Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 6

E - Words: 6,508 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Chapter 6

"Momma, momma, momma." Blaine tugs at his mothers hand in the way only a three year old can when they are bored. "Momma. Kurt and I want to go play. Please."

"Blaine." Her golden eyes turn down towards her son, voice hushed as other members of the pack starts to look at them. "We talked about this before we came in. You need to stay still and be quiet. Today is a very important day for daddy."

Blaine pokes out his bottom lip and turns towards Kurt standing next to his mom and looking just as miserable. "Kurt, she said no."

"So did Mommy." Kurt raises his eyes to his mom, trying to look intimidating, but he hasn't quite gotten his mothers death glare down.

"Kurt, I told you to be quiet. Daddy and Henry are doing something very important. You and Blaine need to both be quiet and stand up tall."

Kurt whines his lower lip quivering as he turns his eyes towards Blaine, turning up the lip quiver. "Blaine... I am so bored."

Blaine looks around and tries harder to think of a way to make Kurt smile again. "How about I stand with you so that you wont be so lonely at least?"

"You would stand here with me?"

"Of course." He slips his tiny hand into his friends hand. Standing up taller when Kurt leans over and lays his head on Blaines shoulder. He is such a good friend.

Elizabeth and Lillian eye the boys, rolling their eyes at how Blaine is so wrapped around Kurts little fingers and their only three. Their eyes shift to the front where the officials are about to announce who the finalists are for the pack leader competition. The campaigning having been in full swing for a year, ever since the last pack leader announced his family moving to a new city. Henry laid it on thick with the ground work, Burt assisting him, to get as many supporters as possible. When it was announced that votes would be made to chose the top six to compete in the ring to prove they are top dog, Burt spent a week on the phone securing votes for Henry. Now they just stand next to their mates and kids to hear the results and prepare to go in to fight if his name is called.

"Welcome everyone to our official pack leader competition. We will start this evening by reading the names of the six wolves chosen to compete, each of which are to choose a second to enter the ring with them. When all six sets are gathered inside the battle grounds there will be a countdown in until the fight begins." He looks out over everyone from the center of a large caged ring. "You are all to shift during the countdown. You are considered out when both members of your team are incapacitated. The last pair standing will be declared the winner. The ceremony for the winner will be held immediately after."

There are nods and eyes shifting, eyeing the ones that they know were top runners for the position. Burt reaches over and squeezes Elizabeths hand, trying to comfort her nervous shivering as names are called. Sets of two moving into the competition area. Finally near the end Henry is called. Lillian taking a deep breath and keeping her chin up and she bows her head, not wanting to show how afraid she really is and Blaine watching, not understanding what is going on. Especially when Kurt starts whining as his dad follows Henry out into the ring. Blaine pulls him in close, holding his friend tight and trying to comfort him even though Blaine does't understand either. Elizabeth and Lillian moves closer towards each other and link hands, giving each other support through this whole event.

Henry stand to one of the sides taking a deep breath as his eyes stay on Burt. "Are you ready for this Burt?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing." They both laugh a bit. "You've been working for this the past seven years."

"I am. We've been practicing our attacks every full moon we will dominate out there."

They take each others arms before the announcement is made that all six names have been called. They turn to face the center as the countdown begins and all twelve wolves shift and get into position. Growls being heard from all sides, the two of them standing close, Henry out front and Burt close behind. Both prepared to strike when the count reaches zero.

Elizabeth doesn't even remember the beginning of the fight. All she sees is blood and fur and the sound of Kurt screaming at all the violence, clinging to his mothers leg tight. Blaine standing up tall by his mother, trying to be stronger then he should have to be at three. It's so hard to tell who is or isn't winning all the two women can tell is that Henry and Burt have yet to be disqualified.

Team after team are dragged out of the ring by officials, Henry goes low signaling with a set of ruffs and growls for Burt to go high. They dodge and nip perfectly synced and taking down team after team. They turn and face off with the last pair still standing, head bowed and growls rumbling deep in their throats. Burt has a cut somewhere on his back leg, his tan fur turning a dark red but he isn't letting them see any weakness in him. Henry is a little worse off. Bites and tears on his feet and one across his back. The pair they face off against, two grey wolves have a lot more cuts and definitely more blood matted into their fur. Four sets of eyes stay on each other. Waiting for someone to make the first strike and neither pair wanting to make the first move.

