The Perfect Plan
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The Perfect Plan: Chapter 2

M - Words: 5,487 - Last Updated: Oct 27, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/3 - Created: Oct 26, 2011 - Updated: Oct 27, 2011
391 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Pairings: Kurt/Blaine (side pairings: mention of Kurt/OC, Rachel/Quinn, Sam / Mercedes, Santana / Britanny for this part )

New York, January 9th 2020

                It was nearly noon when Blaine finally emerged from his room. The flat was empty, Rachel and Quinn had spent the night with Santana and Britanny doing some ‘catching up’, Blaine really did not want to think about it right now. His head was throbbing and he felt a bit sick. This is the reason why he could have murdered Jeff for calling him. The ‘3-6’ tune rang in the silence of the room and for one moment, he just considered throwing the damn thing and ignore it for the rest of the day. Of course, when Jeff really wanted to talk he would just keep on calling, knowing that Blaine could not stand that song. It was guaranteed that he would pick up in the end.
Blaine walked heavily to the table where his phone was lying. He did not want to talk to anyone right now but if he did not get this call then his two friends would barge in and that would be worse.
‘What the hell do you want?’ he asked as he picked it up.
‘Wow, you’re grumpy today!’ Jeff almost shouted on the other end, Blaine could hear the sound of muffled laughter in the background.

‘He probably did not get laid!’ Nick added, and he heard the sound of a high-five being exchanged between the two.
‘What do you want?’ Blaine repeated impatiently.
‘We wanted to know how things went with the young man we saw you disappear with for the rest of last evening. He was hot!’
Blaine swallowed hard against the lump in his throat.


The night had really been perfect but Blaine had needed more and Kurt had refused and left.

‘Neff to Hobbit, you’re still with us man?’ Nick asked as Blaine had gone silent.
‘Yeah, I’m here. Look guys, this is not really a good time, I just want to crawl back to bed right now.’
‘There’s no way you’re not telling us what went down last night. Don’t you dare Anderson or we’re going to kidnap you and make you sit in a strip club chained to a chair with numerous ladies doing lap dances for you!’ Jeff threatened him.

Blaine shuddered and tried not to picture this horrible scenario. His two friends were crazy and he wouldn’t pass them for joking.

‘Ok. What do you want to know?’ he asked, his voice tired.
‘Well, tell us everything that happened.’ They said in unison.

And so Blaine did. He told them about Kurt’s perfect plan, about the way he just felt a connection with the other man, something he had never even felt before. He counted them how they had sung ‘Your song’ and how amazing it was that their voices melted so well together. Then he mentioned the almost kiss and his repressed desire to do more, to close the gap and just taste. He got so lost in telling them the story that he did not even notice that they were not even interrupting him as they usually did when he mentioned kisses between two gay men. No, his friends had gone silent and were really listening to everything he had to say. He ended his tale by telling them how Kurt had left and the cold feeling it gave him when he had realized he was gone.

‘Man, that sucks!’ Nick finally said as Blaine had finished talking.
‘And there’s no way you can see him again?’ Jeff asked in a gentle tone.

Blaine was a bit surprised by their reactions. He would have expected them to actually praise Kurt for his genius idea. After all, they loved to do the exact same thing with all their conquest. Still, he remembered that they were both his best friends and knew him better than anyone.

‘I promised him.’ Blaine said in a defeated tone.

That was true. He had given his word that he wouldn’t seek to see Kurt again but that had been at the beginning of their evening. He was also convinced that there had been something strong between them and Kurt must have felt it too. Maybe he had felt the same way has Blaine and had only left because he too had made a promise. If that was what had happened then they both had been real idiots.

