Jan. 30, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 30, 2014, 6 p.m.
Hope you liked! Reviews appreciated
“Kurt as we unbind you eighteen years of being without blood will come at you. We have enough blood to sustain you for as long as you need to eat, and you will need to eat but know in that time you will see no-one. You will be too dangerous.” The doctor informed him as he and Blaine tethered him to the bed so he couldn't get at anyone or himself.
Kurt nodded. “I understand but will Blaine be okay?”
Blaine went to the head of the bed and combed his fingers through Kurt's hair lovingly. In the few hours they'd been together they'd talked at length and spent time kissing and cuddling, revelling in the happiness of finding each other's One. “I am going to be asleep my love. As your body heals so will mine. I will be here for an hour or so every few hours and I will be next door in my own bedroom.”
Kurt nodded and Blaine kissed him gently. He stepped out of the room and closed the door gently, never taking his eyes off Kurt who stared right back.
Almost immediately the sounds of the spell being unravelled and Kurt's pain emanated from the room and the young Prince stepped back into his father's arms, shaking. The older vampire walked his son into his room and whispered the words to put him to sleep, brushing his curls off of his forehead. He leant down and patted the boy's cheek and sighed before he left the room, placing his hand on his boy's mate's door where the cries were getting louder.
Spells weren't meant to be undone easily and binding someone's powers were seen as a last resort as the process was both draining and painful and undoing the spell was unthinkable, like stripping the creature's skin off and replacing it. The powers alone coursing through the boy's system and his new thirst for blood would be a drastic change to his previous life as a human, even if it was a mask. Dmitri looked at the gallons of blood being quickly taken in to both his son and son's mate. Bringing the Prince of the Dănești would be hard and saving the Prince of the Drăculești would be just as wrenching.
Burt had been wandering the Anderson Manor for hours, exploring the grand place and chatting to Dmitri and Katalin. They'd called after getting Kurt settled and invited him to come and spend time with them. He'd agreed eagerly. He wanted to know and be friends with the parents of the boy who was made for his. Honestly, he was never ashamed of being Dănești or his ancestor's decision to sell his soul or his regrets but years of his family being taught to be hidden and in truth it wasn't him that bound Kurt, it was the Count himself shortly before his death. Maybe the man could see Kurt's future, the powers he would have, the struggles he would face and the boy meant for him. Count Amorsa, like Count Dracula was a son of the Basarab, destined to stand by the king's side, though he was not related by direct blood to the king, but by marriage and a distant cousin. They stood on the battlefield that day and made a promise and got immortality in return but Count Amorsa was not like the other man. After he vanished from history he became a family man, quietly raising his children and teaching the art of disguise. As a boy Burt remembered the rare visits of a young man with a cape and wry smile and as he looked up at the portrait of the royal family he recognised the man now as Count Dracula. He couldn't blame Kurt for wanting to be a vampire. He'd spent years teaching Kurt to be himself in the face of everything people said but cringing slightly as his own hypocrisy. Now Kurt had found his mate and he could finally live the way he was supposed to.
Dmitri Anderson rolled over in bed, his mind full of thoughts and images. He got out of bed, leaving his wife sleeping soundly and trod down the hallway to his son's room. Blaine was whining and growling, his cool skin coated in dampness and his heart sank. Next door he could hear the screams of Prince Kurt, his son's mate. It was too late; the boys were too far gone. He clasped his son's hand in his and started wishing for him to be strong, to stay with them then Blaine started shaking violently. Blinking away tears the older vampire stood and watched as his child slumped back on his mattress then after a few breath-holding seconds, opened his eyes. Dmitri bit back a scream. Instead of the usual wide honey-hazel eyes holding such passion and happiness, they were the blank, dark eyes of a soulless killer.
Gasping awake the older vampire swallowed a few times, trying to calm himself from the surreal nightmare then he bolted out of bed and ran down to Blaine's room. The door as open.
Blaine woke from his slumber to silence and lifted his head from the pillow. It had been a full two days since he'd found his love and in that time they'd both been closed in their rooms, Kurt changing back and Blaine gathering strength. He'd gotten used to the sounds, as heart-wrenching as they were, it meant his Kurt was getting closer to being with him and to wake to silence was troubling. Suddenly he heard a soft scraping like someone was running their fingers down the wall and a high voice called out to him.
“Kurt?” Blaine cocked his head. He didn't think his mate would be coherent by now but part of him thrilled at the idea of Kurt being with him sooner than they thought.
“Blaine.” Kurt's voice singsonged through the wall and Blaine got up, left his room and walked up to Kurt's door. Kurt must have heard him because Blaine heard shuffling and the scraping noise was now at the door.
“Kurt I'm here baby. What do you need?” Blaine whispered.
“Blaine. Need you. Please.” Kurt gasped and Blaine unlocked the door. The room was dark and the blood tank was almost empty as he'd expected it but when he looked over at the bed he was shocked to find it empty too, the restraints lying useless and broken on the bed.
“Kurt?” He called then sighed as he saw bright eyes in the darkness. “Kurt baby how did you break the restraints?”
“They weren't very strong. Blaine, are you proud of me?” The blue-eyed vampire whispered.
Blaine gulped and looked at his mate confused. “Of course I am Kurt but what have you done?”
Kurt chuckled from the corner and in a millisecond he was by Blaine. “Nothing, yet.” He whispered and Blaine cried out as Kurt's teeth sliced into his neck.
Dmitri's head snapped around to the sound of his son's cry of pain and he and Burt who'd been leaving his own room raced to the door, pushing and banging on it but some force was holding it shut. The doctor ran into the hallway along with Katarin and the four strong vampires managed to break the door down. Inside the room Kurt stood and hissed before the doctor, Dmitri and Burt got him pinned down and Dmitri put him to sleep.
Katarin knelt next to her son who was holding his neck. “Are you okay young one?” She asked and gasped as he took his hand away to reveal twin punctures and trails of blood sluggishly leaking out of them.
“Ow.” Blaine whined and the others turned to look at him.
“What was that?” Burt asked.
The doctor sighed as Dmitri knelt down and examined the already closing wound on his son's neck. “It is what I feared. The Princes' bond made that their traumas were being passed between them. In Prince Kurt's delirium he seduced Prince Blaine here to complete the ritual and settle their minds.”
“So he's going to be okay?” Burt asked, looking at his son.
The doctor nodded. “They both will. Let them sleep for now, in the same room would be best and they should be themselves when they wake.”
The adults filed out, shutting the door behind them and went about their day, each glancing up towards the room many times.
Kurt woke feeling like he'd been run over by a truck or the way he'd felt after that unfortunate incident when he'd tried alcohol and vomited all over his counsellor's shoes. He groaned and looked around the room, noting the tank and the broken restraints lying on the floor then his eyes landed on the boy lying next to him, staring at him.
A smile spread over Blaine's face. He'd been lying awake for the best part of an hour, memorising his mate's face and tracing every inch of him with his fingers and eyes, willing those beautiful blue orbs to open. He watched Kurt lie back down, their fingers twined together and they stared into each other's eyes. “Oh, there you are.”