Wont tell Anyone
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Wont Tell Anyone

Wont tell Anyone: Chapter 15

E - Words: 4,472 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
140 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: This is the last chapter in this story, but there is a sequel!
"Dad come on! The carriages are waiting!" Anthony crosses his arms as he watches Blaine kiss little Marianna on the cheek and clings to their youngest girl, light brown curls flowing down her back and golden eyes shining back at him.

"This is absurd! We should just put off the trip until Lucus, Michael, Adam, Duncan, William, Alain, and Marianna can join us."

"Really dad? You're crowning ceremony is in six months, after which you wont have time to go touring the lands on vacation. You will be king and visiting for diplomatic reasons." Anthony tries to hid the smile as little William tugs at his daddy's leg to be lifted up as well. "Dad. Do I have to go get Eric and have him escort you out?"

Blaine scoops up the second one year old. "You would never do that to me."

"Just watch me." He turns to leave the room, coming face to face with his Kurt holding Alain close. "You too?"

"You have an issue with me carrying my sweet little boy?" Kurt kisses Alain on the belly, causing the child to laughs.

"Alright! You two come out to the carriages when you are good and ready. I give up." The boy storms out, mumbling curses about his stubborn parents.

"Alain again? Darling, I think you favor that little guy." Blaine walks over, a baby on each hip, and kisses Alain on the forehead before kissing his husbands cheek.

"You knew I would." Kurt connects their lips, laughing when the babies fuss at not getting enough attention.

The past year had been touch and go for everyone. The four surviving babies each taking turns getting sick and scaring everyone into thinking they would lose one. Duncan and William being two of the strongest babies from the group and both looking just like Blaine, all the way down to the dimples on their cheeks when they laugh. Alain has been in an out of a sick bed, his body being weaker then the others and his anatomy matching his Papa. He's officially the only carrier born into the royal family and Kurt refused to have him recover anywhere but by his side. Elizabeth has spent the year treating Marianna as he own personal doll. Dressing her and playing with her as if she was just a walking talking toy, until she started to walk and then run. Marianna now runs away anytime Elizabeth comes near her with even the slightest hint of playing dress up. Secretly, Blaine and Kurt both think Elizabeth is jealous of the girls gorgeous mix of her two parents. Light brown hair just curly enough to flow but not to snag and tangle like Dizzies does. Golden eyes surrounded by long dark lashes and an uncanny ability like her dad to use them. Pouty puppy dog faces her specialty. She also doesn't show any of Elizabeth's tendencies to be a tom boy. She loves very frilly pretty clothes and can't keep her eyes off of her grandmother while she embroiders.

"Let us be off love." Blaine runs a hand over his husbands shoulders as Kurt kisses Adam, Michael, and Lucas on the cheeks.

"Boys, you watch out for your little siblings and be very well behaved for Maria, Britney, Sarah, and Isabelle."

"Yes papa." They all hugs him tight before taking their turns hugging their daddy as well.

The two proud parents head out fast, trying to hide their teary eyes from the boys, walking out to the carriages and finding Eric, Anthony, and Timothy fighting.

"I refuse to go! Why must I follow everywhere you go! You will be king one day, I will never be king and have no wish or desire to leave home and see the world." Timothy sniffles up his tears, face pink with anger and being forced from home.

"Timmy, we are all going as a family. Please, just calm down. We will only be gone a few months." Eric tries to reason with the boy.

"Eric is right. We have never been apart, so why start now?" Anthony reaches a hand out, backing away when Timothy smacks it away from him.

"Keep your hands off me." Timothy turns and glares at his twin. "You need to start doing things on your own. Leave me stay here and live my life."

"What life? Timothy, all you do is shot arrows and ride your horse through the fields."

"Because that is what I want to do."

"But what about meeting other people?"

"What, some horrid lady of the court or a princess that would settle for the second son?"


Eric frowns, knowing Timothy has no interest in girls or marrying for position. "Anthony...."

"Well sorry to burst your bubble brother." Timothy gets right into Anthony's face. "I have a boy happily courting me and I am very happy with his attention."

Anthony puts his hands up defensively. "A.. Timmy, you never told me you liked boys."

"I tried telling you." His eyes narrow. "You never listen to me. Always to busy talking about whet you will do as king. What kind of girl you want to marry." Eric tries to pull Timothy away from his brother, but has no luck as the boy just slips out of his hold.

