Bloodlined Love
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Bloodlined Love: Chapter 20

M - Words: 3,722 - Last Updated: Jan 30, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Nov 10, 2013 - Updated: Nov 10, 2013
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Author's Notes:

Hope you liked! Reviews appreciated

Kurt took a deep breath and wiped his eyes. He'd been crying on and off for the last three days. The door opened and Finn walked in, smiling at his cousin.

“Crying again?” He asked and Kurt nodded, sniffling.

“I just can't believe it. My life is changing, I miss him and-“

“Hey, whoa,” Finn cuts him off and sits down next to him. “Dude you'll see him again tomorrow. Only a few more hours and then your life with him will begin. Is that why you're crying?”

Kurt sighed and looked at the engagement ring on his finger then at his cousin. “I think it's just delayed reaction from everything. It's suddenly hit me how different my life was before Blaine waltzed in, literally and tomorrow I'm going to be exchanging vows, exchanging blood and dancing with him as my husband. I dreamt for years of a big family, a vampire prince and husband and a happy life, now I have it and it's kind of overwhelming.”

“I get it. It's like the universe keeps expanding and changing and you just have to change with it.” Finn says, gesturing with his hands.

Kurt stares at him, open-mouthed for a second then shakes his head. “Where did you come from?”

“Pretty much the same place as you dude, us Lawals are awesome.” Finn replied, grinning and nudging Kurt's shoulder. Kurt smiled and Finn left, promising to see him later.

Kurt sighed again. The picture of Blaine on the table didn't help much with the pangs he felt missing his mate. It was tradition for betrothed couples to spend four days apart before their wedding on the fourth day as a way to gather their feelings, thoughts and to feel what it was like apart, before coming back together forever. Kurt enjoyed and respected the symbolism but with such a passionate relationship as theirs and their joint addiction to never being alone, it hurt. When Kurt was human he'd long gotten used to being alone, his dad was only around when he wasn't busy with work, and he didn't know everything that went on with the bullies at Kurt's school and the way he was treated. The students at McKinley ranged from the few vampires that went there, the humans that respected and looked up to them, the ones who wanted their necks bitten as a thrill, down to the ones who hated and despised the vampires but were too scared to do anything against them so the ones who were their friends were fair game to them. He'd become used to it until his senior year when suddenly the bullying stopped. He didn't know why, exactly but it had stopped, he'd made plans for New York, finally able to be himself and pushed forward with his life plans. That was until that night. 

The second he'd seen Blaine he felt a connection, even though he'd mistaken that as sexual interest, his mate was drop dead gorgeous, then their hands had touched and he'd felt the warm glow of love and from that second he knew he wouldn't be without the other man.

They'd been relegated to different parts of the Towers, Blaine to the top floor which had been finished to the point of being safe to live in for the few days he had to and Kurt to the guest quarters. He ate with Duarte and Finn almost to the point of ignoring his in-laws completely and holed himself up training and reading, escaping to visit Rachel for coffee every day. He knew Blaine had spent most of his own time singing, spending time with his brother but not his parents and having dinners with Rachel. Kurt had smirked at the news when Duarte had told him. He and Blaine hadn't been too happy when they'd been reminded of the tradition and it seemed they could both be as petty as the other.

He sighed once more and kissed the smooth glass over the picture of Blaine intense-eyed and curly haired then climbed into bed and fell asleep.


“Hey kid, you ok?” Burt's voice came through the door a second before he opened it. He'd been to Anderson Towers five times since his son and the Andersons had moved and the place had dumbfounded him. He'd never been to a place like it. The manor had blown him away but the Towers were something else. He'd got lost three times his first time there and still got lost every time, to Dmitri's fond amusement. The two men had bonded over their children's love and he'd mused to him often how different things could have been if Nicolae had welcomed his nature like Vlad had. Maybe they'd have houses and castles to get lost in; maybe they'd have a rich history instead of the quiet, hidden existence and multiple branches of the family instead of him, his father, uncle, grandfather and great grandfather. Nicolae had been determined only to have one or two offspring within each generation to keep the family small and keep those ‘afflicted' with vampirism, as he said, to a minimum. Maybe if they'd been like the Drăculești Kurt would have grown up not wanting anything, spoiled, entitled and when he'd said that both men had decided that how life had turned out was the best. Blaine could never be mistaken for spoilt or entitled but he could have been, if Dmitri and Katarin hadn't been so determined themselves that their sons would never be like that then he could be much different. Life was perfect, as were their kids.

