Sanguine Hearts
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Sanguine Hearts: Chapter 6

M - Words: 2,521 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Feb 01, 2014 - Updated: Feb 01, 2014
154 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you liked! Reviews appreciated

The first few weeks after the birth they barely leave the nursery. The babies are a perfect mix of Blaine and Kurt themselves with skin lighter than Blaine but darker than Kurt, which actually almost matches Vlad and the Drăculești half of the family which delights the old vampire no end. Even as babies they have hair as vampire babies tend to grow quickly until their first birthday, something about their system and bodies needing to change to cope with their nature and powers, some even grow the same after their first birthday and the twins are likely to grow to look two when they're one; their hair is dark brown and will be wavy, if not curly. Their eyes are the one thing that differ from being a mix, as Blaine had always though they'd have green or grey eyes but theirs are dark gold with sparks of bright blue through them which is as unusual as it is dazzling and Kurt and Blaine spend hours staring at their children's eyes.

Burt comes to visit and ends up staying, monopolising them and together with Dmitri and Ion who turns up a week after the birth end up playing ‘Pass the Heir' with Vlad and Victor, with the older vampires nearly fighting the younger ones for the twins until Blaine steps in and reminds than that Emilia and Nicolae are his and Kurt's, then challenged them to find him if they wanted them and Kurt sat back laughing, watching the blurred shapes of centuries of rulers, fathers and fearsome creatures chasing each other like the children the twins would grow up to be.

Their personalities also start to develop and at three months old Nicolae is confident, determined, a little gentleman, he even waits for everyone else to start eating before he lays into his blood as only a baby can. Emilia isn't as loud as her brother and is as confident but when her brother does something she easily manipulates him and he seems to look for, and to, her. They babble at each other like they're holding conversations and the one time Blaine had babbled they'd stared at him so Kurt started looking into the possibility that their infant brains really were communicating but aside from ideas and suspicion as people really can't communicate with them to find out, it's really anyone's guess. They're incredibly happy too, giggling all the time and it's no real surprise, as their family adores them and spoils them like the little prince and princess they are.

They manage to keep the babies out of the public eye until they're three months old when by law they have to have another public ceremony which is basically a longer version of the words Vlad had said at their birth but instead of doing it for both he did it one at a time and the whole thing was televised from the throne room at the Towers. They giggle through most of the ceremony and while it endears the public to them, the media manages to focus too on how amazing Kurt and Blaine are and how powerful Kurt is, able to kill a monster, give birth and rule as the plans for the coronation and succession get ever nearer. Blaine has to agree with them. He falls deeper for Kurt every second.



Rachel ran quickly and silently, stopping to check and felt no-one else around. She splayed her hand over the door and it clicked open. She took a hesitant step and felt resistance but it faded and she ran across the hall and up the stairs. She found the nursery quickly and giggled. “Thank you Drăculești dna.” Thanks to Finn she knew that both Blaine and Kurt had reinforced security around their twins using their magic to make sure that only people with Drăculești or Dănești dna could get anywhere near them apart from the one or two without dna but familial ties like Duarte or Finn.

She listened and then opened the door, finding the bedroom easily. The cots were white and gold and she curled her lip. Such revolting decadence. Her mother had warned her about this. Those tyrants didn't care about people, they just horded their power, but now she'd have some of their precious power.

She looked into the closest cat and found her prize. “You should be mine,” She whispered, trailing her fingers over the baby girl's cheek lovingly. “But that doesn't matter. “ She leaned down and lifted her, sending out a pulse of her own magic to keep both babies calm. She looked over at the other cot and thought of taking him too but she'd had enough of boys, they wrecked everything.

Finally she set up a glamour so no-one would feel anything was wrong, then cradling little Emilia against her, she ran back into the night.


“Mmmh, this is nice.” Kurt moaned happily, feeling his husband's warm, strong arms around him and his lips at his neck, inhaling his scent in deep sniffs and nipping with his teeth. Blaine and Kurt were enjoying a rare lie-in as Katarin and Annalei had promised to tend to the babies this morning. They hadn't argued that they did this often but just took the gesture as meant and thanked them. They were wrapped up in each other, too tired to feel anything was wrong, until Katarin's scream filled the Towers.

