Life at Anderson Manor
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Life at Anderson Manor: Chapter 1

E - Words: 5,454 - Last Updated: Nov 15, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Oct 11, 2013 - Updated: Oct 11, 2013
192 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Uploading this, even though I haven't fully uploaded Life at Dalton, because someone asked me to do it.

Chapter One
“When?” Kurt asked as Blaine fell down on the couch next to him.
It had been three days already. It was Saturday by now and neither of them had brought up the subject they both wanted to talk about. Until now.
Kurt was done waiting. He had waited a whole year. He had waited the whole year for this to come and for everything else to be over and now, when it was supposed to happen, they weren’t doing anything. Well, maybe they were doing something.
Blaine had showed him around the house and Kurt had discovered rooms he hadn’t seen during his last visit. There was a huge study on the ground floor and right next to that a music room. Kurt had spent hours in the music room already, flicking through music sheets and playing some of them on the piano. Blaine had let him and had disappeared to somewhere else in the house. The next day he had shown Kurt where he had gone.
The basement. Kurt hadn’t been down there yet and he was not really sure if he wanted to. Blaine had told him that Cooper probably didn’t know that this house had a basement. The entrance to the staircase was hidden behind a bookshelf that looked like it was built into the wall. No one would ever question that it could be moved from its spot but Blaine. The stairs that led down into the dark were steep and there were no lights to turn on, so they ended somewhere but Kurt didn’t exactly know where.
Blaine had laughed at Kurt’s disgusted face and with a shake of his head he had told him that he didn’t have to go down there. He had been down there though, just to check if the chains were still strong enough and were not in danger to give in, if a vampire pulled on them. Kurt decided rather not to ask why you would need them.
Now it was the third night Kurt would spend at this house. He always slept with Blaine in Blaine’s old room even though the house had several big bedrooms. Kurt didn’t want to sleep alone somewhere, so Blaine had somehow managed to get another bed into the small room. He had placed it on the opposite wall from his own bed, but when Kurt had seen that he had pushed it next to Blaine’s bed with some effort.
Blaine had only smiled to himself when he heard Kurt move the furniture upstairs. Of course he had wanted to sleep in the same bed, but he also wanted to leave that decision to Kurt. Now they slept together in the handmade double bed.
During the first day Blaine had gotten a text from Jeff. They had found the note and they were wishing them good luck. Kurt frowned at that. “Well, I guess you can always need a little luck.” They didn’t answer that text. They didn’t want Nick and Jeff to be in trouble, if someone found their text messages. On Friday Kurt had been lost in his thoughts, thinking about what his dad was doing. They had just disappeared and his dad would totally freak out. Kurt couldn’t help but think that his dad might have suffered another heart attack. He just hoped that his dad wouldn’t try to find them and he hoped that he wasn’t blaming Blaine for all of this. Well, of course, Burt would blame Blaine. There was nothing Kurt could do about that.
But now it was Saturday. And Kurt was done waiting.
Blaine sank down on the couch next to Kurt and stared into the empty fireplace. He sighed quietly.
“Whenever you’re ready.” He answered. “Tell me that you’re ready and when you want to do it and then I’ll do it.” He turned to Kurt apparently expecting his answer.
Kurt swallowed, suddenly not so sure. Did he really want it right now? Like right now? He licked his lips that seemed awfully dry and then let his breath out before answering. “We have to get this over with, so we better do it sooner than later.” He hesitated. “We’ll do it tomorrow night. I’ll have the whole day tomorrow to prepare myself and… and you, too.”
Blaine didn’t move for a few seconds but then he nodded. Slowly and his eyes seemed unfocused. “Alright. Tomorrow night.” He closed his eyes for a second and when he opened them again they focused on Kurt’s face. “I’ll get everything ready for tomorrow night. You better get some sleep tonight. Tomorrow will be a long day. I will have to explain a lot of stuff to you and I’ll have to go to town to feed and you can decide where you want to do it.”