Everyone watching is silent. Blaine has moved over to hug Kurt, holding his friend to help keep his quiet. The young Omega struggling to stay still and be a good strong pup like his mom tried to tell him to be, but the sight of his dad bleeding is scaring him and his fear of losing his dad is so strong that he is already feeling the pain of it in his whole body. Blaine holding him tucked under his friends chin is the only thing keeping him from losing it. Comforting words coming from Blaine even though the boy is in the same boat he is. Their mothers are holding their heads up higher, Elizabeth trying really hard not to cry at the sight of her husband with blood on him. Lillian holds her head up high. They had talked about what would happen if he failed to win and what would happen if he did win. Both situations would need her to be strong. Strong enough for her and Blaine. The more stable she is the stronger their son will be.

It's a flash of a second. Elizabeth doesn't even know who made the first move but when everything settles Burt and Henry are on top of the other two, teeth in their throats but not biting down, just subduing them. All four are covered in more blood, but the match was over. Henry accomplished his goal and has now secured the pack leader position. His eyes shift towards the audience and settle on his wife. Lillian smiles back at him, her heart over flowing with how much she loves him.

The official makes his way out to them raising his hand and opening his mouth "The champions! Henry Anderson and Burt Hummel!" They release the wolves below them and straighten up at the cheers ringing through the building. Henry lifts his head sending out his loudest howl. Burt lifting his head and joining in with his new pack leader. Everyone in the crowed joining in. Unifying their call to the moon declaring their new leader. Elizabeth and Lillian bend down and encourage their sons to howl along. Blaine giving out his own with little prodding. Kurt taking a bit longer before his own unique howl joins in with the rest of the pack, his hand still secured with in Blaines hand.

Both wives carry their sons towards the front of the arena where their husbands are being cleaned up. Elizabeth gasping when she sees how torn up her husbands leg really is. A large gash going from knee to hip and stitches being put into it. Her reaction is nothing compared to Kurt who screams seeing his daddy hurt an finally bawling his eyes out, struggling to get out of her arms and once put down he runs over to his dads waiting arms instantly snuggling against his chest and sniffing to make sure he smells fine.

"Daddy... daddy... I was so scared... You bweeding..." He sniffles and cries and clings. "You have such a big booboo."

"Its ok Kurt, daddy is perfectly fine. My leg will heal in no time." He looks up to Elizabeths wet eye. "Lizzie. I promise I'm fine."

"You were so strong out there Burt. So strong and brave and all I am grateful for is that you're alive." She wraps herself around both her boy and cries. "I don't know what I would do without you."

"Lilly?" Henry looks up at his wife, his son standing at her side clinging to his mommies hand while he watches his dad get stitches in his back. "Are you alright?"

She shakes her head and finally lets a tear roll down her cheek. "You stupid fool." Her grip on Blaines hand increases.

His face falls seeing how upset she is. "You knew this is what had to happen."

"I know! I just wasn't ready for how I would feel watching you out there fighting like that. Risking yourself and Burt to full fill some stupid promise you made to me seven years ago."


"Gods!" She rushes over and grabs his face pulling it to her own in a kiss. Tears streaming down her face and her son standing frozen watching his parents and not sure what to do. "You stupid fool. Stupid stupid idiotic perfect brave wolf." She puts their foreheads together and smiles as her heart lets out three little words she has never told him in the seven years since they were married. "I love you."

His eyes snap open and stare straight into hers, seeing their shinning beauty looking back into his own eyes. "I love you too Lilly. You have.. You have no idea how long I've hoped that you loved me." He leans up and kisses her again.

Blaine just watches his parents, confusion on his face. He's known that his parents weren't anything like how Burt and Elizabeth were. It was obvious that Burt and Elizabeth tell each other all the time how they love each other. Hearing his own mother say that she loves his dad for the first time makes him think. His eyes shifting towards Kurt then back to his parents. He's always known both his parents love him, they both told him over and over how they love him. He looks towards the Hummels in a loving family hug and decides then in his young mind that he wants to be like the Hummel family when he grows up. He wants his mate to love him from the start. Not wait until you already have a kid staring at you to fall in love. He snaps out of his thinking when he sees his dad reaching out a hand towards him. He walks over and yelps as his dad pulls him in fast, hugging him between the two of them.

