Wont tell Anyone
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Wont Tell Anyone

Wont tell Anyone: Chapter 5

E - Words: 3,926 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
148 0 0 0 0

Chapter 5

This day was becoming a horrible form of punishment. Yes, Blaine was happy to sit there and watch his dad play with Eric. Yes, he was happy that his mom and Kurt were talking wedding clothes and when they will be done. Yes, he was overly happy that the wedding was only two days away. So what had the prince unhappy? It was 24 hours since he has felt that warm body against his and had that wonderful pleasure rush through his body by any means other then his own hand. Of course he was enjoying exploring more of how that feels, but Kurt had promised to come into his bed every night and last night he didn't show up.

"What do you think my dear?"

"What was that mother?" he turns his attention towards his mom.

"Kurt and I were asking if you approve of holding the dinner after the ceremony instead of the breakfast."

Kurt watches him with a raise brow, a smirk crossing his face when he notices how red in the face Blain has gotten. "I think it is a wonderful idea. It would give more time to prepare for the honeymoon trip and I could spend the morning meal with Eric." His eyes shift to his son telling Edward all about Rose and how much she is growing every day. "Especially since it will be a fortnight until I see him again."

"Then a dinner it will be, if I may join you for the morning meal with Eric as well." Their eyes meet as Blaine smiles.

"I think Eric and myself would be honored for you to join us."

Victoria looks between the two and smiles brightly "I will have the cook prepare for both then. For now though, I think Edward and I should go and prepare for the afternoon. The advisors want to talk to us about the future of the throne and try to get us to back what ever plans they have."

"Good luck mother."

"Thank you son. We will see you all again for dinner." She drags away a complaining Edward. He really wants to stay and listen to Eric instead of the advisors.

"Papa!" The young man hops into the lap of his father. Huge grin on his face. "Can we go to the library? I would love to see the map of where you and Blaine are traveling to after the wedding."

"That sounds perfect. How about you go with Maria and get cleaned up a bit, then Blaine and I will meet you there."

"Ok papa!" He kisses Kurt on the cheek before running over and giving Blaine as kiss as well. Running off with Maria to put his afternoon clothes on. Happily spouting off all the stories he wants to read with his Papa and Blaine.

"That is my cue to go clean up as well." Kurt moves about leaning in to kiss Blaine on the cheek. "See you soon my dear."

"See you soon." He watches Kurt leave, planning to follow him back towards his personal chambers as soon as there is a bit of distance between them. That would give everyone the idea that he was going to escort Kurt to the library, not sneak in so that he can satisfy his addiction with kissing his betrothed. If their hands happened to wander then that would just be a bonus.

He walks down towards Kurts chambers, humming as his mind thinks about finally kissing those lips when all of a sudden he's grabbed from the back and dragged into a spare room. Blaine gasps out a startled cry as he's spun around and another body presses up against him and another pair of lips connecting with his. Blaine pulls back slightly as his hands slid into the blond locks and his eyes look into the mischievous blue eyes he has become addicted to. "I have a feeling." Blaine leans in kissing him softly. "You were waiting for me."

"Um I may have been." Kurt connects their lips again."You took an awful long time to follow me. I was beginning to think the looks you gave me all lunch were my imagination."

"You are very lucky that you are right." He connects their lips again groaning when Kurt bites his bottom lip. "I missed you last night. You never showed."

Kurt laughs, leaning his head against Blaines chest. "Forgive me. Eric had a bad dream and cried most the night."

"You should have said something." Blaine lifts his chin. "Is he alright? He seemed fine at lunch while he talked with father."

"He is perfectly alright. It was just a dream he has had every now and then."

"Tell me? Please?" He leads Kurt towards a lounge settled to the side of the room.

"Are you sure? We have a limited time to be less then appropriate with each other." Kurt pushes Blaine to sit down and straddles his lap.

Blaine settles his hands on those perfect hips. "Um I cave touching you." His hands slide back to squeeze at the round globes of the other mans ass. "But we will have the rest of our lives to be inappropriate with each other. I have a limited amount of time to learn about Eric and be prepared for when our son has this reoccurring nightmare and needs us to comfort him or even just me while you tend to our baby."

Kurt laughs as he changes position. Sliding so that he is between Blaines legs, leaning against his chest. "You are out to make me cry daily sir." he wipes at the happy tears in his eyes. "Well, his nightmare is something that did happen to him. He was two. Fitzwilliam had decided that while he was feeling stronger he would take our son to visit his older brother. I was against the trip, seeing that my husband had not been in the best of health and showing signs of getting worse. There was just no arguing with the man. So he took Eric and as a punishment for my complaining about the trip he left me home. A few days later an express arrived stating that my husband had lost consciousness in the carriage and they suspected it had been for most of the second days ride. No one had checked on Eric and him."