Kurt nodded and needed to look away from Blaine’s eyes. It unnerved him somehow. Blaine seemed so determined and he seemed like he was perfectly prepared for what they were about to do. And Kurt himself felt so unprepared, so na�ve. He didn’t know anything about what was about to happen. He didn’t know how it would change him. He didn’t know… what it was going to be like.
But Blaine had said he would explain stuff to him. Maybe he would know more tomorrow. And even if he didn’t know what was going to happen, he had Blaine. Blaine would be there when he woke up and Blaine would be there for him and help him get used to everything.
“I don’t want to sleep tonight. I want to spend tonight with you.” Kurt said looking into Blaine’s eyes and he could have sworn he saw a spark of joy shine in them. “So, please don’t leave tonight.”
Blaine hesitated. He knew he had to feed. He hadn’t fed since they arrived at his house and his jaws were aching for something to sink his teeth into. “But I have to feed, Kurt. I’m hungry and I can’t turn you while being hungry. I can’t leave you alone while you turn, either. I could never leave you alone with all that pain.”
Kurt scooted closer to Blaine on the couch and laid his arms around Blaine’s neck. “I’m gonna be fine. And I won’t stop you from feeding tonight. Just not right now. Please leave later.”
“I guess I could do that.” Blaine’s lips where close to Kurt’s ear and he could feel Blaine’s breath on his skin. Then Blaine’s lips moved down to Kurt’s neck and he pressed a gentle kiss on the soft, pale skin. Kurt shivered at the contact of Blaine’s lips to his throat but it was a pleasant feeling, so he leaned into the touch.
“I love you, Blaine.” He whispered.
Blaine chuckled. “I figured that much. Hmm, what do you think? Should we take this upstairs?”
Kurt looked into Blaine’s lust-blown eyes. They were verging on black but Kurt wasn’t scared. He couldn’t be scared of Blaine anymore. And besides, he wanted this just as badly. So he nodded frantically.
Blaine tightened his hold on Kurt and lifted him up. “Close your eyes. Trust me.”
Kurt closed his eyes immediately but when he felt Blaine moving he opened them again. He instantly regretted it. It’s not like he could see much. Everything was a blur of colors; it made him feel nauseous because his brain couldn’t quite figure out where the ground was. He only had his eyes open for a second, maybe, before he squeezed them shut again but that was when Blaine gently dropped him on the bed.
As soon as Kurt felt the mattress underneath his back he turned over to lie on his stomach and he clutched the sheets with his hands, trying to get rid of the dizziness. A groan escaped him as his stomach churned. He felt the mattress move where Blaine carefully sat down close to him.
“Oh god, Kurt, did you open your eyes?” Blaine asked as he reached out for Kurt’s shoulder to turn him around. Kurt let himself be turned on his side so he was looking at Blaine. He nodded and squeezed his eyes shut again when the dizziness returned. He heard Blaine chuckle.
“Not funny”, he groaned.
Blaine leaned down to press a gentle kiss on Kurt’s forehead. “Sorry, but I told you to close your eyes. You don’t feel it but seeing the speed we were going at can make you feel incredibly nauseous, right? Are you dizzy? Do you have to throw up?”
Kurt shook his head. “Dizzy, yes, but I don’t think I’m gonna throw up. How do you handle moving so fast?” He opened his eyes. “How do you not run into something?”
“I can see where I’m going. For me it’s not that fast. My eyes and brain can still process everything, so it’s not a problem for me. You will have to get used to the speed at first but it’s not gonna take you long. It will be normal for your body to move at such speed. It will probably be harder to go slow, knowing that you could be so much faster.”
Kurt lazily raised one eyebrow. “So, you feel like this world is going really slow? Everything is like slow-motion for you?” He tried to get up, the dizziness was slowly fading.
