Bloodlined Love
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Bloodlined Love: Chapter 17

M - Words: 3,703 - Last Updated: Jan 30, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Nov 10, 2013 - Updated: Nov 10, 2013
147 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you liked! Reviews appreciated

The Council convenes and Kurt suddenly finds their home filled with men; Blaine's uncles. All tall with varying degrees of likeness to the Count, Dmitri and Blaine himself with dark hair, dark eyes and handsome good looks. In fact, Blaine is almost the odd one out. Most of his family resembles the Count, with straight hair, lightly tanned skin, angular features and straight eyebrows, so Kurt can see how Blaine who is all softness as much as hard, short, darker skin and curly, unruly hair might be the poster child for the future of the clan. He is, as much Countess Mina's resemblance is reminded of him, he is also classically Italian and Kurt can see it, this boy, his mate, charming with Italian flowing from his lips the way Romanian or English does and it makes him swoon a little, or it would, if Blaine would only notice him.

With the attack came an aftermath that, while Kurt is healing and learning to move past it and the black eyes that bore down on him that night, it is Blaine that holds them back, tethering them to the past and a dark night, blood on cement and a promise unspoken. He hates it but he can't see a way to drag them both out of it. Blaine made his choice to keep the memories as a way to spur him forward without even a word to Kurt whether it was the right choice. In Kurt's mind it wasn't. A mind settled on pain and horror breeds something more terrible and if that happens he doesn't know how he can pull them back from that the way he has again and again.

Since Blaine's father announced that the Despoina were a threat still and Blaine suggested the Council convenes after finding out what they can they've spent all their time with them. Carefully crafted days of meetings and discussions and training and learning without time together, sometimes even going without sleep, which to vampires isn't necessary anyway but it was a way of being alone, a touchstone for their relationship that they could just be them two, Kurt and Blaine, no titles or worries but Blaine isn't interested and as the days turn to weeks Kurt can see his forever falling apart with only two ways of ending the ceasefire of love between them. Appeal to Blaine's baser sense of love and protection, or force him into an ultimatum that could lead to something terrible with Blaine's current mindset.

One afternoon after lunch Kurt wanders off to their wing and hides in their bedroom, waiting for the footsteps he knows as Blaine's.


Blaine walked into their bedroom and stopped at the sight of Kurt sitting cross-legged on their bed, tears in his eyes.

Kurt sniffled and looked at him, his voice wavering. “I don't want to go to war, Blaine. I've seen enough blood and death.”

Blaine's heart breaks for him and he wants to go over, wrap him in his arms and reassure him that it would never happen but something stops him and in his mind he hears ‘your fault. You caused this'. He barely registers as Kurt's sniffles become sobs and he holds his hands out to Blaine for comfort.

His almost-scream of, “Blaine, please!” breaks through though and the wave of need that crashes into him has him rushing over to his mate, pulling the glasz eyed vampire onto his lap and into his safe embrace, whispering soft words.

“No beautiful, shh please don't cry. We won't let a war happen. I'm sorry baby. I love you so much.”

Kurt's sobs quieten and his breath hitches as he talks. “Stop,” He says quietly and Blaine raises an eyebrow at him. “Stop being sorry. You didn't do this. I want my fiancé back.” His voice broke on the last word and another sob broke through.

Blaine was taken aback. “Kurt, I raped you.” He stated. Another image of him bearing down on his petrified mate flashed through his mind and he shuddered.

“It wasn't you! You didn't rape me!” Kurt shouted, fed up with the pain and self-hate surrounding his Prince.

Blaine's eyes widen, stunned. “What do you mean?”

“I let you,” Kurt explained, gesturing between them. “I told you it was ok, that I loved and forgave you.”

The buried memory sparked in his mind and he could hear his love's lilting voice, broken by fear and pain, whispering those words. “Why would you do that?” He asked, incredulous and astonished that his mate would have done that.

“Because I love you, Blaine. The drug made you do that and I was, not glad, but you know what I mean; that you didn't do it to someone else/ If you'd done it and I hadn't said ok it would've destroyed you. Blaine I need you, you need to forgive yourself. This is tearing us apart and I just want my Prince back. The boy who danced with me and teased me and put drapes around his bed and bared his fangs at me to prove he was scary, my best friend who I can talk about anything with and trust he'll love me even more at the end. I need him back.” He cried earnestly, tears rolling down his pale cheeks.


