Bloodlined Love
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bloodlined Love: Chapter 9

M - Words: 1,921 - Last Updated: Jan 30, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Nov 10, 2013 - Updated: Nov 10, 2013
146 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you liked! Reviews appreciated

Kurt wakes slowly a few hours later, dim light spreading over the bed and he looked out of the window to see the sun setting. How long had they slept?

He let himself dwell in the feeling of floating before he realised he could hear voices downstairs. He climbed out of bed and walked downstairs and followed the sound of his mate's deep voice into the kitchen.

“Kurt!” Rachel squealed and rushed into his arms, ignoring the cough from Blaine meant to remind her to bow.

“What are you doing here?” He asked as she let him go. He was happy to see his friend but not expecting to see her at the mansion.

“I came to see you and your new in-laws asked me to come and help you.” She replied, looking from him to his mate with a smile which widened as she saw Blaine trying not to smile himself.

Kurt looked at her, confused. “Help me how?”

She grinned at him and put her hands on her hips the way she did when she was showing off and waved her hand in a flourish. “It just so happens I'm kind of awesome at reading powers and training how to control and use them.” She said proudly.

Kurt gaped at her. “How did I not know this about you?”

She shrugged. “It didn't come up and I can't tell humans everything, even my bestie. Look, when you vanished, people noticed then when it came out it changed everything. You are well-liked in the community and honestly, you're pretty much the best person people could pick if it was a choice. People are talking, Kurt. I'm sure you saw the media outside the gates, nice move with the wave by the way, not sure I could've done that so easily. Someday soon you're going to have to step out and announce yourself and you've got to be prepared,” She said and Kurt nodded, that was understandable. She reached out and linked their arms, sketching a curtsey at Blaine's parents and started to drag him with her. “Come on. Let's get started.”


Kurt nodded again then wondered about those people she'd mentioned, the people waiting for a word from him or Blaine, the whole reason why they'd come back early. “Shouldn't we prepare something for the press or something?” He asked.

Blaine shook his head as Rachel tutted. “No, we need to figure out your powers. Say you were a pyro, you'd get nervous and light half of them on fire.”

Kurt gasped and looked at his mate. “That's happened?”

Blaine nodded. “My cousin Anni managed to set a whole liner on fire when someone disrespected her. She didn't mean to do it but our powers are linked to our emotions and passions. As I've been around you and we've been, er, passionate, I don't think you're a pyro, that was just an example but you are something special.”

“Because I'm yours?” Kurt asked, his head cocked to the side.

Blaine walked up to him and placed his hands on his mate's cheeks, staring into his eyes. “No,” He replied softly. “Because you're you.” He leant in, their lips sliding together as Rachel squealed in the background.

“Oh my gosh, you're so cute!” She squealed, bouncing and clapping as the two men separated and looked at her, amused. She grabbed Kurt's hand and grinned at him as they walked down a hallway and Blaine opened a door.

The room was large and empty with a black carpet and light blue walls that were slightly padded when Kurt pressed his hand against one.

“Ok,” Rachel said, catching Kurt's attention. “Just focus on his highness and just let the power flow.”

The blue-eyed vampire raised an eyebrow and looked between her and his mate who was standing a few metres away. “This is how you're going to train me? By potentially having me set my mate on fire?”

Rachel scoffed and Blaine chuckled and replied. “I'll be ok, gorgeous. I can feel your power better than Rachel and if it's dangerous to me I can just stop you, Rachel can't.”

“Oh.” Kurt whispered and shrugged, looking between his friend and his mate then locked into Blaine, feeling his powers bubble up, a surge of power filling him then pushed them towards Blaine. His Prince closed his eyes and after a few seconds started shaking. “Blaine?” He called and the black-haired vampire held up a hand at the same time as Rachel shushed him. Finally he felt Blaine's powers shove his back and he closed his own eyes, reigning them back in.


When Kurt opened his eyes Blaine was panting and Rachel was bouncing again.

“What is he? What is he?” She begged.

Blaine looked at him in awe then glanced at Rachel. “I told you you were special.” He said, addressing Kurt and walked over, warping Kurt up in his arms.

“So? What is he?” Rachel almost screeched and both men laughed.

“He's an empath.” Blaine replied breathlessly.

“I'm an empath?” Kurt asked, excited.

“Not just an empath. You can feel and control emotion which is why when you were sad I felt your sadness but you can project, make people feel calm or angry, happy or sad. You can also control actions to an extent through that. You'd be able to stop someone striking another person, for example. Kurt, you can also read souls and know what people's intentions are. Even I can't do that. I can control people's minds and bodies alongside my other powers.”