“Not exactly”, Blaine said as he helped Kurt to sit up. “It’s hard to explain. Everything that’s at normal speed is still totally normal but when I go faster, the normal things seem slower. Or when something is incredibly fast like, I don’t know… the arrow that Mr. Robinson shot; I know that I can be faster than the arrow, so it looks like it moves in slow-motion to me. That’s how I got between you and the arrow in time.” He bit his lip. “Does that make sense? Whatever, you’ll understand it when you see it for yourself.”
“You’ll explain everything to me, right? All these things that I have no idea about? You’ll help me.”
“Of course, I will.” He cupped Kurt’s cheek. “I would never leave you alone with this.” He looked into Kurt’s blue-grey eyes and got lost for a second. “How’s your head? Still dizzy?”
“No, it’s fine. I should have known better than that. Never opening my eyes again if you tell me not to.” Kurt smiled and pushed Blaine down on his back, so he could climb on top of him. “Now, why did we come up here again?”
Blaine’s eyes darkened again. “I don’t know. Maybe you need to remind me.”
Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine’s and Blaine eagerly responded by kissing him back. He pulled Kurt down until Kurt’s chest was touching his own. He could feel Kurt’s growing erection against his own and it made him groan out loud. He broke the kiss to start sucking on Kurt’s neck although he didn’t have the intention to bite. At least not now.
He could feel Kurt’s hands at his hips and they were slowly working to get Blaine’s shirt out of his jeans. When Blaine realized this, he let go of Kurt and had his shirt off faster than Kurt could even blink. Kurt didn’t even question it. He started sliding his hands over the firm abs and the broad chest beneath him and when he saw Blaine observing his every move, he started unbuttoning his own shirt before throwing it on the floor, for once not caring about wrinkling the clothes.
Blaine’s eyes locked on Kurt’s chest but quickly he caressed the smooth skin of Kurt’s belly before tracing the lines of the ‘v’ of Kurt’s hipbones into his pants. Kurt leaned down to capture Blaine’s lips again.
He could feel Blaine’s hands opening his pants and for the first time he didn’t mind. He had waited way too long. He was ready; maybe he had been ready all this time. He didn’t know. Before Blaine pulled down his pants though, he stopped for a second quietly asking Kurt’s permission for this. Kurt just nodded with a smile before playfully biting Blaine’s nipple.
Blaine growled softly at this sensation before he had Kurt’s pants off and on the floor. His own jeans followed soon after. He felt Kurt’s cock through the thin fabric of the boxers they were still wearing and let his head fall back with another moan.
“Please, Kurt, I want you to…”
“What do you want me to do?” Kurt whispered and it made Blaine shiver with need.
“Do whatever you want to me.” Blaine said, his voice deep.
And Kurt moved down to Blaine’s crotch and pulled Blaine’s boxers down with his teeth. Blaine was hit by waves of pleasure he couldn’t remember ever feeling before. He had never felt like this with anyone and Kurt was just… he was just pure heaven. The heaven to the hell raging inside of him.
Kurt started sucking on the head of Blaine’s cock swallowing the pre-cum before taking Blaine further into his mouth. Blaine’s moans were making Kurt harder himself as he started sucking harder. When he was about to come, Blaine arched his back and Kurt pulled off just in time before Blaine came with a quiet cry.
“So beautiful, Kurt…” Blaine whispered. “Let me take care of you.”
Kurt fell back on the bed when Blaine firmly wrapped his fingers around Kurt’s cock. The throbbing was almost painful but so pleasurable at the same time. He whimpered as his orgasm hit him and he came all over Blaine’s hand. Blaine lifted his hand to his mouth and slowly licked off some of the cum.
“Mmh, tastes almost as good as you do.” Blaine chuckled.
“Hungry?” Kurt asked with wide eyes, still shaking a bit from his orgasm.
“Shower first.” Kurt said and pulled Blaine with him from the bed to the bathroom. Quickly Kurt pulled off a bracelet he had been wearing before. He gently pushed Blaine backwards until they were both standing in the shower. Blaine’s eyes didn’t leave Kurt’s body for even a second, admiring every inch of that beautiful body.