Elizabeth hurries over to her dads. "Stop them. Please Papa. Please Daddy." tears starting to stream down her face.

"What happened princess?" Blaine wipes her tears up.

"Richard was suppose to come bid Timothy farewell, but they have been delayed and Timothy refuses to go on the trip until he gets to see him and Anthony started making fun of him. Calling him all sorts of bad things. Lady, princess, sissy... just because he was crying and upset."

Kurt turns his eyes towards the two boys before storming over to them. "Anthony! Timothy! Enough!" he gets between the two stunned boys, none of the kids have ever heard Kurt yell at them. "Anthony, if I ever hear of you calling your brother derogatory names or anyone those sort of names again, you will be grounded until the day you are crowned king."

"Papa, I had no idea he was like daddy and you!"

"So? That makes it alright for you to demean him for being upset? You should have comforted him and asked him what was the matter. Not yell at him." He turns towards Timothy. "We will wait for Richard to come. I would never pull you away from someone who means so much to you., but you are going on this trip with us. I promise you may write to him as often as you can."

"Papa.." Timothy loses all his anger as he runs into Kurt's arms, crying into his chest.

Anthony starts to get teary eyed. "Timmy.. I.. please forgive me." Timothy buries his face further into his papas chest.

"Anthony, go talk with you dad. Give him some time." The boy nods as he heads off. Kurt smiles when he hears horses approaching. "Timothy. I think you have a visitor."

Eric goes over to help tend the horses. "Jeff, you both nearly cause a war here!"

Jeffery laughs as he dismounts and helps his nephew down from his saddle. "Sorry, my brother was giving Richard a lecture about proper etiquette when saying goodbye to someone." Richard runs off as soon as his feet hit the ground. "Something he seems to have forgotten already." The two of them laugh and break down into talk of the next tournament.

Timothy instantly cheers up as he's pulled into a hug by Richard. The slightly older boy holding the prince close as Kurt backs away enough to give them privacy. "Forgive me. Father refused to let me come until his speech finished."

"He gave you a speech about seeing me?"

"He gave me a speech on how to stay appropriate with a member of the royal family." Richard smiles down at the boy in his arms.

Kurt smiles watching the two boys, wrapping his arms around Blaine. "You think they will last?"

"I think we should have a talk with the Sterling family about an agreement between our houses."

"You must be joking."

"Why would I joke about this? They have been courting a year and we should make sure there is something between our families before they marry Richard off."

"Can we wait until his tenth birthday?"

"We can wait until his next birthday." Blaine kisses his husbands cheek.

When they finally get going, everyone is happy and talking again. Their long days on the road filled with happy banter and awing at the changing scenery around them. Eric pointing out places he had already been during different tournaments. Elizabeth eating up everything he says about jousting and the mach sword fights, not what he competes in but a category he loves to watch.

Eventually, after a short visit with a noble family in the next kingdom over that was anything but kind to them, obviously having issues with their being two men married with children and soon to be the Kings of their land, Anthony really sees how his making fun of Timothy was horrid behavior and tries to really apologize. Eventually he even asks Timothy about Richard and his brother does a great job of avoiding having to answer any of the invasive questions as Elizabeth and Eric laugh at his blushing cheeks.

"You have to at least tell me if you have kissed already." Anthony tries to plead with his twin.

"That would be none of your business!" Timothy turns brighter red.

Kurt eyes his son. "It would be my business. Kisses are inappropriate unless you are betrothed or at least have been promised to each other." Timothy blushes even more. Hiding his face. "Timothy Anderson, you will tell me right now if he has kissed you"

"I kissed him." Everyone goes silent. "I kissed him at his birthday ball when I gave him his present and he gave it back, saying the only present he wants from me is my heart. So I gave him my heart."

Blaine nods slowly. "In what way did you give him your heart son?"

Timothy runs a finger over a small broach none of them had noticed him wearing before. "I gave him my royal crest. The one given to my when I was christened and he gave me this. We promised that when we are old enough, we would ask each others families for the others hand." His eyes nervously look up to his parents.

"Blaine, you are not allowed to say you were right." Kurt holds his hand up to silence his husband. "Timothy, when we get back expect there to be a very long talk with the Sterling's and us."

"Yes Papa."

