Jan. 30, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 30, 2014, 6 p.m.
Hope you liked. Reviews appreciated.
There was a knock at the door. "Enter." His father called out and Blaine pulled himself up a little from where he was slouched on the couch, combing his fingers through Kurt's hair while his mate read. The movement jostled Kurt and he glanced at Blaine then sat upright as the butler walked in.
"Excuse me highnesses but there is someone at the door." The man said, bowing as he spoke.
Blaine looked at his father confused. The only people who could get through the gates and to the front door were their family but the butler would just let them in and announce them. It wasnt unusual to hear from his uncles and aunts and cousins and with him now mated they were sure to turn up at some point but most made a habit if calling first.
"Well let them in." Blaine said. The butler turned to him, inclining his head reverently.
"I would, your highness, but it is not a visitor yourself or his royal highness would expect or possibly be happy to see."
Blaine sighed and could feel the irritation build but then some tendrils of calm filtered through, soothing him and he looked at his mate, smiling at him gratefully. "Speak plainly." He said with a flick of his hand.
The butler stood straighter, he obviously realised how his subtlety was annoying the prince. "It is your sister in law, highness."
Blaine's father snorted. "I have no daughter in law." He said dismissively but both Blaine and his wife put out a hand to stop him.
"Coopers wife, my love. Bring her in." Blaines mother spoke and nodded to the butler who bowed and left.
Kurt watched as Blaine's father harrumphed. "Do I not get a say? What is she doing here?"
"No," Katarin replied bluntly and the two older vampires smirked at each other. "We will find out her reason when we let her tell us." She said pointedly and Dmitri rolled his eyes.
Kurt leaned into Blaine and whispered against his neck. “I hope we have a marriage like theirs."
Blaine grinned back. “We will. You are my best friend and my soul mate." He replied.
"You know soul mate in every language translates as soul friend, right?" Kurt replied as the door opened again. Blaine nodded, his eyes wide and full of adoration.
The butler walked back in and bowed. "Mrs Annalei Anderson, your highnesses." He said and left, revealing a beautiful young woman in a blue dress, her black hair falling past her shoulders and her wide blue eyes nervous and beseeching. She bowed and looked almost surprised at Blaine and Kurt then blushed and bowed her head. "Forgive me, its been so long, you were so little. Youve grown Blaine." She said awkwardly.
Blaine smiled a little in response and waved her in. He gestured to Kurt and said. "This is my mate, Kurt." By way of greeting.
"So why are you here Annalei?" Katarin asked.
"I came on behalf of Cooper. Hes...hes not doing well and when he heard of Blaine's mating he did something he hasnt done in years."
Blaine looked confused. "And what is that?"
"He looked like he was going to live." She choked out and put her head in her hands to sob.
All three Andersons gasped but Kurt was confused. "What do you mean live?"
Blaine took his mates hand and kissed the knuckles. "My love there is a reason vampires have clans, their power draws from each other. To have a mate brings and sustains our power but to our core we need family, the strength of unity makes sure that we live a full and happy immortality. Cooper broke away from us and he broke more than his familial bond. He broke his soul."
"So hes dying?" Kurt asked.
Dmitri nodded. " That is why I wanted him to live in one of our houses, it would keep him safer than his frivolous life of fame more so than the clan he runs does."
"He misses you, he always has. He regretted what he did, especially to you, Blaine. He was overjoyed youd found your mate but then he kept thinking about you and missing it all and now... I plead with you, not as your subject or coopers wife, but your daughter in law, please come and see him. He loves you and I cannot lose him." Annalei spoke up, her voice breaking with emotion as she talked about losing her husband.
They all looked at each other, Dmitri looking like he was torn, Katarin looking heartbroken and Blaine looking a little angry as Kurt observed.
"He threw his crown at me, he-"
"My heart," Kurt said placatingly. "Not long ago I nearly lost you. I would, and did, anything to keep you. Cooper did a horrible thing to you back then but no-one should be judged on their past. If you and I went to see him we could mend many of the bad feelings that you have for each other and I watched you break down. You need him."
Blaine sighed and cupped Kurt's cheek. “I thank fate for every second that you are my mate." He aid adoringly.
"As I do you." Kurt replied softly.
"So will you?" Annalei asked.
Dmitri looked between the boys and her then held up his hand. "Kurt what do you think?"
Kurt looked at him and shook his head. "I cant focus on her with all of the emotion," Blaine's father blinked at him so Kurt defined. "I cant focus on one power at a time right now and youre all so emotional."
"Ah. Let us take our leave. My one, son." Blaines father said and the others stood.
Blaine leant down and kissed Kurt's cheek. "Well be in the library." He said softly and glanced at his sister in law as he left.
Annalei and Kurt looked at each other. "Why did...wait, are you like the count?" She said with awe in her voice.
Kurt nodded. "I can read souls but Im also an empath and an Amorsa so Im kind of new to everything. I get overwhelmed."
"You look like youre getting on well." She replied smiling.
