Life at Anderson Manor
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Life at Anderson Manor: Chapter 2

E - Words: 4,620 - Last Updated: Nov 15, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Oct 11, 2013 - Updated: Oct 11, 2013
177 0 0 0 0

Chapter Two
Kurt wanted it to stop. He needed it to stop. Anything but this. He promised to anyone who could hear his pleas, that he would do anything if someone would stop the excruciating pain that was raging inside his body and burning him from the inside. He couldn’t feel his limbs anymore but he still registered how it hurt. It felt like his head was splitting. He didn’t even know why he was still conscious.
His throat hurt from screaming and his veins were burning as fire raced through them and burned his whole body in the process. Where was Blaine? Why wasn’t he doing anything about this?
Thoughts were racing through his mind but he couldn’t hold on to them for longer than a second before they were gone again. His head felt like it was about to explode and his lungs were screaming at him that he needed to breathe in, but he didn’t know how. He couldn’t move and he couldn’t think...
But then the burning slowly retreated from his arms and legs and Kurt already thought it was going to stop when suddenly the fire from everywhere in his body burned its way towards his chest. A blood-curdling scream tore from his throat when the fire burned even hotter around his racing heart.
And then, Kurt could have sworn that his he felt his heart stop beating before he lost consciousness. He was sure he had died.
Kurt’s screams were ringing in Blaine’s ears and he held his hand as he watched Kurt’s body shake with pain. It tore him apart not to be able to do anything. He wanted to help him. He wanted to stop the pain for Kurt, wanted to take everything back. He would have rather gone through all that again than watch Kurt go through it now.
A tear fell from his eye, and he kept whispering “I’m sorry, Kurt”, even though it was not audible. Kurt’s screams didn’t stop even though Kurt’s voice was getting hoarse. There was nothing else Blaine could hear. He was sure he would remember this sound forever. How could he have done this to Kurt?
Memories of his own turning flashed through his mind and he squeezed his eyes shut at the thought of what Kurt was going through. Kurt’s screams continued. His eyes were wide open but Blaine knew that he couldn’t see anything.
He sat there, not being able to do anything, as he felt Kurt’s life slowly leaving his body. Blaine covered his eyes with his hands when Kurt let out a final scream that tore Blaine apart inside.
Then it was quiet.
Kurt had lost consciousness. It had been almost five hours. Blaine thought to himself that he should’ve known that Kurt’s body wouldn’t go down without a fight. Most turnings didn’t take that long. His own hadn’t. At least that’s what he believed.
Blaine listened to Kurt’s heart as it stuttered with one last burst of life and then stopped beating. It was done. Kurt was... Kurt was as dead as Blaine was himself. A vampire now. Well, not completely, not yet.
Suddenly Blaine heard something next door. He had forgotten about the man he had left over there. Quickly, with a last glance towards Kurt, he got up quietly and made his way into the dark hallway. The man had already reached the top of the stairs when he stopped for a second before making his way down them.
Blaine’s eyes darkened in a reflex. His prey was escaping, he surely wouldn’t let that happen. With superhuman speed he jumped over the railing, doing a somersault in the air before landing at the bottom of the stairs without a sound. The man almost walked into him in the dark.
“Oh god!” He exclaimed and wanted to run back upstairs but Blaine grabbed him by his shirt.
“Whoa, there, hold on a second.” Blaine said, sounding like he was making casual conversation. “Don’t run away.”
The man’s heart was going a hundred miles an hour. “Let me go! What do you want from me? I-- I saw your face. What are you?”
Blaine bit his lip. “That’s not that important. At least not right now. Sorry about your head by the way.” With a sigh, Blaine slowly let go of the man’s shirt. “Now would you please come upstairs with me again?”
The man shook his head determinedly. “No!” He sucked in a breath. “What did you do to that other boy? I heard him scream. What did you do?”
“He’s fine. It was necessary.” Blaine said quietly. “You’re here to help him.”
The guy scoffed. “I’m not staying here! I’m going! Let me leave.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Hell yes you can. You won’t get away with this.”
“Oh, believe me, I’m gonna get away with this.” Blaine chuckled quietly. “Now listen. I won’t hurt you as long as you don’t try to run. If you run however, I’m gonna catch you. There’s no way you can escape me, so I advise you not to try. Come upstairs with me. Now.”
The man hesitated and then he did what Blaine was expecting him to do: he tried to run. Past Blaine and towards the door and Blaine let him. As the guy ran past him, Blaine rolled his eyes and in the blink of an eye he had turned around, caught up with the man and kicked him to the ground. With a yelp the man fell onto his hands and knees before flipping around onto his back, only to have Blaine crouch over him with bared fangs.