"Eric was the only one with him?" Blaine runs his hands in an attempt to sooth Kurts nerves.

"He was very determined to show he could still be an attentive father even though the man never looked at Eric before then. Maria had been made to ride above with the driver. He said it was her status as a servant to ride with the rest of the servants. So yes Eric was alone with his father. When they had stopped for a rest Maria found him curled up in the farthest corner from Fitzwilliam crying. He thought his father had died in front of him. He didn't even speak a word until I arrived a day after the letter and even then it was gabled speech of him being scared. It took me a whole year to get the boy calmed and his fathers health never improved so he was not around the man after that." Kurt entwines their hands. "Now when ever he is to stressed or starts to worry about something, he has dreams of his father passing out. This time it was a dream of You and I going on our trip and never returning because a group of bandits attacked our carriage and killed us."

"Is that why he wants to know the whole route we will be traveling?"

"Yes it would seem so."

"Then I will make sure he knows every stop we are making." He pulls one pale hand to his lips. "Plus we will send him a missive every town. I do not want him suffering while we are gone."

"Are you sure you will have time to send that missive as we will be wrapped around each other making our own child during each stop?"

"There is always time for Eric." He leans in and kisses Kurt on the cheek. "I want our son to know we are perfectly alright and how much we miss him."

"You, good sir, are on your way to being the best father there ever was." He turns over and connects their lips softly before moving to stand up.

Blaine follows him as he takes his hand to walk Kurt out. "That would not be possible. You are the best father ever other wise Eric would never be as perfect as he is."

"Trying to flatter me into your bed sir?" His eyes sparkle with mischief.

"That may have been part of my plan." Blaine teases back. "Though I was hoping that you would come to my bed anyways." he kisses Kurt, pulling him closer as his tongue teases its way into the others mouth. Showing the skills Kurt has been teaching him. Each of them pulling the other closer as they get lost in joining that one part of each other. When Blaine pulls back the others mouth follows in an attempt for more. "I take that as confirmation of my skills improving."

"I would say Yes your skills have become quite above average." Kurt slowly moves away and out the door. "I think you have earned a reward."

"What kind of reward would that be?" He makes sure their hands are entwined as Blaine escorts Kurt to the library to meet up with Eric.

"You will just have to wait until tonight."

Blaine blushes as his mind tries to come up with something they could do. His mind happily having their bodies entwined until an all familiar voice brings an even bigger smile to his face.

"PAPA!!!" Kurt finds himself with an arm full of hyper four year old. "You took So long! I was getting worried."

"Sorry Eric. Your Papa and I had some things to discuss about the wedding." Blaine bops the boy on the nose. "Forgive us?"

Eric giggles and nods his head. "Of course Blaine! Now come on I want to see your travel plans."

"As you wish my darling." Kurt kisses his cheek. "Lead the way to the maps."

Eric hops out of his arms and grabs both men by the hand, dragging them into the back corner of the library where all the maps are. Blaine lifting him up to sit on the table top while Kurt and him show the boy the trip through the country they will take to get to their honeymoon spot at the hot springs. Blaine pointing out ever town and city, promising to send him a message from each one and to buy him a present from each that he will get when they return. Eventually their map reading turns into talk about the different animals they will see and then to bringing out books on birds to show Eric what they look like.

When dinner rolls around both men escort a slowly tiring out Eric. Kurt smiles at his son rubbing his eyes as they arrive after the King and Queen are already seated.

"Apologies Mother and Father. We were distracted in the library and lost track of time." Blaine pulls the chair out for Kurt. Grinning wider when Kurt kisses his cheek before sitting.

"Quite alright. You have two very good reasons to be distracted." Edward returns a waive from Eric.

"Two of the best distractions, right Eric?" Blaine sits next to Eric as the food is served.

"If you mean me then yes." He grins before yawning. "I like spending time with daddy and Papa."

All the adults look at the sleepy boys. Kurt clearing his throat as he leans in to make sure his son looks at him. "When you say daddy do you mean Blaine?"

Eric nods slowly. "He said he wants me to be his son. So I thought about it and I like that idea." He smiles at his Papa. "If I get to be his son then he is my daddy and then I get my first grandparents."