Their lives shift and change, in some ways for good, in others it was driving a wedge between their friendship. Henry throws himself into doing what he had always meant to do, change the packs way of handling things. Make them see that the gatherings where all unmated wolves of sixteen or older are forced into and resulting in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and makes the Omega more of a submissive slave who only stays with the Alpha because the bond makes them loyal for life. He also works on the agreements where children are taken from parents and the killing of pup Omegas just because the poor thing was born male. Lillian helping him as much as she can, proving that Omegas can be stronger then people think.

The downside to all their good deeds and changes was their not having enough time to spend with Elizabeth. Burt helping his friend as the second, but still making time for his family. When summer rolls around and the two families make plans, the Andersons ending up canceling every time due to some pack business that needed to be dealt with. Blaine is the only one to still go. Elizabeth and Burt taking him so that Kurt would have someone to share the fun with. Trips to the park, outings for ice cream, sleepovers with Disney movies, and even the yearly camping trip that both families usually did. The only time both sets of parents seem to be together is for the boys birthdays and when they have the monthly moon runs with the pack.

Rob notes the lack of Henry and Lillian as the Hummels and Blaine get out of the van. Two summers without Henry and Lillian and he can see Blaine getting a bit distant. "Welcome back Lizzie."

She walks over with a weaker smile then she usually has. "Thanks Rob. Sorry we are running late."

"Its ok. Little Rosie been the one waitin." He smiles and hugs his friend while the two year old Malamute runs towards the boys getting out of the van.

Her sigh gives away how worn out she feels. "They wouldn't stop asking about her either." Her eyes raise up as she moves from the hug. "Henry and Lilly say 'Hi' and 'tell him we are sorry for not making it this year. We will take a trip to see him soon.' Though I wouldn't count on that."

"Been a few years since I seen em. They come round ventually." Rob pats her shoulder and goes to hug Burt. "Want a bit to eat before you and the boys hit the site?"

"That would be excellent Rob." Burt laughs a bit. "Let the boys get their energy out with Rosie."

They all jump out of the way as the Malamute goes running with a black and a white young wolf running with her all three yipping and playing. "I think the boys agree." Elizabeth laughs now, finally lightening up. "Lets eat. I brought some of those cookies you liked so much."

"come on." His smile grows brighter as he heads inside with the couple. They all decide to eat outside, that way they can keep an eye on the boys "So been two years since the change o pack leader. You lookin worse for wear an you aint even pack leader."

Burt nods, taking a bite of his sandwich. "Been spending time helping Henry, working the garage, keeping up with a five year old and his friend, and making sure Lizzie smiles more." His wife smiles towards him eating her own sandwich.

There is a loud whine and a yip from where the boys had gone off and Elizabeth looks up groaning. "KURT! Let go of Blaine now! We told you it isn't nice to bite his neck and hold him down!"

The white wolf lets go of the black one, his friend dropping down and scurrying away licking his sore parts. Like Blaine will let Kurt get away with that. Their wrestling matches might have a tally of 50 to 0 in favored of Kurt, but Blaine is not a quitter. By rights of averages he has to win a match at least once. At least he gets the satisfaction of Kurt always getting in trouble for it. Uh oh. Blue eyes are staring at him with that evil narrowed look. He is in so much trouble.

Dust flying is all they see from where Blaine had been licking his sore spots and a white wolf chancing the dust cloud down and Rosie barking away at their now not play. Burt and Elizabeth jump up and take off after the boys as soon as the growling starts. They get there in time to catch the boys rolling around, teeth biting and paws kicking at each other as they roll around din the first fight they have ever had. A lot of fur and a little blood spilled on both parts before the adults get them yanked away from each other. Elizabeth cooing in Kurts ear and getting him to shift back to her five year old son and checking to see how badly he is hurt. Burt doing the same to Blaine. Blaine unable to make eye contact with Kurt knowing that they only fought because Kurt took the blame for the wrestling when Blaine had started it and whined when he lost.