They were out of bed and in their robes in an instant, racing to the nursery and met Annalei's terrified eyes at the door. “Emilia's gone!” She screamed and the spell broke.

A feeling of loss swept through them and Nicolae started screaming for his sister. Blaine and Kurt raced in, followed by Dmitri and Cooper.

Blaine gathered up Nicolae and tried to soothe his son while Kurt closed his eyes.

“She's not in the palace, Blaine She's too far away; I can't get a read on her!” He cried, breath hitching as he panicked and Blaine put their son into his father's arms and wrapped his husband in his embrace, shushing him.

“Nor can I.” Dmitri and Cooper said together and Nicolae screamed again, seemingly agreeing with them.

“Who would want to steal her?” Annalei asked helplessly and Kurt looked at her, about to reply that plenty of people would, when Blaine's eyes went red and he growled.

“Where's Finn? I can smell Rachel's stink, can't you?”

Everyone sniffed the air and Kurt gasped. Oh my gosh, I can but you don't think she'd honestly take out child, do you?”

“You heard her Kurt. Everything you have should be hers.”


Finn paced the floor, his hands clutching at his hair and looking from his mate to the baby and back. “Rach, I know you're angry but their baby? You can't just steal a princess, Rachel! Okay…Okay, maybe I can take her back, just say I found her. That'll work, right?” He looked at his mate helplessly and not for the first time, barely recognised her.

“No! She's mine!” She shouted and a little hiss emanated from the makeshift crib.

“Hear that? She's not yours, Rachel. She's Blaine's, she's Kurt's, she's Elena Katia Anderson!” He shouted and the baby yelled. “Oh, she knows her name. This is bad.”

“It's okay; she'll learn her new name.”

“She looks nothing like us! The world knows what she looks like! As soon as you go anywhere they will know. They're probably on their way here now.”  He looked out of the window, letting out a breath when he saw no black capes that the Andersons typically wore in public or black cars that would stick out in the city filled with yellow cabs.

“We can take them on.” Rachel said arrogantly and Finn turned on her. The woman in front of him no longer reminded him of all the love and beauty in the world. She stood in front of him, a lank-haired, wild eyed shadow of her former self. Her eyes were hollow, dark pools that no longer sparkled with life.

“You're unhinged! The Andersons are all-powerful! They don't even need to be near you to hurt you! They will kill us. I'm Kurt's cousin, Rachel. I'm supposed to protect his kids, not steal one!”

“They need bodyguards.” She deadpanned and he looked at her incredulously. “Not to protect them! I deal with those who would do harm, I protect their children, their image, not them!” He shouted then stopped and looked at the door fearfully. “Oh no, oh no.” He backed away and looked over as Emilia cried and reached for the door.

The door blew open and instead of Blaine or Kurt, Katarin and Annalei stood there, their eyes pools of jet black fury, the air crackling around them.

Katarin reached out a hand and the walls creaked, bowing. “I'm here for my granddaughter.” She hissed and all at once everything seemed to explode. Rachel ran at the women but with a flick of her wrist Katarin pinned her against the wall. Emilia started screaming and the building shook with the decibels. Finn fell to his knees, his hands over his ears then there was silence and when he opened his eyes he almost screamed himself. The whole scene seemed suspended, even the dust motes in the air seemed frozen. The baby was staring up at her aunt who was smiling down at her and reaching into the ‘cot' to take her.

He whimpered and suddenly the sound is back in the room. Rachel's screams almost block out Annalei's sweet voice speaking to her niece.

“Hush now little one. You are safe.”

He wants to agree, he wants to say something to save them both but as he opens his mouth Katarin's eyes fix on him and he finds himself bound by invisible chains, his jaw shut tight and Rachel is the same. Now that she's off the wall she's nearly kneeling submissively but her eyes are still wild flame and he sighs.


