Wont tell Anyone
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Wont Tell Anyone

Wont tell Anyone: Chapter 13

E - Words: 2,898 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
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Chapter 13

Blaine didn't realize that wanting your kids to be running would mean he would be so tired at the end of the day. Yes, they have nursemaids and servants to take care of the kids, but he wants to see every milestone in their life. In the past almost three years he hasn't missed one. Their first steps, their first words, and now the first time the win against him in a tickle fight. Timothy and Anthony laughing as they have him pined to the ground. Kurt walking out to catch Blaine calling a truce.

"Oh my big boys have finally won!" Kurt smiles wider when they both turn to see him.

"PAPA!" Both of them hop off Blaine and run towards Kurt.

Timothy gets to him first, clinging onto his right side as Anthony clings to his left. "Papa we won! Did you see! We beat daddy!" Timothy grins showing off his dimples.

"Daddy had no chance! We ambushed him just like Eric taught us! Just like the big cats do!" Anthony starts to gesture with his hands in what Kurt can only assume is a visual showing of their ambush tactics.

"Eric taught you how to stalk and ambush did he?" Blaine comes up to his family, but one. Eric being down in the stables training. "Why would he teach you that?"

Timothy flops his hands onto his hips and turns towards Blaine. "For our birthday present. He asked us what we really wanted..."

"And we said we wanted to beat you at tickle war. So he taught us..." Anthony continues.

"How to ambush and pin you down." Timothy finishes.

Kurt has found their way of taking turns talking and finishing sentences for each other more then charming. "Well I think it was the perfect present for your third birthday." He kisses their cheeks. "Now go play with Maria. Papa has a present for daddy."

"For me?" Blaine smiles as his boys groan before running off, plotting their next ambush of their daddy.

"Yes for you. Who else would I have a gift for?" Kurt wraps his arms around his husbands shoulders, pulling him in for a kiss.

A giant smile graces Blaines face. "I would assume you would have a present for our turning three twins. Their big day is tomorrow."

"I have a gift for them, but that is for the marrow. This gift is for you." He pokes Blaine in the chest. "Though if you are not inclined to receive a gift, especially one you have been asking for non-stop for quite awhile now, I guess I could see about giving it away." Kurt leans in slowly. "Maybe to your parents. I am fairly certain they would love your gift."

"Kurt?" Blaine gasps when Kurt moves one of his hands to the flat stomach. "Kurt please. No teasing me on this, we have been trying for three years."

"That would be why this is a very special gift, just for you." Kurt leans in, kissing Blaine gently. "We will be having another child in about seven months."

"This is phenomenal! Kurt, we need to tell the kids! My Parents!" Blaine pulls Kurt into a hard deep kiss, pulling a bit of a moan from deep inside his chest.

A horrid groan escapes when Blaine pulls away and starts to drag Kurt into the palace and off to find whomever they can find first. "Blaine love, what if we go celebrate alone first and tell everyone at dinner." He laughs as Blaine is just babbling people to tell. "Blaine, please. Our room first so we can make love before I start getting morning sickness again."

His movements stop so fast Kurt just runs into him, laughing a bit as Blaine turns around to face him. "I like your plan much better." Blaine looks about before pulling Kurt into a random room. "I think we should start here." His hands run over those hips he loves so much, pulling Kurt in when his hands reach his ass. "I love how your ass feels in my hands. So firm."Blaine kisses along his husbands neck as he leads him towards any kind of surface he can take him on.

"I love the growth spurt you had the past couple years." Kurt groans in pleasure when he feels his body being lifted up onto a table of some kind. "and how much stronger you have gotten." His long legs wrap around Blaine as their lips connect.

Hands move over flesh as clothes start to become undone and their pants fall to the floor. Their joining following soon after. Blaine holding onto Kurt as they move together, their lips moving together as gasps and moans of pleasure escape their chests. Their names escaping each others lips as they shiver through both of their orgasms. Helping each other into their pants, Blaine kisses Kurt softly and refusing to let him go as Kurt urges him to get more appropriately dressed so they can go and take a nap before dinner. Of course Kurt wins.

