Aug. 18, 2013, 12:46 a.m.
Aug. 18, 2013, 12:46 a.m.
Music filled the Jazz; Virginie, a young guitarist of barely eighteen years old played to entertain the patrons that night. Her music was very different from Blaine’s. Right now, she was doing a cover of one of her favorite songs by Serge Gainsbourg: “La Javanaise”. The atmosphere was festive and relaxed.
Blaine was sitting in between Mike and Jeff, a stupid smile plastered on his face since he entered the place. His friends had asked him earlier about it but he’d ignored them. Sebastian said it was because of their show finally getting a chance at being picked up. After all, they had been working on the project for almost five years; it was their dream. Not just Sebastian and Blaine’s dream but their friends’ as well. At first, it had only been the two of them. But thanks to Jeff’s limitless imagination, Tina’s incredible organization skills, which they never thought they would need, and Mike’s contribution in choreography, they had managed to create something with the potential to be a real success.
Sebastian was now trying to schedule rehearsals and meetings so they would be ready for the presentation at the end of the month. M. Wethils was a very influential man in theatre productions. If they managed to convince him to take a chance on the show, they could be headed to national then, possibly, international fame.
Blaine was not thinking about the show, though. No, his thoughts were focused on what happened to him earlier that day. The young man closed his eyes; he could almost feel the rain falling on his face, the coolness of the wind hitting his wet cheeks. He could see those eyes again. He still wondered about their color.
Blaine licked his lips recalling the kiss. It had taken him by surprise. Kurt’s soft lips still held the taste of rainwater with a hint of mud. Blaine had felt like something inside of him was shattering. He could not remember anyone who had ever made him feel this way: a sensation of falling with no fear of crashing.
Kissing was something that Blaine always avoided with his string of lovers. He would let his lips trail along necks, cheeks, collarbones, and, well, sometimes on asses or dicks but never on the lips.
Blaine had dated once, when he was still in college, studying at Julliard. Gregory had been a few months younger than him. For five months, he was all Blaine cared about. They were in love and happy. But then doubts had started to creep in. Gregory had wanted to get a flat with Blaine in New York after they graduated from college. But the young musician wanted more from life than settle down with his boyfriend of just one year. He was still so young and wanted to experience life. It was the same time that Sebastian had made him a proposition to go to Paris. It had taken two months for Blaine to make a decision and he eventually chose to end his relationship with Gregory, leaving the other man heartbroken.
Blaine had not dated anyone since. He only took a lover, sometimes two depending on his mood, for the night and then moved to the next one. It was easier that way. No broken promises, no broken hearts.
Kurt had been his first kiss in years. Blaine had been caught completely off guard when it happened but he had still returned it. Then they had kissed some more, forgetting about the world around them for a few minutes, until Kurt really had to leave to get ready for his meeting. They had exchanged numbers. Kurt had promised he would call Blaine as soon as the event he had to attend that evening was over. Then he had run to his building leaving the musician with a tingling feeling on his lips and a blissful expression on his face.
That smile was still there.
After Sebastian was done planning their schedule to prepare for the show, Tina turned back to Blaine and asked him again why he looked so ridiculously happy.
“It can’t be just because of the show, even though it is wonderful news,” she said before he could even reply, “Something happened today so spill Anderson!”
“It also can’t be anything related to work because Wes told me how much a disaster that was,” Nick added, looking pointedly at Blaine.
Blaine sighed, his smile remaining. Yes, Nick was right, that morning had been awful until Kurt. Well, no, not until Kurt because the other man had been really insufferable at first.
“Come on Blaine!” Tina poked him on the side. “We’re dying here,” she added in a dramatic tone.
Blaine laughed softly at her antics and finally said,
“I met someone.”
That caught the attention of the rest of their booth.
“What’s his name?” Tina immediately asked, “Is he cute?? Oh, I bet he is or you wouldn’t be smiling like some kind of big idiot!”
“He’s…” Words were lacking to describe Kurt. Blaine did not know how to describe what he had felt when the other man had met his gaze for the first time. “He’s got those eyes… and teeth…” he said in a dreamy tone.
“Eyes and teeth, well, he really must be one of a kind,” Sebastian sarcastically replied.
“He’s just…” He was cut off by the sound of phone ringing.
Blaine searched his pocket for it and picked up without looking at the Caller ID.
“Hey,” a soft voice greeted him at the other end of the line.
“Hi,” Blaine answered, recognizing it was Kurt.
