Happiness comes with baggage
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Aug. 18, 2013, 12:46 a.m.

Happiness comes with baggage: Chapter 4

E - Words: 4,285 - Last Updated: Aug 18, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Jul 22, 2012 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
1,191 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Hello,As usual I say thank you to my wonderful beta just-another-piped-dreamer.tumblr.com who not only helps with the chapters but her enthusiasm for the story also pushes me to keep writing. So, if you're enjoying the story, you can also be grateful for her because otherwise it probably wouldn't be as good. Blaine's bed room is mentioned in this chapter (near the end) and maybe a visual would help some of you to understand a bit how it looks and where his room is located in the loft:That's only the view from Blaine's bed (it will be useful to know about the banister and stairs later on)There is a new sex scene. I'm still not mastering the writing of smut so please be kind with me. I hope you will enjoy reading this new update. Don't hesitate letting me know what you thought.My tumblr : http://embrace-is-love.tumblr.com/ Enjoy reading JCynthia

Chapter 4:

Sebastian waited nervously as Mr.Wethils neared the end of the notebook. It contained a rough outline of the show, some ideas about the set, the script and the music. Blaine had a half-finished piece that, if the musician managed to complete it (for once), could also be used in the show.

The producer hummed with approval, or that is what Sebastian hoped, as he closed the notebook and laid it on the table.

“You have some really interesting ideas, very original,” Mr. Wethils started with a kind smile. He so often saw young, talented people struggling to make it in such an unforgiving world.“I’m particularly intrigued with the setting of your show. Would it be performed live for the audience behind the screen?”

“Yes, the performance would be live,” Sebastian answered, feeling hopeful, “I’m aware that it is going to be a real challenge and that there could be some safety issues during the part where the piano flies, but I have faith in our team and I know that Mike Chang, who is in charge of choreography, will see to it so everything goes swimmingly.”

“I really like your enthusiasm, Mr. Smythe. Of course, I will need to think about it and discuss with potential co-producers,” Mr. Wethils said in a gentle tone. “I believe that this show could get quite the buzz. Are you still ready for the presentation in two weeks?”

“Yes, I’ve talked it over with my best friend Blaine Anderson, the son of the great Harold Anderson, I’m sure you have heard of him,” Sebastian answered. He knew well that mentioning Blaine’s father could open doors in this business so he never missed an opportunity to name-drop in front of potential producers.

“Yes, of course, a veritable prodigy,” Mr. Wethils nodded. “Is the son as talented as the father?”

“Blaine is his own man, but he definitely inherited his father’s gift for music. We’ll be both happy and honored to present you our show next Friday.”

“I am looking forward to seeing it, Mr. Smythe.“ Mr. Wethils stood up and shook Sebastian’s hand. “I’ll see you then. Thank you for dinner.”

“It was my pleasure Mr. Wethils,” the young man said as they continued shaking hands. “I can guarantee you that you will not be sorry for giving us a chance.”

Mr. Wethils nodded and then left.

Sebastian dug in his pocket for his phone and texted Blaine, Mike, Tina and Jeff to let them know how the meeting had gone.

From Sebastian 21h46

It went really well. Mike, I think that you can pop the champagne!


Blaine groaned as he deleted another bit of his piece for the ad; he had been trying to complete that damn thing for hours. He felt exhausted and frustrated. As he was about to try one more time, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

“Not again,” he muttered under his breath.

The musician took his phone out and opened the message. To his surprise, it was not from Kurt.

From Sebastian 21h46

It went really well. Mike, I think that you can pop the champagne!

For a few second, Blaine felt bad that he had completely forgotten the meeting with Wethils was tonight. But he was glad that Sebastian believed it had gone well. They would celebrate all night and it would be the perfect distraction for Blaine.He needed to stop thinking about that stupid ad and this piece that was driving him up the wall. Being at the Jazz would probably also allow him to find a new lover for the night. Anyone would do to get his mind off Kurt, he tried to convince himself. The other man had tried to contact him all day long but Blaine was stubborn and did not reply to any of his texts or calls.

The musician sighed. He would give himself another hour to work on the damn piece and then he would go to the bar and celebrate with his friends. If everything went well for them, he would not have to worry about his job and he would be too busy to think about anything (or anyone) else but performing. Yes, he thought to himself, this would be perfect.

From Blaine 21h58

This is great news Seb! J I just need to finish up a piece for work and then I’ll come celebrate with all of you. Don’t steal all the handsome ones;)


Attention, laissez-moi passer!” the bartender said, as he frayed himself a path through the small crowd that had formed around the artists and musicians’ booth. He was carrying another platter with more drinks. “Felicitations les amis! Vous l’avez bien m�rit�!”

