Sanguine Hearts
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sanguine Hearts: Chapter 2

M - Words: 1,712 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Feb 01, 2014 - Updated: Feb 01, 2014
147 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you liked! Reviews appreciated

“I came across a fallen tree; I felt the branches of it looking at me.”

“I think the baby likes it more when you sing.” Kurt said, fingers drifting over the bump and into Blaine's hair where his husband was resting on the swell of his stomach, singing to the baby beneath.

Blaine looked up at him and snorted, hazel eyes crinkling in happiness. “I think it just likes attention.”

Kurt laughed. “Oh heaven forbid our child likes attention. I think that's kind of a prerequisite, don't you think?”

Blaine grunted and turned his head, pressing a kiss to his mate's pale skin. “Maybe. Kurt?” He asked, looking at the other man's torso then up at his face where Kurt raised an eyebrow. “How many months did you think you were along?”

“Your great grandmother and the doctor said I was about four months along. Why?” He asked, cocking his head.

“You're just…a little bigger than most at this stage. From things I've read and the pictures of great grandmother and mother and ones I've found on the internet of pregnant men and women-“

“Are you saying what I think you're saying?” Kurt squawked, pulling himself into a sitting pose, throwing Blaine off. “Are you honestly calling me fat Blaine Diavolo Anderson?”

“No!” Blaine cried, holding up his hands in defence. “I'm just saying that you're bigger than I thought you'd be now and I want the doctor to look at you. Male pregnancies are dangerous, Kurt. Male vampire pregnancies and incredibly dangerous and I'm just worried about you and our baby.”

Kurt's eyes widened and he placed a hand over the bump protectively. “Are you serious?”

“Haven't you read up about any of this? You like reading so much I-“

“Not about this! I haven't had enough time to even think about reading and where would I start, Blaine? I don't want to go out because I don't want pictures taken and show me where, exactly in the library is the Male Vampire Pregnancy section ‘cos right now I'd love to see it!” Kurt shouted, scared of the worry he felt pouring out of Blaine.

“Kurt, calm down baby, please. None of this is helpful for you or the baby. I'm sorry, ok? I didn't think. Here, let's get my laptop out and we can research together, ok?” Blaine said soothingly, pushing out his powers to soothe his love. Kurt's shoulders dropped, letting Blaine's powers rub over him like a massage without touching him and he sat back down on the bed.

“I'm sorry I yelled at you.” He said quietly and Blaine sat down, pulling him into his lap and shushed him.

“Don't be, gorgeous. I get it. Let's just have a look at some sites.” Blaine whispered in the same soothing tone and felt Kurt nod against him as he nuzzled into his neck.


“Geez, Blaine he's pregnant, not an invalid.” Cooper groused as he watched Blaine prepare a beaker of blood for himself and a couple of bottles for his mate.

Blaine glared at him then carried on looking in the cupboard, searching for the cinnamon he swore he'd put back in there. Recently Kurt had been on a kick of adding the spice to his blood; it was one of his less interesting cravings. “I know that Coop but something's going on. He's bigger than he should be and I just want to keep him safe until the doctor sees him.” He replied, getting frustrated.

“I just want to see my brother in law,” The older vampire muttered. “You've been keeping him cooped up there for almost a week now. Isn't he saying the same? Isn't he trying to come see us?”

Blaine sighed and shook his head. “I haven't locked him up, Cooper. He's free to leave but he agrees with me. Surprisingly Cooper, Kurt trusts and agrees with his husband. Sure he wants to see you and everyone else but you've all got a long, long time to see him. A little breather is good sometimes.” He says and grins triumphantly as he finds the cinnamon and shakes it into the blood, ignoring the glare levelled at his back.

“Sometimes I forget what a dick you can be.” Cooper growls good-naturedly.

“And sometimes I forget what a brat you can be. See you at dinner!” Blaine calls back as he leaves, smiling to himself. Everything is right with the world. He has his family, his mate, that same mate is four months pregnant with their child and someday they'll be Blood Princes raising their own family.

He walks into their living room to see his father and the doctor talking quietly. He ignores the two men and goes into their small library and sets the bottles down in front of his husband. Kurt's eyes are looking straight through him to some point way off in the distance, his eyes glazed. “Penny for them.” He says jovially and Kurt blinks, his eyes now focused and he grabs one of the bottles, uncapping it and downing half before he speaks.