‘Blaine?’ Nick brought him back to their conversation.
‘Still here.’ He said softly.
‘Look man, we’re coming over and yes we are so no need to try to convince us otherwise. You clearly need us right now.’
‘Yeah, Neff’s going to help lover boy get his man back!’ Nick said in a ridiculous attempt at imitating that woman from their favorite game show.
‘Guys, I don’t think it’s a good idea, I promised him…’
‘Shut up Blaine, you’re clearly feeling miserable and we hate it when you’re like that.’ Jeff interrupted him.
‘Yeah man, we don’t want an unhappy hobbit. We’ll help you find him and then you’ll just see where it leads.’ Nick added.
‘Yeah and if you don’t let us help you, you’re just going to regret it afterwards and then you will hate yourself for having given up so easily.’
‘If this guy is mad at you for wanting to see him again then he’s dick!’
‘Worse than that even, he’s a….’
‘It’s ok, I get it guys’ Blaine said a bit amused.

They were right though. Maybe this could ruin all his chances but he had to try. He had to know what could be instead of always wondering and living in regret.

‘Ok guys, let’s do this.’

He heard cheers on the on the other end and smiled.
Kurt ‘Tire and Lube’, I’m not letting you go that easily.
                It had been hours since they started to look for any clue that would tell them who was Kurt and where to find him. They had come across some mention of a garage called ‘Tire and Lube’ in Ohio but Blaine wasn’t sure if this had any link to his Kurt. The owner of the shop looked burly and the complete opposite of the man he was looking for. Still, he kept the link saved just in case. Nick and Jeff had asked their ‘dates’ from the previous night if they knew anything about him but they had both said they had never seen him before that evening. 
Blaine was starting to lose hope after another hour of fruitless results.

‘This is hopeless guys.’ He said in a defeated tone. He fought back the tears that were threatening to fall.
‘Hey don’t say that Blaine,’ Jeff came next to him and placed his arm around him in a comforting gesture. ‘Maybe we can ask Sam. The plane has probably landed by now.’
‘I don’t think so, they have a ten hours flight and the departure was only three hours ago.’
‘Ok, you know what, maybe we can ask Quinn and Rach when they’re back. They were friends with a lot of the guests from the wedding and were both in highschool with Mercedes and Sam after he transferred from Dalton. They must know something about your Kurt.’ Nick said trying to remain positive. He really hoped he was right because seeing Blaine so down did not please him one bit.
‘You know what we should do right now?’ Jeff asked them both.
‘What?’ Nick replied.
‘We should order pizzas and Chinese, Blaine, you still have booze in the fridge?’
‘I’m still hangover guys… ‘he reminded them.
‘Well we can still have the food.’ Nick said and got up to get his phone. ‘But I’d prefer just pizza, what you’re saying Blaine?’
‘Sure, why not.’ He was not really paying attention to anything.

He really appreciated what his friend were trying to do but right now he just wanted to go back to bed and curl in a bowl waiting for hope to come back to him.  If he was honest with himself, he did not believe that he and Kurt would meet again. He did not even know if Kurt lived in New York or even in this state. He could be anywhere. He could have someone in his life already and had only done this with Blaine because he had felt lonely at the wedding or he had taken pity on him. He did not know anything about Kurt and here he was, spending hours online, calling guests that were at the wedding just to get a clue that would lead him in the right direction. Some part of him knew this was ridiculous and that he’d better move  on but another part, one that was still full of hopes and dreams concerning his life, was telling him to keep looking and right now he just did not know what he wanted to do. All he knew was that he wanted to see Kurt one more time, no, he needed to see him again.

                Hours later, all three were sprawled on the couch and all the boxes and cans were lying around them on the floor. Nick and Jeff were sleepy and Blaine was debating if he should try to get up and clean the mess before Rachel and Quinn returned. He had not time to decide though, as the door to the flat opened and his two roomies entered.

‘What the hell happened here?!’  Quinn shouted as she took in the state of their living room.
‘Hi to you too’ Blaine said to her smiling mockingly.
‘Seriously Anderson, you better clear this up or you can be sure that you’ll never have sex for the rest of your life’ she threatened showing her high heels.

Blaine gulped, these things were dangerous. Why did he even tell them to get such shoes?