Merci Charlie!” Tina said, as she helped him with the drinks. “Wow, guys, round four is a go!” she shouted. Her friends and the people around her cheered and whooped.

“This is awesome!” Nick nearly yelled in Jeff’s ear. The blonde man looked fondly at his boyfriend. He was such a lightweight.

“To all of our success to come!” Sebastian gave yet another toast. Blaine had lost count after the sixth one. His best friend had been celebrating a lot of things and most of them were not related to the show.

“To glory!” Mike joined in, clinking his glass with Sebastian’s.

“To Rob’s fine ass!” Sebastian added, smirking at one of the men near their booth.

“I think that’s enough with the toasts now, boys,” Tina said as she took their glasses and drank them. Both men glared in her direction and Blaine nearly fell off his seat from laughing so hard.

“Spoilsport!” Mike said to her and she shut him up with a languorous kiss.

Blaine and Jeff covered their ears to block the moaning sounds coming from their friends.

“Keep it PG!” Jeff yelled above the cheering noises all around them. The couple ignored him and kept on with the impromptu make out.

Sebastian had left the booth and was now flirting with Rob and some other really attractive French man.

For the first time of the day, Blaine felt completely relaxed. He was thoroughly enjoying the party and he was already pleasantly buzzed with alcohol.

He didn’t notice when Tina went through his phone and read all of Kurt’s texts.

“I am bored out of my mind; care to make me forget my name again?” Tina slurred loudly next to him. “Hey Blaine, looks like your lover boy is feeling horny.”

Blaine nearly choked on his drink.

“What!? What the hell Tina, give me my phone!”

She held the device out of his reach and kept reading.

“Tina,” he tried to sound threatening but wasn’t really convincing, “Give me the phone.”

“No,” she kept scrolling through the messages. Then she smiled.

Blaine did not like this smile. It did not bode well and he knew she was up to no good. To his horror, he saw her starting to type a text to Kurt.

“No, Tina, don’t…” But it was too late. She hit the send button and waited for a reply. It only took a few seconds for Kurt to answer the text.

Tina read out loud, “I have no idea who you are but I want to crash your party!” She giggled as she continued with the second part of the text. “Tell Blaine that I really want to fuck him right now or anything else he wants to do. As long as it gets me out of this boring place.”

Blaine blushed a little at that. He did not know if he should feel excited or embarrassed. He turned to Jeff who was the only one in their group still practically sober. They exchanged looks silently ignoring the others. Blaine tried to make his friend understand not to mention the problem that Blaine had with Kurt. Well, the three problems actually. Jeff nodded, showing that he understood and wouldn’t tell the others. Then, Tina threw the phone at Blaine who managed to catch it before it hit Nick in the face. The musician looked down at the sent message that Tina had just written.

From Blaine 23h59:

You coukd just come crasch at mine Adress is 165 Bvd Foch.

Blaine did not know if he should be horrified about Tina’s awful drunk texting skills or about the fact that Kurt agreed to hook up at Blaine’s loft.

From Kurt 00h00:

Be there in 20 mn tops!

“Fuck,” He muttered under his breath. He actually was not completely opposed to seeing Kurt again. They would be at his place, with no reminder of the kids there, Blaine thought to himself.

He composed a reply to Kurt’s text and then took off, leaving his friends to their own shenanigans.

From Blaine 00h02:

Looking forward to it.


Kurt was waiting outside. The air was a bit cooler than expected for the middle of June. The young man sighed. He had spent his whole evening trying to convince his ex-husband to talk with various artists that Kurt thought were very promising. Marc had been insufferable. He complained about the venue, “Seriously Kurt, this place looks awful, who in their right mind would ever organize an event there?” And about the art pieces being exhibited, “You call that art? I see nothing but boring and unoriginal pieces here.”

Kurt had been the one who had chosen the hotel, believing that a more neutral surrounding would allow the art pieces to be in the foreground. After all, people were supposed to come to discover new talents and admire their pieces. Then Marc had been rude to one of Kurt’s prot�g�s, indirectly insulting the young man’s art. Kurt had wanted to leave but Marc insisted that he stay so he could be introduced to potential business partners. Santana was right; he was nothing but a trophy husband.

Now, he was sitting on a bench outside of the hotel, feeling bored and miserable. He checked his phone but he knew that it was in vain. Blaine had ignored him all day. Kurt tried to not let it get to him. After all, he had only met Blaine the day before and they knew next to nothing about each other. Well, that was not really true. Kurt knew that Blaine was a fantastic lover. He also suspected the other man was not the type to get attached in a relationship. And Kurt could not forget the terror in Blaine’s eyes when Kurt had guided him out from under the bed after Sammy walked in on them. Kurt wondered how it was even possible to be afraid of children.