The heat of the water in the shower and their hands touching each other was bliss for both of them. They barely said anything, just soaked up each other’s presence and the proximity of the other body. Blaine’s hands were caressing Kurt’s entire body as he massaged the soap into Kurt’s skin. Kurt just leaned back into Blaine and listened to Blaine’s soft hums and the water dripping down.
When they got out of the shower Kurt felt overheated. The steam in the bathroom had fogged up the window and the mirror and Kurt’s cheeks were red from the heat. Blaine’s touch was cool, maybe warmer than usual but still cool.
“Come back to bed with me.” Blaine whispered as he leaned his chin onto Kurt’s shoulder. Kurt let himself be carried to the bed, at normal speed this time though, and Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt’s body as they lay down. Kurt sighed as he felt those strong arms surround him and he pressed his face into Blaine’s chest to breathe in the smell that only Blaine had, mixed with the smell of the soap.
“Please don’t leave tonight.”
“Kurt, I have to. I need to feed.” Blaine said as he ran his fingers through Kurt’s still wet hair.
For a few seconds Kurt was quiet but then he pushed Blaine away a little bit. “You can drink from me.”
“No, I’m serious. I don’t want you to go away tonight or tomorrow. I need you with me here, otherwise I feel really alone in this house. And besides, it doesn’t matter to me anymore, if you bite me, okay?” Kurt sat up a little. “I don’t care that it hurts. Turning me tomorrow will hurt way more, am I right?”
Blaine sighed. “It’s not that, Kurt. I told you before that I don’t like to feed from you because I don’t want you to feel like my victim or my prey.”
“I won’t, Blaine, I promise. I don’t feel like that at all.” Kurt responded. “Just stop arguing. I know that you like drinking from me.”
Blaine groaned and suddenly Kurt was pushed down onto the mattress, Blaine on top of him, his eyes dark. “You can’t say things like that, Kurt.”
“Why not?” Kurt smirked. “Because I’m right?”
Blaine growled. “Exactly.”
Hungrily Blaine kissed Kurt, who was taken aback by the force that Blaine’s lips had as they crashed into his. As he melted into the kiss, he already felt Blaine’s longer than normal canines against his mouth. Suddenly Kurt’s lip got caught on one of the fangs and the sharp tooth literally sliced open the skin. Blood ran down Kurt’s chin and his heart sped up when he felt Blaine suddenly became very tense. Carefully Blaine took the cut on Kurt’s lip in his mouth and he started sucking on it. More blood came out of it and Kurt yelped when Blaine suddenly bit through the flesh of his bottom lip.
Blaine immediately backed away. “Fuck, I’m sorry, Kurt. I lost it. I— I am just so hungry.” His eyes were trained on the blood that was running down Kurt’s chin but with all his willpower he looked away and sank his fangs into his own wrist instead. “Drink, please.” He held it up to Kurt’s mouth. “That needs to heal.”
Kurt obeyed and sat up a little. He started drinking even though his lip hurt. Blaine pulled his arm away when Kurt’s lip was totally healed and leaned forward again.
“Am I still allowed to drink? From a more appropriate spot?” He asked quietly.
Kurt nodded, his eyes fixed on Blaine’s face, his dark eyes and the fangs that were still extended and poking out of Blaine’s mouth. Blaine tilted Kurt’s head to the side and pressed his lips against the side of Kurt’s neck. When his fangs broke the skin a tiny gasp came from Kurt but he tried to stay relaxed having noticed that tensing up only made it hurt more.
Blaine drank. A lot. Kurt couldn’t help but think that Blaine had never drunk that much from him before but Kurt also didn’t care. Blaine wouldn’t kill him and even if Blaine brought him close to death, Kurt had already agreed on being turned, so it wouldn’t matter if Blaine turned him now.
But Blaine stopped. He pulled back and laid a hand on the bite marks on Kurt’s neck. He wiped the blood away that was still coming from the wound and watched as it healed, his own blood still doing its purpose in Kurt’s body.
“Did it hurt?”