Burt grumbles something about the wolf hormones mixed with children growing up just doesn't mix and dragging the tiny Alpha back to the van and making him get dressed.

"What did you do to get Kurt after you like that son?"

Blaine looks up at him and his eyes tear up as he is trying to pull on his clothes. "I... started the wrestling that Kurt got in trouble for. I let him take the fall for it. Again."

"Again?" Burt runs a hand through his hair, lifting up his ball cap to do so. "All those times Kurt has gotten in trouble, how many were your doing?"

"All of them."

"No wonder he is so mad at you. Though don't blame you for not wanting to admit you lost a match you started."

"I'm going to win one. Just watch. Someday I will pin Kurt instead."

Burt studies the boy with a knowing look. "I bet you will. I also bet it wont happen unless Kurt lets it happen."

"No way! I am so much stronger then he is!"

Burt raises an eyebrow, studying the way the young Alpha puffs up and his cheeks get all red, eyes looking about to burst with tears. "Blaine. Come here and sit with me. Let us have a talk. Now, where is this thinking you are stronger coming from?"

Blaine tugs his shirt the rest of the way on and goes to sit next to Burt on the ground, foot playing with a rock. "Because Alphas have to be stronger. That's why we are Alphas, we are the top and because my daddy is top dog I have to be stronger then everyone so he will be proud of me. I don't wanna go away like my brother did."

"Where did you hear about Cooper?" he is a bit worried about how much Henry is losing sight of what his son understands.

"Some of the bigger wolves at school. They pick on me because Kurt is so much faster and stronger then me and they said their daddies told them that my dad was weak. That's why my brother was taken away to be raised by a real Alpha and if I don't want to be taken away too I need to be stronger and faster then everyone or they will think my daddy is still weak." He kicks the stone away. "I don't want people to call daddy weak, but I keep losing when I try and fight the bigger boys." He keeps his head down. "Kurt tries to tell me to ignore them because they are stupid heads for thinking daddy is weak."

"Kurt is right about ignoring them. Have you told your dad about any of this?"

"I try... but he is so busy and mommy keeps having to talk with all those other lady wolves. Then I get in trouble because I yell or do something bad and they send me to my room until dinner."

He sighs and nods knowing that he will have to sit his friend down and point out what is happening without Henry even noticing. "Well let me tell you something. Something your parents should have told you, but I know they are still hurt over your brother." He forces Blaine to look him in the eyes. "Your brother, Cooper, wasn't taken away because your dad was weak. It was because your grandfather was a bully. He got a signed paper from the pack leader saying that in order for your mommy and daddy to mate, he took claim of their first born Alpha male. Your dad fought everyone he could to get your brother back, but they couldn't turn around the words of the pack leader." Burt hugs Blaine with one hand as the boy starts to cry. "Your dad would never let anyone take you away. That's why he's been so busy. He's trying to make sure no one gets taken away again. Now those bullies. Listen to Kurt on that one. Ignore them. They are just trying to get you riled up and into a fight and then they will just get you in trouble."

"But what if they try to go after Kurt again?"

"What do you mean?"

"They chase him and call him all kinds of bad things. I don't like it when they call him a girl. He's not a girl, he's just a really beautiful boy."

Burt laughs softly about the kid calling his son beautiful. "Have they ever caught him?"

"Um. No. Usually he heads to the jungle gym and he gets them all turned around because he can slip from level to level so fast. One time one of them got a hold of him and he just slipped out of the kids hold."

"Well then, you shouldn't worry about it if they can't catch him."


"Really. Now see you as an Alpha, yes Alphas are stronger and take charge of a lot of things but an Alpha is nothing without an Omega. Omegas are fast, smart, cunning, and what they lack in pure strength they make up in charm."

"Like you and Lizzie?"

"Yes, like me and Lizzie. I may have been able to fight and take down a deer, but it's Lizzie that knows how to out maneuver and out smart them." He kisses Blaine on the temple. "Never judge someone by what they are. Judge them by who they are."

Blaine looks up at Burt and smiles. "You think I can apologize to Kurt now?"

"I think that is one of the best ideas you have said today."

They both stand up and head towards the picnic area out back of the shop where they can hear Kurt still crying and Elizabeth trying hard to sooth him. Robs voice drifting through the sobs trying to comfort the poor boy as he puts Band-Aids on his cuts.