Hours later with everyone sitting around the dinner table, Blaine can't help but smile wider when he sees Timothy and Anthony attempting to be mature with their eating. Anthony correcting Timothy when ever he slouches or slurps to loud. Eric on the other side of the table trying to ignore his brothers silliness, seeing as he is nine years old now and trying to be an adult in his own mind, and talking with Nickolas and Jeffery about some upcoming tournaments he is just old enough to enter into. Kurt trying not to imagine his son doing a horse tournament where he has to jump. Both men nearly forget what they wanted to announce until Kurt gets a whiff of their stew and takes off with a hand over his mouth to the nearest washroom with Blaine on his heels to make sure he's alright. The whole room is silent when they get back. Victoria and Edward having knowing looks in their eyes, the twins having tears down their cheeks having thought their Papa had gotten sick, and Eric watching them carefully.

"Papa, I think you two should tell us if you are sick. Timmy is worried he will never see you again." Eric watches them sit down slowly.

"Well I am not sick." Kurt pushes the bowl of stew away until a servant fetches it from the table. "Though I hope you three will smile and accept a new sibling."

Anthony tilts his head. "A new what papa?"

Timothy faces Anthony. "Sibling silly. It means like you and Eric are to me."

"Oooh. So a new Eric? But what about the old Eric?" Anthony starts to ponder.

"I have no clue, but I will miss the old Eric."

"He has been a great older brother. He has been showing me how to ride and promised that I could have one of the new ponies."

"Me too! I told him I want a mare."

"I hope there is a stallion, mares are for girly men."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Are not."

"Are too. I am the oldest between us so I need a kingly stallion!"

Eric watches the two of them plot his replacement. "I am not going anywhere! They never got rid of me when you both came along, so why would they now." Both boys turn to look at Eric. "Papa is having a baby. It means eventually there will be four of us, unless he plans to pop out two more."

All three kids turn towards their dads while everyone else tries to hide their amused laughs. "Well papa? Are there two more or just one?" Timothy runs out of his chairs to check and see where he Papa could be hiding them.

Anthony helping him look with Kurt trying to shoo them away from lifting his shirts to see if the baby is hidden in his shirt. "Where is it Papa?"

Blaine snags the two boys with a laugh as Kurt straightens his shirt. "Boys, you do NOT pull Papas clothes apart. That is highly improper."

"Sorry Daddy!" they unison.

Kurt sighs. "Boys the baby is very very tiny, and so far there is no sign of their being more then one, and it is right here." He puts a hand over his flat stomach. "You will be able to see the baby bump in a couple months and will be able to see your little brother or sister in about seven months."

The two boys look down at his stomach where his hand is laying. Timothy with his head tilted left and Anthony tilted right. Blaine laughing at their adorableness. "Come on boys, back to your seats so we can eat and talk about your party tomorrow."

Timothy pops up and runs back to his seat with Anthony right behind him.

"Will we get our.."

"...Ponies tomorrow?"

Eric winks towards his brothers. "Just wait and see. If you get them you will know by lunch."

"But we really do..."

"..Not want to wait until..."

"Lunch! We want them..."

"...When we wake up."

"Boys that is Christmas, not birthdays." Kurt raises an eye brow, challenging them to argue with what he's saying. "You will wait until lunch and for breakfast.."

Both boys cut him off. "We get sweet cake made by Daddy and Papa?"

Blaine nods. "You get sweat cake made by us. Now eat your stew."

The next morning while the servants went about decorating for the twins party, the rest of the family were in the kitchen making sweet cakes. Blaine, Kurt, Eric, Edward, and Victoria all have their hands dirty as they laugh and mix the ingredients while talking with the kitchen staff. A tradition that became an entire family even after that first failed birthday the first year they were all a family. This year day only differs with Blaine refusing to let Kurt carry the large tray of cake to the twins bedroom.