“I've been trying to see the future.”

“And?” He prompts.

Kurt shrugs and drinks the rest of the bottle, burping quietly. “Nothing. It's like whatever is there is being blocked.” He replies.

Blaine sits down and takes one of his mate's hands. “Why do you think that is? If anything your powers seem to be developing with your pregnancy. Why would you be able to see things before and now, not?”

“Do you remember your great grandfather likening being able to see the future to putting your hands to fire?” He asks and Blaine nods. “I think partly I'm not supposed to see this, and partly I don't want to. Whatever my great great grandfather saw that made him decide that being a vampire wasn't worth it is trying to keep me safe.”

“Like if you'd seen what happened at the club you would have been scared of me.” Blaine says contemplatively.

“Or if I'd seen what I did to that vampire who tried to kill you, I'd have been scared of myself.” Kurt said, remembering when they'd confronted the Despoina and he'd practically filleted the vampire who'd run at his then fiancé with a sword.

Blaine tilted his head, watching his mate. “You know that you had no choice then, don't you? You're not scared by your powers are you?” He asked.

Kurt waved a hand dismissively. “No, of course not. All of the things I've been through now, I understand and I understand what could have happened if I hadn't done it but back then I would have been scared.”


The hazel eyed Prince nodded and smiled. “I understand. So, the doctor's here. Are you ready?”

“Are you sure you're not overreacting?” Kurt asked as they got up and walked into the other room to meet the doctor, Blaine's father having left seconds before.

Blaine shook his head as the doctor replied. “Greetings your Highnesses, and forgive me Prince Kurt, but I do not think Prince Blaine is overreacting. Now, let us go into your room so I can properly check you over. Prince Blaine if you'd like to wait?”

“No, I want to see.” Blaine gritted out and Kurt looked at him, noticing a change in him.

“Blaine? Are you ok?”

Dmitri, Katarin, Vlad and Cooper waited at the door, listening to the exchange and fading voices as the three went into the bedroom. Suddenly they heard the doctor shout, then again a few seconds later, then growling that sounded like Blaine and Kurt's shriek while the doctor shouted. “Prince Blaine compose yourself!”

A second later they scrambled out of the way as the doors blew open and Blaine landed in the hallway. Dmitri ran to his youngest's side and helped him up. Blaine stepped away and stared incredulously through the doorway.

“You threw me out!” He yelled.

“You don't bite doctors, you vicious little tyrant!” Kurt's voice came back and Blaine huffed and looked at his family.


“There is a reason I stopped you from following when the doctor came to see him four months ago, my son. Vampires are protective and their actions, especially in these situations are often misdirected, protecting their loved from the one trying to help.” Dmitri said soothingly, Cooper helpfully, in his own mind at least, supplying the images of Blaine getting angry and protective and trying to stop the examination, to their father.

Blaine sighed and sat down, leaning against the wall and tried to calm down, the images of the doctor examining his mate, touching that perfect porcelain skin no longer filling him with rage.

Finally the doctor walked out and looked at them all. “Well Prince Blaine was right; Prince Kurt is bigger than he should be, but for good reason. Congratulations, his Highness is having twins.”

“Twins? Oh that is wonderful!” Katarin exclaimed as her son rushed past them into the bedroom to gather his husband up in his arms, kissing him deeply.

The doctor bowed to them all and left. Dmitri puffed out his chest as Vlad patted him on the back. “Virile, our boy. I knew he was strong.” The Count said proudly.



“The Royal press secretary sent out an announcement a few hours ago confirming that Prince Blaine and Prince Kurt are having twins. This is the first double birth for the Royal family and the family is said to be overjoyed. Multiple pregnancies are rare in vampires and it shows Prince Blaine's virility and power that he could be the father of twins. This also leads to a question. With the Royal couple's accession to the throne this year as well as becoming parents, and we have no assumption that they cannot cope, which of the twins will be their heir? Of course they don't have to decide as soon as the twins are born, His Highness Blood Prince Dmitri waited until Prince Blaine was becoming a teenager before declaring him his heir but it is still intriguing. We also wonder if they'll be two boys, two girls or one of each but whatever little blessings come to the Princes our congratulations go to them both. This is V! News, good evening.”


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