“Traitor!” Cooper spits as Finn is marched into the Towers dungeons by Duarte and pushed into a cell. Rachel is pushed into the one next door and Finn takes in his surroundings. The cell is spacious, dark with a seat against one wall and a wall of tiny spikes between him and Rachel. He finally looks back at Cooper and gets ready to plead his case to the livid prince.


“How dare you,” The growl interrupts him and he flinches as Blaine comes around Cooper to glare at him through the bars, his eyes as black as his mother's had been. “We trusted you. You were family.”

“I still am!” He protests and stumbles back as Blaine roars and makes to throw himself at the bars but Kurt grabs him and hauls him back.

“Blaine don't hurt yourself. Those things would be like acid on your skin.” He says soothingly and Blaine blinks at him, pacified for now.

“Kurt, please-“

“Don't speak to me.” He hisses and turns to leave, his hand locked around Blaine's wrist and Finn can feel his life leaving with him so he calls desperately to his cousin.

“See inside my mind! See inside the walls! Kurt I wouldn't hurt you! I couldn't, please.” He doesn't see them leave; he's on his knees, sobbing before he even finishes speaking.


Blaine's fingers run over the wall as Kurt stares and he huffs. “Why should I do this?”

“Because it's important to me, my love. He is my family besides you and your family. Rachel did this, alone I'm sure of it.” Kurt pleads, sitting on one of the chaises in the reception hall, cuddling Emilia to him.

Blaine's eyes flick between his husband and his daughter then sighs and places his hand on the wall again. “Give up your secrets to me. Show me the night this child was stolen from me.” Pictures flicker in his mind, of Rachel getting into the palace through her weak blood-link to him, finding the nursery, picking his daughter out of the cot and vanishing into the night.

“Well?” Kurt's voice breaks into his thoughts and he turns to his mate.

“I only see Rachel but that doesn't exonerate him.”

“But it's a start.” Kurt replies smugly and Blaine rolls his eyes and sits with them on the chaise, tickling their daughter under her chin.

“Where is my son?” The demand wakes them from their doze and Blaine looks up at Kurt's uncle in confusion until his mind clears.

“He is in the dungeon,” He replies and Ion's eyes narrow slightly. “Where he will stay until I am certain that he is innocent in this matter.”

“You,” Ion growls and Blaine stands, ready to argue with yet another person who thinks they can question him. “You are playing king again, boy. Where is your father?”

“I am King. I am one step away from Blood Prince. I am the great grandson of Vlad Dracul. My blood runs with dynasties of powerful rulers. I play nothing but my birth right-“

“You are just a Prince-“


“He tells no lies.” A new voice snorts and they all turn to the Count who strolls towards them and slowly draws out a long, wide bladed sword.

Ion flinches back and holds up a hand. “Majesty, I-“

“You were born to bow to my bloodline, Ion Lawal, not the other way around. Blaine is my prince, my choice of heir, whatever his father chose, he went to me. He may be centuries younger than you but he is wiser than you, stronger than you, better than you and he is right, in this and very soon in everything, his word is all that matters, alongside your own nephew's. Again, Kurt is more than you will ever be, you and your spawn bow to him. I killed many thousands with this blade. Blaine will own this sword one day soon as Kurt will own the one Nicolae wielded. You would do well to hold your tongue before I cut it out.”

“Children, play nice,” Kurt muttered and they all looked at him, Blaine and Vlad's eyes amused and Ion red-faced and he looked back at them. “Uncle, Finn's mate stole my daughter. It is customary to keep all parties in custody until the truth comes out, you know that. Now, before you insult my husband in our palace again, please understand that Finn was found with our child and when a child is stolen from her parents, it's the parents who meter out punishment, no-one else.”

After Ion's apologised and Vlad has taken him down to sit with his son Kurt turns to Blaine, a smirk twisting his lips. “Greatest prince, huh?”

“Second to you, my beautiful, amazing Kurt,” He hurries to say and starts laying kisses on his lips, his cheek, down to his neck. “I love you, I love you. My world wouldn't exist without you.”

Kurt tilts his head, letting the eager fangs graze him. “Ditto.” He whispers and smiles serenely.


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