Tina picked up on his expression and mouthed at Mike It must be him, her eyes wide with excitement. Mike just laughed at his wife and gestured at her to stay quiet so that the rest of them could listen what Blaine was saying to his lover boy.
“Sure, I’d love that!” Blaine said, standing up and starting to gather his things.
Sebastian glared up at him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked his best friend, “We’re supposed to discuss about the scene we’ll present to…” Tina covered his mouth with her hand as she pushed Blaine out of the booth with her other arm.
Sebastian was tempted to bite her fingers but the look Mike sent his way discouraged him. Instead, he watched the musician leave their booth and heading towards the exit of the bar. Sebastian slumped back in his seat and willed himself not to lash out at his friends. One thing was certain: he may not have met Blaine’s new love interest yet but he already despised him.
Blaine’s car was emitting a strange noise. He had driven faster than usual without caring about the state of the old engine. It had taken him less than ten minutes to get to Kurt’s building. Once parked, he climbed out the car and ran to the main door that was already open. He then rushed up the stairs to the second floor, which Kurt had told him earlier was where he lived. Blaine was a bit out of breath once he reached the door and knocked three times. He was about to repeat the gesture when Kurt answered. His eyes immediately lit up when he saw that it was Blaine. Without warning, the young man took hold of the musician’s shirt and pulled him inside.
Kurt led Blaine to the end of the corridor in hurried steps and then pushed him inside the bedroom. Blaine had barely any time to take in the room before Kurt pressed him against the wall and crashed their lips together in a fervent kiss.
“I’ve been thinking of doing this all day,” Kurt breathed hotly against Blaine’s lips before trailing his own along the other man’s jaw.
Blaine moaned when he felt Kurt’s thigh pressing on his growing erection. The musician pushed him back a bit, trying to signal that if they didn’t slow down he wouldn’t last. It was ridiculous but at the moment Blaine felt like he was a teenager again. He hadn’t been this turned on in years!
Kurt started to strip, giving Blaine some space so that he could do the same. He was already down to his boxers when he noticed Blaine was still leaning against the wall completely dressed. Kurt raised an eyebrow at him in question but then an idea came to him and he smirked. He came close and let his hands roam all over Blaine’s body. He allowed his fingers to explore every dip and curve from chest to hips. He took his time, ignoring Blaine’s request to go faster, and reached for the first buttons on the other man’s shirt. He slowly unbuttoned them, reveling in the sight of the new patches of naked skin revealed to his eyes. Kurt licked his lips, his eyes dark with arousal.
“Kurt, please…” Blaine started to speak, but was cut off by the sensation of Kurt’s lips around his left nipple. Shots of pleasure ran down to his spine as Kurt bit lightly on the nub. Blaine felt warmth spread all over his body. As Kurt was about to lick his way to the other nipple, Blaine yanked him back up for a more heated kiss. He thrusted his tongue inside Kurt’s mouth making the other man groan deeply in his throat. Kurt’s nails sank into the skin of Blaine’s naked chest. He let a loud moan escape when Blaine sucked hard on his tongue before biting on his lower lip. Kurt needed more.
“Condoms,” he uttered as Blaine attacked his jaw, “Do you have some?”
Blaine breathed hot in Kurt’s left ear and then moved back a little and started to dig inside his pockets. It only took him a few seconds to find what he was looking for. He pulled his hand out with a triumphant smile and held out two condoms with a little packet of lube.
“You or me?” he asked while he coated his fingers with lube.
“You first,” Kurt replied shedding his last piece of clothing.
Blaine paused, looking for the first time at Kurt since they had entered the room. Blaine swallowed, noticing how dry his mouth had become. Kurt’s skin was nearly glowing in the pale light coming from the window. It looked so smooth to the touch; only a few freckles were marring the otherwise flawless skin. Blaine let his gaze go a little lower to Kurt’s perfectly toned stomach. He licked his lips at the sight of Kurt’s flushed cock, curving towards his belly, its darker color contrasting with the light skin of the rest of Kurt’s body. Blaine raised his hand, itching to touch, but Kurt grew impatient.
“I’ll get myself ready while you undress,” he said, gesturing at Blaine’s still mostly clothed body.
The musician really had to force himself to focus on his task instead of what Kurt was doing with two fingers already buried deep inside of him. Blaine stared at the slow back and forth movement that they made as Kurt started to fuck himself on them.
“Fuck.” He could not help coming nearer to get a closer look. “Fuck, Kurt…” He pushed his index finger along Kurt’s other two making the other man gasp in surprise and moan almost wantonly.
“Blaine, hurry…” Kurt’s tone was pleading now.