Blaine was astonished and ashamed. How had he let things get this bad? He'd been consumed by what had happened and the thought of why and that there were people out there willing to kill them both that he'd hurt and neglected the one person who needed his love and attention.

He wrapped his arms tighter around his mate as the other teen buried his head in his chest, breathing deeply against his shirt. “My beautiful mate,” He whispered. “You are my all. You should be the one consuming me, not everything else and I'm so sorry I've mistreated my gorgeous, loving fiancé.” Blaine said, chuckling when Kurt giggled against him.

“You're ridiculous.”

“Hey, I'm trying to be sincere here and you're harshing my love.” Blaine cried out, mock pouting and trying hard not to laugh.

Kurt raised an eyebrow. “Oh I'm harshing you am I?” He said, laughing and kissed his honey eyed dork's full lips.

“Mhm,” Blaine replied as Kurt leant back. “New word, do you like it?” He asked, grinning.

Kurt shook his head fondly. “You total dork. Hey, as we probably won't get much time to, how about we make some new memories?”

“May I remind you I'm your total dork and yes, a million times yes.” Blaine breathed, his honey eyes alight with love and want.

They make love slow and sensuous for hours, the light of the sun burning away until it's low in the sky before they leave the comfort of their bed, now sticky and wet to shower and dress to re-join the others downstairs. Kurt pats Blaine's shoulder sympathetically when Blaine winces getting up and holds back his own cry as he almost falls out of bed trying to get up. Hours of enjoying each other's bodies have left them sated, happy and loose-limbed to the point that Blaine remarks that they resemble puddles, which earns him a sharp smack on the ass.


Dmitri walked into the so-called conference room to see his grandfather and uncle talking animatedly. “Marius? Grandfather? What is the meaning of this?”

Vlad straightened and stated. “We have spoken, your uncles and I and we have decided.”

“Decided what? That I do not get a say?” Dmitri huffed.

Vlad shook his head fondly and clapped his grandson on the shoulder but it was his uncle who spoke in a warm, slightly amused voice. “Dmitri your disposition reminds me of your father sometimes that I look into your eyes and see him standing with us. Do not mistake me, nephew, your rule is as absolute as mine, as all of us but in this we have knowledge that you do not. You were yet a boy when the last vampire war was raging, hidden away from those who would do you harm because you were seen as the next true ruler, the future, the best we had. Your father knew it and he died for his love for you and this family.”

“Uncle-“ Dmitri started but was cut off as Marius continued.

“We believe that to win this battle, to stop this war we must place our faith in the new future of our race and family.”

The younger vampire's jaw swung open, horrified. “You want to send Blaine and Kurt in there? What if they attack? What if they do what they did before? I cannot lose my sons!”

“You will not, Dmitri. Have you seen a vampire as powerful as your boy? As for the young Dănești his focus was not on the attacker. He is still learning but we are sure if he goes in ready, he will not have a problem defending himself or Blaine. If the world is to believe in our power, in their power we must send them to deal with the heretics, after all it is them they attacked.” Vlad replied.

Dmitri narrowed his eyes, thinking hard. “I see your points but mine stands.” He said stubbornly.

“It stands.” Marius replied neutrally.

“I'll tell Blaine. I'm sure he'll be happy.” Dmitri said and turned on his heel to talk to his son again, wondering how he would react.


They find out that the Despoina are few and not violent, they are mostly just arrogant enough to assume themselves above the rule of the Drăculești while respecting that waging any kind of war, coup or making themselves known at all would be unwise, foolish and suicide. There are, however, as there always has been, rogues who decide to take out the ‘problems' that they see and that is what has brought them here, walking into a room, both clad in back with ruby edges for Blaine like the suit he'd worn on the day they left the ‘cottage' and blue edging for Kurt, along with circlets on both of their heads while the Despoina that they could find wait for them. They look dangerous and the idea of doing this thrills Kurt. They are not here to start a war, they're here to re-establish peace and their place at the helm of the vampire world, not to be usurped by some rogue vampires with big egos, and if they have to look hot and kick ass, Kurt definitely doesn't mind.

They enter the room and the chattering Despoina fall silent, a couple even tremble but none bow.

“Who is your clan leader?” Blaine asks, his voice authoritative and commanding.

A tall man with blond hair, striking green eyes and a long scar on his cheek steps forward. “I am. My name is-“

“I didn't ask.” Blaine cuts him off in a bored voice and the man freezes, looking suitably shamed. He steps back and Kurt speaks.

“You are responsible for this clan?” He knows it's a silly question but people tend to give information they normally wouldn't when asked things like that, it give their egos a chance to shine.

