my present San! I'm not travelling around the world like you and getting paid to wear the most beautiful clothes the fashion industry has to offer while having a girlfriend who is amazing and loves you. And you love her. You have everything you want in life while I'm stuck in New York trying to find a job." Blaine said in one breath

"And a boyfriend." Santana said like Blaine said nothing hurtful seconds ago

"Excuse me?"

"You need to get laid. If you'd get some you wouldn't be so uptight. You need to relax a bit, take it easy. And you're right. I've seen all of it and just want to be with my girlfriend. I'm sorry for being selfish. Here's what we're going to do- we'll take some pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower, go down Champs-Elysées for a walk and I'll go back to the hotel to see Britt while you try to get some French arm candy. Deal?"

Blaine was speechless. Santana is never nice like that. Obviously Brittany has some good impact on her.

"You're unbelievable. Okay, I agree with the plan but I'm not going to search for a one night stand."

"Oh, come on. They say the French are the best lovers."

"I don't care."

"You know, Kurt Hummel should be here somewhere too. I bet he's doing some sightseeing right now."

Blaine just shook his head and couldn't believe his best friend. "Just stop it San."

"I know you have a crush on him. You wouldn't be in his shop so much or read every article about him if you hadn't."

"I was just looking for a job there and besides, it's not my fault that every fashion magazine lately has an article about him."

"Hopeless. You're just hopeless. You know I did some campaigns for him and could introduce you?"

"He has a boyfriend anyways and rumors say they are getting engaged soon."

"Still hopeless. Come on hobbit, we have a tower to see!"


"Kurt we need to make a picture!" Rachel said enthusiastically.

"Just let me grab my phone."

"No, that's not good enough. I want a real picture, one without our hands getting in the way or some stupid shadows. Just me, my best friend and this magnificent tower."

"Rachel Barbara Berry, what exactly do you want from me?"

"To ask some cute guy to take a picture of us." Rachel said with a smile.

"We both have boyfriends. Why does he need to be cute?"

"Don't complicate my life. Just ask him already!" was said while pointing to a guy with olive skin, honey eyes and dark gelled hair.

Kurt was breathless. This guy was like no one he has ever seen. The last two years he was surrounded with hot guys from all over the planet, but that smile that makes everyone around him smiling and his arms...

"Go and ask him to take a picture of us! Go, go, go!" Kurt took a deep breath and went to the stranger.

" Excusez-moi, pourriez-vous être si gentil et prendre une photo de nous?"said Kurt to the hot stranger who looked a bit shocked.


Blaine was shocked. He couldn't believe it. Kurt Hummel asked him something with his angelic voice in fluent French. Kurt fucking Hummel. The same Kurt with the porcelain skin, perfect coiffed chestnut hair and the most magnificent blue eyes.

Wake up Blaine, he asked you something!

"I'm so sorry but I didn't understand a thing except excusez-moi. French isn't really my talent. " Blaine said while reminding himself to breathe.

Kurt chuckled and said "No problem. I asked if you could be so nice and take a picture of us?".

"Sure." Blaine said after realizing what he had to do next. He took Kurt's phone (that's Kurt's phone!) and took some pictures of him and his brunette friend. While handing him the phone Blaine felt sparks when their fingertips touched. He couldn't wish for more when suddenly Kurt started speaking again.

"Thank you very much. It's hard to satisfy every wish of your best friend sometimes."

"I know what you're talking about. Mine is determined to get everything she wants too." he said with a smile.

"Let's go B! Britt is waiting!" Santana yelled a few meters away from them. She knew she's not getting him the easy way so she started walking towards Blaine.

"Told you." and they both laughed

"Seems like she's going to kidnap my helping knight in shining armor."

"I should go. She's already mad and I don't want to bother you anymore."

"A gentlemen with eyes like yours could never bother me." Kurt said with a grin on his face.

"Wow. I-I'm just.. It's.. uungh what I'm trying to say is thank you. I'm flattered."

"I'm not really sorry to end this chit-chat but we have to go." She dragged Blaine away while he didn't even have the chance to say bye to Kurt.

"Wait!" Kurt yelled after them. "What's your name?" but the perfect stranger was out of distance. The only thing he knew about him that his name starts with a "B" and that Santana Lopez will have to do him a favor.


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