Kurt cocked his head to the side, regarding her as he read her. "It helps with a mate like Blaine and his family." He said.
She nodded. "I wish cooper still had that with them, with Blaine. You were so eager for him to mend their bonds." She said contemplatively.
"I know what its like to lose a family member; I also know what its like to be on the brink of death and to suddenly be something other than what youve always known yourself as." Kurt replied.
"He just wants to see Blaine, to see his parents, even you." She said pleadingly.
"Where is he now? Does he know youre here?"
Annalei nodded, gulping on her tears. "I asked his wish. He wished to be forgiven. Hes dying. Im terrified... Im terrified of going back too late, to going home to ashes. Please help, Kurt. Please."
Kurt got up and hugged her. "Its okay," he whispered then steeped back to leave. "Sit down, please." He said and she hiccupped and nodded as he closed the door gently.
Kurt almost laughed out loud at his someday in laws and mate when their heads snapped around to look at him as he walked into the library.
"Is he...?" Blaines mother asked, unable to even say the word dying.
Kurt nodded. "Shes telling the truth." He replied and rested his head on his mates shoulder as his strong arms wound around his waist.
"Then we leave as soon as possible." Blaine said and his parents nodded.
The plane ride was mostly silent; Kurt was watching Blaine, the other vampire lost in his own world of brothers and loss. Kurt smiled gratefully as the attendant placed down two more bottles of blood. She smiled back and shot Blaine a confused, worried look before hurrying back to the back of the plane.
"Drink up, honey," Kurt said and Blaine looked at him then the bottle, uncapping it and taking a long drink. "Mind taking me to where you were just then? Remembering your brother?" He asked.
Blaine shook his head, swallowing before he spoke. "Yes and no. I was thinking about him but theres something Ive been keeping from you and Im afraid youll be angry at me." He said and turned to look at Kurt, his eyes wide and fearful.
Kurt was taken aback. He hasnt seen Blaine look so genuinely afraid before. Even when he was being attacked by his own powers hed been confident, even when hed cried which Kurt was sure was the other prince trying to manipulate him even if he wasnt fully aware of it. "Im not going to abandon you Blaine. I thought we were going to be honest." He said, holding out his hand to his mate and revelling in the warm flood of love that rushed through him as his mates hand slid into his.
"We were," Blaine replied earnestly. "But I knew youd stop me if you knew and I wanted to know. I meant to tell you but youve been working so hard and then this came up..." He trailed off, looking at Kurt expectantly.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Then tell me, silly."
"I kind of, um, looked into your dads mind. He started saying about your mom but as if he was going to tell me her powers or something." Blaine replied guiltily.
Kurts turned a little hard. "Oh?"
"Kurt dont be angry." Blaine whined.
Kurt sighed. He could understand. Blaine was used to being told what he wants and he wants to know everything about Kurt, including his mother. "Im not, baby. What did you find out?"
"She was an air-breaker. She could manipulate the weather and she was of the Sansone clan. They were originally from England and were powerful. Most of them were able to manipulate and control something. She was able to create force fields for protection. Powerful, though not as strong as you, she was also able to do something I want you to try. Her ability was amplified when she sang." Blaine said and gave him a look what I did look.
"Wow. Wait what do you mean they were? Arent they able to anymore?"
Blaine shook his head sadly. "Many were decimated during the war. Some went rogue, she fled."
Kurt's eyes widened. “She fled? Why?”
Blaine sighed and slid closer, taking one of Kurt's hands. “It's not her fault and I can promise you it had nothing to do with her but remember that last war?” He waited for Kurt to nod slowly and sighed again. “It's thought that the Sansone allied themselves with the Akashites and the Despoina and the rogues started the war, the ones who didn't want to join in were given the choice to run. She ran. All the ones who were caught swore they never started the war or helped but one thing was true above anything else.”
“What's that?” Kurt asked as he watched a look of grief wash over Blaine's face.
“One of them killed my grandfather.” He gritted out and Kurt gasped. He'd known the Count's eldest son, Blaine's grandfather, had been killed in the war which had essentially ended it when, in grief for their fallen son and brother, the Draculesti who'd fought but held back using their powers as a way to end the war without force, they'd decimated the rogue vampires including the one who'd killed Valerian and released their powers, forcing every vampire to give the truth and binding those they saw fit to.
“Oh Blaine.” Kurt whispered quietly. He knew the death had been hard on the Count and Dmitri and they'd obviously told Blaine a lot about him, as they would and knowing how Blaine was about family it must hurt him as much as his mother's loss hurt him.
Blaine gave him a watery smile and sniffed and sighed deeply, glancing back to where the attendant was out of sight then back to Kurt. “I'm so lucky to have you, Kurt. I have a best friend and someone who can share everything with me and love me unconditionally.”
Kurt smiled at him and cupped his mate's cheek, bringing him in for a kiss. “I always will be, Blaine. I love you and someday we're going to get married and have a whole eternity together.”
The seatbelt sign went on and they kissed once more before buckling back up, their hands joined between them.