“I'm fine Dad. How do I look?” Kurt replied. He was stood in front of the full-length mirror smoothing down his vest. He was wearing black trousers and shoes with flecks of dark purple in the shoes, a black shirt, dark purple brocade vest, purple and black bowtie and black suit jacket with purple lapels and long tails. It was the mirror of Blaine which had dark blood red instead of purple and no-one had seen it yet. Once he'd been shown Valerian's suit which was now Blaine's he'd gone and found everything he needed to make one for himself.

“Wow, that turned out amazing, Kurt.” Burt said, speechless.

“Yeah?” Kurt asked, grinning. He twisted around, looking over his arms and at the backs of his legs. “I wanted it to look like his.” 

Burt nodded. “Of course. Well come on, it's time to go marry your mate.”

Kurt looked at him, his head tilted slightly. “Are you okay Dad?”

The older man shook his head slightly, tears shimmering in his eyes. “I just can't believe you're getting married. Two minutes ago you were my little boy who wanted sensible heels for his birthday and played tea party. Now you're a man, getting married, ruling and I just don't know where the time went.”

Kurt smiled at his dad and wrapped his arms around him. “Nor do I Dad but I wouldn't change any of it for a second. I love you Dad.” He says and steps back, picking up the finishing touch, his crown. It's a copy of Blaine's, traditional this time. It's silver with sapphires inlaid around the wide band and a criss-cross design giving it a wave look and from each sapphire extends a pair of dragons with their mouths open facing away from each other, a crescent moon resting between their heads facing upwards.

“Me neither kiddo.” His dad says proudly and they leave the room.


The wedding was to be in the Royal Hall. It was twice as big as the Grand Hall and was used for weddings, coronations and holding Court. It had a sweeping stairway like the Grand Hall and he and Kurt were supposed to come from their opposite sides of the Towers, meet at the top of the stairs and walk down together. Their parents would walk behind them with Cooper and Annalei behind them. His parents, Annalei and Burt would then sit on their thrones, Burt's made especially for him, and Cooper would be his best man and Finn would be Kurt's. 

“Any nerves?” Cooper asked, brushing imaginary dust off of his shoulders in what Blaine felt was more a supportive gesture than a grooming one.

“I have been ready for this day since I was born.” He replied, looking from the patterns on the dark vest to Cooper's reflection.

“Let's not keep anyone waiting then,” His brother replied and they walked out of the room. “Have you seen Kurt's suit?”

Blaine shook his head. “No. I know he designed it himself but he wouldn't let me see it. I don't even know the colours. Why? Have you seen it?”

“Nope, but knowing him it's going to be incredible.” Cooper replied as the door opposite opened and Kurt walked out.

“That it is.” Their father intoned and Blaine's eyes widened almost comically and he had to swallow down the drool that flooded over his tongue.

Cooper's jaw dropped slightly and slammed his jaw shut under his father's glare as his more composed brother stepped forward as Kurt did, walking to the top of the stairs and taking his mate's hand.

“Can I assume that you like my wedding attire?” Kurt quipped and Blaine glanced at him then back down at the stairs, concentrating on not tripping.

“Like doesn't cover it. You are breath-taking.”

“Thank you.” Kurt replied, ducking his head and knowing, if he could, he'd be blushing.

They walked down the stairs and down the aisle. Kurt looked around and was pleasantly surprised to see some of the friends he'd had in high school and his Glee Club teacher were there, smiling at him from his side along with a few Despoina, ones that had come to them personally and apologised and asked for sanctuary in a better clan and were relations of his mother's side of the family, his uncle, great uncle on his dad's side and Rachel grinning up at him.

They approached the altar and their parents went to their thrones and Finn and Cooper stood to their sides.


The Count smiled at them and raised his arms to the congregation. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite these two souls in the sacred tradition of marriage. As we hear Blaine and Kurt share word and blood we will see their bond strengthen. By promising themselves to each other today they will seal the bond that was created at birth and forged when they met. Vampires by nature need their mate to love them, guide them, be with them in all they are and do and today Blaine and Kurt will share this with you and seal themselves as one body, one mind, one blood. Blaine, Kurt your marriage unites not only yourselves but centuries of honour and tradition, a clan once united, split by commonalities will be joined again tonight. Drăculești and Dănești, children of the Basarab. Tonight you share not only your love, but the beginning of your life together. Do you both understand this?”

“We do, we welcome it.” They replied together.

“Very well. Speak your vows from your heart together, bound, never to part.”