"I hate him. He's so mean." Kurt sniffles and sobs. "I want to go home."

Blaines heart sinks and tears well in his eyes, dripping down his face hearing that Kurt hates him. He would have run back to the van if Burt hadn't pushes him up closer and cleared his throat getting Kurt and every ones attention on them.

"Go on Blaine."

Tears still streaming down his face, Blaine rubs at his face with his arm. "Kurt I am so sorry... I shouldn't have picked on you or be so upset you won the wrestling match that I made sure you got in trouble and I am so sorry for trying to make you look weak and everything." He rubs at his eyes again. "You're not weak. You're the strongest and smartest wolf I know. Please be my friend again."

Kurt studies him and the cuts that aren't bandaged on Blaines legs, the tears running down his face. "Promise me you wont pick a fight with me ever again. Not here or at school anymore. I have enough trouble with meanie heads at school for you to be one of them."

Elizabeths snaps her head up opening her mouth to ask about the other kids at school and Burt gestures for her to stay out of it. "tell you later." She nods slowly.

"I promise. I wont pick on you at school anymore. I'll ignore the meanie heads like you keep telling me too because they are wrong. Omegas are better then what they are." He looks up at Burt and smiles a bit before looking back at Kurt. "You are Kurt, the fastest smartest wolf I know. Not some silly Omega that has to be weaker then me. Friends again? Please?"

Her little boy jumps up and runs to Blaine hugging him tight and nuzzling at his neck. "Always friends. Especially now that you stopped being a poopie headed Alpha and are talking like my Blaine again."

Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt and they hug and cry. "I don't want to be an Alpha. I just want to be Blaine. Blaine your bestest best friend in the whole world."

Kurt giggles and nods. "My Bestest best friend ever."

Burt hugs his wife to him and kisses her cheek. "come on boys. Lets get some bandages on Blaine and you two eat something before we get to the campsite and have a good weekend." He whispers to Elizabeth so the boys can't hear. "We need to sit Henry ad Lillian down." She nods her agreement and they all set about finishing their food before heading on.

For the whole trip Burt spent time showing Blaine and Kurt both ways to let their built up aggressions out by running. He even takes them out on a hunt, testing them against Rabbits that Kurt refuses to kill still, but they catch them. Elizabeth and him both note how Kurt is a lot faster then Blaine and able to maneuver better, even in human form. Blaine on the other hand has a lot more stamina for the chase. Putting them together, they are a deadly team in the field and Burt wishes Henry could see this. How the two can look past who is Alpha and Omega and Blaine lets Kurt lead the hunt knowing the boy can find the rabbits better then he can.

Once they get back to town, Burt tells Elizabeth to keep the boys at their house while he jumps in the truck at heads over to the Anderson house. The more he had thought about Blaine trying to prove that he is the strongest Alpha and how weak Kurt and other Omegas are, the more pissed at his friend Burt became. By the time he makes it there he is fuming and storms in, heading straight to Henry's office finding his friend in with another wolf from the pack. Burt narrows his eyes at his friend and glares at the other wolf. "Leave. Henry and I have business to attend to."

"Burt, what are you doing?" Henry stands up as the other wolf takes off out of the office and Burt closes and locks the door behind his retreating form.

"I am giving you an wake up call before you lose the family you worked so hard to create and protect." He turns and stares at Henry. "Do you know that your son has been picking fights with Kurt at school in an attempt to show that he's stronger then some Omega and that he's picking fight with just about any older wolf that he can because they tease him for being weak and tell him that if he doesn't get stronger he'll be taken away from you like Cooper was?"

"Wait, what? I haven't heard anything about Blaine fighting at school."

"No you wouldn't have because every time that boy tries to tell you or Lillian you are to busy working or entertaining pack members to pay attention to him. He admitted to acting out at home to try and get your attention, but all he gets is sent to his room."

"I... Oh god." Henry sits down hard. "That's why he's been breaking things in the house and yelling at us?"

"What the hell did you think it was about?"

"Thought he was just acting out because his hormones are coming out."