Kurt shook his head. “No, no, it’s fine. I got used to it. It doesn’t hurt that much.”
“Do you want to go to sleep? You look exhausted.” Blaine took Kurt’s hands in his own and gently pulled him down into a lying position again.
“You won’t leave tonight, right?”
“I won’t. I promise.” Blaine curled his arms around Kurt’s waist and Kurt enjoyed the firm grasp around himself. Only moments later Kurt was asleep. Even Blaine fell asleep, never letting go of Kurt throughout the night.

The next morning the sun woke Kurt up as it shone on his face. It was bright, so with a groan Kurt turned around in bed and buried his face in Blaine’s chest. Blaine was still sound asleep. The slow rhythm of his breaths was comforting, and Kurt almost fell asleep again, but then he remembered what was going to happen today and the thought kept him awake. He considered waking Blaine but he wasn’t sure if he could handle being attacked right now, even if Blaine would probably not hurt him.
So he stayed lying there and felt the warmth of Blaine’s body right next to him. He loved this man. He loved him with all his heart and he was sure that he’d do anything for him. Blaine would probably do anything for him, too. Kurt couldn’t remember ever having seen a couple like them. So in love.
When he had been younger he would have never believed that anything like this would ever happen to him. A love like this was not common, Kurt was the one that got lucky and found someone like Blaine.
Yes, there was a price to pay for him. In return for having the most amazing man on earth for all of eternity, but Kurt was more than willing to pay this price. It was more the process of it that scared him. But he couldn’t be scared anymore. This had to end. He was going to go through with his decision tonight and then there would be no turning back anymore. The option of leaving never existed. The day he left with Blaine to come here and leave his dad behind, that had been the moment that his decision was made. And he couldn’t change how things were anymore.
After some time, Kurt started squirming in Blaine’s arms. He wanted to get up but he would have to get Blaine to wake up first because his grip on him was too strong for Kurt to break.
“Blaine?” He whispered as he pulled on Blaine’s arm. “Come on, I want to get up. Please, Blaine, wake up.”
Blaine groaned and only tightened his grip on Kurt further. When Kurt kept on moving, Blaine growled a little and when Kurt smacked his arm his only response was a snarl but Blaine opened his eyes and bared his teeth that had grown into fangs.
When Kurt saw that, he immediately regretted hitting Blaine but Blaine didn’t seem angry. He raised one eyebrow at Kurt. “Nice way to wake up. Good morning.” He looked out of the window. “Is it morning?”
Kurt turned to look at the clock. “Mmh, six in the morning.”
“Can I help you somehow? You didn’t even sleep seven hours. I would have thought that after I took that much blood from you yesterday that you would sleep until noon or longer. So, what’s up?” Blaine asked without even noticing that his fangs were still out.
“I just couldn’t sleep anymore and I didn’t want to be awake without you. Sorry, I know that’s not a reason to wake you like that.” Kurt said quietly but Blaine cupped his cheek gently and caressed the soft skin.
“It’s fine.”
Kurt gave him a curious look. “Does it hurt when they come out?”
Blaine frowned but then noticed his fangs. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to—“
“It’s okay Blaine. Don’t worry… Can I touch them?”
Blaine hesitated but then he nodded. “Careful, though, you might cut yourself. And to answer your question, no, it doesn’t hurt when they grow.”
Kurt slowly brought his finger up to Blaine’s open mouth and ran his finger over the blunt front of the long fang. He avoided touching the tip or the sides knowing that he would literally slice his finger open even if they didn’t look that sharp.
Blaine pulled his fangs back and gave Kurt a meaningful look. “Are you ready to know everything you need to know?”
Kurt nodded without hesitation and Blaine gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the bed to make breakfast in the kitchen, Kurt close behind. In the kitchen they sat down for waffles and some fruit. Coffee of course, too.
Then Blaine started. “Okay, ready?”
Kurt swallowed a piece of his waffle and nodded.
