Wont tell Anyone
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Wont Tell Anyone

Wont tell Anyone: Chapter 2

E - Words: 4,012 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
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Chapter 2

The ride for the palace is long and even though Eric started out excitedly watching out the window and pointing out things he had never seen before, cows, a farm, mountains in the distance, and every tree that doesn't look like the others, he is now laying against his fathers chest breath coming out is short puffs as he sleeps. Kurt knowing better then to let his guard down and sleep as well. His arms staying strong around the body of his son as his eyes go between watching the landscape change from farm lands to a city surrounding the palace and people watching the royal carriage go through the streets and the two men sitting across from him. Watching him. Mr. Montgomery with more of a smile and gleam in his eyes then the other, obviously lower servant to the crown. He doesn't ask anything. It isn't his place to ask if there are any other details once he agreed to go. His eyes shift back towards the window as the sound of cobblestone meets his ears and he sees the main door of the palace. Time to meet his potential future.

"Eric, open your eyes we are at the palace." His hand gently pats his sons back to wake him up. A small groan meeting his ears. "come on. If you do not open your eyes you will miss the palace."

Shining eyes slowly open as his small fist rubs at the sleep in them "Papa.."

"Look out the window sweety. I think that will make you less sleepy."

As the carriage rolls to a halt his son looks out slowly. When his eyes land on the palace, guards at the front doors and a man wearing shinning green tail coats with white and pink accessorizing colors in their costume opens the carriage door with his gloved hand and then stands tall at attention as the other two gentlemen exit the carriage first. "Papa. It is so big."

"It needs to be Eric. You can not house the most important people in the country while they work hard to keep us all safe in a small cottage." He puts his son down on the bench next to him as Mr. Montgomery offers his hand to assist Kurt in exiting the carriage. Stepping down with the fluid practice of one that was married to a Noble. Kurt turning once at the bottom to assist his son in getting down and keeping one hand on his sons back to guide him as the men escort them both inside. His eyes move around the hall as they are guided by the palace steward to a waiting room where a lady dressed in the same color scheme as everyone else of the palace staff is awaiting them.

She curtsies and the men bow in greeting. "Sirs I was told to meet you here."

"Yes. Yes. Miss Pierce we would like you to watch over young master Eric while his father has an audience with their Royal Highnesses."

Kurt stays silent as the other man that had been with them continues down the hall with the steward to inform their highnesses of their arrival and his eyes watch the demeanor of the woman they are going to leave his son with.

"Of course Sir." She curtsies again before turning towards Kurt and his son. "You must be master Eric?"

His son nods at first before Kurt taps his shoulder and bows his head to show his son how he should greet the new woman. Eric turns back towards her and bows in greeting. "I am." He stands and shifts to go part way behind his fathers leg.

"I see you have a horse with you. I love horses, maybe you could spend some time telling me all about yours." She smiles sweetly at the boy. As he slowly moves away from his fathers leg and a bit towards her with a shy smile growing. "Maybe we could even tell stories about horses to each other. I know some beautiful fairy tales about horses that have horns on their heads."

Kurt smiles as his sons face lights up immediately before he turns to his father. "Papa, is it alright if I stay here and hear about horses with horns?"

"Yes it is Eric. Now I expect you to be on your best behavior with Miss Pierce as we are guests here and she is kind enough to watch you in the absence of Maria."

"Of course papa. I will be good. I promise." His blue eyes shine as he turn and walks over to the young woman holding up his horse. "This is Remy. My Father gave him to me for my fourth birthday. He is my favorite."

"Well he is a very beautiful horse."

Mr. Montgomery turn from talking with a house servant and gestures for Kurt to follow him. "They wish to have your audience in the throne room."

Kurt bows his head in parting to Miss Pierce and follows the advisor down the hall, listening to the man go on and on about how he should answer questions and how he should act in front of their Royal Highnesses as if Kurt hadn't been living in a nobles mansion as his husband for the past four years, but he nods his head acknowledging what the man is saying and responding when necessary. His eyes studying the behavior of the house servants they pass and how everything looks so well looked after, all of this giving him some place of mind that the servant at least respect their employers in how they all seem to be smiling and happy as they work. Eventually his eyes land on two large doors that are opened by two man servants and the advisor goes in first as he is announced to the people inside the room.

"I present to you, your Majesty, Mr. Kurt Hummel-Masterson as you requested."