Both parents immediately send out a missive to the Sterling family about their intended meeting while their children get a tour of the neighboring kingdoms castle. The northern rulers living in a more old fashioned stone with large halls and fire places everywhere. Elizabeth falls in love with the giant hounds laying about, cooing over a litter of puppies while the local prince tells Eric all about the breed of dog., Deerhounds, and how they are used to help on the hunts. When Kurt and Blaine walk out to fin where their children had gotten off to, they both freeze at their darling daughter shining her eyes in their direction.

"Oh she is all yours my love." Kurt kisses Blains cheek and rushes away to find the twins while Eric hangs his head in shame.

"Eric, why is your sister looking at me with those," He gestures towards her beady eyes as she snuggles one of the puppies to her chest. "eye like that?"

"I may have agreed to ask if a puppy or two could be sent home with us?"

"You what?" His eyes widen when he sees the size of an adult. "You promised her a horse sized dog?"

Eric gestures at her still begging face and how adorable she looks when she talks to the puppies and plays with them. "I have no immunity to that! Look at her!"

The foreign prince laughs. "Oh ye both have a hard choice on yer hands, but if it be the size of the dogs I can show you so beautiful Scotch Collies. Just as beautiful, but a lot smaller."

"You are not helping Prince Aiden." Eric groans. "She will just find some way for us to bring both home."

They spend two weeks in the northern kingdom, Elizabeth falling more and more in love with the land and the dogs. Sadly for her, but happily for the others, none of the puppies are allowed to go with them towards the west for the next kingdom on their agenda. Aiden bidding them a fond farewell, kissing Elizabeth's hand and mentally promising himself to visit her homeland soon.

None of the other kingdoms are as interesting to the kids as the northern kingdom was, or as friendly. The rest of the families they visit and meet with through their children at the royal kids. Kings trying to elbow Blaine into arranging a marriage between his sons and daughter to one of their children. The children themselves being cornered by princesses pushing for their affections and princes trying to get Elizabeth to say how much she would love to stay with them. It becomes so uncomfortable that Kurt makes his husband agree to take them home early when he finds Timothy crying over one of the princesses cornering him.

"Blaine this has gone on long enough." Kurt holds his son to his chest. Rocking the Timothy to sooth him. "All these families want is our children and some form of alliance through marriage."

"Kurt, we have to face the facts that this is what their lives will be like."

"Only if you let them be. What that so called princess did, cornering him and forcing herself on him like that, it was uncalled for and highly inappropriate."

"I know. We will leave in the morning and head home." Blaine moves closer to Kurt and Timothy on the bed, hugging around both of them. "I will try my hardest to keep their lives free from forced marriages."

"Thank you."

The next morning, they leave. The rest of their trip is very fast stops at places they are obliged to visit, before heading back towards their home. Edward and Victoria greeting them, even at the late hour they arrive home, as soon as they pull up. Worry written all over their faces, not sure what happened since Blaine only sent a short missive about them fearing for their children's safety and that they would be home sooner then expected. The kids hug their grandparents before hurrying in to get washed up and in bed.

"Son, what happened? We were worried you were being harmed." Edward hugs Blaine tight.

Kurt hugs Victoria. "Those families were horrid. The north was perfectly fine. Friendly, warm, welcoming. Everything after that..."

"Dad, it felt like we were out auctioning off our kids to the highest bidder."

"One horrible girl even cornered Timothy, throwing her self at him and trying to get him to kiss her and admit feelings he has for another. The poor boy was so distraught we shortened the trip."

Victoria shakes her head. "That would explain why the Sterling's have been staying here awaiting his return." She smiles as they walk down the hall when the two dads look at her. "Richard apparently received a very distressing letter from Timothy explaining what that young lady did to him and that it meant nothing and how much he wishes they had been able to take young master Sterling with them, that his parents brought him here to await your return."

"Well that saves us one trip to visit them then." Blaine laughs slightly. "It also confirms what Timothy told us."

"What did Timothy tell you?" Edward studies his son.

"That three weeks before we left on that trip our son gave his word that he would one day marry Richard Sterling and then sealed it with not only a kiss, but by exchanging family crests with the young man."

"They are betrothed?" Victoria gasps.

"Not yet." Kurt laughs slightly. "Promised their intent. As soon as we sit down with the parents of young Richard, they will be officially intended for each other." His mind wanders to planning his sons engagement party eventually. "We should probably be expecting a visit from a prince in the north as well."