‘Ok, calm down please, I’m going to clean up and you and Rach can go to bed. Tomorrow everything will be spotless and you won’t even remember the mess. Deal?’

‘Deal. Well apart from the going to bed part. I’m not tired and Rachel needs to send something to Santana and Brit.’
‘Can you start the computer Honey?’ Rachel asked in a sleepy voice.
‘Sure babe.’ Quinn replied as she walked to the desk but she did not find the laptop there. Blaine followed to tell her that he had borrowed it to do some researches with Nick and Jeff.
‘What was so important that you couldn’t get to do it on yours?’ Quinn asked him curious.
‘Well, you know how damn slow the internet connection is on mine, so I used Rachel’s instead. Please don’t be mad’ He looked at her with his oh so famous puppy dog eyes. No one could resist that look, well, apart from Quinn but he tried anyway.

‘You haven’t answered my question Blaine. What was so important to look for on a Sunday afternoon?’
He remained silent.
‘Blaine?’ Rachel asked him too.
‘Ok, there’s this guy I met at the wedding and we promised each other that we wouldn’t see each other ever again afterwards but I just can’t seem to let go.’ He explained in a rushed tone.
‘Well, was it Marc or Eric?’ Rachel asked him with an encouraging smile.
‘What? Are you sure he was gay?’ Quinn wanted to know.

Rachel and Quinn exchanged a long look. Was Blaine talking about who they thought he was?

‘His name’s Kurt.’ Blaine said. ‘That’s all I know, oh and he used the term “Tire and Lube” as an Alias before telling me how he was really called.’
‘That’s a nice name, Kurt I mean, not the other part.’ Rachel said forcing a smile.
‘So you want to see him again then?’ Quinn asked him ignoring her fiancée’s gesture to just drop the subject.
‘Yes but I don’t know where to find him.  As soon as Sam and Mercedes have landed I’ll try to ask him if he can help me.’
‘Oh no Blaine, you are not disturbing our friends on their honeymoon. They don’t want to hear about the external world. It’s their time only and no one should break this!’ Rachel looked at Quinn and tried to tell her without words to go with it.
‘Yeah, Rach’s right Blaine.’ She said against her will, ‘you’d better leave them alone.’

Rachel smiled brightly at her fiancée but Quinn did not return it. She was torn.
She remembered how hurt Rachel had felt because of Kurt. She did not really know the whole story but she had not forgotten the long phone calls until after midnight with a sobbing Rachel on the other end. And she really understood why her fiancée did not want to go back to this. She had been miserable. Had it not been for Jesse and herself, she thinks that Rachel would not have fared that well after Kurt’s sudden departure. Still, she was torn because she really loved Blaine and wanted him to be happy. She could tell that this was very important for him. She also used to love Kurt, they had been friends in highschool and it had been fun with all the others in Glee club. It had been a family. But with graduation, said family slowly got torn apart…

‘Ok.’ Blaine just said sounding like they had just announced him that Christmas had been cancelled forever. 
Quinn had to bite on her tongue not to tell Blaine that they knew who Kurt was.
Their friend got back to the living room to get the laptop and give it back  to his girls. He then returned and started to clean up the mess. He smiled a bit as he saw Jeff and Nick snuggled close on the coach and completely gone to the world.
After their flat was almost back to normal, he woke his two friends and told them that they’d better go. They sensed that Blaine was not feeling good but he made them understand that he’d prefer being alone for now. They begrudgingly left him, letting him know that they were here if he needed anything.

‘We love you man, and we won’t give up. Tomorrow we’ll help you with more researches.’
Blaine was too tired to even tell them that it was no use. He had a feeling that it wouldn’t lead them anywhere.
‘Bye hobbit, get some sleep.’ Nick said as he ruffled his hair.
‘Yeah, you look dead on your feet,’ Jeff added with a little smile.
‘Bye guys.’ Blaine replied faking a smile in return.