Kurt sighed again. He tried to think of a way to convince the other man to at least see him again. Then an idea came to him: they could hook up. Maybe if he only mentioned sex, Blaine would be more inclined to reply to him.

From Kurt 23h56:

I am bored out of my mind; care to make me forget my name again?

He hit ‘send’ and waited for a reply. He was surprised to see his phone light up with a new text only a minute later.

From Blaine 23h57:

God you soooo HOTT!!!I haven’t staped thinkin ‘bout ya all day lon!

Kurt read the message a couple of times wondering who the hell had answered. It could not have been Blaine, could it? The guy had ignored him all day so writing that he’d been thinking of Kurt all day long did not make much sense. It must have been one of Blaine’s friends, well he assumed the guy had friends, and right now they were probably really drunk. That or Kurt would feel sorry for their horrible spelling and grammar.

After a few minutes of hesitation, he decided to play along. Who knows? Maybe this could be fun.

From Kurt 23h59:

I have no idea who you are but I want to crash your party! Tell Blaine that I really want to fuck him right now or anything else he wants to do. As long as it gets me out of this boring place.

This time it only took a few seconds to get a new reply.

From Blaine 23h59:

You coukd just come crasch at mine Adress is 165 Bvd Foch

Kurt felt a rush of excitement all of sudden. He did not care if it was Blaine being drunk out of his mind or one of his friends; Kurt was going to Blaine’s place tonight. Hooking up with the other man sounded like the perfect idea right now.

Kurt quickly typed a reply.

From Kurt 00h00:

Be there in 20 mn tops!

He stood up and called for a taxi. He felt his phone vibrate in his hand.

From Blaine 00h02:

Looking forward to it.

Kurt smiled because he knew somehow that this time it had been Blaine answering the text.


“Ugh… Kurt….” Blaine moaned as waves of pleasure ran through his body, “Fuck!”

Kurt hummed around Blaine’s cock and took him even deeper. He felt the head hit the back of his throat. Kurt’s arm was trying to pin Blaine’s waist to the bed so that he would not completely choke him with his dick.

“Please... Ku… Shit!”

Kurt’s three fingers were thrusting in and out Blaine’s entrance at an unforgiving pace making the man beneath him moan wantonly.

Kurt’s mouth bobbed a couple more times along Blaine’s shaft. He then sucked hard on the head, sliding the tip of his tongue on the slit, tasting the pre-come that had gathered there. He looked in Blaine’s eyes and licked his lips.

“Fuck,” Blaine uttered at the sight.

The musician spread his legs wider, invitingly. Kurt’s fingers were still inside of him but he wanted, no, needed more.

Kurt seemed to understand that. He removed his fingers, ignoring Blaine’s whimper at feeling suddenly so empty and climbed off the bed to search one of the bedside tables for a condom.


“I’m coming.” He positioned himself back between Blaine’s spread legs and put the condom on his aching cock. He groaned at the contact; he had been left untouched for far too long. Kurt leaned over Blaine’s body and guided his length to the stretched hole. He pushed inside in one thrust, and they both moaned loudly at that.

“Urgh Blaine… you feel…” He willed himself not to move yet, waiting for both of them to be adjusted to the sensation. “Fuck.” He reached for Blaine’s hand and tangled their fingers together.

They both remained silent for a moment, only their heavy breathing breaking the silence of the room. Their eyes met and held. This felt so intimate. For the first time in years, Blaine felt vulnerable under another man’s gaze. Kurt’s mouth was slightly opened in awe at how beautiful the musician looked, his eyes shining and his lips swollen from their kissing. Blaine squirmed under Kurt’s gaze, now knowing how to respond to such raw adoration. His movement shook Kurt out of it, releasing his hold on Blaine’s fingers and guiding his hands to the other man’s waist instead. Blaine felt an unexplainable sense of loss and disappointment as the connection between them broke so abruptly.

Blaine had no time to form any kind of protest though, because Kurt started moving inside of him, filling him just the way he needed. Kurt began thrusting at a slow pace at first. He wanted to make this last for as long as humanly possible. But he was already so close…

“Kurt… please,” Blaine whimpered, pressing the heels of his feet into Kurt’s ass to guide him even deeper. “I need…”

“Shh,” Kurt took hold of Blaine’s face, letting his finger stroke gently along his stubble jaw. He then lent down for a sloppy kiss, swallowing Blaine’s keening sounds.

