Wont tell Anyone
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Wont Tell Anyone

Wont tell Anyone: Chapter 8

E - Words: 3,475 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
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Chapter 8

Blue eyes narrow as arms cross over his chest, staring down his husband in defiance. They have been on the road non-stop for almost a full day and Kurt has had enough. Every time he shifts to get more comfortable, Blaine is there offering him an extra pillow. Every time he stretches and rubs a hand over his flat stomach, Blaine is there asking him a million questions and offering to pull over and fetch a doctor. Now that they have pulled over to switch out the horses while the servants run about to get food to be eaten as they travel. Kurt really isn't looking forward to that. With all the rocking the carriage does he is sure he will end up emptying the contents of his stomach not long after filling it.

"Kurt. You need to sit down and rest. The doctor said you are very weak right now." Blaine tries to reason with him, but Kurt isn't budging from his stance right outside the carriage. Feet finally on solid ground.

"I am with child, I am not a sick invalid to be catered to and locked up. You have kept me in that horrible rocking carriage for hours now and I wish to stretch my legs. There is also the need to use the facilities as you have not let me have a bathroom break this whole time and I have no wish to eat in a moving vehicle." he leans forward, poking his husband in the chest with his hand. "Now move out of my way and get the food and drink ready to be eaten before we leave while I use the privy."

"Fine but allow me to come with you while the servants get the food ready. I do not feel right with you going alone." Blaine takes a chance and moves closer to Kurt. Wrapping his hands around his hips and giving him the most adorable puppy dog begging eyes Kurt has ever seen.

He rolls his blue eyes before leaning in and kissing the corner of Blains mouth. "You will have to trust that I can pee on my own because it will happen quite often."

"Alright. Go. The sooner you go the sooner you are back and I will feel better."

"Thank you."

Kurt hurries off in search of a privy chamber while Blaine gets their lunch prepared to eat before leaving and another set of food for while they travel. He makes sure to avoid any of the items Kurt has been refusing to eat lately and is quite pleased with the cold cuts, cheese, and bread he has ready by the time Kurt joins him. Blaine trying everything to get Kurt to not be upset with him and his sucking up works, Kurt sitting closer to his husband and smiling again. The rest of their journey home goes pretty smoothly with only one emergency stop for Kurt to empty his stomach after finding the smell of pickled eggs to be way to much for him. Blaine guarantees they will be home sooner with no stops to rest.

When they do get back to the palace on the fifth day by midmorning, Kurt is miserable. His back aches from being in the carriage for so long, his head hurts from the lack of sleep he was able to get, and his stomach is so unsettled he hasn't been able to eat more then a few breaks of bread for the past day. He doesn't even smile as Victoria and Edward come out to meet the carriage, Eric yelling at Maria behind them to be let go so he can hug his Papa. Victoria having asked the nursemaid to hold the boy back until they know he is alright. Victoria gasping at how pale he looks.

"Kurt, my dear, are you alright? Blaine sent a missive saying you were with child and weak, but we had hoped he was exaggerating." She runs a hand over his temple, checking for a fever.

"I am fine. My stomach is just a bit unsettled. Blaine made us rush home with no stops other then to change horses and eat. I had to beg for bathroom stops." His eyes shift to Eric and a smile finely crosses his features.

Edward gives his son a not so happy look. "You dragged your pregnant husband for five days in a rickety carriage with no real rest? I thought you would have known a bit better then that son."

"Dad! I was just following what the doctor had said, he wanted me to get Kurt home and in bed as soon as possible."

They all turn to look as Eric comes running up after escaping Marias hold. "PAPA! PAPA! PAPA!" His face is streaked with tears as he barrels into Kurts open arms and clings to his papa.

Kurt closes his eyes at the shock of his son hitting him so hard, using his grip on the boy to stay upright. "It is alright son. I am home now, we are all home now. Shh, it is alright."

"Let us get them inside." Victoria turns to Maria. "Have them draw a bath for Kurt and bring a pitcher of water to their chambers."

"Yes Majesty." The woman hurries off as Blaine and Edward try to pry Eric from his Papa.

Eric clings tighter. "No! I want to stay with Papa!"

Kurt kisses his sons cheek. "Son, Papa can not carry you right now. Maybe after a rest I can, but right now I am not feeling that well."

He pulls back with a frown on his face. "Is it because of the baby? Grandma and Maria told me I am going to be a big brother because you are having a baby with Daddy."

"Yes I am not feeling well because of the baby. Your little brother or sister did not enjoy the trip home as much as your daddy did." He watches as his son goes to Edward to walk in with his grandfather as Kurt tries to straighten up with his husbands guiding hand on his back. "Thank you Blaine."

Blaine helps Kurt to their room and dressed down into his nightshirt before tucking him in. Kurt falling asleep the second his head hit's the pillows. The prince smiles down at his husband all curled up and slumbering as he makes his way to Erics room across the hall. His parents and the young boy all in there waiting for him. "I delayed the bath. Kurt fall asleep as soon as he touched the bed and I do not wish to wake him until he gets himself up."