Nick and Jeff looked at him for a few seconds, they looked torn. They knew Blaine was not alright right now but they also understood that he wanted to be left alone. So after another pat on his shoulders, they left the flat.
Blaine shuffled back inside. He was walking to his bedroom door when he heard Quinn say:

‘Thanks for cleaning up so fast Honey.’
‘No problem.’ He said in a dull tone.
Quinn walked towards him and placed a kiss on his cheek.
‘Goodnight.’ She said.
Blaine tried to smile but it felt forced.

Quinn opened her mouth and for a moment he thought that she would say something else to him. But then she closed it again and turned back to her and Rachel’s room.
Blaine walked to his and closed the door behind him. Once alone he leaned his forehead against the cool wood and sighed. He felt so exhausted. He had gone through so many states of emotions over the past hours that he felt completely drained. 
After a few minutes standing there he walked to his bed and lied down. He closed his eyes as he relived his ‘perfect night’ for what felt like the hundredth time since Kurt had left him.

How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now? 

Blaine did not notice when the tears started to fall. He tried to remember how it felt to hold Kurt in his arms, close against his chest, the way he smelt as Blaine had been breathing his skin, the feel of his soft skin against his lips, the feather light touch of Kurt’s on his cheek. He was haunted by his angelic voice. He could still see his beautiful eyes. Glasz was their color, he had looked it up.
Some part of him still wanted to believe but the realistic voice in his mind was telling him that he wouldn’t see Kurt again. And it hurt. It hurt more than what he had expected. He felt like he had been given the chance to find the most important person in his life and it had been torn away from him as soon as he had realized he needed him.

                Later that night, Quinn passed next to Blaine’s door as she was getting some water from the fridge. She was next to his room as she heard a distinct whimper. Worried, she knocked gently on the door to see if her friend was alright.

‘Blaine? Honey, what’s wrong?’ she asked in a soft voice.
No answer.

She walked slowly to the bed and realized that he was asleep. His eyes were tight shut and his brow was furrowed. He looked in pain. She sat next to him and laid a hand on his cheek. It was damp. Blaine was crying.

‘Baby, what’s wrong?’ she tried to soothe him, rubbing her hand on his back gently.
He did not wake up.
She was about to start shaking him a bit when she heard another whimper. It sounded like Blaine was trying to say something.
She leaned her head closer hoping to catch what it was if he did it again.

‘Kurt…’ she heard after a few seconds.

Blaine’s voice sounded so broken and he started crying again still deep asleep.
Quinn did not know what to do. She hated to see her friend suffer but she also knew that she couldn’t go behind Rachel’s back. She would never forgive her if she did.
Without a word, she stood up and walked silently out the room. She closed the door behind her and walked by to theirs. She had to talk to Rachel.
                Rachel was lying on their bed eyes closed, listening to music and mouthing the lyrics silently. Quinn sat next to her and ran her fingers through her long hair. The other woman leaned into her gentle touch and opened her eyes. She plucked the earphones out and smiled at her fiancée.

‘Hey you’ she said in soft voice.
‘Rachel, we need to talk about Kurt.’ Quinn went right to the point. It was late and she knew that this would be long.

Rachel reacted immediately. She slapped Quinn hand away from her head and sat down abruptly.

‘There’s nothing to talk about.’ She said in harsh tone.
Quinn sighed.
‘Honey, don’t be like that, please.’ She tried to soothe her but Rachel had gotten up and was walking to their bathroom.
Quinn followed her and closed the door behind them, leaning on it to block the path to Rachel. She wouldn’t back down so easily.
‘Please babe, don’t’ Rachel said now pleadingly. ‘I really don’t want to talk about this with you. It was hard enough seeing him there yesterday.’
Quinn did not budge and Rachel turned her back on her.
‘I was in Blaine’s room a few minutes ago’ Quinn told her, ‘he was crying.’
‘Is he alright.’ Rachel turned back looking concerned.
‘No, he’s not.’ Her fiancée replied ‘I was sitting next to him when I heard him say something.’
‘What was it?’ Rachel feared that she knew already but waited for Quinn to confirm it.
‘He was calling Kurt’s name.’