“With my eyes I will revel in your beauty every day and watch and protect you. With my tongue I will speak only loving word and truth. With my arms I will hold you safe. With my hands I will cup your cheek and wipe away your fears. With my feet I will dance with you each day and walk your path with you. I will love and treasure you. With my body I will protect you and rejoice in our passion together. With these vows I promise my eternity. With this ring I bind you to me forever.” They said and took their rings from Cooper and Finn, sliding them onto each other's fingers.

“Take each other's hands. With this rope I bind these souls and bodies together. The sign of infinity is made over and over and signifies the lifetimes these two souls will share together and the possible eternities yet to come. The red signifies the blood that sustains, the passion that gives life and the love that gives meaning. The chain may break but the rope will never snap. I have bound you; you have shared word, now share blood.”

They smiled at each other and leant in, speaking together again. “I give you my life.” They whispered and sank their fangs into each other's neck. They drank a couple of gulps then pulled back, grinning.

The Count raised his arms again as Cooper and Finn unwrapped the rope and tied it back around their wrists so they could walk down the aisle and his voice boomed through the room. “Blaine and Kurt have shared this moment with you, their family and friends, you who have witnessed these actions which none shall put asunder. Their union is blessed with your presence, may the light of love warm them in their eternity and the truth they have spoken today never be darkened by misgiving. Today a union between two branches of an ancient family, now renewed, came to be. Go forth and prosper in your love. By the power vested in me by the power and blood of the ages as ruler of all, I Vlad Tepes pronounce you husbands and present to you and to all, Prince Blaine and Prince Kurt Anderson. May your love bring inspiration to us all.”


The crowd stood up and cheered when they turned and they walked down the aisle. They walked through the hallway to the Great Ballroom followed by their parents and the seats emptied as everyone else followed them. They kept looking at each other and grinning then walked to the middle of the ballroom and everyone bowed to them then started dancing to The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face.

They dance for what seems like hours, staring into each other's eyes as they fall more and more in love, happy in the knowledge that they were married, husbands. Kurt had made the decision to become Anderson instead of double barrel his name when Vlad told him that partners often took their mate's name and Anderson had come about when Valerian had married his mate, Carina. She'd died when he did, devoid of her mate and distraught with grief she'd been found as ashes the next day, no-one knowing if it was a natural reaction to Valerian's death or if she took her own life. Carina Anderson was the child of one of the Tepes' family bodyguards and the two had formed a strong and happy relationship that had resulted in Dmitri's birth and when she'd died Vlad and Mina had raised the youngster and kept the name as a tribute to her. Hummel, Kurt's former surname had been a lie and he didn't feel the same connection to the Amorsa surname, he felt the connection to the people but not the name, that when he'd talked to his dad about it they'd agreed that Anderson would be his new name. 

Finally they stepped to the side and walked over to their seats. Blaine kissed Kurt and walked over to the bar and to talk to his father and one of his uncles who were waving him over.

“Kurtie!” A high, sweet voice called and he turned to see Anni running towards him. She wrapped her arms around him giggling then stepped back. “Have you heard? With your wedding and Uncle Dmitri's stepping down there's going to be a change of rule through the family.”

Kurt nodded. He'd been told by the Count and Mina that as it wasn't well heard of for a Blood Prince to step down while he was still in good health and age all the Blood Princes had taken a look at their own rules and the generations and decided that if Dmitri was stepping down, they would too. Of course Dmitri was younger than his uncles, having been forced into his rule by his father's death so the others had to decide whether to have their children, Dmitri's cousins, rule or have their grandchildren, Blaine's cousins, rule. Blaine was the youngest of the family joint with Anni who'd been born days before him so many of his cousins were Cooper's age or older and either well-suited to rule or not mature enough in personality and training. “So what does that mean for you?” He asked. He knew Anni well by now and knew she'd be a great Blood Princess. Fair, just, sweet, powerful and just enough settled in herself to rule without any problems.

“You're looking at the soon-to be Supreme Blood Princess Anni Kytori.” She said, curtsying and bouncing.

Kurt gasped and pulled her into another hug. “Oh Anni I'm so happy for you.” 

A strong arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him out of the hug and he leant back into his new husband's body. “Hello my love, my cousin. Has Anni told you the good news?” Blaine inquired, smiling at them both.

“You knew?” Kurt asked.

Blaine nodded. “Father just told me. Uncle Vasil is proud of you, Anni.” He addressed his cousin and she hugged him.