Kurt took his time, keeping his pace measured for a few more minutes. But Blaine’s desperate moans grew louder and he finally gave into the pure rush of desire, allowing it to take over his body.

“Fuck!” Blaine shouted, as Kurt’s cock hit his prostate repeatedly.

“Shit Blaine, I’m going to…”

Blaine reached for Kurt and crashed their lips together, their teeth clashing in a hungry kiss. He felt Kurt starting to tremble. Blaine ran his fingers through Kurt’s sweaty hair, his fingers lingering to the back of his head until they reached the soft clammy skin of Kurt’s neck.

Kurt thrusted a few more times, reaching for Blaine’s cock and stroking him to orgasm.

Blaine broke their kiss and bit at the junction of Kurt’s neck and shoulder. He came, covering both their stomachs with white sticky streaks. Kurt followed after only a few more erratic thrusts.

Kurt fell on top of Blaine, nearly crushing him.

After a moment, Blaine removed him gently, wincing a little as Kurt’s cock slid out of his hole, and maneuvered Kurt to lie down beside him.

Kurt clung to Blaine, huddling as close as possible. It was as if he was trying to go under Blaine’s skin. He wanted to stay there for a while and forget about everything else.

“Kurt?” Blaine’s tone was gentle, if a bit breathless, “Are you okay?”

“Mhmm,” Kurt hummed against Blaine’s sweaty chest. His fingers were drawing lazy pattern on Blaine’s sticky stomach.

Had it been with anyone else, Blaine would have found this a little strange, but with Kurt, it felt awfully intimate and it scared him. It was just like the short moment they had shared earlier. The way he had felt so connected to the other man while their gaze had met, their fingers intertwined. Blaine had not known how to react to such a feeling of closeness and even familiarity. He had no idea what it meant and he was not sure he wanted to know.

He pulled the covers on top of them and just tightened his hold on Kurt. He could think about the meaning of all this the next day. For now, he would just lie there and enjoy being close to this other man who kept shaking things in his life.


Le ciel bleu sur nous peut s'effondrer

Et la terre peut bien s'�crouler

Peu m'importe si tu m'aimes

Je me fous du monde entier

Tant qu'l'amour inondera mes matins

Tant que mon corps fr�mira sous tes mains

Kurt fluttered his eyes open at the sound of a feminine voice coming from below. He frowned; does Blaine have a beard on top of disliking children now? Kurt sat up, ignoring Blaine’s groan at the loss of contact. The musician had been using him as a pillow for a good part of the night. Kurt stood up and walked to the banister to see who was singing.

Si tu me le demandais

J'irais d�crocher la lune

J'irais voler la fortune

Si tu me le demandais

Kurt could see the woman unloading some bags on the kitchen table. She kept singing, probably believing she was alone. On a better look, Kurt could guess that she was in her fifties. Definitely not a beard then, or did Blaine hook up with cougars? Kurt shuddered at the thought. No, there had to be a better explanation to the presence of the woman. She could be an older friend or a member of Blaine’s family.

Kurt heard Blaine groaning again. He turned to look at the still sleepy man.

“Hi”, Kurt said softly, forgetting about the singing woman. Blaine’s hair was sticking up adorably in all directions. Kurt could not help but smile at the sight.

“Nice view,” Blaine said appreciatively. Kurt was still completely naked and a slight blush started to creep from his chest to his cheeks.

“Shut up,” Kurt’s tone was amused though.

He felt a warm tug at his heart at how domestic and familiar this felt. He and Blaine had shared a few of these moments the night before as well, especially when they had been cuddling for a large part of the evening. Blaine had woken Kurt during the night with kisses all over Kurt’s chest and stomach. They had kissed for what had felt like hours until Kurt finally slid his cock back inside Blaine and they had rocked their bodies at a slow and languid pace. Kurt had not felt this connected to another person in years. After they had finished, Kurt could not deny that he was developing deep feelings for the other man. But he had not said anything for fears of not being taken seriously or being rejected.

Kurt snapped back to the present as Blaine suddenly sat up and a look of horror passed through his face.

“Mum?!” he called, his voice still thick from sleep.

The singing stopped and sounds of footsteps coming near the staircase were heard.

“That was you mother?” Kurt asked quietly. He reached for his pants and started to dress as fast as he could as the steps came closer.

“Sorry about that,” Blaine apologized. He climbed off the bed and helped Kurt retrieve his clothes.

“What time is it?” Kurt said, suddenly aware of how bright it was already.

