Tangled Up in You
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Tangled Up in You: Chapter 6

E - Words: 1,312 - Last Updated: Apr 05, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Oct 24, 2012 - Updated: Apr 05, 2013
1,190 0 7 0 0

Author's Notes: Unofficially titled: Kurt Tells Finn. As expected, there is Kurt!angst (and Finn!angst, if you don't like seeing anyone upset/in pain.) I like Finn, for the most part. He's not perfect, though, but I tried to do him justice, not bash him, etc.


It was after school the next day before Kurt had a chance to talk to Finn.

He had had a chance to talk to Blaine, in a manner of speaking, during AP English. Blaine had made it a point to sit beside Kurt in class. (Kurt was pretty sure he'd have sat by him in every class they shared together, but either they had assigned seating, or there hadn't been any empty seats by Kurt—or, in World Economics, Kurt had barely made it before the bell, having spent most of his time puking in the bathroom, and had taken a seat in the back where it was less likely he'd be called on.) Blaine had tossed a note onto his desk during English which just read I'm SORRY! :(

Kurt had written out tersely, Bite me. To which Blaine, eternal smart-ass that he was, had responded with Does that mean I'm forgiven? 8D ?

That was the point Kurt had to pretend to start coughing, to cover up the small laugh and smile he couldn't help, both because he didn't want to give Blaine the pleasure of seeing it, and so the teacher wouldn't realize they were doing more than merely taking notes. The teacher hadn't really noticed. Blaine, on the other hand, wasn't fooled, and had sat for the rest of the period with a little self-satisfied smirk playing on his lips. God, he was infuriating. (And gorgeous. Damn his beautiful face.)

"Finn. I...I need to talk to you about something."

Finn glanced over at him, his face closed-off. Kurt had seen plenty of Finn's moods before, and he tended to wear his thoughts on his face. Now, he was giving Kurt a look he could only call 'calculating.' Distrustful, maybe. The knot in his stomach tightened at that look.

Finn sighed. "Can wenot do this in the hallway? I'd rather not have half the school see."

Kurt frowned, blinking in confusion, wondering just what Finn thought was about to happen, but nodded.

They found an empty classroom just down the hall, and Kurt shut the door behind them with a soft click that sounded far too loud in the sudden, stifling silence. He hated this. Hated trying to find the words to difficult situations, and trying to soften what he knew was a devastating blow.

He and Finn had been dating for only a few months, but they were exclusive, they spent a lot of time together, and he really liked Finn. He genuinely thought he loved Finn. But...he really wasn't sure he was in love with him. He'd been infatuated, and had felt almost pressured to date, to date someone of 'status' in the school, and who better than the quarterback of the football team? But Finn, completely separate from his status as football player, was a really great guy. He had his faults, but who didn't? (And Kurt was pretty sure his own faults outweighed all of Finn's by a ton.)

"So," Finn finally said. His hands were stuffed in his jeans pockets, shoulders drawn up a little, his entire posture closed-off and not-quite-hostile. "I guess this is where you break up with me."

"Iwhat? Whatmakes you say that?" Not that it wasn't true, but Kurt couldn't remember doing anything to alert Finn to the possibility.

Finn sighed, angry and exasperated. "Mike saw you yesterday, Kurt. At least some of my friends understand loyalty."


"Saw you!" Finn practically yelled, hands jerking out of his pockets to gesture broadly. "Out by the field, with the Skankswith Blaine Anderson! Mike's girlfriend's a Skank, he was going out there to meet her, and he saw you and Anderson, walking off. Said Quinn Fabray was spitting mad, but Tina pulled him away and just told him you two were going off to 'talk.'" Finn scoffed, an ugly sound escaping his mouth. "Yeah. Right. I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid, okay? I see the way he looks at youand the way you look at him! I've been seeing it, for months now!"

"Wh-whyyou never said anything!" Kurt's voice grew embarrassingly high as he tried not to scream at Finn, or just start crying. "Why did you never say anything?!"

Finn glanced away, started to turn back, then turned his whole body, as if he couldn't stand to stay facing Kurt. He leaned over and braced his arms on the edge of the teacher's desk. "You... I figured, you wanted to be with me, I'd just let it go. But then... Anderson kept staring at you, and you were... like, you acted like you— I just, I didn't know. But then, you seemed to... snap out of it, or whatever, and I figured... I mean, it's not like people can decide who they like, or whatever, but they can decide what they're gonna do about those feelings. And you seemed... okay, like you wanted to be with me, so I let it go."

Kurt's head was spinning. When had Blaine been staring at him? And how had Finn noticed, and he hadn't? Because as far as Kurt could ever tell, after that damned party, that one night, Blaine had gone about completely ignoring him. Had he been staring before that? Or had Finn just seen him when Kurt hadn't, when Blaine hadn't been trying to seem like he was ignoring him? God, it was so confusing.