The man’s eyes widened and Blaine smelled thick waves of fear rolling off of him as Blaine growled at him loudly. “I told you, you can’t run from me.”
“Vampire...” The man breathed and Blaine raised an eyebrow.
“Wow, you’re faster than most people at putting the pieces together.” Blaine grinned as he sheathed his fangs and stood up, pulling the man up with him. “Since you know what I am now, you will probably believe me when I tell you that it’s gonna end very painfully if you try to run again. Now come on, I don’t have time for this.”
He pulled the guy’s arm until he reluctantly followed him upstairs while trying to keep as much distance between himself and the vampire. Blaine pulled him into the room where Kurt was lying. It was slowly getting dark in the room as the sun sank behind the trees. He pushed the guy down on a chair before climbing onto the bed next to Kurt and laying a hand on his chest.
The missing heartbeat was something he would have to get used to. He had loved the constant thumping of Kurt’s heart, always so close to him. Now he would never hear that again.
This isn’t the end, he told himself. Kurt’s still here and he’s not going anywhere.
He glanced over to the guy who was watching him with wide eyes and Blaine could smell how scared he was of him. It made the air thick and Blaine was getting a bit frustrated with this guy.
“What’s your name?” Blaine asked. He could see the man’s Adam’s apple bopping as he swallowed and tried to answer.
“I’m-- I’m Derek Nolan.”
“Okay, Derek, here’s the thing.” Blaine stood up from the bed and slowly came closer to the shivering man. “You know what I am, so you probably figured out what I did to him.” He tilted his head into Kurt’s direction. “I turned him, so when he wakes up he’s gonna be a vampire, too. He’s gonna need to feed shortly after he comes to, and I’m gonna make him feed from you.”
Derek let out a whimper as he leaned away from Blaine as far as it was possible in the chair. He was staring at Blaine as he came closer and Derek’s eyes were fixed on Blaine’s mouth, a mixture of terror and confusion on his face.
“Please... Please get away from me.”
“I won’t hurt you, Derek. I’m just asking you to be quiet when he wakes up. He’s gonna be very confused and he might attack you. I don’t want him to kill you right away, it would be bad if he killed you accidentally, which is why you need to be absolutely quiet. Understand?”
Derek nodded, his shoulder’s slumping in defeat.
“I’m sorry it was you, Derek, but I just took whoever crossed my way first.” Somehow Blaine felt bad for the guy. He felt bad for him because he seemed so afraid. And somehow it scared Blaine to see how much he could scare someone. He bit his lip. “Maybe he won’t kill you. Maybe I’ll stop him.” He mumbled before going back to sit at Kurt’s side. It wouldn’t be long now.
Blaine could feel it. Kurt was about to wake up. Blaine would be lying, if he said that he wasn’t excited. Maybe a little bit scared about how Kurt would react to everything but was still excited to finally know for sure that he would never lose Kurt and to be able to call him his mate.
Because Blaine could feel that, too. Damien had been right. Blaine felt a slight itching on his chest and he smiled to himself. He couldn’t wait to look at the mark on his chest but he wanted to do it together with Kurt after he woke up and calmed down from the shock that was sure to follow.

The pain was gone. At least Kurt thought it was gone. It might come back at any time and Kurt was scared that it would. If it didn’t come back though, he was pretty sure he was dead. He tried but he couldn’t remember what had come before the pain, or even what had caused the pain. He desperately tried to think of something, anything that had happened, but his mind was totally blank.
Well, there was one thing he remembered. One thing he could never forget.
He remembered Blaine.
But wait. If Kurt was dead, then Blaine would be alone. Kurt couldn’t leave Blaine on his own. He needed Kurt and Kurt needed him. They could not be apart. That was impossible and unbearable to think about. And suddenly Kurt wished the pain would come back. Anything to show him that he was alive and with Blaine.
What if this was death, though? Eternal darkness but being fully aware of who you were, not knowing what happened to you. Maybe it wasn’t death in general, maybe it was hell. Kurt tried to decide whether he deserved hell or not, and came to the point where he was fairly sure that he deserved it. But he couldn’t do this without Blaine. He wouldn’t get through this without him.

Suddenly he realized that he could feel his body. It wasn’t like he was non-existent. Even though it felt like he was floating, he felt something and that made him think.

What if I’m just lying here? What if I can just move, even if I really want to? I don’t know where I am, so why can’t I try to get somewhere I know? Can’t I just open my eyes? I just need to wake up.

