Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 9

E - Words: 5,141 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Chapter 9

"I don't want you to go." Burt Hummel stands in front of the door, arms crossed over his chest and eyes narrowed as he stares at his son all dressed for school with his back over his shoulder and brand new keys to his navigator in his hand.

"come on dad. Just move, we've been over this. I am going to school and that's that." Kurt tries to get around his dad only to be blocked even more, Finn joining the blockade. "OH my GOD! Would you two just move your stupid Alpha asses and let me go to school!"

"No way dude. Burt is right. You need to stay home and do home school at least for the next four months."

"Finn, don't call me 'dude' and I highly doubt your girlfriend would appreciate you keeping a member of the glee club away from school for four months of the competition season. Now please move. Before I am forced to hurt you both." His blue eyes narrow and glare daggers at them, causing both Alphas to shudder but not move a muscle.

"Kurt just please. At leas today. Stay home today and we will talk about this, maybe get you in at Dalton." Burt keeps trying, he would never forgive himself if something happened to Kurt.

"We have talked about this. All summer while you dragged me here and there and almost kept me from the yearly camping trip. By the way, it was awesome being out there with no parents, but still. I am going to school. You can trust that no one will lay a finger on me." He lays on the charm now. "Mike, Puck, Sam, and Quinn all said they would keep an eye on me. Finn will be there too." He wraps an arm around his dads shoulders, noticing them slumping a little and knowing he is winning the argument. "Plus we really don't have to worry until summer when most mate initiating happens."

Burt groans in defeat. "Alright. Ok. I've had sixteen years to prepare for this and I know you can handle yourself." He pulls Kurt in for a hug. "Call me between every class and at lunch." He laughs a bit. "Before you call Blaine because I know he made you promise the same thing."

"I will dad. You both will have regular updates on my well being." He kisses his dads cheek.

"Alright now get going before my protection instincts kick in again." he goes to walk away, stopping and glaring at Finn. "You watch after your stepbrother. I don't want to hear some idiot forced a claim on him because you were to busy doing something stupid."

"Goodbye dad!"

"Bye Burt, I'll keep my eyes on him!"

"Bye boys oh and Kurt, Happy sixteenth birthday." He grins bright and proud at his boy that is now by wolf standards an adult.

"Thank you dad!"

Kurt grins bright as he makes his escape, his first day driving himself to school. His first day as an of age Omega wolf that is going to prove that a well prepared wolf can avoid any and all unwanted claims. He was determined to finish public school and during the summer after Blaine has turned sixteen he will finally tell him he loves him and get the Alpha of his dreams to claim him. He knows that it isn't normal for an Omega to be so forward, but he wants to be. He wants Blaine and he only hopes that Blaine wants him back, though he couldn't be sure. At times he had thought Blaine wanted to kiss him or that he tried to tell him something, but it never happened.

As he pulls into the parking lot next to Finns truck he laughs as he shuts the engine off. Standing in front of his hood, blazers on, are a hand full of Dalton Academy Warblers. Blaine right in the center. Arms crossed and glaring at him. Wes is obviously trying not to laugh, Jeff has his eyes wandering to the girls passing them by, and Nick waves happily. He shakes his head as he gets out, noticing Puck and Finn to the side scanning all the people walking by Kurt.

"Get back in your car and go home Kurt."

"Oh, well Good morning to you too Blaine. Nice to see you. Fine morning isn't it? What the hell are you doing here?" Kurt gets in his face, almost nose to nose and returns his glare. He is the one who started the look anyways.

"Making sure you don't get hurt. Now back in the car and go home where it's safe." Blaine pouts, eyes boring into the blue ones in front of him.

"Fat chance prep boy. I am going to school like I always do." He raises an eye brow in challenge. "You wont be forced to stay home until you mate when YOU turn sixteen in four months so why the hell should I?"

"Ku~rt! Please. Just... I... please. For your dad and me. I couldn't take it if something happened to you." he starts to whine in the back of his throat. Blaine doesn't want to let him go in the building, his wolf doesn't want anyone else to even smell how good Kurts scent is now that he's of age.

"Nothing. Will. Happen. To. Me." Kurt starts to growl. Threatening Blaine to back off and let him go to school.

All the guys watch, waiting. They are just so close to kissing it isn't funny. Even some of the glee girls have joined in watching. How these two are not an item baffles every single one of them

Blaine starts to growl now, but he can't. Those eyes eat away at his resolve. He knows Kurt is fast and strong and better then any wolf he has ever meet, but it is different when an Alpha is fueled by the need to throw down and take, making the Omega his for ever. "FINE!" he backs off. Everyone around them groaning.

