Wont tell Anyone
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Wont Tell Anyone

Wont tell Anyone: Chapter 4

E - Words: 3,851 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
143 0 0 0 0

Chapter 4

Laughing is the first thing that anyone hears as they walk past the stable. Soft talking and more laughter. A small boy smiles at his papa as the stable master teaches him how to brush and care for his pony before any riding lessons on an older mount. Eric giggles as Rose shoves her nose at him, playing with the child and Kurt leans against the wall watching his son have the time of his life doing something so simple as caring for his pony. He's dressed extremely lax as his only plans for the day is to spend as much as he can with Eric and a simple lunch with Blaine where they will talk about the night before, to make sure his husband to be did his homework.

"Papa! Do you want to meet Rose?" Eric has his eyes trained on his dad. The stable master failing at hiding the fond smile he has for the boy and his enthusiasm.

"If she would like to meet me, I would be honored Eric." He moves from the wall, the slight breeze in the barn making his un-tucked cotton shirt flow around his body, simple off white pants flowing around his legs.

Eric reaches up and takes his hand when he gets closer and pulls him towards Rose faster. "Come on Papa. Here. This is Rose. Rose this is my Papa so be nice and do not bite him."

Kurt raises a brow in question at the stable master. The man shrugs a bit. "The filly seems to only like young Eric here. She has bitten and nipped at all the stable boys."

"Oh, well Rose I hope you find it in your heart not to bite me." He reaches out and caresses the ponies neck at Erics insistence.

"See she listens to me. She will not bite you. Because you are my Papa." He goes back to brushing her side a bit backwards, correcting himself when the stable master points out his mistake. "Maybe I should come down here more since she does not like the other boys."

He laughs slightly and watches his son, all full of concentration. "If that would benefit Rose, I see no problem with you spending more time here." He lifts his sons chin. "Is that what you truly want son?"

"Yes Papa. You said I had to take care of her or you would have Blaine take her away from me. I want to take care of her. I love her papa." He sniffles a little. "Please let me keep her."

"She is your pony. I would never take her away after seeing how much care you put into making her happy." He hugs his son, Rose poking her nose at them to see what's wrong with her little friend.

The stable master smiles at them. "I can look after Eric, teach him everything he wants to know about horses. He has a real talent and interest in them. Be a good place for him." The unsaid part is that it would be a great place for the boy to work and stay out of the way of the future children that will be treated like Kings and Queens while Eric will always be the outsider that has no real place in the palace.

"We will talk about that, alright Eric? After the wedding, when Blaine and I return from out honeymoon, we will talk about you being out here more."

"Thank you Papa!" He lets go of his father and goes back to Rose and the stable master to move onto another pony that Eric can learn to hook up the riding gear on.

Kurt turns away and goes out to look at the horses in the field. Mind now full of thoughts of the different lives his kids will lead no matter how much Blaine seems to be fond of his son, Eric will always be a no body. His future lies in bettering the lives of his future siblings. He is so lost in thought that the sound of footsteps on the graveled path escapes his ears until two strong arms slip about his waist and a warm body presses against his back, a familiar voice sounding in his ear.

"I did not expect to see you until Lunch." A gentle kiss is laid on his cheek as Kurt smiles. "This is a very pleasant surprise."

"Well hello to you as well my dear. Did you have business at the stables? For I secretly think you hunted me down." He turns around and comes face to face with Blaine and his shining eyes and dopey smile. "Because it would be a very romantic gesture that you hunted me down." He wraps his arms around the neck of his betrothed as Blaine wraps his arms about his waist. "I like romantic gestures." His eyes slip closed and Blaine leans in to kiss his lips softly. Moving back way to soon for Kurt to be happy, but appropriately soon for them being out in the open with stable hands all around them working.

"I think you have caught on to my ulterior motive." He leans in and kisses Kurt again, hands moving to hold onto those slender hips. "Come ride with me?"

"Not right now. I am spending time with my son." Kurt wont correct that they are standing to close for to long. Feeling the others body against his makes him feel happy in a way he never remembers feeling before. "I need to spend time with him, but I want to go riding with you."

Blaine puts their foreheads together. "If I promise that after lunch the three of us can spend every hour until dinner together. Will you go riding with me?"

He thinks about that, spending time with both of them all afternoon in exchange for going with Blaine now. His head nods yes. "I will. But I am not very good in the saddle."