Eric frowns as he snuggles into Edwards chest. "Is Papa going to be alright?"

Victoria ruffles the young boys hair. "He will be quite alright. A long rest, a hot bath, and some warm food will make him feel much better. Blaine the doctor will be here in the morning to make sure."

"Thank you mother." Blaine goes over to take Eric from his dad. The boy happily switching to the new set of arms. "Now you young man. I have missed you so terribly much. Why not tell me what you have been up to while we were away."

Eric smiles and goes into his tale. "I spent every morning out at the stable, did you read that Rose is off her mothers tit and is now eating just oats and hay, but there was another foal born so I helped take care of him and I learned how to size Rose with a harness so she can be walked and trained to like people." The boy finally takes a breath, Blaine looking to his parents as they laugh. "I also learned how to get up in the saddle on my own, even though it is just a pony, little Rich is a great pony to learn to ride on and he really likes me. Then every afternoon Maria would take me out to the garden and I would catch frogs in the pond with the bakers boy, his name is Jeffrey Sterling and he is older then me, but he does not mind playing with me out side. Then I meet another older boy that came to the advisors meeting with his Papa. His name was Wesley."

"Wow you had a very full set of days since the wedding."

"I did, but my favorite time was sitting and watching for the postman. Grandma and Grandpa let me get the post every time I saw him so that I could receive your letters and the Grandpa started to teach me how to write." He wiggles out of Blaines hold, running over to the new desk in the corner and coming back. Holding up a paper with scribbles on it and all of them say Eric Masterson. "See, I can sign my name now! Papa will be soo happy with me!"

Blaine runs his fingers over the writing and tries not to cry. "You are growing so much. How about we write your Papa a letter while he sleeps. You can give it to him when he awakens."

"Ok. Can I draw a picture? Maria and Grandma got me some drawing coal, but I am not very good with it."

"Then I will help you."

The two get quite dirty with their drawing and writing. Ink and charcoal all over their hands and faces. Edward and Victoria leave them be as they attend to business. The advisors wishing to speak with them. As Blaine and Eric play, Kurt sleeps, the King and Queen are faced with a room of frowning faces.

"You called this meeting Lord Ferguson. What is it about." The King sits up straight watching as the man steps forward.

"Your Majesty. The nobles are raising suspicions on your actions with the marriage of your son to a recent widower. They are claming the man is only after money and title and would not be fit to rule at your sons side." Lord Ferguson bows.

Sir Montgomery stepping forward with a bow. "They also are spreading rumors that you plan to seat the young Master Eric on the throne as they believe his father is not fertile. They view a four year marriage with only one child as a bad omen. Even though it is well known Lord Masterson was a sickly old man when he wed Kurt."

Edward runs a hand over his brow. "This is a lot of rumors milling about."

"It is Majesty." Lord Ferguson speaks up again. "There has also been a new rumor that the new husband has taken ill and will not live long enough to give your son his heir. Adding to the stories of how weak your family has become."

"That is a an untrue accusation and a bit odd that someone already knows of his condition." Victoria and Edward look at each other, both wearing frowns on their faces. "To let you all know the truth, though we are keeping it from the public until Kurt has regained some strength. Yes Kurt is currently not at full health. He will be seeing the doctor in the morning after a long nights rest. The reason for his weakened state is that he is with child and found the heat of the hot springs to make him ill in his condition. Nothing more."

Victoria comforts her husband. "As for Eric, we have accepted him as part of our family, but he is not the heir to the throne and the young man knows this. We do not know what his future holds, but he knows it will not be the crown."

"Now tell us, who is starting all of these rumors and why have we not heard of them until now?"

Sir Montgomery takes a step back as his son, Wesley, steps forward. "It is your nephew Majesty. Lord Cooper Anderson who watches over the eastern lands as your brother heir. He has had his eye on the throne and from what I have seen, makes no sign of hiding his desire."

Edward studies the boy. "You have seen him plotting?"

"Yes Majesty. I was schooling out in the east and had many run ins with the family." Wesley keeps his head up high.

"I would like to hear more of what you have to say young man." He turns to Wesley's father. "Your son is to stay here with us at the palace. I will have an audience with him without all of you present. You are dismissed." Everyone but Wesley leaves the room as Edward and Victoria study the young man.

Kurt wakes slowly many hours later. Stretching out and smiling when he sees Blaine asleep next to him with his arms around a napping Eric. He reaches out to touch his husbands cheek an laughs quietly as the man scrunches his nose and snuggles more into the four year old in his arms. He tries again, running his hand along his husbands arm and entwining their fingers. "Blaine darling. Wake up."

Blaine groans as his eyes slowly open, a smile growing on his face when he sees Kurt. "'m up." He yawns and squeeze the hand in his. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better though I think the baby and I are both hungry." They both smile bright at each other. "Is it time for food?"

Blaine nods as he slowly sits up so that he doesn't disturb Erics rest. "Eric and I came up for a nap before dinner. Maria was going to fetch us when it was time to eat."

"Um good. Leave him to sleep and help me dress." His eyes sparkle with mischief. "I always love it when you play with my clothes."