“Erm, let me see,” Blaine answered as he searched for his phone. Blaine owned neither a watch nor an alarm clock. He usually slept in.

Kurt did not have time to wait though. He looked at his own phone and cursed in French, “Putain!” It was nearly ten o’clock. He had an important meeting with Erica, one of his colleagues and a friend, scheduled in twenty minutes. He would never make it on time. He took his shirt from Blaine’s hand and quickly put it on. He ran down the stairs, barely avoiding knocking into Blaine’s mother on his way. He tripped on the third to the last step and fell in a loud crash.

“Oh my God! Kurt! Are you alright?” Blaine’s voice was filled with concern as he ran to Kurt. The other man had already stood back up and was now descending the rest of the steps.

“I really have to go, Blaine. I’ll call you,” he said apologetically and ran out of the loft.

Throughout this, Charlotte had been watching the two men with an amused expression.

Blaine was still standing in the spot where Kurt had fallen. He looked completely dazed for a few seconds.

“Honey, who was that?” Charlotte walked to him and led him to the kitchen. It was obvious that her son had just woken up and needed a good cup of coffee.

Blaine did not reply. He allowed his mother to make him sit at the table. He did not even notice that she had prepared him some coffee. He brought his mug to his mouth and took a sip, burning his tongue because it was scalding hot. He winced as he laid the mug back on the table.

“So, sweetheart, will you tell me who that handsome man was?” his mother asked him again.

Blaine groaned and buried his head in his hands. His mother getting curious about Kurt was the last thing he needed now.

“Blaine?” she said, her tone a bit amused.

Her son muttered something in his hand. She could not quite make out what it was but she was sure that there was some swearing in there. She sighed. She had a right to be curious.

“His name is Kurt,” Blaine finally gave in. “He’s… I don’t really know. I only met him a couple days ago.”

“But you like him.” She looked at him, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. For a moment, Blaine could not help thinking about the song from Tangled, “Mother Knows Best.”

“I…” he started, but he knew that denying it was not an option. His mother would not be fooled. “I’m not really sure yet.”

“Well, then I suggest that you find out. You could ask him on a date,” she suggested.

“I… no, I can’t do that. I have other things to focus on.”Blaine avoided looking in Charlotte’s eyes. “I just… It’s fun but there’s nothing there.”

“Oh sweetheart, I doubt that.” She took his hand in hers and lifted his chin with her other so that he would look in her eyes as she kept speaking. “See, when he fell earlier, I heard the concern in your voice. You already care about him Blaine. Don’t even try to deny it.”

“It’s complicated,” Blaine sighed, as she let go of his face.

“It’s only complicated if you make it out to be, Honey. Whatever the issue is, I’m sure you can see past it.” She leaned over the table to lay a kiss on his cheek. “Now, you just think about it and ask yourself if, for once, taking a risk wouldn’t be worth it.”

She stood up and cleared the rest of the shopping bags. Blaine followed her with his eyes as she put everything in the fridge and cupboards. He didn’t know what to think anymore. His mother had seen right through him and she was right. He did like Kurt. He did not know the extent of those feelings for the other man yet, but he could not deny that they were there. But that didn’t change anything, did it? Kurt still had children and Blaine was still completely anti-children. Even if they had undeniable chemistry, there was nowhere happy this could lead to.

To be continued...

End Notes: Translations / Notes:-Mr.Wethils : 'Mr' is the French abreviation for 'Monsieur'. The character is French hence the French form here, -For the texts, the time format is the French one, we have 24 hours instead of having two groups of ten like in Engkand (am and pm). From  1 h to 12 h it's the morning, from 12 h to 17 h, it's the afternoon and from 17 h to 00h00 it's the evening/night, -"Attention, laissez-moi passer!" : Watch out, let me through!, -"Felicitations les amis! Vous l'avez bien mérité!" : Congratulations my friends, you really deserved this!, -"Merci Charlie!"  : Thank you Charlie!, -The song lyrics in the last part of the chapter are from 'L'Hymne A L'Amour' by Edith Piaff. Charlotte loves her music and you may see her sing another of the singer's classics in later chapters., -'Putain': Fuck. Literally, it means whore but it's a curse that is used in so many situations that you don't really think of the literal translation anymore.,


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I seriously love this!! Cannot wait for the update :) xx

Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment, I really appreciate it :)I'm glad that you're enjoying the story so far. I'll start writing the next chapter this weekend ^^

Haha love that little texting scene. Blaine's mom is right 'Give it a chance Blaine'. Great chapter

Hehe I had fun writing the texting scene ^^Blaine's mother is probably one of the characters I enjoy the most writing :P