The man nods. “I am. The members are my subordinates and I treat and deal with them as I see fit. I am aware that we have rogues; they are dealt with, by your father and the Count and by us. We have held court and-“

“You hold your own court?” Kurt asks, stunned and affronted. “Your court is in direct violation of the rule-"

Blaine holds out an arm, cutting Kurt off and smiling coldly at the men and two women gathered in front of them. “Do not waste your breath, love. They know,” He glances back at Kurt then his head snaps back to the others. “Hear me. You are leading your people into death. My rule is absolute and-“

“Your rule?” One man in a charcoal suit and greying hair snorts. “Last time I checked your father was ruling, you are a boy.” The man looks around but no-one laughs and he stops as soon as he looks back at the ‘boy' whose eyes are flickering black and red pools of fury.

“I may be High Prince but one day soon I will be Blood Prince, supreme ruler of all, including your little clan of parasites. I will rule and you will bow to me.” Blaine roars, his hand flicking out and the man falls to his knees, his forehead pressed against the floor.

The others gasp and one breaks forward, his lip curled, snarling but before anyone can move or Blaine can register his sword flashing high as the man runs at him Kurt reacts on instinct and opens his mouth, a pure, high note flowing from him and stopping the man in his tracks. A wave of calm floods the room and in an instant the man falls to the floor crying, his skin broken open from head to foot and the others kneel, all their thoughts and feelings spread across the stone in front of them.


Blaine steps back and stares at his fiancé, awestruck. His own thoughts and feelings are spread out with the rest and Blaine quirks a lip when he can see nothing of evil there. He sees anger, pain, fury, passion, protection, a lifetime of living the words of another; but no evil. “Why are you trying to kill me and my mate?” He asks calmly.

“We're not, Your Highness,” One of the women says. “Our numbers are few, you know this. Of us only two are not here. The threat towards you was not our doing, or our want. The children of the rogues who so long ago broke from our clan and helped wage the war were taken in, they moulded their own children in their hate for the world, and you. In time they saw to it that they would take care of ‘the issue' and bring chaos that they could make the world their own way.”

“Where are they now?” Kurt asks.

“Dead, apart from two. After their children were killed they took their lives before you could take them.” Another replies.

Blaine tilts his head and questions. “The two that are not here?”

Another man shakes his head. “No, your Highness. One is still on the run and the other…” He trails off and looks down at the man in the charcoal suit who is still kneeling and starts laughing, a sick, sardonic sound.

“You will never find her,” He spits and looks at Blaine. “You and your seed will be wiped from this earth and-“

Blaine flicks his hand and with a sickening crunch the vampire's head leaves his body. Kurt cringes then looks at his mate curiously. “What did he mean, seed?”

Blaine shrugs and looks at the other vampires who are stepping back, trying to stay out of the way of the pooling blood. “None of you mean us any harm, you are free to go but your clan leader will be meeting with my great uncle, His Highness Blood Prince Matei. You will no longer be cursed with the name Despoina.”

They gasped, some in happiness and the leader bowed low. “Thank you, your Highnesses.” He said reverently and Blaine nodded back at him before he and Kurt left the room.


They were walking down the hallway, both deep in their own thoughts when Blaine slowed and leant over. “Kurt, someone's watching us.” He whispered and Kurt looked over at one of the little alcoves in the wall.

The man blinked and coughed lightly then stepped out and bowed low to them both. “Greetings your Highnesses. I apologise, I did not mean to stare.”

“You're the other Despoina who was missing from the meeting.” Kurt stated, looking the vampire over. He was about 6ft, lean but muscled, pale and angular.

The vampire inclined his head. “Indeed. I was…I do not count myself as Despoina, though I was born to that clan as was my father and sister.”

Blaine tilted his head, measuring the man too. “You talk in riddles.” He said and the man laughed.

“I am sorry, I do not mean to. My name is Ion Lawal. I am honoured to finally meet you.” He said, mostly looking at Kurt.

Kurt stepped backwards in shock, his face getting even paler and his hands shaking. Blaine looked at him worried. “Kurt? My love what is wrong?” He asked but Kurt just stared at the man then spoke.

“It…Blaine my mother's surname was Lawal.”

Blaine looked between his mate and the other vampire and started seeing the similarities. Blue eyes, pale skin and that distinctive nose. “Then, who are you?” He asked the man who smiled at them.