"None of that until the doctor says we can. I am not going to harm you with my lustful ways." he laughs at the pout on his husbands face. Helping him dress for dinner with his family and the added Wesley.

They are all happy to see Kurt at the table and talk about planning the nursery. Kurt just happy they avoided the foods Blaine noticed made him sick. He's even happy to meet Wesley and get to know the man who willingly played with Eric while he was gone. They all sat around after their meal in the parlor as Kurt and Blaine have the trunk of presents for Eric brought in there. The boy digging through some new clothes before pulling out a bunch of items wrapped in cloth. He unwraps them one at a time and squeals with joy every time the material parts and he is faced with a new toy horse. Setting them all up and introducing them to Remy. His now small herd of a dozen horses and one unicorn. All of which he will not sleep without. His bed full of horses as he sleeps, dreaming of sharing his toys with a new brother.

Blaine snuggles and holds Kurt close all night. His hand gently rubbing over his still flat stomach and mind wandering to what their baby would look like. He also can't help but imagine his husband round with child and how much pampering he plans to give him. His only worry is if the doctor declares Kurt to weak to move from bed or that Kurt should take it much easier then a normal pregnancy since he is now carrying a royal child. So many things pass through his mind. All while his dad holds a late audience with Wesley on what exactly he saw and what his take on it all is.


"You may call me Edward when we are in private Wesley. I am not one for formalities unless they are required." he gestures for the man to continue.

Wesley smiles. "As you wish Edward. I was in the east studying tactics and strategic planning at the university where Cooper also attends classes. He made no secret in his distaste for you and spreading rumors of all sort of wrong doings you have done. He has been trying to gain the support of your advisors and their heirs, as a lot of them will take over for their fathers soon. I was included in his plans since my father is one of your advisors. Right before I came back this way he had started a rumor about Kurt being sickly." He takes a sip of wine. "It leads me to believe he has someone on your staff or working in your household feeding him information or he made a false claim based on how pale Kurt is naturally and the fact his husband was sickly and it just so happens to gain strength with him being sick now."

"Though he is with child and not sick." Edward sits forward, eyeing the boy. "Why are you bringing me this information? If Cooper is making plans to turn the people against my reign then you would have been at a better advantage to stay with him. His claims hold truth to them and the people have been viewing my family differently lately."

"Because your son would be a much better king then he would. Cooper is arrogant and uses his relation to you to his advantage. I rarely saw him attending class, but the teachers give him a passing grade because of who he is. Blaine on the other hand is a gentle understanding sort who has studied on his own. He is more in tune with the common folk and listens when any of them have an issue." Wes smiles. "It is also very noble of all of you to accept that adorable young man as part of your family. Many others of rank would have forced him into being a servant or hidden him away. That shows you have great heart."

"So because we are kind and generous?"

"No because you show in everything you do that you are a true king and your son will be the same. I would never support a king who only wants the title for their own gain."

"Thank you for your honesty. Now let us talk about making you part of my staff. I have a feeling I will need to reappoint advisors once we figure out who is leaking information." he is also planning to have a closer watch put on his son and Kurt. If Cooper is serious about taking the throne his unborn grandchild could be at high risk.

The next morning finds Blaine pacing the hall in front of his bedroom while the doctor is inside examining Kurt. Edward watches his son as he holds Eric and the two of them try not to laugh at what they see.

"Daddy. Sit down before you make a hole in the floor."

"I can not sit still Eric. Daddy is nervous." he keeps pacing, running into a maid as she tries to get by him and apologizing with a blush before he goes back to pacing.

Edward laughs. "Your mother is in there with him and so is Maria. Kurt will be fine son."

"I know I am just worried. I had so many bad dreams last night about what could be wrong. Seeing him so weak yesterday just settled in how vulnerable he really is."

"Son, Kurt is human. We are all vulnerable. We just depend on our loved ones to keep us strong in our time of need."

They all stop talking and look towards the door as the doctor and Victoria step out. Blaine hurrying to them and frowning when he doesn't see a happy look on his mothers face. "Is everything alright?"

The doctor nods. "Everything is fine. He is a bit weak from the rough travel the past week and still finding himself short of breath when he stand to fast. I recommended that he takes it easy for the next month or two, until the baby has settled and his eating returns to normal. He knows the signs to look for that his strength is returning. We also talked to him about how important it is for him to rest and keep his body strong to make for a stronger baby. It may take him some getting use to, but he understands the worries we have with this being a royal baby."

"Thank you doctor." Blaine looks towards the door, fairly sure he can hear Kurt crying. "Do you think he will lose the child?"

The old man shakes his head. "No I do not think so. His body is adjusting well and since he has been through a pregnancy before there is no reason to believe this one will be lost. It is a bit of a wonder why his symptoms are so much worse then they were with his first child. I will read up on it and be back to check on him in a few weeks."

"Thank you. Excuse me." Blaine hurries into the bedroom where Kurt is in fact crying. "Ku~rt, everything will be fine." He rushes over, pulling his husband into his arms. "Hush now, everything will be fine. You will see."


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