Wes and Puck yelling out screams that sound eerily like "Just Kiss already!"

"Thank you Blaine." He relaxes and hugs his friend, nosing at his neck to whiff that calming scent he loves so much. "I will call you between every class and at lunch like I promised, but after I call dad."

"Ok. Good." Blaine buries his nose in Kurts neck, making sure to hold his tears in. He is just so worried that this will be the last time he gets to hold Kurt. "By the way." he pulls back and smiles. "Happy birthday." he reaches in his pocked, pulling out a small box.

Kurt claps his hands and opens it, pulling out a beautiful broach. A Celtic knot with a blue stone in the middle. "Blaine. Thank you." he hold sit out to Blaine and leans in a little so he can pin it on his lapel.

Blaine obliges, because he just can't say no to Kurt. "Your welcome." He runs his hands over Kurts jacket before backing away. "See you after school for coffee? Mr. Has a car now."

"Just like we planned."

The group watching them all have their jaws dropped and really, how could these two NOT know how they each feel? Really? Wes drags Nick and Jeff towards the car all three wishing Kurt happy birthday and good luck before heading off to Dalton. Kurt watching them go, his fingers playing with the new broach, a dreamy look on his face. It takes Mercedes and Tina dragging him inside to break the spell and start his most uneventful day at school ever.

Truth is his school life after coming of age isn't any different hen it was before. He still gets slushied. He still gets shoved into lockers. The dumpsters stopped, but he gives that to Finn and Puck being his friends now and them having been two of the guys who picked on him the most. Nothing really changes for a few months. The new Directions bomb their competition year, which he was glad of since Kurt had promised his dad he wouldn't compete out of state until he was mated, and Blaine was happily awaiting his own coming of age by going car shopping with his dad.

He was headed to get his gym clothes so he could wash them that weekend, when he felt arms wrap around his body and pull him in close. He could smell jock and wolf in the air and feel someone nosing at his neck causing his body to shiver and fear to race through him. Fear and something he didn't want to feel, the need to run and test the Alpha wrapped around him. On instinct he yanks himself out of the arms and takes off running down the halls, his scent intensifying the more he runs. He takes a chance, running into the locker room and hiding behind a row of the metal lockers. Hoping that the smell from all the unwashed clothes would mask his own. Peeking around the edge he sees someone come in, sniffing the air and his heart plummets seeing Karofsky following his scent. It had to be one of the bigger wolves from the pack and definitely one he didn't like hanging around. He drops low, slipping a bit of ways in before quietly climbing on top of one of the equipment racks. Waiting. Watching.

"Kurt. Just give up you know I'm stronger then you." David sniffs around trying to pick up the stronger scent again. "Just get down here and let me make you mine."

His cell phone chimes, that's what draws David closer to Kurts hiding location. Once he can see the other boy clearly, Kurt has a plan and relaxes a bit waiting. As soon as David is close enough he flings some of the equipment at him to distract the other wolf before he swoops down on the other side and kicks the jocks feet out from under him. Getting in the boys face and growling in threat. "Don't touch me again."

David has a hand rubbing at his head, a lump forming from where he hit the ground. "I... how the fuck.."

Kurt growls louder getting in his face. "You LOSE so leave me the hell alone!" When the other boy nods fast Kurt gets off him and walks over to his locker, getting his things. Growling in threat when David walks past him to leave. His smile growing as he heads to leave the school, pulling out his phone and groaning at the text from Blaine that nearly got him caught. He responds back that he's on his way and apologizes for being late for their coffee run. He doesn't tell Blaine about it. He doesn't even tell his dad at first.

It doesn't come up until the pack run after Blaines birthday and Kurt asks to stay home in the basement like most unmated Omegas do. When Burt asks why, since Blaine and the guys will be there to watch out for him. He tells him of the attempted claim at school. Burt hugs him and lets Kurt stay in the basement spending his moon phase sleeping instead of running. Blaine had never been so out of it during a run when he realized Kurt wasn't there with him. The first moon they have ever spent apart and it hurt him that the spot on the ground was cold. His wolf whining and looking everywhere for Kurt and his white fur and blue eyes. Kurt doesn't go to another pack run. He tells Blaine that he's sorry, but he wont go to one again until he has a mate.

A mate he plans to have by the end of summer. That plan seems a bit hard as he sits in the park watching Blaine laugh and play around with Nick and Jeff, not knowing the person he is suppose to meet up with was there, but was spying on him instead. Spying and plotting on how to get Blaine to claim him. Kurt checks the time and smiles knowing he's fifteen minutes late meeting up for their yearly planning session.