Blaine let out a tiny gasp when Kurt opened his eyes. He was met with the clearest shade of blue that he had ever seen. God, he could get lost in those eyes even more likely now than before when Kurt had still been human. The turning had barely changed Kurt’s features but Blaine could see the small things that were different now about Kurt’s body.
But all of that wasn’t even remotely important right now. No, what was important, was that Kurt was awake.
“Kurt”, Blaine said Kurt’s name in a mixture of relief and awe.
“Blaine, you...” Kurt stopped frowning a little at the sound of his own voice. Had it always sounded like that? And had Blaine sounded like that? What were all these noises? He could hear water running somewhere and he could hear birds but they sounded so close, it was impossible. It wasn’t like there were any birds in the room. What was this?
To Kurt it felt like a fever, where everything is just too loud and things seem to move slower than normal. In his mind everything remained fuzzy, his memories and his thoughts. He couldn’t concentrate. The only thing that was clear in front of his eyes was Blaine’s face and Kurt was amazed at how clear it seemed to be. He could see every single dark hair on his head, each strand‘s exact color and the way it curled.
His own body felt weird. Well, it felt different. Like he had been lying still for too long and he had to get used to every muscle in his body again. He felt lighter. But none of this made sense to him. His head hurt like hell. What was this?
“Blaine, what happened?” He groaned. “What happened to me? What is wrong with...”
Blaine smiled at him. Kurt could see joy in his eyes but also curiosity. Had his eyes always been this intense hazel color? They used to be duller, didn’t they? “Everything’s fine, Kurt. You’re okay. I bet you feel a bit weird but that will go away. Something happened to you but you probably don’t remember, do you?”
Kurt shook his head. What did Blaine mean? Was he in an accident or something?
Blaine laid a hand on Kurt’s cheek. “I’m glad you’re okay, Kurt. I love you so much.”
“I... I love you, too.” Kurt stuttered. “I thought I was dead.”
“Oh, no, Kurt, you’re not dead. Come on, I can get you something that will help clear things up a bit.”
He gently helped Kurt to sit up. When Kurt looked around the room, he remembered where he was. This was Anderson Manor. Kurt barely remembered how he got here, which seemed weird but still his head was spinning and he couldn’t think straight. Then he noticed the colors. This was just incredible. Every color was so intense and clear and he could see everything. Every little detail was so clear. He could see the dust floating through the air and he could see every scratch in the wooden floor.
This just wasn’t normal. What was wrong with him?
He only noticed the guy in front of him when Blaine let go of his hand and stood behind the chair the man was sitting in. Kurt saw the man squirming in his seat and he cocked his head to the side.
What did Blaine want with him? Who was this? Was Blaine going to feed on that man?
Blaine’s voice was quiet but still crystal clear to Kurt. “Don’t you want it, Kurt?”
Kurt was confused. What did he want? It was not like he wanted the man. It was something about him that he wanted. But what?
He looked up at Blaine and could see his eyes darken and his fangs protruding from his upper jaw before Blaine leaned down and bit into the man’s neck. He pulled back immediately without drinking but none of that registered with Kurt anymore. He didn’t even care that the man’s screams hurt his ears.
The only thing he saw were the drops of blood that were dripping from the bitemark. The smell and the way Kurt could almost taste it in the air... He wanted this. He needed it, but he didn’t even realize what he was doing. He wasn’t thinking anymore.
Blaine watched as Kurt took hesitant steps closer towards Derek before he suddenly just leaned down and licked up the drops of blood on the pale skin. Then Kurt started sucking and drinking greedily.
Something in Blaine’s mind just clicked in that moment.
Now Kurt was a vampire. Just like him. It made Blaine’s heart swell. And seeing Kurt drink, seeing him feed did something to him. He couldn’t wait to finally see Kurt with dark eyes and fangs. He hadn’t known just how much he had wanted this.
Kurt was still drinking and Blaine could see Derek’s hands on the armrest of the chair slowly going limp. He probably wouldn’t survive this. Kurt was going to kill him just like Blaine had killed his father after his own transformation.
Suddenly Kurt stumbled backwards and fell down, catching himself on his hands. Blaine was at his side immediately but he didn’t touch him, scared that it would be too much for Kurt to handle. The look of complete terror on Kurt’s face made Blaine worry that Kurt might lose it right there but Kurt was staring at the body of the man in front of him that wasn’t moving anymore. Blaine could hear Derek’s dying heartbeat and was sure that it was almost over for him. A few stuttering heartbeats later, Derek was dead.
“Oh god, Blaine, what have I done?” Kurt breathed. “What is wrong with me? Why did I...? I killed him, didn’t I?”