Blaine got rid of his pants and boxers and put the condom on his straining erection. He bit his lower lip hard as he touched himself for the first time since they had started. Kurt pulled his fingers out of himself and hovered over Blaine’s body. Blaine kissed him, slowly opening the other man’s mouth with his tongue. Kurt keened when Blaine lowered his hands to his ass and spread his cheeks. Kurt started to tremble, inching as close as possible to the other body, his hand searching for Blaine’s cock.
“Fuck me, Blaine,” he mouthed along Blaine’s neck, “now.”
Blaine pushed Kurt off him and, before the other man had any time to react, he inversed their position and shoved Kurt against the bedroom door. He held on tight to Kurt’s waist and lifted him, guiding the man’s legs around his waist. Blaine held Kurt up with one hand, using the other to reach for his dick and then guided it to Kurt’s hole. He slid inside in one thrust making them both moan as he bottomed out.
“Blaine…” Kurt whimpered as he tried to get the other man to move.
“Fuck, you’re tight” Blaine breathed against the other man’s sweaty collarbone. He could feel the heat spreading between their two bodies, the tight heat surrounding his cock. He started to pull out slowly and then pushed back in hard and fast.
Kurt bit down on Blaine’s shoulder to muffle a scream of pleasure.
“Come on, move,” he pleaded against the hot skin under his lips, “I can take it.”
Suddenly, Blaine lost all the self-control he had left and started to thrust at a faster pace. The sound of their harsh breathing and slapping flesh filled the room. Kurt could already feel that he was close. Blaine let desire take over completely, the only thing that mattered was the delicious friction and the heat around his cock. Soon he started to feel Kurt’s hole clench on his dick and it nearly sent him over the edge.
Kurt reached for his aching cock and began to stroke. Blaine hands pushed his away and took over stroking him, bringing the other man closer to orgasm. Kurt panted inside Blaine’s mouth as he felt himself let go, his whole body shaking from the intensity of his orgasm. Blaine followed a few seconds after, coming hard inside the other man’s body, the clenching of Kurt’s asshole around his dick being too much for him to hold out anymore.
They both slumped against the door, breathing heavily.
“Blaine…” Kurt whispered, his breath too hot against Blaine’s cooling skin. “I need you to…” He pushed lightly at the other man’s hips. Blaine slowly pulled out making them both hiss a little from oversensitivity. The musician reached for some tissues on top of the nearby chest of drawers. He put the used condom in the first tissue and used the other to clean the stickiness from his and Kurt’s chests. Once he was done, he rolled the tissues together and discarded them on the floor. Kurt started to protest that he needed to clean this up but Blaine shut him up with a kiss. They pulled a part with matching grins on their faces.
Then, they slowly made their way to the bed, their lips remaining attached to each other all the way. Kurt was the first to fall on top of the covers. He lay on his stomach enjoying the coolness of the fabric underneath him. Blaine joined him, his front turned towards the other man. He smiled softly at Kurt whose hair was now disheveled and sticking to his forehead. He allowed his fingers to tangle in the damp mess and caressed Kurt’s scalp in slow strokes. The other man hummed contentedly, his eyes fluttering open to meet Blaine’s gaze. Something in Kurt’s chest stirred as he was faced with such a look of adoration from the other man.
“Feels good,” he sighed as Blaine let his fingers trail down his back, tracing the lines of his spine down to the swell of his ass.
They remained like that for a few more minutes until Kurt started to get hard again from Blaine’s ministration. His hands were getting a firmer grip on Kurt’s ass cheeks, spreading them apart and leaving his still sore hole exposed. Blaine then slipped two fingers back inside and thrusted them slowly in and out, reveling at how the ring of muscle was clenching around them, trying to keep them where they were. Kurt whimpered feebly, still feeling a bit too sensitive.
Blaine shushed him and leaned above the other’s body. He started laying kisses on his shoulder first, licking the beads of sweat that had remained there. He felt Kurt shift under him, the other man trying to get some friction even though he felt it was too soon after his first orgasm.
“I want to taste you, Kurt.” The other man shivered when the hot air of Blaine’s breath hit his ear and the implication of what Blaine was saying sank in. “Can I?” Blaine asked his tone now softer. He did not want to push too hard.
Blaine turned Kurt’s body gently so that the other man was facing him. His cheeks were flushed and his lips slightly parted. Kurt yawned then, and the musician chuckled.
“Maybe we can save it for some other time then,” Blaine whispered, without realizing the meaning of what he said.
“I’d like that,” Kurt replied sleepily. “We should get under the covers now.” He started getting up and pulled down the bed covers so they could slip inside.