Victoria is doing a horrible job of hiding her happy smile as Edward laughs and grins. "Eric would we really be your first grandparents?"

The boy nods slowly.

Kurt kisses his sons cheek. "My mother and father passed away before I was even married and Fitzwilliam was the age to be a grandfather when I married him."

Edward nods his head. "Then it is final. Eric Masterson, would you allow us to call you our grandson?"

Eric is up and out of his seat jumping into Edwards lap before the first tears dropped out of Kurts eyes. " Yes. Yes. Yes. Grandpa!"

Kurt wipes at his eyes trying to hold back his tears while he watches his son become part of the family. First Blaine telling him he was going to be his son and now this. He was only suppose to marry again and provide children to the crown and now he is fairly certain he is falling in love with this family. The rest of dinner is spent in laughter and stories of Blaine as a baby. Eric staying in Edwards lap the entire meal and Victoria asking to tuck the boy in herself as she doesn't want to leave his side so soon. Eric says he wants that so Kurt lets them go, smiling at Blaine as he moves to leave to prepare for bed. He doesn't even hesitate before slipping off down the halls to Blaines door. Slipping in and locking the door before heading over to the other man. "How is it that you can change everything I have ever thought in just one months time?"

"Hello to you too." Blaine reaches out and caresses his cheek. "In what way?"

"Edward and Victoria treating Eric as their real grandson. You wanting him as part of your family. The way he calls you daddy already." Kurt back up a bit smiling. "The way you are getting to know me and make me feel things for you that I have never felt for another."

"What are you feeling?" Blaine steps closer, closing the gap Kurt had made.

"Love. I am falling in love with you and your silly grin and your innocent blush every time you look at me." He wraps his arms around Blaine. "I love showing you new things."

"I love you." Blaine smiles through his blush as his hands caress around Kurts body.

"Blaine..." Kurt starts to cry. "You make me cry like an innocent." he leans in touching their lips together. "I love you too my sweet innocent prince." He takes a step back letting his rob drops to the floor and revealing his fully bare body. A smile on his lips at how Blaines eyes travel down between his legs. Not shy and scared like he was the first night. "I think we can touch each other without any barriers on tonight."

He raises his golden eyes to look into Kurts as he unties his shirt, pulling it up and over his head before lowing his hands to the tie on his breeches. "If that is what you wish." He lets the pants fall his chest turning red as his blush intensifies. His hands shifting to try and cover his manhood.

"Do not be shy." Kurt moves him to sit on the bed before kneeling between his legs. Pushing his hands out of the way so that he can look at Blaine in all his glory. "I think you are so beautiful." He licks his palm before wrapping his fingers around the stiff cock. Stroking his hand up and down the shaft as his eyes watch Blaine to see what he likes more.

"Kurt... that feels much better.. Then my own hand."

"That would be the point." His eyes stay on Blaines face while he leans forward slowly running his tongue up the shaft causing Blaine to throw his head back in a loud moan. "I take it you like that. Makes me wonder about this." He licks over the tip, tasting the precum gathering there before he wraps his lips around the head and sucks while his tongue runs under the head.

Blaine bucks his hips up as Kurt moves his head having been ready for that natural instinct. "Kurt what are you.. What are you doing..."

His lips form a smirk as he goes lower and starts to bob his head as he sucks in response to Blaines question. If Blaine has the ability to talk then he isn't doing enough. He pushes his tongue against the vein on the underside of Blaines cock as his mouth bobs and sucks, his hand moving on the parts he can't cover and finally reducing Blaine to a shuddering pile of goo. The boy gripping Kurts hair as his hips try to move into that heavenly wet warmth around him.

"Ku-" His body shivers as that wonderful tingly starts in his belly. He doesn't even warn Kurt before his head throws back and his back arches as his seed fills Kurts mouth. "Kurt!"

Kurt swallows every drop before crawling up onto the bed and straddling his over pliant prince. "So very good. I love how you taste." He bends down and kisses him allowing their tongues to share the taste of Blaines seed causing the boy to moan into it before he pushes and rolls them over. Blaine groaning as he's now on top. "Shift up the bed Blaine. It is not very comfortable with my legs dangling off the side."

They both shift up the covers towards the pillows. "Kurt, that was so good. Now how do I return the favor?"

"You do not need to. We can just cuddle now." He tries to pulls Blaine down into his arms.

"No. Please let me." Blaine shifts down so that he is laying between Kurts open legs. His hand caressing over the mound. "How do I start?"