Kurt stared, wide-eyed then he remembered something. “Wait, can't your great grandfather read souls?”

“Blaine nodded. “Indeed. Kurt, my beautiful soul mate, you're a phenomenon and an incredible treasure, not only to me but our race and I promise to keep you happy and loved for all eternity.”

Kurt looked at Blaine, his eyes filled with tears and gasped happily. “I love you so much Blaine, my handsome Prince.”

They kissed again then Blaine took Kurt's hand. “Let's go tell our parents.” He said and Rachel who'd stood, almost completely forgotten by the couple for the last few minutes.


They raced down the hall, eager to talk to Blaine's parents and Kurt's dad but slowed as they reached the family room and heard loud voices. They opened the door and looked at each other, stunned.

Blaine's parents were glaring at Burt and Burt was red-faced, looking furious as he yelled. “Over my dead body!”

Dmitri sighed and stepped towards the other man. “Burt, see reason.”

“Reason?” Burt's words were cut off as a wave of calm washed over them and all three turned to the doorway to see Kurt, Blaine and Rachel.

Kurt bit his lip as he drew back his powers. Blaine looked at him gratefully then stepped forward and cleared his throat. “Uh, what's going on?” He asked. He'd never seen anyone yell at his parents who weren't part of the family and even then only a few would dare. Burt was family though and from how Kurt was he betted the elder Amorsa didn't care about Royal etiquette.

“Blaine I have the greatest respect for you and your parents but if you think my kid's going to live with the boyfriend he's had for a just over a week-“

“Mate,” Blaine corrected with a meaningful look and Burt stared as he continued. “Mother, father, Kurt, Rachel I would like to speak to Burt alone.” He said, his tone leaving no space for argument and the older vampires nodded to him and left with the younger two.

“If you think-“ Burt started again.

“Do you know much of vampire mating and relationships?” Blaine asked, ignoring Burt.

Burt glared at him and scoffed. “Of course I do, I was married to…” He trailed off and Blaine raised his eyebrow. He knew Kurt's mother was a vampire from their conversation about losing family but he'd wondered if there was something Burt wasn't telling his son and considered breaking his own rule about mental mapping his own family and rifling through Burt's thoughts and memories when he was asleep.

“Then you know that vampires rely on their mates for support, their bond to keep themselves strong and safe,” Blaine said. Burt nodded and Blaine continued. “Vampires of my clan, and yours, are the same, we rely on our mates but we are weaker than the others because we were born out of desperation, desire and passion. My great grandfather that day made his promise as did yours but as the devil took his bargain he used the want and need against them, or mine at least. Kurt wasn't eager to mate with me because of teenage hormones or eagerness to become a vampire. Drăculești as they mature have to find their mates and bite, turn and consummate or their powers tear them apart. Mine were tearing me apart. I had come into mine too quickly and the need for my mate was eating me from the inside. Vampires need their clan and mate with them to be strong. I can leave my parents for extended amounts of time but I will feel the need to come home and my powers would weaken if I didn't have Kurt. Without Kurt they would eventually disappear and I would become sick. Kurt needs to be with me for our safety and health. I love him more than I thought I would ever be capable of loving, you have an extraordinary son and he has brought more than I could ever express. I know Kurt living here seems quick but we are not a normal teenage couple. Over time Kurt and I will be able to be without each other for more and more time. We will never be able to be apart completely but it won't kill us for Kurt to, say, visit New York without me but at the moment he needs to be as close to me as possible.”

Burt blinked at him, his eyes a little red. “That's some speech, kid.”

Blaine shrugged. “It's true.”

Burt nodded and sighed. “I don't doubt that. I guess if I'd let your parents explain I'd be able to understand. Thank you for that.”

Blaine smiled and replied. “Of course. I respect you Burt; you deserve all the answers you seek.”

Burt nodded and glanced at the door. “So what was that with the calm? Was that you?” He asked.

Blaine shook his head. “No, that was Kurt. We were figuring out his powers. Your son is very powerful. He's an empath, he can project whatever feeling he wants others to feel, can control feeling and read souls.”

Burt's mouth dropped open. “He can what?”

“And I have a feeling he will uncover more as his understanding grows.” Blaine said, smirking as he thought of his mate, how he'd managed to become the soul mate of such a beautiful creature with powers others could only dream of.

Burt sighed and rubbed a hand over his head. “I think I need to lie down. Thank you Blaine. I'm going to go apologise to your parents and go home.”

Blaine shook the hand Burt offered and asked. “Won't you stay? You know you can be here any time you want to.”

Burt nodded. “Yes and thank you but I think I need to go home and think about this for a while. Take care of my boy.” He said.


“Always.” Blaine promised and watched the older man leave.


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