“Yes, Kurt you did but that’s okay.” Blaine said as he gently took Kurt’s face into his hands and made Kurt look him in the eyes. “Everything’s okay, Kurt. You are okay and this was not your fault. It had to happen.”
“But Blaine, I...” Kurt breathed in. “I drank his blood and I didn’t... I liked it. I didn’t even realize what I was doing--”
“Kurt, stop. It’s okay. Remember, it’s not your fault.”
Kurt’s eyes were unfocused and he looked past Blaine to where Derek’s dead body was lying in the chair. “I drank his blood and I enjoyed it.” He said slowly. “I... I am a vampire, right? You turned me.”
It wasn’t a question, but Blaine nodded. “I know you don’t remember but it’ll come back to you soon enough. Are you feeling okay?”
It was Kurt’s turn to nod now. “I feel alright. But... This is all a lot to take in.” He took another deep breath. “I just killed someone. I’m a vampire now.” Kurt said these things more to himself than to Blaine. “I’m okay, I think.”
“You don’t seem a hundred percent alright to me.” Blaine said. “Come on, let’s get you to the bathroom and get you cleaned up. You just have to calm down.” Blaine helped Kurt get up and briefly wondered, if Kurt could already tell how different things felt now. He knew it had to be overwhelming and having killed someone for the first time just added to that. He could tell that Kurt was still a bit out of it as he led him towards the bathroom.
Inside Blaine sat Kurt down on the edge of the tub but Kurt immediately got up when he saw his reflection in the mirror. “Oh my god, I look...” He couldn’t find the right words. His chin was covered in blood, just like the collar of his shirt. His eyes looked different from what he remembered, brighter somehow, and his whole appearance... He couldn’t put a finger on it but he looked stronger. If he had to describe it, he would say that he looked more like Blaine. More menacing... But that couldn’t be, right? He wasn’t dangerous.
Kurt closed his eyes for a second.
Yes, he was. He was dangerous. He was a vampire now. With his eyes closed he suddenly noticed how different things felt: all of the noises around him and the way everything smelled. He smelled the blood and it somehow made his throat and stomach ache. It felt like hunger but it wasn’t the same. It was more like a need, a desire...
Suddenly he felt something push through his gums in his upper jaw and he opened his eyes to look into the mirror and almost let out a shocked gasp when he saw his eyes. The weren’t their normal light blue color anymore but a dark blue, almost black and they were staring back at him like the eyes of a stranger. Kurt wouldn’t have recognized himself anymore. He would never describe himself as an intimidating person but what he saw in that moment in the mirror, that wasn’t him anymore.
He ran his tongue over his teeth and felt them. Fangs.
He almost didn’t dare to open his mouth to look at them but he did, and seeing his own face looking back at him with dark, menacing eyes and fangs made him take a step back and he sat back down on the tub.
“Oh god...” He whispered and buried his face in his hands. The fangs felt weird in his mouth but also like they belonged there. His throat ached and he found himself thinking of sinking those fangs into someone’s neck. Hunger.
He felt Blaine coming closer and then he was kneeling in front of him. “Look at me, Kurt.” He demanded and Kurt looked up. Blaine felt a rush of excitement go through his body. Kurt’s eyes were almost black and there was a deep confusion in them, but Blaine could see the hunger and the want that Kurt couldn’t understand in this moment. Then Kurt opened his mouth a bit like he was about to say something and Blaine lifted up one hand to carefully touch one of the sharp fangs that were now growing from Kurt’s upper jaw. “You are so amazing, Kurt.” Blaine whispered. “I love you so much.”
“Blaine, I... I look like a monster.” Kurt’s voice cracked and he looked down averting his eyes.
“No, Kurt, no. You don’t.”
“Yes, I do.”
“No, Kurt. Look at me.” And Blaine lifted Kurt’s chin up until their eyes met. Kurt watched as Blaine’s eyes rapidly darkened and then Blaine bared his own fangs. “You look like me, Kurt. Just like me.” He said quietly. “Do you think I look like a monster?” Kurt slowly shook his head. “See, then you are not one, either.” He gently caressed Kurt’s cheek. “This is who you are now, Kurt, and it’s not bad, because you are here with me and no one can take you away from me anymore. No one. Do you hear me? You’re mine forever.”
Kurt nodded and Blaine retracted his fangs. “How do I do that?” Kurt asked. “How do I make them disappear?”