“I am Elena's brother, Prince Kurt's uncle. My father, Victor, is searching for the last rogue. The clan thinks he is dead. We are hunters. We helped the Council search for rogues and war-mongers after the wars.” Ion said, bowing his head.

Kurt blinked and barely felt it when Blaine laced his fingers through his. “I have an uncle and grandfather?” He asked, his voice breathy and shocked.

“And a cousin.” Ion added, nodding.

Kurt's eyes widened to saucers. His childhood had consisted of just his father and mother for family and then just his father but now he had family on his mother's side alongside a royal line dating back generations and Blaine's family. “A cousin?” He asked excitedly. He'd always wanted a sibling or cousin. He'd felt a little pang of jealousy when Blaine had spoken of his cousin months ago and now he had his own.

Ion nodded and the dark-hired vampire motioned down the corridor and a young man emerged from another alcove and walked over to them. “This is my son, Finn.”

Finn grinned and nearly tripped over himself walking up to them. He bowed graciously and his grin widened. “Greetings your Highnesses. I'm so happy to meet you, especially you finally Kurt.”

Blaine leaned over and whispered into Kurt's ear for only him to hear. “I like him.”

Kurt nodded back and looked up at Finn. “I'm happy to meet you too Finn. Can I ask how old you are?”

“I'm the same age as you, how awesome is that?” Finn rushed out and Kurt nodded.

“Yeah.” He breathed.


“Dude, I'm sorry if this violates some law and ok if you say no, don't behead me or anything but can I hug you? I've always wanted to meet you and hugs are awesome.” Finn asked, fiddling with his fingers nervously.

Kurt looked at Blaine who nodded and as soon as Kurt nodded Finn was practically lifting him off his feet in a bone crushing hug. Kurt hugged back and giggled a little, yeah this was exactly what he'd wanted in a family.

As soon as Kurt was back on his feet and Finn had hugged Blaine quickly Blaine looked up at the other teen and asked. “So Finn, you're a hunter like your father and grandfather?”

Finn nodded. “Yeah! Well, I'm learning. I haven't killed anybody yet but I've tracked lots of people down. I'm good at it.”

Ion clapped his son on the back proudly. “You are son. He is.” He tells the Princes and Blaine looks at his mate, cogs turning in his head.

“My love, a word,” He says and they walk away a little, leaving the other two looking at each other a little worried. “Kurt how would you feel about having another guard?”

Kurt's jaw drops open and he looks between his fiancé and his cousin. “You want us to have Finn as a guard?”

Blaine shrugged. “Sure. It would give you another family member close by and a friend for both of us. I have a feeling he's supposed to be near. What do you think?”

Kurt nodded slowly. “I agree and it would be awesome,” Blaine clapped his hands together and they kissed briefly. They walked back over and Kurt spoke. “Finn, I know you're training to be a hunter but we were wondering if you'd like to become a guard. We need another guard and we'd love to have you around.”

“Yes!” Finn shouted excitedly, pulling Kurt off the floor with his hug then put him back down and looked at his father. “Um, if that's ok with you dad.”

Ion grinned widely, happy for his son and a little overwhelmed. “Of course I am, son. You'll be an amazing guard.”

Blaine nodded decisively and smiled. “Great, then take your time to pack and say farewell then we will have someone pick you up when you're ready.” He said, handing Finn his and Kurt's numbers.

“Uncle can I ask you something?” Kurt asked, something was bugging him and he couldn't let go of it.

“Anything.” Ion replied.

“Well, the rogue in there said our seed would be wiped from the earth and they kind of intimated that they weren't trying to kill us personally.” Kurt questioned.

“Oh,” Ion said and rubbed a hand over his face. “My Prince, my nephew have you ever considered that, being as powerful as you are and as the Drăculești and Dănești lines are, that a child of both lines, a true child of the Basarab would be more powerful than any other?”

Kurt stared, his eyes wide, knowing the same look was mirrored on his mate's. “You're saying they think one of us will get pregnant and they wanted to make sure the lines of the Basarab never joined again?”

Ion blinked at them. “Do you not enjoy each other?”

Blaine blustered and Kurt bit his lip, this was so not how what he wanted to talk about with his new-found uncle. “Of course we do, I am just…I had not considered it.”

“Consider it, my nephew. One day you will become parents and your child will be powerful, a terrifying prospect to anyone who doubts or wishes harm on the true rule of yourselves and your family.”

They nod and walk away, trying to wrap their heads around the thought of a tiny creation, all their own with powers none could comprehend.


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