Blaine studies his husband. "What prince from the north?"

"Tell me you did not see how that Aiden was wrapped around Elizabeth's fingers?"

"He is twice her age!"

"Age difference is an issue? Mr. Younger then me."

"Oh that trip was a horrible idea!" Blaine sulks off, why did his little babies have to grow up?

The same thoughts go through his head as he sits across from Mr. and Mrs. Sterling and young Richard, with Kurt and Timothy at his side. Everyone around him laughing and enjoying brunch, while he sits and mopes.

"So, I assume one of us should start the conversation we are really here to discuss." Mr. Sterling takes a deep breath. "Richard confessed everything to us after that last letter Timothy sent him."

"Timothy told us after his brother goaded him for a bit." Kurt squeezes Blaine's hand. "That is when we sent the message about needing to arrange a meeting, we just never thought it would be brought on so soon."

"Or after such a horrible event." Mrs. Sterling offers a sympathetic look to Timothy.

The boys scoot closer to each other as Timothy feels way uncomfortable being the center of attention.

"Enough about that though, so we are here to agree upon their betrothal?" Mr. Sterling looks towards Blaine.

"Yes we are. They have both stated their intentions towards each other and we feel it should be mutually agreed upon, with the boy present, that they are officially engaged." Blaine tries hard to sit up straight and be ok with agreeing to his sons future.

"As Richard is my heir, and Timothy is your second son, I see no issues with them being betrothed." He takes a sip of his drink.

"With Richard being your heir, would you require him to have children, to keep the family line going?" Blaine studies the other parents.

"That would be entirely up to them."

Richard fidgets a bit as his hand slips into Timothy's. "Can we talk about children closer to us being married?

"I agree with Richard." Blaine huffs, really not wanting to think about his kids having kids yet. "Right now we are just in agreement that they are engaged to be married at a time way in the future when they feel that the time is right and that Timothy will become a Sterling, to keep the family name with the heir."

"Agreed." Mr. Sterling reaches out to shake the princes hand.

Richard turns towards Timothy, lifting the boys hand to his lips and kissing the knuckle. "Are you happy with this?"

"Very happy." Timothy blushes as they all raise glasses to the newly betrothed couple.

Months later the entire Kingdom is decorated with ribbons and flags. Guests from all the neighboring Kingdoms, nobles and royalty alike are in town for the massive festivities. A month long calibration to say goodbye to the current ruler and welcome in the new royal family. Starting today with the official resignation of King Edward, followed by the passing of his crown to the new king, Blaine. Of course Blaine is pacing the room while Kurt just watches him, a smirk on his face at how his husband just can't stand still.

"Darling, you can calm down."

"What if I mess up? What if one of the kids trips and falls?" He turns to face Kurt, Eric laughing behind them. "Or worse yet, we received to few crowns."

"To few?" Kurt shakes his head, sending a warning glare towards his oldest son to stop the laughing. "Darling we did a walk through yesterday and all ten of our little angels had a crown upon their head. Now unless you forgot about me, we have enough crowns and nothing to worry about."

"I love you." Blaine leans in, hugging himself to Kurt. "You always know the right think to say."

"I have years of practice learning the right thing to say where you are concerned."

Eric straightens his bright green tunic with the Anderson royal crest embroidered into it as his parents kiss. His smile only falters when the steward comes to him, whispering that it is time. "Papa. Dad. They are ready to begin."

Blaine groans as Kurt straightens the royal sash across his husbands chest. Fingers playing with the soft material of the green tail coat. "Time to go."

"Head up. Smile on my face." Blaine takes a calming breath before smiling and heading out into the hall with Eric and Kurt beside him.

The cathedral is decorated as it was for their wedding day, visiting royals seated at the front in makeshift thrones, nobles from all over filling every pew, everyone bowing as Blaine makes his way down the aisle, Kurt beside him, hand on top of his husbands and Eric following behind the both of them with Nick, as appointed personal guards for the days events. Once Blaine and Kurt are in place At the front with their children all seated behind them the ceremony starts. Edward standing, giving his last royal speech before the priest takes the crown from his head. Blaine moving forward, kneeling as his head is anointed while the priest gives the blessing of a long life, healthy heirs, and a prosperous kingdom. He stands and turns towards the crowd before sitting in the large decorative throne. The priest placing his fathers crown upon his head and calling out "Long live King Blaine Anderson the first!" Everyone present calling out the chant after the priest.