He steps into the room and walks to the center where Mr. Montgomery is standing with his hand pointing out in presentation of his presence. When he reaches the spot beside the other man, he bows low and holds for longer showing his respect for the King and Queen before standing, hands behind his back and head held high. Eyes landing on both the King and Queen sat upon the throne and chair slightly raised above the ground level. Their eyes landing back on him.

"Mr. Hummel-Masterson? Masterson as in the late Fitzwilliam Masterson?" Edward asks directly towards Kurt, no need to address the advisor anymore now that the man himself is in front of him.

"Yes Majesty." Kurt bows slightly acknowledging that he has been spoken to.

"I am sorry for your recent loss. He was a good man though we have not had the pleasure of his audience in some time."

"Thank you Majesty. He frequently spoke of coming to visit since we were wed four years ago, but with his health declining the past three years it never came to be."

"Do you know why you have been brought before us?" Edward finds no reason to cut around the bush now that pleasantries are over.

"Yes Majesty."

"Even though you are in mourning, you agreed to come before us as a potential partner to our only son, Prince Blaine."

"Yes Majesty."

"Why would you bring yourself to such a situation, knowing you would be looked upon as a recent widower? Is it power you seek?"

"No Majesty, I do not seek power or position. I sought neither when I married Fitzwilliam." He takes a deep breath before answering any more. "My time of mourning has passed, even though it has been a little over a month since his passing. Time in mourning is equal to emotional devotion. I care for my husband, but he cared naught for me past someone to hold his hand while he grew sicker."

Edward narrows his eyes in consideration. "You married him to care for him while he was dieing?"

"Yes Majesty."

"That is very honest of you to say. Pray, what is your age? You speak as one that has years on you."

"This past spring saw my twentieth birthday Majesty."

"Good." Edward nods.

Victoria speaking up before he could ask anymore. "Do you know the other requirement we had for a potential husband for our son?"

"Yes Highness, you require a carrier."

She nods "Yes not just a carrier, we need a carrier that can prove they are fertile and can provide our son with heirs. Can you prove this sir?"

A smile crosses his features as he thinks of his son. "Yes I can Highness. Fitzwilliam and I conceived our son the night of our wedding. We would have had more children, but his health declined not long after Eric was born that we never tried for more."

As the questioning goes on across the palace in the waiting room, Eric was growing bored with talk of horses. His need to see the palace growing with each second longer he is stuck in the same room. Miss Pierce, Brittany, is a nice woman though she isn't Maria and she doesn't know how tricky the young man can be.

"Brittany, could we get something to eat? We did not eat the whole trip." He gives her the best smile he can and hopes that she will go to fetch some food instead of calling another servant to get it.
"Oh dear! Of course." She hurries to the main door calling out to one of the servants that the young master would like some food brought.

He nearly gives up hope that he could escape until he spots a side door. He quietly heads towards it, keeping his eyes on the lady that is suppose to watch him and slips out, her never turning to watch him as she talks to the servant about what foods to bring. He doesn't take time to look at that first room, knowing he needs to get distance between him and the waiting area so she can not find him so soon. Room and small halls all start to blur as he wanders. Eye wide in amazement at how beautiful things are and how much stuff there is considering he has barely seen anyone but servants that he ducks behind things to hide from. When he sees a large window he goes over to try and look out, finding he isn't tall enough yet so he continues on. Opening doors and peeking in at each one. Finding some he just doesn't find appealing and others that draw him in for a closer look.

Finally, after he feels he has walked for ever down a hall with larger doors then before and rooms that are more obviously used then the previous halls, he finds a room that draws him in. Jaw opened wide at how marvelous it is. Floor to ceiling shelves off books, large windows letting in enough natural light to make everything glow in his eyes. He only went into his fathers library a few times alone and always got yelled at after and a handful of times with his papa. Tiny foot steps sound on the carpeted floor as he goes over and runs his hand over the joints of all the books at his level. Following the shelves around and around the large room until he sees a globe and he hurries over putting his horse down and looking at all the pictures on the round part, turning it around to see the other side.

Eventually his eyes shift and he sees a table with open books on them and he hurries over crawling into the large chair in front often volume and look at all the words. Running his hand down the page to feel the aged page and ink then getting down and moving further into the room. Stopping to look at a map or picture of other parts of the world as he goes. Never noticing that the farther in he goes, the louder the sound of someone else in the room gets.

His eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets when he crawls up into another chair in front of yet another pre-set up tomb and he sees pictures of birds. Beautifully drawn picture that he tries to gently turn the pages to see more. A pair of golden eyes lifting up and studying the boy from the sitting chair behind the child the man is sitting in. Smile growing at each gasp of wonderment the boy makes. He eventually marks the page he is on and stands, walking towards the child loud enough that the boy starts and turns towards him.

"I am sorry. I know I should not be in here without papa, but papa is busy and I really wanted to see what was in here." Eric looks scared, poised to get yelled at like his father always did.

"It is quite alright young man. I enjoy seeing your enthusiasm for the book about birds. I will admit it is one of my favorite as well. Such beautiful and accurate depictions of the creatures." He moves closer and flips the pages to a peacock with its tail feather up in a fan shape and the vibrant blue and green color staring at them. "This is my absolute favorite"

Eric turn around and look gasping at how pretty the picture is "What is it? I am not old enough to read yet."

"It is called a Peacock. This" He pints to the bright bird "Is a male peacock. It has these large feathers and has been observed using them to impress the female birds of their species." He puts a gentle hand n the boys back to keep him stead on the chair. "What is your favorite animal? We have a lot of books about animals."

"Horses. I love hor-" The boy freezes his speech and starts to look around frantically as tears start to form in his eyes. "My horse... I can not find Remy!"

"Your horse?" He looks on with worry as the boy starts to shudder and sniffle, tears streaming down his round cheeks.

"Yes my horse Remy..." He sniffles up another sob as he crawls under the table to see if it is under there. "It was the last present my father gave me before he went to the angels." He starts to rub at his eyes and cry harder not having found it anywhere.

"It is ok. We will find it I promise." He wraps the child in a hug as his teeth worry his bottom lip. "Did you have it in the library?"

Eric nods fast rubbing at his face with the sleeve of his jumper. "Y-yes. I had it when..." He tries to think hard. "A big round thing..."

"Big round t- OH! The globe. I know where that is." he offer his hand to the child and starts to lead him back through the room until the globe comes into view. "Is this what you were talking about?" when the boy nods they walk around it until a toy horse comes into view sitting on the floor right where the child has left it. "Is that Remy?"

Eric squeals and runs over picking up the horse and hugging it, nodding his head slowly. "This is Remy. Papa helped me name him." he holds the horse out to the man. "Father always promised I would have a real one someday, but he never got me one and now he is gone."

"I am sorry to hear that." He looks at the horse and smiles with an idea. "How about you and I go and look at the horses outside in the stables? I think we have one, a little filly, that looks just like your Remy."

"Really? You would let me see your horses? Real horses?"

"Yes I would."

He frowns when he thinks about that. "I am not allowed to leave without papa though."

"How about we go and ask your papa to join us hum? Do you know where he is?"

A small nod of his head before Eric answers. "He is having an audience. Audients..."


"Yes that. Audience with the King and Queen because we are going on an adventure to a new home."

"Oh really? And where shall this new home be do you think?" He offers his hand to the child and leads him out into the hall and off towards the throne room to see if the boys papa is still in audience there.

"We do not know yet. We can not stay at home anymore because father did not leave it to us and my big brother does not like us so we have to go away papa and me."

"That is so sad."

The two keep talking, the man never tiring of the creative and open answers or random items the boy asks about or talks about.

While in the throne room Kurt is still answering many questions, finally finishing up an answer about his family. "My father passed away not long before I was wed to Mr. Masterson and had bequeathed everything, the house and business, to my step brother, Finn Hudson and his mother, Carole, and a living income to myself upon my marriage. I have no other relations left that I am aware of."

The door on the side of the chamber, behind the throne, opens and Kurt moves his eyes that direction at the sound of his sons voice and another that is definitely not Miss Pierce talking back with him. Every ones heads turn towards the disturbance and once the pair comes into view the advisors bow low and the King and Queen look at each other then back at the two that entered. A young beautiful boy that has most of the features of Kurt holding hands and talking happily with, their son.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Blaine!" The announcement echoes through the hall. Kurt unable to bring himself to bow at first his eyes on his son and panic going through him at the fact they came from a different direction and the lady left in charge of him is nowhere to be seen.

Silence is broken as Eric sees his dad and grins. "Papa!" He points towards Kurt, face turning up towards a smiling and happy looking Blaine. "That is my Papa. Can we ask him now? Please?"

"Of course." He smiles at his parents. "Good afternoon Father. Mother. I am very sorry for interrupting, but this young man would really like his Papas permission to see the horses n the stable."