A long silence followed this revelation.
Rachel slumped to the floor and brought her knees to her chest.

‘I can’t do this Quinn.’ She said in a small voice.
It hurt to see her like that but she had to know, she had to do this for Blaine and also Rachel.
‘What happened Rach?’
She sat facing her and took her hands in hers.
Rachel looked away.
‘I don’t really know where to start.’
‘Hey we have time baby, just try to tell me ok?’
Rachel nodded and started her tale.

NYADA, New York, 2013

  Rachel was completely exhausted after all her classes that day. She really loved it though. It was all that she had ever wanted. It would guarantee her and Kurt their place on Broadway. They would become legends. As Kurt was always saying ‘The world won’t know what hit them!’

She went back to their shared flat and called for him. No reply. She shrugged, he was probably having another late night ‘studying’ with Greg. She smiled at the thought. Greg was good for Kurt and he was also very talented. She had hated the guy when she first met him but then they had all become close and she had helped Greg to make his move on Kurt. 
It was just her alone tonight then. She turned her computer on and connected on skype. She sent a call to Finn Hudson, her highscool sweetheart. Long distance relationship was not easy but they had made it work somehow. She waited for him to connect as she walked to the kitchen to heat up some prepared meal that Kurt had made for her. As she walked to the table she noticed an opened letter addressed to Kurt. She knew she shouldn’t look but she and Kurt told each other everything so it did not matter if she read it and he’d tell her about it afterwards. She took the envelope a started to read the letter. Her eyes grew wider as she kept on reading. When she was finished she let the letter fall on the table. The sound of the micro wave brought her back from her train of thoughts. She took the meal back to her room and moved without really paying attention to what she was doing. 
She was still under shock.
Hours later, Kurt came back to the flat humming happily under his breath. Rachel was waiting for him on the couch. As he stepped in the room she turned the light on. 
Kurt blinked slowly trying to adjust. 

‘Rach?’ he asked surprised to see her still up. It was past 1 and he knew that she had a class early. 
He noticed the letter she was holding in her hand. Kurt frowned at that. It was his acceptance to ‘The Art Institute’ of New York. He had applied for their fashion program.
‘When were you going to tell me?’ she asked in a quiet tone. Had she cried, Kurt wondered.
‘I don’t know Rachel, I wanted to but…’
‘But what? Why did I have to find out after you already took the decision to leave NYADA?’ her voice was growing louder by the second and Kurt flinched a bit. He was not ready for a confrontation. He was drunk and all he wanted was his bed. 
‘Look Rachel, ‘he tried, ‘can we please talk about this another time?’
‘No, we’re going to talk right now otherwise you’re just going to let it go and leave!’
‘I wouldn’t…’
‘No Kurt! Why didn’t you tell me?!’ she stood up and shook the letter near his face. He took a few steps back from her.
‘Because I knew you would react like that!’ he shouted at her. ‘I knew that you would freak out and be mad that I’m abandoning you in our big Broadway dreams! But guess what Rach, people change, they grow up and find new interests!’ 
He took a deep breath to calm down. He did not want to fight her. He loved her, he really did but she just did not understand him anymore.

‘I would not have reacted like that! Or maybe I would have but I’d have tried to understand, I’d have tried to be there for you in your time to take a decision! Yes Kurt, you’re right! People do grow up and so did I. I would have understood but right now I just feel betrayed because you’re my best friend. You’re one of the only close person I have in this city and I just care so much about you and it hurts that you did not tell me about this.’ She finished as the tears started to fall.
‘Rachel…’ Kurt came closer but she just walked away from him and locked herself in her room.
Kurt launched himself on the couch and kicked in the table. This is not the way he had pictured his great evening to end…
New York, January 10th 2020

  Rachel was crying silently in Quinn’s arms. It hurt to think back to that night. It had been the first time Kurt and she had fought like that since graduating.