Blaine hesitated. He had never stayed at someone else’s place, apart from Sebastian’s, but that was completely different, or Gregory’s when they used to date.
Kurt didn’t notice that Blaine was still sitting at the end of the bed. After a few more seconds of internal conflict, the musician decided to stay. At least this way, there was no risk that his mother would interrupt another round of mind-blowing sex. With that thought in mind, Blaine joined Kurt under the covers and cuddled up to the other man who sighed in content.
It was at least two hours since they had both drifted off to sleep when a quiet knock was heard in the apartment. Blaine felt Kurt move next to him but the other man did not get up to see what the noise was. Then, the handle of the door went down and a little boy walked straight over to the bed.
Several things happened in that instant. The boy came nearer, tears running down his face saying he had dreamt of monsters again. At the same moment, Kurt shrieked loudly and pushed Blaine off him and out of the bed with so much force that the musician nearly flew in the air, tangled in sheets before hitting the ground with a thud. Blaine then crawled naked across the cold parquet as fast as he could, going under the bed and praying this was all just a dream.
The sound from above him proved that this was really happening. There was a little boy in the room and from what he could hear; Kurt was trying to comfort him.
A kid! There was a freaking kid living with Kurt! Was Kurt even single? Blaine had no time to ponder about this because Kurt was now pulling on his arm to get him out of his hiding place. The musician sighed with relief when he saw that the boy was now sleeping. They’re less intimidating when asleep, Blaine thought to himself. Kurt looked at him strangely but said nothing. He just walked back to the little boy and took him in his arms. The other man dreaded Kurt waking the child but the blonde-haired boy remained deeply asleep. Kurt then took Blaine by the hand and led him outside the room. They walked to the end of the corridor where the door was slightly ajar. Kurt pulled him inside the bedroom. There was a soft light near one of the smaller beds. Kurt laid the little boy on it and tucked him back in. Blaine’s attention was now on the second bed in the room. A dark-skinned boy was fast asleep with only his head emerging from under the covers. Kurt came back and they both walked out.
“The older one is Simon and Samuel is the one who woke us up,” Kurt explained quietly, to avoid waking up his younger son again.
Blaine had no time to say anything before Kurt grabbed his hand again and led him to another door. He pushed it open quietly. The light from the corridor was just enough to make out the figure of a young girl, probably fourteen or fifteen, buried under the covers.
“This is Clara,” Kurt whispered as he closed the door. “She’s not technically mine but she’s part of the family now, too.”
Noticing Blaine had remained silent since they left the bedroom, Kurt asked him,
“Is everything okay?”
Still no response.
Kurt fidgeted a bit, “I know it can seem a bit intimidating but they’re wonderful children,” his smile faltered as Blaine let go of his hand and started to walk back to the bedroom, still awfully silent.
Once inside, Blaine gathered his clothes and dressed as quickly as he could. It was then he noticed he was shaking. This could not be happening.
Kurt had walked right behind him and was now looking confused at Blaine’s reaction. He understood that a single father could scare some men away but he had hoped that Blaine would not be like that. He almost regretted “introducing”, as it was, his children to the other man now.
The musician was now fully dressed. He walked to Kurt and pecked him lightly on the lips, but he pushed the other man away when Kurt tried to properly kiss him. He ignored the slightly hurt look on Kurt’s face.
“I have to go,” is all he said as he walked out of the bedroom and then out of the apartment.
Once out on the street, he ran to his car. The drive back home was even faster than when he had driven to Kurt’s earlier that night.
Kurt had looked through the window as Blaine had literally fled from him. He sighed, maybe Blaine would come back after it had all sunk in and he had time to think. Kurt really hoped he would return.
Please, let this time be different. He prayed to the god he did not believe in, as he climbed back into his bed. The sheets were already cold.
I can understand why Blaine freaked and I can also understand why Kurt waited to tell him as well. These two had such strong chemistry and obvious attraction. I hope they work it out, I think hey could pretty amazing together. Kurt needs the unconditional support and Blaine needs someone who love him. Lovely job :)
Yeah it is understandable that Blaine really freaked, you'll know a bit more why he did react like that in the next chapter. You'll also understand why Kurt wanted to show the children right away, you'll see why they mean so much to him. Thank you for the lovely review :)
Omgggg I know it was a shock to Blaine but he just left Kurt like that :/. I hope he gets over it soon.
Yeah well, you'll learn more about Blaine's feelings towards kids in a later chapter (already published, it's chapter 6). I won't say too much but it won't be that easy for him...