“Okay, so, first of all, the transition.” Blaine put down his fork. “It will hurt. I’m not gonna lie to you. And I don’t know how long it will take because I’ve been told that it’s different for everybody. I’ll be there with you the whole time but I’m not sure if you’re going to notice.” Blaine paused for a second but then continued. “After you wake up, you probably won’t remember what happened. I myself lost about three days of my memory after the change but they slowly came back to me. Damien told me he only lost about a day’s worth of memories. But either way you won’t remember that I turned you, so you will be confused as to what happened.”
Kurt nodded once and waited for Blaine to continue while he continued eating.
“I will get you to feed before explaining to you what happened, because otherwise you won’t be really listening anyways. It’s a lot to take in and it will overload your senses. You feed to complete the change and everything will start to settle. You’ll be able to think more clearly after feeding, and then I will try to get you to remember that I turned you and start to get you used to your new body.”
“Is it really going to be like a new body?” Kurt asked.
“Yes. You’ll be stronger than you used to be so anything physical won’t take anything out of you. Same with the speed. Your senses will be the hardest to get used to. Hearing literally everything and smelling everything can be very overwhelming, especially for a newborn vampire.”
Kurt looked down on his plate and tried to remember and understand everything Blaine told him. They started cleaning up the table and kitchen and when they were done, Blaine led them to the small library that was upstairs under the roof.
Blaine slowly walked along the bookshelves until he stopped and pulled one book out. It was a small, black book, covered in leather. It was nothing special; Kurt probably wouldn’t have even noticed it. But it looked old. Blaine handed it to Kurt and Kurt opened it to the first page.
Hidden Monsters by Walter Hendrickson
“What is this?” Kurt asked as he turned the book around to look at the back. There was nothing written on it from the outside. He opened a page in the middle of the book somewhere and raised his eyebrows. “It’s handwritten.”
“Yeah, it’s quite an old book. It was never published or anything and the people who read it mostly thought that it was just a story. A made-up story. But it’s not.” Blaine bit his lip. “The author describes the turning of his brother into a vampire or rather his brother shortly after his turning and the things he was dealing with. You can read it, if you want to, but I have to warn you, the guy who wrote it was a scared man who describes his brother as a monster. In some parts of the book he made some stuff up to make his brother look even worse. So, before you assume anything wrong, ask me about it and I’ll tell you the truth.”
Kurt nodded and looked at the book in his hands. Suddenly it seemed very heavy to Kurt, knowing that this book contained some terrible things.
“Do you mind, if I read it now?” He asked Blaine, looking up at him.
Blaine shook his head. “Of course not. I’ll leave you alone with this. Maybe sit down on our bed or in the living room and I’ll try to, well, prepare myself. I’ll leave in about an hour. I need to get some stuff.” Kurt nodded, not even asking what Blaine meant, and they left the library, Kurt going to curl up on their bed with the book.
When Blaine poked his head into the room an hour later, Kurt looked up from the book. He had been lost in the story. Some parts had made him shiver but he was sure that it was just the way the author described everything. Too many adjectives.
“Kurt, I’m gonna leave. But I won’t be long. Just stay where you are and try not to freak out about everything too much, okay?”
Kurt rolled his eyes fondly but when Blaine was about to go, Kurt stopped him.
“Blaine? I have a question.” Blaine turned around again. “When I’m turned… In the book it says that the newborn might attack his maker. Am I… Am I going to want to kill you?”
Blaine licked his lips nervously. “It’s possible, yes. But don’t worry about that, Kurt. Even if you did, you won’t hurt me. I am strong enough to handle you and I won’t hurt you, either. Nothing’s gonna happen if you attack me.”
Kurt nodded relieved. “Okay. Then go and come back as fast as you can. I don’t want to be alone here for too long.”
“I promise.” Blaine said, suddenly in front of Kurt pressing his lips against Kurt’s before being gone just as fast again.