"We can share a saddle then." Blaines face lights up. "I will go get the horse ready." he kisses Kurt softly, yet again, before hurrying off into the stables.

Kurt watches him go with a fond smile, then heads in to tell Eric the sad news. He laughs seeing his son trying to get a saddle on the new pony and Blaine running over to help before Eric throws a fit. "Eric, hold on. Let me show you a trick I learned that helps." He guides the boys hands so that Eric does the work but Blaine is there just in case. "See. Stella is calm now. You must keep your movements slow, especially when the horse doe not know you."

"Thank you Blaine." Eric gets the saddle on before he hugs Blaine, the man hugging the boy back. "You know so much. I hope I can know as much as you one day."

Blaine kisses the boys cheek, Kurt freezes where he stands watching them act like father and son. "You are going to be my son this time next week so I know you will know at least as much as I do. Though a secret? I bet you will know so much more. You love them more then I ever did at your age. So promise me, when you know more that you will teach your new father what you know."

Eric nods and hugs Blaine tighter. "I will. I promise to teach you everything I know."

Kurt gasps and starts to cry as his son kisses Blaine on the cheek the same way he kisses his papas cheek. He turns and hurries out of the stable, rubbing at his eyes. He has no idea how long he stands there drying his tears and fighting the confusion at Blaine seeming to want Eric as his son. Eventually the prince comes out leading a large stallion that looks as if it will have no trouble having two riders.

"There you are. I thought you were going to talk to Eric?"

"I.. I was but when I saw you both..." He turns to face Blaine, tears going down his cheeks.

"Kurt! What is the matter, tell me?" Blaine hurries over, taking Kurt into his arms and trying to wipe the tears away.

He melts into those arms and smiles, crying even more with how warm his heart feels. "Did you mean it? Did you mean that you want Eric as your son?"

"Of course I meant it. He is your son and you are going to be my husband. That makes me his father and I could not be happier then to have the honor of having such a smart, energetic, and beautiful boy as my son. To teach him everything I know and take him on the trips he so desperately dreams of going on."

Kurt looses it, body shaking with his tears as he smiles so bright at Blaine. "Y-you.. That is more then his own father ever wanted of him." He clings to Blaines shirt as the prince smiles and kisses up his tears. "How are you so perfect? So open and willing to accept a child that is not yours? No one would fault you for making him a servant or just passing him some unimportant title."

"I could never do that to him." Blaine kisses Kurt on the lips. "He will always be my son and will never be treated as anything else. He may never have the crown, but he is no less important to me then when we have our own child in nine months. I love him."

Kurt laughs and hugs to Blaine tight. "he loves you too. I heard him say it and trust me. He never said that to Fitzwilliam. Not even once." He pulls away wiping his tears up as his smile grows. "You promised me a ride. Let us go before people start to talk. Plus the sooner we go out, the sooner we come back and you may spend more time with your," He smiles so bright at Blaine "son."

He finds himself smiling along with Kurt as a few tears hit his own eyes. Taking the slender hand into his own, leading Kurt to the horse being held by a stable hand. "Henry, could you please send for Maria at the palace that young master Eric will need her to attend him. Kurt will be joining me on a ride."

"As you wish Highness."

Blaine helps Kurt into the saddle before hoping up behind him. Wrapping his arms around that slender waste to hold the reigns and heading off towards the open fields and trees. "I want to show you some place very special to me. It is my place to go and think when things become a bit much."

"I am all yours, Blaine, to show what you will."

They head off towards the trees, a well traveled path that Blaine has made on his many outings. Deeper beneath the trees and out of the sun. Kurt watching everything go by with a happy smile as he makes sure his back is snuggled against the princes front, a wicked grin on his face as Blaine starts to blush the longer they ride. His blue eyes look back at Blaine, just about to tease him a bit more when the trees clear and he can hear water running.

"We arrived." Blaine kisses his cheek before slipping out of the saddle and offering his hands to help Kurt down.

"We have? Already?" Kurts lingers in those strong arms once his feet are on the ground before looking about and gasping. His eyes are meet with a beautiful grass and flower filled meadow, a stream flowing through the one side, and a large weeping willow near the waters edge with the ground beneath it showing signs of someone having sat there repeatedly or for a very long time.

"We have. This is my spot. I come here to get away from the world, read where no one can interrupt me, or just take in the beauty of everything around."