And then, something occurred to him. He tilted his head as he stared at Finn, as if seeing him for the first time. "You... is that, why... you started that fight with him? Becausebecause he'd been looking at me?"

Finn wouldn't look at him again, shoving his hands back into his pockets.

"Oh, my God. Ohmy God," Kurt muttered to himself. He moved over until he could lean on a desk, limbs a little shaky. This... he hadn't expected this at all. That Finn had ever even had an inkling of what was going on. It didn't sound like he knew about the actual cheating, but he seemed to be assuming Kurt was cheating on him now, and presumably he was wondering how long it had been going on. But this was not at all how Kurt had planned for this talk to go. He figured Finn would be hurt, of course, and maybe angry, yelling at him when he found out...but not this.

"II'm pregnant." He glanced over just in time to catch Finn's head jerk quickly toward him, eyes wide in surprise. Kurt faced forward, staring at the dry erase board instead of having to watch his face. "Iwe there, was a party. A lock-in. About two months ago. Your momdidn't want you to go, which I understood. But...but, Blaine was there, and we... just the it was just the once." Unbidden, Blaine's words from yesterday drifted through his head. "Technically, you've had sex twice, then. Well, three times, if we're going by number of orgasms." But it had only been that one night.

"So. You were cheating on me."

"No." Kurt was surprised at how fiercely it came out. "I— it was just that one night. I cheated on you. Yesterday... I just went to tell Blaine. We weren't...we didn't even kiss."

"Oh!" Finn cried, throwing his hands up. "Well! That just makes me feel so much better, Kurt! Thanks for clarifying that! I'd hate to accuse you of the wrong kind of cheating!"

"I'm sorry!" Kurt yelled back. "It was justyou were making it seem like dating me was such a chore! And then there was Blaine, being sweet and paying attention to me, wanting to be with me, and Iit felt nice, and I wanted it, and I know it was a dumb thing to do, but it happened! It happened, okay?!"

"I!" Finn held up his hands, palms out in a warding gesture, taking a step back. "You know what? Fine. It happened. You and he seem to deserve each other. You're both assholes."

And before Kurt could think of anything to say past the blood roaring in his ears, Finn had moved past him and left the room.

End Notes: This is like, my least favorite chapter. Writing Kurt and Blaine fighting is weirdly fun, hurting Finn is not.Next chapter: Kurt tells Burt. Everyone keeps secrets.Please let me know what you thought! ♥


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OMG!! Can't wait for an update, love it (:

I felt bad for Finn too-I do love canon!Finn, for the most part. Like all Glee characters, he's got some pretty big faults, but for the most part, he's a good guy, or tries to be. Kurt did sort of "pressure" him a little bit into dating, but if Finn had really been against it (as we saw in canon) he would have told Kurt no, which he didn't. But when they first started dating, he just didn't really know how to deal with having a boyfriend. In this 'verse, it's not that he's homophobic (which I really don't feel he is in canon, either, but in this 'verse, homosexuality is viewed differently, because of the (still uncommon, but possible) fact that males can become pregnant, so it's not "such a big deal" to date the same sex), so much as he's just never really thought about being with another guy, so it's kind of weird for him. Which is frustrating for Kurt, who doesn't have that problem (obviously). After Finn gets jealous/suspicious of Blaine, that's when Finn ups the physical side of the relationship, which might have kept Kurt with him (even if he did feel a little guilty), but the "damage" was already done, by that point. Like on the show, I think there's a lot that goes on "behind-the-scenes" that I just can't add to the story, things other characters are thinking that Kurt isn't aware of. Hopefully I explain it well enough that it's not OOC or anything, but there's a lot going on in my head that just can't make it into the story. A lot of backstory will get told, to explain characters' actions (some of Quinn's backstory will be coming up when she finds out Kurt is pregnant-hint: she does not have Beth), but in Finn's case, there was just nowhere to really tell it without overdoing it. I did want it to come out that 1: he started the fight, not Blaine, and 2: that he'd noticed how Blaine (and possibly Kurt) were acting toward/looking at each other, and he got jealous, and that was his motivation for a lot of things. I don't know if Finn will show up later in the story or not. Besides Kurt and Blaine's "main" plot, and a couple side-plots involving them, I really don't know what will happen. We'll see. If he does, he'll probably start dating Rachel. (fair warning, lol)

I actually felt bad for Finn. He really didn't do anything wrong especially since he didn't initially want to go out with Kurt in the first place. I mean Kurt basically tricked him to be with him and then he ends up turning around and hurting Finn. I hate seeing Finn hurt but I am glad that Kurt is at least single now. I can't wait to see how Burt reacts when he hears the news. I really am enjoying this story even though it is kind of angsty but it is all worth it for the fluffy moments.

Ner I liked Kurt and Finn for a little bit!! Great story, by the way!

you have to continue this!!please?!!

Well you hurting Finn you might not like but it brakes my heart to see my babys fight all the time pore klaine