They all enter as the boys are just waking up, Eric still finding it so creepy how the boys have everything set up nearly identical but in a mirror image of each other. The doctor only explaining that it has been observed that this behavior is very common with identical twins. Victoria hugs the boys first, both of them rubbing the sleep out of their eyes.

"Happy birthday babies." Kurt smiles and opens his arms out for his sons to run into them and hug him tight before everyone digs in and eats the sweet cakes.

The next few months fly by. Kurt having an easy, normal, and perfect pregnancy. The first day he starts to grow a beautiful round belly, Blaine spends the whole day worshiping his body with kisses and caresses. Keeping him in bed for non-stop bouts of cuddling and lovemaking. The first day Blaine felt the baby kick, they all spent the day curled around Kurt with a hand on different spots to feel it. So that day wasn't his favorite, though it was memorable with Timothy, Anthony, Blaine, and Eric all around him touching his tummy.

So what about today? Nope. Not his favorite day. Anything but his favorite day. His feet are swollen, back is aching, head is splitting, walking is more of a chore then it should be, sitting is highly uncomfortable and he can't seem to stand back up without at least three people helping him, and he is currently almost a month late giving birth. The doctor took him off confinement to see if walking around would help stimulate labor, but so far that plan has yet to show any sign to work. What has everyone more worried is that no one has felt the baby kick for a couple days now.

Hands resting over the top of the round stomach as he zones out. Timothy and Anthony playing on the floor with Erics horse collection and their own collection of soldiers and dolls, no one is questioning Timothy and his love of the dolls. He doesn't even hear Blaine walk up to him. Not responding when the cushions dip down.

"Kurt, my love, are you alright?" Blaine runs a hand over his belly before entwining their hands. Kurt finally responding and looking towards him. "Are you alright? You seem to be just staring into nothingness."

He tries to smile sweetly to Blaine. "Sorry. I was just thinking about..." He looks down at his belly. "What if our baby is..."

"Hush love. Our baby is fine. Right now I am fairly worried about you." Blaine stands and offers to help get Kurt off the couch. "I think you should come to bed with me. Let me rub the aches out of your body and help you relax."

"You are such a good husband." Kurt finagles his way up off the couch and lets Blaine lead him down the hall to their own chambers. Sitting down on their bed as Blaine starts to remove his shoes. His smile growing even more when Blaine starts to rub the aches and pains out of his feet. Closing his eyes and just enjoying the feeling as his feet relax and those wonderful hands move up his legs, rubbing out all the tension from his thighs. He doesn't even resist when he feels Blaine start to slip his clothes off and Kurt really doesn't resist when his caresses turn to kisses.

Slowly the escalate to probing fingers and heated kisses. Blaine laying behind Kurt, their lips attached as one pale leg is pulled up allowing Blaine to slowly push into the warmth of the body in front of him. Their movements are slow, Kurt unable to move much with how large his stomach has gotten, but neither of them mind. Blaine only speeding up when he feels those inner walls starting to squeeze around him as Kurt moans out loud, Blaine thinking from please though Kurt moves both hands to his stomach. Both their orgasms wrecking through their bodies as Kurt feels the first telling signs that he was having contractions.

Blaine kisses and caresses Kurts skin as Kurt turns his head to smile at his husband. "Blaine..."

"Love you so much Kurt."

"Hun, I think..."

Blaine kisses him softly. "My perfect husband." He pulls Kurt into a deeper kiss as Kurt whines with another contraction, his muscles tightening up. The only warning that grabs his attention is when he feels a gush of wet and Kurt pulling away to hold his stomach tight. "Kurt?"

"Doctor... send for the doctor..." Kurt groans again. "My water broke. Baby seems ready..."

Blaine jumps up from the bed, slipping on pants and a loose shirt before running the few doors down to the nursery. "Maria! Send for the doctor!"