"I am guessing that you prefer the tree to most spots?"

Blaine laughs and leads Kurt towards the tree. "Yes I do. I can listen to the wind blow through the branches and hear the water trickle over the small rocks with a fish jumping every now and then. Plus the ground is just perfect for sitting." He demonstrates by sitting down and leaning back against the tree. "See? Just the perfect spot."

Kurt looks around and nods. "It is and thank you for showing it to me." He moves to straddle Blaines lap, sitting down facing the other man with his knees on either side of his hips. "It is the perfect secluded spot to show you much more affection." He leans in and kisses him. "Now tell me.. Did you do your homework?"

The heavy blush on his face is confirmation enough, but the prince nods slowly, moving his hands to red right above Kurts bottom. "I... I did."

"Then you deserve a reward, because I did mine as well." he moves so their bodies are as close as possible. Aligning his hips with the others below him. "What prize would you like? I can give you a kiss." He kisses him, opening his mouth and teasing Blaine with his tongue. Pulling away when the hands on his back slip down to his ass and squeezes tight. "I could touch you." He runs his hands down the chest in front of him, hands teasing at the buttons of Blaines coat, undoing them and slipping the garment off of the man. Blaine shivering below him as his body responds to all the teasing. "Or I can... give you the feeling you had when you touched yourself. That is.. If you say you pleasured yourself to completion." He pushes his hips down, drawing a gasping moan out of Blaines mouth.

"If I did pleasure myself to the end... If I admit to it.. Would you do that again?" he tries pulling on Kurts hips to get that pressure back.

"Tell me then. Did you? Did you blush as your servants changed your sheets because they were dirty with your seed?"

Blaine nods, his face growing bright red as his body shivers. "It is part of the reason I hunted you down." he leans forward hiding his face in Kurts shoulder. "They were looking at me and whispering and laughing. They knew and I was so embarrassed."

He laughs first at how adorable it is that Blaine was shy about his soiled sheets. "My dear, you need to get use to that. If I am going to be slipping into your chambers at night, you will have a lot more dirty sheets and they will definitely whisper about how virile you are." He kisses Blaines neck. Before purring out. "We are going to give them soiled pants next. You have earned your prize."

Their lips attach, Blaine relaxing into it and opening his mouth when Kurt teases with his tongue and lets him work lick inside until he can coax Blaine to do the same to his mouth. Slowly While Blaine is distracted by the kissing and Kurt can feel how hard he is below him, he rolls his hips causing Blaine to startle and moan into his mouth. His hand clinging tighter at Kurts ass.

"K-kurt..." He leans his head back against the tree.

"Is this how you felt?" He moves position, scooting back so he can place his hand over the clothing covered member. His fingers holding around it as best he can, moving it up and down and adding more pressure as he goes. Watching Blaine fall apart at his touch, the sight making his own body shiver with even more want and his fluids starting to soak his undergarments. "Did you shiver and moan just like this when it was your hand on you?"

Blaine pushes his hips up on instinct, a whimper cutting off with a moan. "This feels... better then my hand did." He reaches down and adds his own hand with Kurts. Both moving against himself, his hips trying to move, but not able to hold a good rhythm. "I... Kurt.. Please..."

"What. What is it dear."

"I need.." He groans, arching his back as Kurt adds more pressure and moves a bit faster. "Kiss me." Their lips attach in a hungry kiss. Blaine pushing at Kurts body, taking the man by surprise.

"Blaine.." He gasps as their lips attach again and he finds himself under Blaines body, legs spread and the boy moving closer. "Do what you need."

He keeps kissing Kurts mouth, his hands going down the willing body below him as Blaine pushes between those long gorgeous legs and rubs himself against Kurt. A grin growing on his face as the pale boy breaks the kiss to cry out in pleasure. That's the noise that spurs him on. He needs to hear it again. His hips moving faster as he tries to push down, making Kurt squirm and cling to him. It's sloppy and has absolutely no rhythm, but he doesn't care. Not until that strange feeling starts in his belly, the one he felt for the first time last night and he groans as everything snaps. His hands grip hard to Kurts hips as he cums, his body moving a few last thrusts against Kurts as his orgasm flows through his body and he goes lax, panting into Kurts damp shoulder.