Watching as Nick and Jeff say their good byes and rush off to do what ever it is they were planning to do and then shifting his gaze to Blaine who looks sad as he checks his phone for any message that Kurt will be late. Smiling as Blaine starts looking around and fidgeting in his worried, but not going to show it fashion, Kurt raises his book back up and starts to read again. Testing to see how long it takes for Blaine to find him. His mind plotting out the best ways to make someone fall so into love with you that they want to shove you down and make you their own.


It can't be that hard. Blaine is just a normal teen guy so he has hormones. Kurt smiles as he turns the page in his book, knowing just how he is going to get Blaine to fall in love with him and claim him.

"Ku~rt!" Blaine stands over him. Hoping on the balls of his feet with that adorable scrunched brow look going on. "How long are you going to sit there?"

"Long enough for you to realize I am late for our daily coffee run crossed with our yearly summer planning session, initiating your need to seek me out." He quirks one eyebrow up. "My plan seems to have worked. You realized I was gone and came to find me."

"I always know when you're not around." Blaine pouts adorably, melting Kurts heart once again.

With a sigh, Kurt stands up from the bench he was sitting on and stretches his back out. Not catching the shift in the golden eyes of his friend. Blaine now looking down to where his shirts shifted and exposed a slight bit of his skin across his lower abdomen, only shifting back away when Kurt reaches down and tug back into place. Putting his book away and smiling at Blaine. "Come on. Coffee awaits and then we can plan out our summer break. The more plans I have with you, the less time I need to spend with Finn and his crazy mumbling about not knowing who his mate should be."

Blaine gives a hearty laugh as he follows Kurt. "I still can't believe Finn is an Alpha. An Alpha that has had two Omegas in love with him and he hasn't made a move to claim either one."

Kurt side eyes Blaine, wishing he could just be brave enough to blurt out that he loves Blaine and wants to be claimed, so claim me already. He doesn't though. "I know. Truthfully I don't think he should go with anyone from here. Rachel has her plans to be famous, plus she's only half a wolf so there is no worry about someone putting a claim on her unless she wants it and I think Quinn is hiding a mating with Puck."

"Kurt they were under claiming age when they had Beth."

"I know but the way they act with each other... we'll see. Maybe she will shock everyone and come back after the summer with a way different mate then we all think."

"That would be my choice. She'll come back with some awesome mate that none of us have meet and is just perfect for her."

They laugh at that as they walk in the door at the Lima Bean. Blaine getting both their coffees since it's his turn to pay, while Kurt gets their favorite seat. Both of them pulling out their phones to add plans to their calendars. The annual camping trip, that has changed from a small pack run between the Hummel and Anderson family members, to a trip the teens take where they drive out early Friday and return Sunday for a pool party, being the first thing on their list and the dates sent out immediately to all their friends. Then they add a couple movie release dates and random things. Kurt feeling his heart break hearing that the Andersons are going to California right after the pool party.

He's so upset knowing that he only has a month with Blaine before he's gone for most of the summer, that he doesn't notice Blaine frowning. Knowing Kurt is upset about them going away and himself upset about it since he wants this summer to be the time he finally confesses to Kurt and finds out how he feels back.

"Come play football with the Warblers and me tomorrow." Did he just say that? Blaine blinks as he watches Kurt get confused. Yeah. He just said that. "It will be fun. Trust me. Something we haven't done together in a really long time."

"We have never played football together Blaine."

"True, I was talking more about how we use to run around and just play."

"Blaine. We were fuzzy puff balls and our parents threw dog toys at us." He smiles slowly. "But. I think it could be fun and it would give us an extra day together since you're going away for a whole month. Leaving me here to deal with Finn."

Blaine grins. "then you will come?"

"Yes silly puppy. I will come play football with you. Just promise not to let me get hurt. You know I hate bruising."

"Promise. No hurting my Kurt."

Kurt blushes instantly at how warm his heart feels hearing Blaine call him his. "Well. Ok then. I think we have everything. I have a few things to pick up for Carole before heading home, just text me the details on where to meet for the game."

"How about we save time and I'll pick you up? I want to say high to Burt anyways."

"Then I will see you tomorrow." he leans over and kisses Blaine on the cheek. "Bye Blaine."

He leaves a bright red faced Blaine watching his ass sway. Oh does Blaine need to get Kurt to admit if he loves him as more then a friend or not soon. His wolf is giving him hell for not giving into instinct and claiming him the second he turned of age.

A few hours later there is a loud crash, a bit of rustling, the door banging against something, a few choice words, and bags hitting the floor. As Kurt Hummel makes an entrance at home, even if he really wished he could have gotten all his purchases inside the house and to his room before they decided to abandon him. The evil of the front door hitting him in the shoulder in retaliation for forcing it open so hard..

