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Realize: Chapter 7

T - Words: 1,236 - Last Updated: Mar 03, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Mar 03, 2013 - Updated: Mar 03, 2013
285 0 1 0 0

Blaine felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Any time his phone made any type of noise, his first thought was alwaysKurt.

B, my flight is delayed thanks to mechanical difficulties. I have no idea when I'm leaving. I'll keep you updated.

Blaine frowned. "Damnit," he muttered. He shot a text back.

:( That totally sucks! I was looking forward to seeing you tonight. Do you think you'll still get here at a decent hour?

That didn't sound too needy, right? God, he missed Kurt so much. His voice, his sassy comments, his constant need for new clothes. It had been way too long since he'd felt Kurt's soft lips on his, since he'd cupped his silky face in his hand. He felt heartbreak all over again from losing him. He still hadn't forgiven himself for cheating, and he never would. Kurt was, and is, the love of his life and he was just so pissed that it took fooling around with another guy for him to see that. He had never missed and needed someone so much in his life. His whole body yearned for Kurt, just to talk to him, hear his voice, need him, kiss him, love him. And he felt this on a daily basis, but lately it was just getting worse. He was so lonely. But not lonely for other people. Lonely for Kurt. He felt tears in his eyes, but he couldn't help it. He felt them start rolling down his cheeks. And he was having this mental breakdown before school even started, while Finn was up front talking to them about the wedding and all of their proposed duets. Someone was going to notice. And sure enough...

"Blaine, are you ok, dude?" Finn looked concerned.

"Yeah, I just need a few minutes. I'll be right back," Blaine answered. He wiped his cheeks, and quickly walked out of the room into the hallway, to find the closest bathroom.

Finn watched him leave, concern evident in his eyes. Sam piped up. "I'm going to go check on him, Finn, I'll be right back."

Sam walked down the hall, he figured Blaine was upset about Kurt, but he didn't get why. Just a little while ago he was psyched to see him. He figured Blaine went into the bathroom, and he was right. When he walked in, he found Blaine bracing himself against the sink, tears rolling freely. He wasn't sobbing, or breathing funny like people do when they're crying. This was a deep pain, people only cried like this when it was a soul-wrenching pain.

"Blaine..." Sam asked quietly, and pulled him into a hug. "What's going on?"

Blaine pulled back from the hug a little bit, so he was just standing in front of his friend. "Sam... I know we've had this conversation before. But, I feel like I'm dying. I got a text from Kurt saying his plane would be delayed, and that's not really a big deal. But of course my stomach dropped anyway, realizing how much I needed to see him tonight. And it brought everything back. It brought EVERYTHING back," Blaine's voice cracked with emotion.

"I miss him so much, Sam..." He whispered.

Sam pulled him into another hug. He hated seeing his friend hurt so much. "I know, dude. I know. We'll figure it out, ok? We will. Kurtiscoming home, and hewantsto see you. Blaine, it's going to work out. It's going to be ok." God, he hoped he was right.

"I hope so," Blaine whispered. "I don't know how I would even handle it if it doesn't."

Sam sighed, and released Blaine. "Take a few minutes, ok? Some deep breaths. I'm going to go back in and assure everyone you're going to be ok."

Blaine nodded, and braced himself on the sink again. Sam went into the hallway, walked down a little bit and leaned against the lockers. He pulled out his phone. He needed to call Kurt. He needed to make sure that his intentions were to be with Blaine again, because if they weren't, then he needed to know what he was doing to Blaine.

"So, the last time you saw Blaine was at Christmas, then?" Barbara asked him.

"Yeah... and I wasn't ready to forgive him yet. It took me going on a few dates with another guy to realize that what Blaine and I had can't be replicated, and it can't be created with anyone else." Kurt's phone started to ring.

"I'm so sorry, it's my friend Sam. He's good friends with Blaine. I have to answer this." Kurt looked at his idol, appalled that he was taking a phone call in her presence.

"No, no, go right ahead," she smiled.

Kurt smiled back, and answered. "Hello?"

"Kurt. Hey. Look, I only have a couple minutes. But I need you to understand something. Blaine is a wreck. He doesn't know if you're coming back and singing this duet with him as his best friend, or something more. And it just made everything come back into focus for him. He's in pain, Kurt. He wants you back more than anything in this world, and... I don't want you toying with him. You know I'm your friend, but Blaine's my bro. If you're not coming back here with the intention of starting things back up with him, I need to know. Now."

Kurt had tears in his eyes. Sam never talked this way to him, not really. He knew Sam cared about Blaine, a lot, and he knew they'd gotten close after he left. Sam was looking out for his friend.

"Sam... I'm not toying with him, I promise. Ilovehim...I need him back in my life, too. It just needs to be me that tells him that, ok? In person. So... just reassure him that everything is going to be fine. I'll get home as soon as I can, I promise." Kurt sniffled.

Sam sighed into his phone, "Ok, man. Thanks. I'm really glad you guys are going to figure everything out. He needs you, Kurt."

"I need him, too," Kurt replied. "I'll be home soon."

"Ok. Bye." Sam hung up, and Kurt followed suit.

Kurt had to get home. Blaine was hurting. He had to get home. Like, right now.

"You need to get home. This minute." Barbara looked at him.

"I know," Kurt replied. "But there's nothing I can do. My plane is delayed, and they don't know how long it's going to be. Which means hours. Which means Blaine suffering in fear of me not loving him back again." Kurt put his head into his hands. "I don't know what else to do. This has to be in person."

"I do," Barbara replied. She pulled out her phone. Kurt was mystified. What was his idol doing?

"Carl? Yeah, I need the car. Where's the jet?" She waited a moment. "Mhm. Yes. Ohio..." Kurt looked up at her.

WHAT!?was somewhere near his thought process.

"Hang on a second, Carl." She looked at Kurt. "What's the closest airport to your hometown, Kurt? It doesn't have to be a major airport, even an airfield will do."

Kurt gaped at her. "Um...god... Ada, I think. Yeah. Ada airport. Near Lima, Ohio." He couldn't believe what was happening. Was he in a movie?

"Ada airport," Barbara said into her phone. "How soon can you get the car to Newark airport?" She waited again. "Oh, Carl, you spoil me. See you in fifteen." She hung up the phone, and looked at a gaping, surprised, and confused Kurt.

"Come on, darling." She took his hand. "We're getting you home to that boy."


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You just made me love Sam more than I already did before and your depiction of Barbara is pretty awesome. Not only did Kurt meet his idol, she is helping him get back to the man that he loves. I am off to read chapter 8 and I must say that I am completely hooked on this story.