At first he doesn't notice the whines and movement below him. His golden eyes opening slowly as he pulls his head up, looking at Kurt wiggling and moving his head about. It takes him another moment to realize Kurt has his legs gripping around him and his hips moving to try and get friction.

"What do you need. Tell me and I will try."

"More. Need.. More, touch me. Please Blaine."

Blaine moves out from between those long legs, Kurt whining louder at the loss of what pressure he had, his own hands going to undo the top of his pants and one of them slipping in side. "No.. let me. Please Kurt. I want to make you feel as good as you just made me feel."

Kurt doesn't give him a choice in turning back before his hand shoots out of his pants and he's pushing them down to reveal his soaked under pants. Grabbing Blaines hand and guiding it with his own until Blaine is pushing at his center over the under clothes. Moving his fingers the way Kurt is moving his own to show him what he needs. His golden eyes shifting between watching his hand play with the clothed wetness and up to Kurts face, screwed up pleasure. Purely on accident Blaine pushes in harder hitting something that just send Kurt arching and crying out as he has his own orgasm and a smile crosses Blaines face.

"Thank you Blaine." Kurt pulls at the prince, pulling him into his arms to snuggle up with while their body's calm.

"Then I did it right?" He kisses at Kurts cheek.

Laughing he nods "Yes you did alright for your first time. I am not complaining."

"Just alright? That wont do." Blaine pouts, it is so adorable as his eyes study Kurts soaked under pants, his own starting to cool and stick to his body. "Tonight I will get it right. I have to in order to see what face you make when I do better then just 'alright' because that face.. Those sounds were just heaven."

Kurt raises an eyebrow at him before laughing. "Well, I wont make any different face until you are willing to be with out clothing with me. Because this here." he cups the front of Blaines pants making the boy cringe with how disgusting it feels with his seed stuck to his body. "Goes inside me."

"Give me time. It will be in side you and with the lessons you are giving me, you will be extremely happy with it." Blaine kisses Kurt softly. "Now I am afraid we need to make ourselves more presentable and head back. As good as it felt in the making, I need to change my pants."

They both laugh as they get up and straighten each others clothes, stealing kisses in the process. They hurry back, avoiding the odd looks they get as they don't linger at the stables and hurry to their private chambers changing their clothes and meeting back up with Eric in the dinning hall. Sitting closer then they usually do, eye shinning as they look at each other while Eric tells them of his riding lesson and what he plans to do the rest of the day. They are all telling stories with Eric when Edward and Victoria join them for the rest of the meal. The parents studying their son and smiling. Edward slipping his way into the story telling. Kurt had never seen Eric so happy as when the King lifted him up onto his lap and told the boy about when Blaine was his age and decided he wanted to be a knight. Running around and 'saving' damsels, dogs, and boys from the dangers of the every day life. The result being a very large group of mad palace servants who refused to take the fall for all the things the boy had broken in his rescues.

When they part, with a reluctance on Edward and Erics part, both having enjoyed telling story after story to each other. Blaine takes the both of them out to the grounds to play badminton. Kurt and Blaine laughing as Eric can't seem to get the hang of it.

"This is a silly game. It is set up so only adults can play." He throws his racquet down and pouts, arms crossed over his chest.

Blaine scoops him up. "Then what would you like to do Eric?" he grins and laughs as he spins the boy.

Eric giggles and clings to him "I want to catch butterflies!"

"Then butterfly catching it is." He puts him down before running off towards the flower fields, Eric right on his heals.

Kurt rolling his eyes and following. "I have two children in my life." he catches up in time to see the boys stalking a poor helpless butterfly.

"Have to be quiet. Like a cat and pounce before it knows we are here." Eric tip toes. Blaine trying to copy him. To Kurt they looked utterly silly. In their minds they were stealthy like the Tigers they read about in the last book. In the end? It was a score of 15 to 0 in favor of the butterflies.

Dinner is eventful and charming as a few nobles join them. Wishing well to the engaged and Edward having kidnapped Eric to sit beside him so they can talk more. The king giving his advice for catching those pesky butterflies.

Later in the night when Kurt slips into Blaines chambers, they smile at each other before kissing and moving to the bed. Repeating their actions from the meadow, so that Blaine may perfect the use of his hand. Both are reluctant to part that time, but Kurt knowing he has to go back to his own chambers. Slipping out with a happy smile on his face and thoughts of what he should teach the prince on the next night.


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