‘Shhh’ Quinn soothed as she was rubbing gently her back. ‘It’s ok baby, it’s in the past.’
Rachel broke their embrace and looked her in the eyes. Quinn leaned for a soft kiss on her damp lips. Rachel responded to it with force and cupped her cheeks as she tried to deepen it. Quinn reluctantly broke their lips apart and settled for a peck on her fiancée’s forehead.

‘What happened next?’ she asked her after a few minutes of silence. ‘I suppose that this fight isn’t the only reason why you’re so opposed to see him again.’
Rachel shook her head confirming that there was more to that story.
‘I made a terrible mistake.’ She said only loud enough for Quinn to hear.
NYADA, New York 2013

  Rachel was still mad at Kurt. They had not spoken in weeks. She had noticed him packing his belonging into boxes a few days earlier. He was really leaving her. As if that was not bad enough, she had broken up with Finn. She couldn’t stand that he had taken Kurt’s side in this and they had fought for hours on the phone. At the end of their conversation they both decided that this was not working any longer and put an end to their relationship. Rachel had cried herself to sleep after that. 
The next day, Kurt had prepared her breakfast and laid it on her bedside table. He had added a short note to it.

‘I’m really sorry about what happened with Finn. I tried to explain your point of view to him but he wouldn’t listen. To be honest I think that he was not really ok with the long distance relationship anymore.
I hope we’ll talk again soon. I miss you.
Kurt  x’

Rachel had smiled a little at that. Maybe they would be alright. She missed him too, a lot. 

The day went by quickly and for her last class she was with Greg. They went to get a coffee after Drama class. She asked him if he could tell Kurt that she was ready talk with him again.

‘What do you mean?’ Greg had been surprised at her request. ‘You guys are not talking?’ he asked her.
‘No, we had a fight a few weeks ago and we have not talked since then.’
‘What did you guys fight about? He has not told me anything.’

This was strange Rachel thought. Kurt seemed to always be telling everything to her and Greg but then again he had not told her about his decision to change college.

‘He hasn’t told you either?’ she asked him.
‘Told me what?’ Greg sounded a bit confused.
‘Well, you’ll learn sooner or later anyway,’ she knew that this was not her secret to tell but she had thought that Kurt had at least told Greg about this, ‘he’s going to leave NYADA for another college. He wants to study fashion.’
‘What?’ Greg sounded just as shocked as she had been.
‘Yeah and we fought because he had not told me about it and I found the letter they sent him with his acceptance to their fashion program.’ She explained. 
Greg seemed to get angrier by the second. 
‘Why the fuck did he not tell me? I’m his boyfriend for Christ sakes!’ he started to shout scaring the other customers in the coffee shop. ‘if he thinks he can just dump me like that, he’s got another thing coming.’ He added in a threatening voice.

Rachel tried to calm him down but when he glared at her, she recoiled from him. He looked furious and it was starting to scare her. 

‘I have to go.’ He said abruptly as he left her without another word. 

Rachel felt like she had done a horrible mistake. She tried to convince herself that she was probably overreacting but she dialed Kurt’s number to tell him just in case.
He picked up after the second ring.

‘Rachel, what do you want?’ he did not sound angry or annoyed, just tired. 
‘Kurt, hi. Look, I’m calling because I may have done something I shouldn’t.’ she said in a quiet voice.
‘What do you mean?’ Kurt asked her sounding mad again.
‘I may have told Greg about you leaving NYADA.’ She said sounding scared. She waited for her friend lashing at her but it never came. The line had gone completely silent. ‘Kurt? You’re still there?’ 
She heard a loud noise in the background and what she thought was Greg’s voice, then, the line went completely dead.
‘Kurt? Kurt?’ she called after him sounding now worried. 

She was shaking. She was convinced that something bad was going to happen and it was her fault.