The smile on Blaine's face as he stands, the attendants coming forward with the crowns for the rest of his family standing along behind him. "My first duty as King, is to formally crown my family with their official tittles. Lord Kurt Anderson, my love, come forward."

Kurt stands, straightening his mint green satin suit before making his way to kneel in front of Blaine. "Your Royal Highness."

"Let it hence forth be known that you, my love, are my equal in everyway. I thereby crown you," Blaine turns, picking up a beautiful crown with blue and gold gems sparkling inside the Celtic spirals of silver. "King Kurt Anderson."

Everyone gasps as Kurt turns his eyes up towards his husband as the crown is placed upon his head. "Blaine.." He whispers. "there can only be one king."

"Not anymore." He offers his head, helping Kurt to his feet and turning towards those assembled. "My King, my partner, my husband. My equal in all ways and with the permission of the council it has been approved that there be two kings upon the throne." He kisses Kurt's hand before turning towards their children. "Now, Anthony Anderson, my first born and heir, I crown you as such. High Prince Anthony Anderson." He places the crown upon his sons head. Everyone one of his children taking their turn, kneeling as he announces their new title, placing their crown upon their head. Everyone awing when the littlest ones toddle over on unsteadying feet, their older siblings assisting them. Alain looking to his papa with a wavering lip as the crown is placed on his head and he just hates how it feels on his head.

The night is filled with celebration. Parties going in all corners of the kingdom to honor the new royal family. A ball going well into the night at the palace making everyone a bit groggy the next day as Blaine and his family sit in their thrones, crowns upon their heads, and accept offerings from nobles to show their loyalty and other kingdoms to show their allegiance. The one Blaine had been dreading happening last as King Macrae Campbell and his son, Prince Aiden, give their gifts of allegiance, furs, and to Blaine's horror and Elizabeth's delight, two Deerhound puppies on leashes at Aidens side. He only hated it because obviously the gift was meant for his daughter and with her squeal of delight, "Your highness, a princess does not make such sounds." along with her wide bright eyes that look between the prince with the dogs and her new pets, she accepts the favor and Blaine knows he will be seeing a lot more of that prince in the years to come.

Eric ends up taking the dogs with a roll of his eyes. "You, highness, have fallen for a horrible little trick."

Aiden turns his twelve year old eyes up to the taller fifteen year old. "What might tha' be Sir?"

"Her dangerous eyes of 'I want' and somehow she always gets." They both laugh as the group becomes less formal and more social.

"Would you believe it was her smile that won her these?"

"I would. I would also warn that I am her sworn knight and I better not see you pull anything unbecoming of a High Prince and my sister. I will defend her honor."

"She is very lucky to have an older brother like you." Aiden laughs. "I have no ill intentions towards her." His eyes turn to see the young princess laughing with Timothy over something Richard is saying. "Just noble ones."

"Noble enough to get through all her brothers when the time comes?"

"As frightening as it is to see her nine brothers and two protective fathers, I still wish to pursue her if she will have me."

"Come discuss these, noble intentions, while you show me how to care for these beasts." Eric laughs as Aiden and him talk more about the dog breed. Neither seeing Elizabeth turn her gaze towards them with a sweet smile on her face.

Blaine groans as he watches his little baby girl grow up before his eyes. "I want her to stop growing."

"That is impossible darling." Kurt kisses his cheek as they dance slowly with the other couples around them.

"But she is looking at men, not just any man a prince! She will be so far away."

"Love, that means we did a good job raising her." Blaine turns her eyes, curious as to what Kurt means. "As parents it is our job to make sure they are strong and healthy, that they grow up knowing right from wrong. Have the intelligence to make decisions and be mature enough to live with the consequences. Her looking to attract such an honorable, noble prince that treated her as an equal while we were in his land, is a very smart move and one that may be a sign that her heart is just as smart as she is."


"All our babies will grow and mature and one day leave us to start families of their own. We will sit and watch them become lords and ladies or foreign kingdoms or stay closer to home, marrying for love. Either way, we know they will be fine because you and I raised them with love."

"I still will never see them as anything but those beautiful hairy raisins I held in my arms when they were born."

Kurt laughs. "Then see them as such, I wont tell anyone."


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