Victoria smiles at her husband, seeing how natural the two are and now having seen the young boy there is no doubt he is Kurts son. "I see no reason he can not ask permission. Do you like horses young man?"

Eric nods and holds up his play horse. "This one is my favorite. His name is Remy and.." he stops and looks at Blaine. "I forgot to ask your name!"

"That is alright." The Royals all seem to get a good chuckle out of that, Edward trying to hid his as best he can. "My name is Blaine." He bows to the boy in greeting. Eric returning the bow as best he can. "There. Now we are formally introduced." His golden eyes shift over towards where Kurt is obviously fighting his instinct to run to his son and propriety where he should stand and be silent until addressed otherwise. "Young Master Eric, would you introduce me with your Papa? Then I will introduce you to my Mother and Father."

"Of course! Papa has started to teach me proper ways to meet someone new." He takes Blaine by the hand again and leads him over towards his Papa. All the advisors watching in awe at how events have turned and unsure how to react. "Papa, would you help me if I mess up?" He whispers towards Kurt when they are close enough.

"Of course Eric. Do you remember how to start?"

His son nods slowly and lets go of the hand he is holding and then puts Remy down by his feet. "Blaine umm..." he stops and furrows his brow. Blaine leans down and whispers in his ear. "Thank you! Blaine Anderson I would like to introduce you to Papa. Papa..." He stops as Kurt whispers in his eat, eyes staying on Blaine as he does. "Oh.. Ok... Kurt Hummel-Masterson I would like to you to meet, Blaine Anderson." The two men bow towards each other. "Did I do that right papa?"

"You did very well son, for your first time." He caresses his sons cheek and turn towards Blaine. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance Highness."

"Blaine, please. Pleasure to make yours as well. May I call you Kurt? Since I think it is not appropriate to call you Papa."

Kurt laughs slightly before he catches himself and covers his mouth. "As you wish , Blaine."

"Blaine. You promised to introduce me to your mother and father." Eric tugs at his new friends arm.

He bows to the young boy. "That I did. Come with me." He leads Eric up to the throne. "Mr. Eric Masterson, my father, Mr. Edward Anderson and my mother, Mrs. Victoria Anderson."

Both royals bow to the young man as he returns the bow, eyes studying Blaine now. "I did my introduction wrong..."

"It can be our secret." Blaine puts a finger to his lips and shushes softly behind it.
"It is a pleasure to meet you young man." Edward smiles at the child. "How would you like to stay here with us?"

His eyes widen. "Really?" He losses the smile though. "Only if my Papa can stay as well."

"I would not dream of it any other way." He sits up straighter. "Mr. Montgomery. Could you please take Eric into the hall to await his papa and my son."

"Yes Majesty." The man goes up as Blaine guides Eric over to him, eyebrow raising at what his parents are up to.

"The rest of you are dismissed. I think you all know what is going to happen and I think it is a matter that can be handled between just the four of us."

Everyone bows and moves to leave. Kurt watching as his son goes out the door before turning his attention back to the throne. Moving closer as Victoria bacons him forward.

"Is there something I am missing Father? Mother?"

"There is something we have kept from you, though it was not a secret." The King turns his eyes towards Blaine. "You are of age to marry and since you have not found a suitable husband or wife to wed and the crown is in need of heirs, we have done a search and found you, in my opinion, a very good candidate for you."

His golden eyes move towards Kurt and a blush starts up his cheeks. "You never said anything. Not even you mother."

"I know. We are very sorry Blaine, but we have decided that Kurt here is the best choice." She doesn't mention that he was the only choice.

"Blaine, I would like you to meet your future husband, Kurt Hummel-Masterson. You will be formally announcement of the betrothal will be at the ball the end of the month and you will both be married the week following." The unsaid part is that the sooner they are wed, the sooner they expect grandchildren.

"Thank you Majesty." Kurt bows, a slight smile on his face.

"Enough of that." Edward smiles. "You will be family, a member of the royal house hold, so as long as we are in private you may call us by our names."

"T-thank you Edward. Victoria." His smile grows a little bit more, already finding this engagement better then his last marriage ever was.

"Now the both of you owe that adorable young boy a look at some horses." Victoria waves them off before both her and Edward stand to leave. "Go, have fun. We have invitations to send out."

Their eyes meet briefly, Blaine full of wonder at now being betrothed to such a beautiful young man and Kurt already writing the missive in his head to have his belongings and Maria sent at once, before they both head out to take a tour of the stables with Eric. Blaine pointing out key parts of the grounds and giving them information about living in the palace.


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