  When she finally came back to their flat a few hours later, all of Kurt’s boxes were gone. She walked panicked to his room but he was not there. There were no notes. Nothing. He was gone, just like that. 
She called Jesse to ask if he maybe knew anything but she couldn’t reach him. 

The next day, Jesse called her back. He explained to her that Kurt had asked him to remove all his things from the flat. She asked him what happened and he only told her that Kurt had spent the night at the hospital. It turned out that Greg was abusive and had hit Kurt until his body was covered with bruises. She choked on her tears as she realized that she had not noticed anything. Kurt and Greg had been going out for months now and she had not even noticed how wrong things had been between them.  Jesse told her that Kurt was not coming back. Once all the papers for the ‘The Art Instistute’ were filled he was moving in with a friend he met as he had visited the fashion department a month ago. Rachel asked Jesse to tell Kurt how sorry she was. He promised he would but Kurt had never called her again after that. When she had tried his phone, she learnt that he had changed his number. 
She felt so guilty and never tried to contact him again. 
New York, January 10th, 2020

  To this day, Rachel still believed this had been her fault. She couldn’t see Kurt again. She wouldn’t stand the hate he’d feel for her after what she had done.

‘Oh my God… I never…’ Quinn did not know what to say. She was shocked to hear that Kurt had been in an abusive relationship.
‘You can break up with me now. I know I’m a horrible person.’ Rachel started to cry again as she detached herself from what she was convinced to be her soon to be ex-fiancée.
‘What?’ Quinn asked confused and a little hurt. ‘What do you mean you want to break up?’
‘I don’t deserve you Quinn, not now that you know what I’ve done.’ Rachel said in a whisper.
‘Rachel, this was not your fault.’ Quinn took her hand in hers and squeezed tight. ‘And I’m sure that Kurt knows it too. The only one at fault was Greg, he’s the one who beat him up.’

Rachel whimpered and Quinn took her back in her arms.

‘Rachel, please, stop beating yourself up over this. These situations are always complicated and I’m persuaded that there are not many ways to go around it. You believed that Kurt was happy with his boyfriend and he never let anything show. He should have mentioned it to you but I guess that he closed himself up because of Greg. People in abusive relationships tend to do that. They try to block out the rest of the world and act as if everything was normal. He loved you Rachel and knew that you needed him so he did not want to put that weight on your shoulders. And yes, it was stupid and he should have told someone but we can’t really understand unless we’ve lived it too.’

Rachel was still crying silently in her fiancée’s shirt.

‘I think you should tell Blaine about Kurt, Honey.’ She said after a few more minutes of silence only broken by the sound of Rachel’s sniffing. ‘And you need to forgive yourself. This could be a good thing babe. ‘
‘Really?’ Rachel was not convinced. She had managed to keep the secret from Quinn for so long that she had grown used to not thinking about it.
‘Blaine looked really miserable today. I can’t stand seeing him like this and you can be sure that Nick and Jeff are not going to let him give up.’ Rachel laughed a bit at that. ‘I think it would be great if Kurt came back in your life. He was your best friend. You need him, even though it’s been so long, I can feel that you still miss him. And this could also be good for Blaine. I think they would be good for each other.’
‘You’re sure it’s going to work out between them?’ Rachel asked her.
‘I have a good feeling about them.’ She replied simply.
Rachel smiled softly and leaned for a kiss. Quinn could feel her shuddering against her. Her cries had finally subsided.
‘So are we going to tell him then?’ Quinn asked as they broke apart.
Rachel tucked her head under her chin and nodded slightly.
‘Yeah, tomorrow we’ll tell Blaine.’


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Beautiful story!! I am already hooked! I loved chapter two, with Blaine and Neff trying to find Kurt, Rachel avoiding the topic but then telling everything to Quinn! You're doing a great job and I can't wait to read the next parts!! My heart broke for Blaine and Kurt! And Quinn is awesome in this story!! Well done!!

Thank you for taking time to write a review. I'm glad you enjoy the story so far:) Hopefully, next chapter will be online soon ^^