Kurt spreads his legs wider. "Just like when we had our clothes on. Run your fingers between the lips." Blaine does as he's told. Caressing his fingers down as the lips part and he can feel the silky smooth skin of Kurts inner lips. "Good. Now if you rub up top you will find my clitoris. That is what gives me those shocks of pleasure you like so much." He gasps as Blaine touches the way he's told to and grinning as Kurt gets wetter for him. "L-let me..." Kurt moves his hands and pulls his outer lips apart so Blaine can see what he is doing. "I-if you put your finger inside and push along the top there is another pleasure spot. Other wise just explore." He cries out as Blaine pinches his clit with a grin on his face. Golden eyes watching every reaction Kurt makes. Blaine moves his exploring to push inside the slick hole and grinning as the body in front of him shivers as he runs his finger over the walls trying to find the spot that gets the biggest reaction.

"Is there a way to use my mouth as you did?"

Their eyes meet as Kurt nods. "Your tongue. You can lick the lips, suck on the clitoris, or push your tongue inside like your finger is." He moans as Blaine finds a spot inside he really likes. "You can even... keep your finger inside while you lick... a-and add more fingers." He arches up as Blaine all of a sudden licks at his pussy.

"I think I can do that." And Blaine does. He puts his all into finding what makes Kurt squirm more and what causes him to get wetter as his tongue licks and explores his outer walls before pushing inside with his finger. His eyes stay trained on Kurts face as he starts to move his finger in and out of him and grinning when he feels his loves hips move with him. Adding another finger gets and even better reaction. Kurt covers his mouth as he screams, Blaine having found his g-spot as his tongue punishes his clit. For someone who has never done this before the prince is definitely determined to perfect it.

The fingers inside him speed up as the tongue goes between lapping and sucking hi clit to pushing in along side the fingers. Kurt doesn't even know how long they are at it before he's biting his knuckles the keep from screaming out as his pussy squirts for the first time in his life. Blaine licking up all the new juices before moving up to kiss Kurt. The biggest happiest grin on his juice covered face. Kurt looking at him as his body tingles in pleasure. "H-how did you do that?"

"You came." Blaine grins even bigger now. "I finally made you fell the way I do." He kisses Kurt as the blonde laughs. "I love you."

"Um love you to silly boy." He pulls Blaine to his chest and purrs when he fells that his prince is hard again. "You must be happy with what you did."

"Um yeah well." He blushes as he tries to move his hips back from Kurt.

"It is alright. We have time if you would like.." Kurt moves his hips so that Blaines cock touches his inner lips. "Would you make love to me?"

Blaine groans and flops his head against Kurts shoulder "I want to. I want to enter you so badly, but are we not suppose to wait until our wedding night?"

"Suppose to wait for everything we have done until then." He rolls his hips to let Blaine feel how wanting he is to be joined.

"Kurt." His hands still the movement below him. "Please Kurt. You are teaching me so much, but I do not think I am ready." His cheek turn pink as he looks into Kurts eyes.

"What makes you think you are not ready?"

"I have never been inside someone and you have been married before. How am I suppose to be any good at making you feel good?" He tries to hide his face in Kurts shoulder while the other man laughs softly.

"Blaine, my dear, I am fairly certain you will be much better then a 49 year old man." Kurt hugs about Blaine as he tries to not think about his dead husband while in bed with the prince. "Trust me that most of our marriage was me giving him pleasure and then going back to my room to finish myself."

"Then I am already a lot better then he was?"

"You are already a lot better then he was."

Blaine leans down and kisses Kurt softly. "I still wish to wait. Please my love. Please can we wait until our wedding night."

Kurt studies his face, looking into his eyes as a smile grows across his face. "Then we will wait." He laughs slightly as Blaine grins like a puppy. "Off me then. I need to head back to my chambers."

"As you wish my love." He leans down and kisses Kurt before moving off of him. "Will we meet tomorrow night?"

"Only if you are a fool. You never see the bridegroom the night of the wedding." He laughs getting out of the bed while Blaine groans, burying his face in the pillows. "Be happy my dear. That means our wedding will be the next time we are alone together."

"Mm but that will start our fourteen days of just each other." He pulls on his night shirt and robe. "Now are you going to come and give me a proper goodnight?"

Blaine chuckles and gets up from the bed wrapping his arms around Kurt and kissing him softly. "Goodnight my sweet darling love."

"Goodnight my utterly naked soon to be husband." He kisses Blaine softly again before sneaking off and slipping out the door, heading back to his own chambers.


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