"Finn? Is that you?" Carole came out from the kitchen, stopping when she sees that it is Kurt and not her somewhat clumsy son. "Sweaty, did you want some help with your bags?"

His blue eyes look up from their evil glaring at the affronting bags and lighten a bit. "Thanks Carole, you're a life saver." He starts to pick up some of his stuff. "I didn't realize how much I really bought until they wouldn't fit through the front door."

They both laugh, knowing that he almost always has a lot more then he thought he did when it comes to shopping. Both of them gather up all his bags and head upstairs to his new room. The Hudson-Hummel family has decided to move into a bigger house when they realize Kurt and Finn really couldn't share a room, with one being and Alpha and one and Omega, and that they could really use a larger place. Kurt happily got one of the biggest closets he has ever seen. A peace offering from his dad over Finn dumping a bucket of paint, accidentally, onto a box holding Kurts clothes and ruining over half of them. Burt knew it was build Kurt a closet or plan a funeral for his stepson.

"Kurt, I thought you were just going to meet up with Blaine for your summer planning session." She holds up one hand full of bags "This looks like you may have forgotten about it."

"Huh? Oh, no, no, no. I would never forget our annual summer planning day." He chews on his bottom lip and shrugs. "Some of the plans we made, I realized I didn't have the proper clothes or anything for them and there was a sale going on at the mall, so I just popped over there after the park and one thing lead to another and well... yeah. I bought way to much." They may show a little more skin then his other outfits, but his plan is very simple. Seduce Blaine by exposing his skin to the Alphas hungry eyes and making his friend jump at the chance to claim and mark every inch of his body.

She opens his bedroom door, placing the bags on his bed. A knowing smile growing on her face. "Well then it was a necessary shopping trip. What do you have planned for the summer?"

He adds his bags to the pile before sitting down and pulling out his phone to check the calendar dates they jotted down. "Lets see, outings to the Lima Bean just about daily. A few movies we've both been waiting to see come out this summer." he scrolls through laughing a bit "Oh, he is going to try and make me play some football with the guys from Dalton tomorrow. I know it really isn't me, but he just had this look in his eyes so I said yes. Then of course the camping trip ending with the Sunday Annual Anderson Pool Extravaganza."

"Is it really called that?"

"Well, no. Though it sounds so much better then Backyard BBQ party. Um, that's as far as we planned actually. Their going to California for a family vacation right after the party. We decided to plan anything else when he gets back."

"Well, it sounds like a perfect next set of weeks for you both." She pats his shoulder before moving off towards his door to leave him alone. "If you want to add a couple dinner invitations, I don't think your Dad would mind any."

"I will talk to him about it." He gets up and starts to sort out what bags have what in them as his step mom leaves the room. The click of his door shutting and her foot steps going down the stairs his sign that the coast is clear. He falls face first onto his bed, barely missing the bags of, as he puts it, Alpha Catching Ensembles (ACE for short). He just hopes that the seductive outfits will be enough to win himself a mate in four weeks. There is no way Kurt can wait until Blaine is back from his vacation to have the wolf as his own.


Blaine takes a deep breath, he'd been waiting in his car for over an hour after leaving Kurt to meet up with Jeff and the boys again, but he just can not get the scent out of his mind along with that one strip of skin that showed itself for mere seconds. He groans, cursing himself for not having the guts to just tell Kurt how he feels and knowing he would never take a mate that didn't love him.

When Blaine finally gets out of the car, kicking a few rocks as he makes his way over to the group. Jeff perks his head up and grins. "Well if it isn't the one and only Blaine Anderson, finally back from his... wait what do you think it is they call it Nick?"

Blaine shifts his eyes, watching Nick and Jeff. Yeah, he should have known they would tease him. It seems to be a favorite past time of theirs.

"I don't know Jeff. They go out at least once a week during school, refuse to make any real plans for the summer until they know what they are going to do together, and if one calls the other they jump and run." Nicks hand goes to his chin in fake concentration. "I would call that a serious case of... Dating. Wouldn't you Jeff?"

"Yes, yes I would Nick. Dating. The only thing missing is all the fun stuff. Kissing, holding hands," Jeff leans into Blains side laying his cheek on his friends shoulder. "Making sweet love under the stars."

"Shut up." Blaine shoves his friend away after they have hit a raw nerve. "You know we are just friends and have been for years."

The two guys move closer to Blaine with knowing looks. Shaking their heads at each other before they guide the lost sulking wolf over to everyone else.

"Blaine, we have been over this a million times. Just come out and tell the boy you love him. Everyone knows he loves you back. The only ones who don't know how you each feel is the both of you."