“Try to relax. Try to concentrate on something else. Something calming.” Blaine said. Kurt closed his eyes and slowly breathed in and out. Breathing felt weird, too. There was no relief that usually came with breathing in. He concentrated on his breathing anyway, then he could feel his teeth slowly change back. He opened his eyes to look at Blaine again, who was watching him with a caring expression. “See?” He said with a little smile. “No fangs anymore.” Kurt carefully smiled back at him. “Your eyes are still dark though, but that won’t go away for now. It’s gonna be like that for a few weeks at least. I remember that at first I thought they would never change back to their normal color but they do eventually.” Blaine stood up and took Kurt’s hand. “Come on.” Blaine laughed.
“What are you doing?” Kurt asked sounding a bit unsure and still a little shaken up.
“I want to show you something.”
Blaine brought Kurt downstairs to the living room. Kurt barely looked where he was going. He was too distracted. He could literally hear everything. Their steps on the wooden floor, but also the birds and animals outside in the woods. The wind outside was very loud, or at least it seemed like that to Kurt, and he could hear all the noises in the house, like the buzzing of the electricity. He looked up to the ceiling and stopped walking.
Blaine noticed and turned around. “What’s wrong?” He sounded worried.
“The lights are not on.” Kurt said quietly still looking up but then he looked out of the window where the moon was visible between the clouds. “And it’s night.” He gave Blaine a confused look but Blaine just raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Blaine, how... I can see everything like in broad daylight. How is this even possible?”
“We’re meant to be nocturnal creatures, remember? This is how we see at night. Daylight might seem a bit bright to you in the beginning but you’ll get used to it.” Blaine gently squeezed Kurt‘s hand that he was still holding. “Come on, let’s sit down.”
They sat on the couch, Kurt still a bit shocked about his eyesight, and Blaine turned towards Kurt with a truly happy smile on his face. “So, Kurt, now that you’re turned, you are officially my mate.” Blaine breathed the last word before letting go of Kurt’s hand and slowly lifting his own shirt to reveal his chest.
There, right over his heart, there was a little tattoo, a deep blue almost black color, and it formed a triskelion.
Kurt breathed a “wow” before slowly lifting his hand to carefully touch the mark with the tip of his fingers. He looked up at Blaine whose eyes were bled through with black the second Kurt’s skin touched his’. Kurt smiled and quickly he pulled his shirt out of his jeans and lifted it up until the exact same mark was revealed on his own chest.
“That makes it official.” Kurt said and he couldn’t help but think about how it would feel, if Blaine’s mark touched his own. They would be so close.
Blaine nodded and with a laugh of joy he threw his arms around Kurt, totally ignoring the fact that Kurt was a newborn. Like Blaine had predicted it, Kurt was nothing but a bundle of instincts.
So when Blaine embraced Kurt tightly, Kurt let out a hiss and was out of Blaine’s arms and a couple meters away immediately. Blaine was standing just as fast a low growl coming from his throat. Kurt felt like he was trapped in his own head. His body was doing what instinct told him was right but Kurt himself had no idea what had just happened.
He barely understood how fast all of this had happened. He knew he was a vampire now, but just how was it possible to move so fast?
When he heard the growl coming from Blaine all he wanted to do was stop, but his newly found instincts took over and he snarled-- good god, he snarled-- and lunged forward. Blaine dodged his attack easily and had him pinned on the ground faster than Kurt could realize.
Blaine knew this was bound to happen from now on but still it surprised him, and he felt a bit uneasy seeing Kurt, who used to be his human boyfriend, snarl and attack him. Seeing Kurt act on his vampire instincts was weird but he was no match for Blaine. Blaine was far more experienced and stronger. Blaine kept growling at Kurt while he had Kurt pinned underneath him. “Calm down, Kurt.”
Kurt struggled against his grip and growled in frustration. He couldn’t move his arms, but there was one weapon he still had.
Blaine yelped and hissed when Kurt suddenly bit into his wrist with his fangs fully extended. Blaine pulled his arm out of Kurt’s mouth and let out such a loud growl that the newborn underneath him went still. Finally Kurt could get a hold of himself again.
“Shit, Blaine, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I don’t even know how that happened.” He squeezed his eyes shut and hoped Blaine wasn’t angry or about to lose it.
“It’s fine, Kurt.” Blaine said, his voice sounding tense. “That’s just what happens. That’s why we’re here. You need to learn to control. That’s the first and most important thing. You can’t let things like this happen when you’re in public.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Blaine slowly let go of Kurt and let him get up. “This might happen now and then.” He rubbed his wrist that had already healed and then he smiled before lightly punching Kurt’s arm. “See, even you are a naturally aggressive vampire. You are gonna be a fighter, I can tell. One hell of a fighter, that is.”


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