“Thank you, cousin. I'll leave you two to enjoy each other, love you!” She called out, running off to her father and attacking him with a hug.


“Excuse me,” A deep voice intoned and Kurt started at the hand on his shoulder. They both span around and looked at the man who'd interrupted their laughter at Anni. The man stood tall and lean, dark flowing hair and sparkling green eyes and it struck Kurt how much he looked like his uncle Ion. “Greeting your Highnesses, I apologise for interrupting you but I was eager to meet you. I am Victor Lawal and it is a great pleasure to finally meet you both.”

Blaine grinned and Kurt gasped on tears, all but leaping into a hug with the man. He'd wondered about his grandfather and had been disappointed when he hadn't met the man since he'd met his uncle and cousin but understood that he was tracking the last rogue responsible for the dark night months ago and had hoped he'd make it to the wedding. “It is a great pleasure to meet you too, Grandfather.”

Victor chuckled and let go when Kurt stepped back. “I see that, my grandson. Now, I have a wedding present for both of you. Here.” He said, handing Kurt a sack and Kurt exchanged a wary glance with his husband. He looked into the sack then back up, a little horrified then handed it to Blaine who looked inside and smirked.

“Oh I see, a fitting wedding present.” He said, not just a little glee in his voice and Kurt groaned.

“Of course you would enjoy it.”

“My Great Grandfather impaled people, Kurt.” Blaine deadpanned and looked into the sack again, looking down at the face of the last rogue, beheaded and defanged.

“Speaking of,” A familiar voice spoke up and they looked around to see Vlad and Dmitri. “What do you…I know you.” Vlad said, staring at Victor and Kurt's Grandfather bowed low.

“Indeed, your Majesty. My name is Victor Lawal. I was one of your first-changed on the battlefield that day. I am also our Kurt's grandfather through my dear departed child Elena.”

Blaine's great grandfather's face filled with happiness and he clapped Dmitri on the back and gestured to Victor. “My Grandson, this man is one of the honoured men who was a soldier of my army and has stayed in the honour of this family by defending us through the wars. He is a hunter and has been hunting the aberrations who harmed our boys. It is an immense delight to see you again Victor. What do you have there tânăr?” Vlad said in a rush then turned to his great grandson. Blaine grinned widely and showed him the sack and Vlad burst out laughing. “Oh an apt gift, the last rogue. Can I put her on top of the highest turret spike?”

“No!” Kurt shrieked and Vlad looked put out.

“Fine, I shall find myself a pike and put her in my room.” He said, taking the bag and walking out of the room.

Kurt rolled his eyes and leant his head on his husband's shoulder. “Sometimes I have to remind myself you're all bloodthirsty animals.” He said airily and the four men laughed.


Blaine led Kurt out onto the veranda. The night had fallen long ago and it was pitch black but the gardens had been lit with fairy lights and the fountains were shooting glowing water from the dragon statues within them. They lent against the railing kissing for a while, enjoying the time alone and with the beautiful scenery. When they broke apart Blaine offered his husband his hand and the glasz eyed man giggled and took it, twirling into his arms. They danced to the muted sounds spilling from the ballroom, looking into each other's eyes.

“Do you know what I thought when I first saw you?” Blaine asked and Kurt giggled softly.

“That I was clearly the most awesome person there?” Kurt quipped and Blaine laughed.

“Well yeah but I saw this beautiful creature that I needed, past the whole mate thing. I tried to impress you by knowing what your name meant and knowing you could sing. I needed you to love me, for me to love you, to be my best friend and to share everything with you. I saw myself biting you but I also saw myself talking with you for endless hours. I saw that.” Blaine replied, thinking back all those months ago to a dark ballroom and a blushing boy.

Kurt ducked his head and looked at his mate coyly. “You know what I thought?” He asked and smiled when his husband shook his head. “I thought that here was this gorgeous, intense vampire that just wanted to dance with me and give me attention. I would've given you anything that night, even when I was angry with you, I still would've done anything for you.”

Blaine laughed and held him tighter, their bodies plastered together. “I think you did.” He quipped and Kurt laughed at the memories.

“I think we both exceeded each other's first thoughts and ideals.” Kurt sighed happily, pressing his lips to his mate's neck.

Blaine moaned a little and whispered into his husband's ear. “I think we should retire now, my gorgeous husband.”

“Indeed, it is our wedding night after all.” Kurt breathed back and the two men grinned widely and walked back to their floors, their linked hands swinging between them.


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