Jan. 30, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 30, 2014, 6 p.m.
Hope you liked!
Back in the 15th century when the man known as Vlad Tepes sold his soul for fangs there was another, as soulless and bound to blood as him, called Amorsa but instead of embracing their nature as the Drăculești and his offspring did, they grew to hate it and hid it as much as possible, even using spells to bind the powers of their children. The Drăculești and the clans that began as the Royal-blooded created and the clans that grew over the centuries ingratiated themselves with the humans, creating the myths that surrounded their world to keep themselves safe and soon they became loved or disbelieved. Count Amorsa became legend, then rumour, and then as the years drifted into centuries he was almost completely forgotten.
Blaine itched all over. It had been happening for a while and it was getting worse. He felt angry and like biting anyone who came near him as he sat down for breakfast, his mother fussing over the blood pancakes and his father reading the paper. The older vampire stood and patted his son's shoulder but pulled back when Blaine turned and hissed at him. “Blaine Diavolo Anderson do not use that language at me.” His father ordered and reached out again but pulled back when the teen tried to bite him.
“Blaine, behave yourself,” His mother said soothingly but when she turned and saw her husband staring at their son warily and backing away as the hissing teen advanced, baring his fangs she went over to him, concerned. “Blaine honey what's wrong? Are your teeth hurting?”
Her husband sighed and lowered his arms. “I have no time for adolescent growing pains, Blaine get your things together.”
He was met with another hiss and he rolled his eyes as his wife glared at him. “Dmitri can't you see he's in pain? What's wrong young one?”
“Itchy.” Blaine mumbled and the two vampires stopped and stared.
“Itchy where?” His father asked but Blaine just replied by trying to gnaw at his arm, his feral tendencies out of control. His mother shrieked and grabbed the phone, speed dialling the doctor while the elder Anderson grabbed his son, restraining him.
The doctor knocked on the large ornate door, checking his bag again. As soon as he'd gotten the call he knew what it was about and his stomach hit his shoes. Prince Blaine was a sweet, intelligent young man and if it was what he thought, they could all be in trouble. The door swung open to reveal the butler, a worried look on his face. “Where is he?”
The butler ushered him in and realised Princess Katarin, Prince Blaine's mother had put a shield around the house so no sound could get out. As he passed the barrier he heard the scuffling and hisses of the young prince and his parents trying to hold him back. They'd managed to get him up the stairs and he turned the corner at the top of the stairs in time to see the princess back out of the open door of Prince Blaine's room as his father shouted.
“Blaine put that down!”
Whatever it was smashed and the doctor heard another hiss. He raced to the door and was dismayed by what he saw. The prince's eyes were a dark, deep red and he looked like a wild animal. The doctor's mind went back to the other times he'd seen this, but never in this setting. Vampires as they grew were susceptible to changes like humans and other creatures. Their bodies changed and they went through a stage like human puberty where their powers developed, grew and their personalities became set for what they'd be like in the future. The most visible change was as they matured, their mating.
Vampires in the most basic sense needed a mate to balance and enhance them. Soul mates to guide them through lives. Some found other vampires, some found humans. To not have a soul mate was to be cursed to a life of loss and pain. Most found theirs young, others not until later in life but something was different about the Drăculești line that made the Royals walk a fine line between supremacy and weakness. They needed a mate. Right down to their make-up but as the powers were so much more in them, they had to find their mate before they matured or their powers would eat them from the inside, which was why he was here today. He looked into the room. The prince was slumped on his bed having passed out. He waved his hand over the boy's body and closed his eyes in pain.
The doctor stepped out of Blaine's bedroom and locked the door behind him to stand in front of the other vampires, bowing slightly. “He's definitely in the last stages of maturity. The fact that he hasn't found his mate and performed the natural rituals mean his body is essentially rebelling and punishing him. Until his mate is found the young Prince is a danger to himself and others.
Blaine's father looked at the door, listening to the growls and hisses behind it. “And if his mate is not found?” He asked.
“I've seen vampires go mad, even slaughter entire countries. There are several who think many of the world's biggest tragedies were the work of a vampire driven insane by being unmated. Also, the implications of the prince being unmated are dangerous for you politically.” The doctor replied.
“I don't care about politics.” Blaine's mother growled.
“You may not, your highness but no member of the Drăculești has ever been without their mate, power is driven through the mate and if the young prince cannot mate, his power is lost and reflects upon you, suggesting you cannot rule with your heir unmated and dangerous and as your friend and clan member, if this gets back to His Majesty and he finds out his favoured grandchild is going through this, I do not want to be in the same solar system.” The doctor pointed out.
The two chuckled then sighed and as he ran his fingers through his black hair Blaine's father looked to his aide. “Call the Vampire Council and get the word out. Prince Blaine is to have a celebration.”