Maria, Brittney, and the boys all look up at an inappropriately dressed prince standing in the boys room. "Highness?"

"His water broke, the baby is ready to come out now." Blaine smiles as Maria rushes out of the room to fetch the doctor as Blaine runs back to his room where Kurt is screaming in pain through another contraction. "Doctor is on his way."

"N-no time!" Kurt screams as he pushes. Blaine freezing when he sees the head poking out. "Blaine! Help!"

The next few moments fly by so fast Blaine has no idea how they didn't mess anything up, but somehow by the time the doctor and the nursemaids rush into the room, Blaine is holding a wailing wiggling perfectly healthy baby girl with a full head of mated dark curls.

"Now look at this. Highness I think you may have a future profession on your hands." The doctor gets Kurt cleaned up as the nursemaids get the baby cleaned up.

"You think?" Blaine laughs as Kurt rolls his eyes. "Always good to have something to fall back on if my first choice falls through."

"Haha. Very funny both of you." Kurt yawns wide. "All he did was catch. I did all the hard work."

"That you did and marvelously. You now have a beautiful baby girl with a head full those dark curls."

Kurt wakes up more as his daughter is put into his arms. "I think this is becoming a trademark of our children."

Blaine blushes. "What can I say? My curls are a trademark."

"Just wait. When we have a child with my hair and pale skin, you will accuse me of having an affair." Kurt coos over the tiny baby sleeping in his arms.

"I would never accuse you of that." Blaine kisses his husbands cheek. "We have a baby with your looks and they will be the apple of our eye."

The doctor laughs. "The rare gem hum?"

"Our diamond." Blaine smiles as Kurt side eyes him.

"So we are striving for more babies?"

"Yes we are." Their lips attach until the doctor clears his throat.

"I need a name for the birth record?" He waits to jot down the name of their princess.

Kurt and Blaine smile at each other. "Elizabeth Victoria Anderson."

As soon as Kurt is fully cleaned up Blaine opens the door, letting in the rest of the family as the announcement is sent out through the villages. Victoria holds Timothy and Edward holds Anthony. Both boys looking at the tiny squirming child in their Papas arms. Eric laughs.

"Son, what is so funny?" Kurt eyes his oldest with a bit of a smile.

"Nothing really." He calms down as he gets up onto the bed with his Papa. "She looks like a..."

"Curly haired raisin?" Kurt smirks as his son nods. "All babies look like this when they are first born."

"I know Papa and this curly haired raisin is the most beautiful raisin I have ever seen." Eric leans down and kisses his sisters forehead. "I swear to protect you always little princess."

End Notes: xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxOk! All caught up to what has been written so far! There is only two more chapters approximately until this is all finished. I am taking requests for anything people would like to see. post it here or email me: dracopup@gmail.com


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love itPreferences§1234567890-=BackspaceTabqwertyuiop[]Returncapslockasdfghjkl;'shift`zxcvbnm,./shiftEnglishDeutschEspañolFrançaisItalianoPortuguêsi6;m1;l9;l9;l2;l0;l1;altaltPreferences

this is such a fun story, well except for cooper and fitzwilliam but they're getting their own. and i'm a bit sad that there's only two chapters left, but i'll reread this over and over and over again :) i have an idea...how about the royal family have a ball to introduce the new princess along with the princes. and at the ball, eric and anthony share a dance with girls from the guests who attend the ball, while timothy dances with one of the boys, since it seems like it been hinted that he may take after his daddies in more ways than eric and anthony do ;) and how about sir eric, knight of the anderson kingdom, actually makes a protective act for his sister? and how about kurt get pregnant again, but this time with identical twin girls who look like him in every aspect except for the hair and eyes; they have blaine's curly (chestnut) hair and hazel eyes. just my 2ยข...

Such a good idea! Chapter 14 is finished and is the first chapter I am having Beta read. I really like the ball idea :) It would be a great way to finish things.