"It isn't that simple Jeff. We've grown up together and he's never hinted at wanting more." His eyes drift down to the ground as they walk. Jeff and Nick rolling their eyes knowing that is complete bull. Kurt is overflowing with obvious desire and love for their friend. "Umm.. But he is coming to play football with us tomorrow. If that's ok with you. I know I never asked you guys, but I didn't think it would be a problem."

Nick laughs out loud while Jeff tries to cover it. "It's no problem, but are we talking about the SAME Kurt Hummel? The only wolf I know that goes around mud puddles so that his fur doesn't get dirty?"

Jeff shakes his head "And refuses to sit on the ground when we have picnics in the summer unless he inspects the blanket he is going to sit on, just incase there is some kind of dirt that would get on his pants?"

"I always thought he took so long because his pants were to tight to sit down without stretching first."

"No Nick, I am fairly sure its the dirt. Though you raise a good point about the tight pants. Wonder how he breathes in them, they are just way to tight to be comfortable."

"At least he wears loser stuff during the camping trip. I don't think I'd like him anymore if he showed up in tight expensive clothes and refused to get dirty while we were out in the woods."

"True. I think the camping trip is the only time I see him in anything less then skin tight pants."

Blaines face heats up as they continue to talk about Kurt and his pants, his pants that let Blaine see every inch and curve of his ass and leaves almost nothing to the imagination. Blaine really has grown fond of how Kurt has changed his fashion tastes and doesn't have the heart to tell the guys most of what Kurt does is an act. Going around mud, playing weak, somewhere when he learned Blaine wasn't going to high school with him, Kurt came up with a way to make everyone think he's weaker then he is so that he can catch the bullies by surprise when he does react.

"Maybe we should ask Wes. He can make the call on Kurt playing football with us or not.." Nick looks down at Blaine and his not really there look on his face, the boy has got it bad. So what should any friend do in this situation? "Though, it might be a good idea. You know, having a view of how fast he can run out there on the field being chased down by Alphas and sweaty men trying to tackle him to the ground. Oh and the inevitable dog pile for control of the ball..."

His rambling is cut off by a hard shove to the side and some very not hidden growling with piercing golden eyes glaring daggers at him before storming off and leaving the two jokers to laugh about his reaction. "WES! We are NOT playing football tomorrow!"

Wes looks up raising one eye brow "Why not? We all agreed football was our end of year game of choice."

"I changed my mind. Baseball. We are going to play baseball. No running or tackling or anything that causes physical contact." Pure finality in Blaines voice makes Wes even more curious as the two laughing boys stumble up.

"Nick. Jeff. Why are we now all of a sudden playing baseball tomorrow instead of football like we all agreed on?"

Jeff shakes his head grinning. "It seems our ever lovable Blaine has invited, without warning, Kurt to play ball with us tomorrow."

Nicks arm goes around Jeffs shoulders as he tries really hard not to laugh through it all "And we just so happened to point out how nice it will be to display an Omegas running ability while on the field."

He looks between the three. Nick and Jeff still trying hard not to break out in hysterics as Blaine glares daggers at their heads, arms crossed, and defensive growl sounding in his chest. "That was just mean boys." Golden eyes shift his way, with the start of a smile as Wes continues. "Now we get to play baseball and none of us get to know what it would be like to tackle him to the ground."

"Ah! You too? Why Wes?" His head hung in shame. All of his friends have turned against him. This is so unfair.

"Because you react. Why else?" Wes lets a somewhat evil smirk cross his face. "Really though, your full out jealousy and blatant need to, well, growl and keep us away from him? You have got to give in and tell him you love him." He leans forward raising Blaines chin to make sure he has eye contact with the red faced Alpha. "Or better yet. Just claim him. Both of you are of age. You both want each other. Talk about it after the fact."

"You know I'm against forced mating. It's nothing more then rape and enslavement." he keeps his eyes on Wes. "You know that, we all know that. I want my mate to love me for me. Not because of the instincts inside telling them they love me."

"Then figure out how he feels and do it fast. I don't think any of us would survive if someone else claimed him before you even had the nerve to ask him how he feels." He drops Blaines chin and wanders off, gathering the rest of the guys around the field and spreading the word that tomorrows game is now baseball. Making arrangements for the right amount of equipment to be brought, who would bring it, and making sure there would be plenty of snacks for the after game picnic.

All Blaine could do was watch his friends plan out the change in plans. He smiles to himself imagining a perfect world where Kurt was wrapped in his arms, snuggled against his chest as they made plans with their friend. He shakes that image out of his head as he shoot Kurt a text about the change in plans.


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