Blaine returned only about forty-five minutes later. Kurt heard him come upstairs where he was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom inspecting his appearance narrowing his eyes at his reflection. This would be the last time he would look at himself as a human, as someone normal. Now everything was about to change and he couldn’t… he just couldn’t grasp the fact that he would, well, die tonight.
He shook his head scolding himself. He couldn’t think like that. With a sigh he stood up to leave the bathroom and froze as he took the first step out of the room. Blaine was carrying a limp body in his arms as he came up the last step of the stairs. It was a man. Dirty blond hair and a young face. Over his eyebrow there was a deep cut and dried blood was sticking to his closed eyelid. Kurt gasped at the sight. “Is that…? Is he dead?” he whispered.
Blaine shook his head and walked past Kurt towards the empty bedroom next to theirs. He dropped the man on the bed before inspecting the wound on his head. “He’s just unconscious, Kurt, don’t worry.”
“Then why did you bring him here?”
Blaine looked up to meet Kurt’s eyes. “Because you’re gonna need to feed after you wake up.”
Kurt forgot to breathe for a second but then he nodded quickly and understandingly. He averted his eyes from the man. He couldn’t stand thinking that he would probably kill this person in a few hours. Blaine stood up and pulled a thin rope out of the dresser at the wall. Tightly he tied the man’s hands to the bed. He couldn’t risk him running away since he had already seen Blaine.
Blaine took Kurt’s hand that was shaking slightly. “Come on, let’s go into our room.” Kurt let himself be led to the room next door. When Kurt’s eyes fell on the bed, he stopped walking and closed his eyes for a second.
“Kurt?” Blaine stood in front of him cupping his cheeks but Kurt wasn’t really looking at him. “Kurt, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He paused. “Blaine, what am I doing?”
“Kurt, you don’t have to. You don’t have to do this. We can wait or we don’t have to do it at all.”
“No, no. I’m doing it.” Kurt shook his head quickly and tried to avoid Blaine’s eyes.
Blaine studied Kurt’s face, but Kurt looked determined and eventually Blaine gave up. Kurt could be hard to read if he wanted to be and right now he wouldn’t let Blaine know how he really felt. With a quiet sigh Blaine took Kurt’s hand and together they sat down on the bed.
Blaine leaned into Kurt’s shoulder and squeezed his hand gently. “We’ll go through this together.” He whispered as he pressed a soft kiss to Kurt’s cheek and another one on the corner of Kurt’s mouth and Blaine could feel Kurt smile weakly.
Slowly and carefully Blaine pushed against Kurt’s chest to get him to lie down, always maintaining eye contact, in case Kurt would want to stop. Kurt tensed up when Blaine pushed him down on the mattress. He was on his back now with Blaine hovering inches above him.
“You’ll be okay, Kurt.”
Kurt let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and tried to relax his tensed muscles. He looked up into Blaine’s hazel eyes but slowly the clear color was tainted by black until dark eyes that only held a hint of gold at the edges looked down into Kurt’s.
“Last chance to back out.” Blaine said, already eyeing Kurt’s neck area.
And Kurt shook his head. “I’m not backing out now.” He swallowed. “Do it.”
“I love you, Kurt. So much.”
“I love you, too.” Kurt echoed.
Blaine opened his mouth and bared his teeth. Kurt watched with a racing heart as Blaine’s canines grew longer until his fangs were fully extended. Then Blaine leaned down to Kurt’s neck and Kurt tilted his head to the side. He closed his eyes when he felt Blaine’s lips on his skin.
Then he felt his teeth and winced when they broke the skin, a whimper escaping from his lips. The pain was all too familiar but Blaine didn’t drink this time. Instead he pressed his teeth deep into the flesh before pulling them out and backing away.
Kurt focused his eyes on Blaine’s face above him, taking in his lips that had some blood on them and his eyes that were hazel again but filled with so much pain and remorse.
“Blaine? What is…?”
But Blaine shook his head. “I’m so sorry, Kurt.” He whispered.
Kurt frowned. “What do you—“
And then Kurt’s scream ripped through the silence.


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