"Even if that was true, did you ever sit him down and tell him about being an Alpha and what Omegas really are? Because he sure as hell thought Omegas were weaker then Alphas and needed to be put in their place if they are stronger. It went as far as pushing Kurt over the edge and they got into a blood spilling dog fight over it."

He looks up at his friend and then puts his head in his hands. "Is Kurt alright?"

"Oh Kurt is fine past the scar on his leg he will grow up with and that he was afraid the only person who was suppose to be nice to him at school was moving away from him." Burt groans. "God I had to set Blaine down and explain to him how every wolf is equal. How Kurt as an Omega is stronger then people and THEN I had to hear from him that Kurt is being chased down at school by these same bullies and that Blaine was just letting it happen."

"Burt I am so sorry."

"I am not the one you need to say sorry to. You owe your boy a good open heart to heart and You and Lilly both need to make time for him."

"We will... This week I promise."

"No. Tomorrow when I bring him home. You two will give him the whole day."

"Alright. Tomorrow it will just be a day for us. I'll cancel everything."

"Good, now to rub in you missed their first hunt."

"Really? You took them hunting?" Henry shakes his head and wonders where the time really has gone.

"Yeah. Kurt and Blaine teamed up and Lizzie and I taught them how to hunt rabbit. Though some how Kurt talked Blaine out of killing an of them, the two of them make a deadly pair. Blaine was right saying Kurt is fast and more in tune with his wolf and he was right in trusting my boy to plan out and make the calls. They know each others strengths and weaknesses and now that Blaine sees Kurt as an equal and not someone to be put down, they will get to be a lot stronger."

"I really am missing everything."

"You are." Burt reaches out and takes his friends hand. "But you still have time. Make it right. Talk to your boy and make him see that you don't resent him. Make him see that you will always have time for him and love him and that no matter what people say about him he is perfect."

Henry squeezes the hand in his. "You really think I have time to fix this?"

"Yes. You were able to become pack leader before you turned 30. You were able to show an abused Omega that she could open her heart and love you and be your equal no matter what she was raised to believe. I think you can definitely get your boy to open up to you the way he wants to."
Henry and Lillian tried to fix things the rest of the summer, but no one was surprised when Blaine didn't trust that it would last and still spent a lot more time with Burt and Elizabeth. All four adults knowing that it was five years worth of strain that needed to be fixed. None of them knew if Blaine changed his views on beating Kurt to prove he's stronger until the first day back at school.

First grade and the same set of kids they were use to schooling with. Everything going fine as they meet some new kids, a boy named Finn who just moved to town with his mom and another boy named Nick who seemed to gravitate more towards the other kids in class, Jeff and his friends where Finn shifted towards hanging with David and Noah. Rachel stayed by herself. Quinn, Santana, and Brittney hanging around each other and talking about dolls all the time. When recess was called they all went outside not even thinking twice. Blaine wanting to play in the sandbox and dragging Kurt over, even with his complaining about getting his new pants dirty when they were stopped by the now sixth graders, Joseph and Tommy with the rest of their lackeys behind them.

Shoving Blaine to the ground hard enough to make him bounce a bit, Tommy snickers. "Still hanging around the fairy boy huh?"

"Shut up." Blaine gets up with Kurts help, brushing off his pants. "He's my friend."

"Haha of course he is. All weaklings have to flock together." Joseph gets into Blaines face. "You must be a pansy weakling Omega instead of the Alpha I thought you were."

A growl brakes out of Blaines throat as the other kids start to gather around to watch the drama. "I'd rather be an Omega then a bully Alpha like you."

"What the hell was that?" Joseph reaches and grabs Blaine by the shirt. "You little shit. How about we help you out and beat the Alpha out of you." He reaches his hand back to punch Blaine, his fist getting grabbed by Kurt.

"Stop it! Why do you have to be so mean! He didn't do anything to you!"

Tommy and the other boys grab Kurt, pulling him away from Joseph that takes his arms freedom, punching Blaine in the face. Blood running down his face as he curls up on the ground whining and shivering. "Stay down Mutt!" He turns towards where the boys have Kurt held, though the blue eyed boy is struggling and calling to Blaine. "Shut up! Time we put you in your place!" He only gets one punch into Kurt's stomach before Blaine is on him growling.

"Don't you touch him!" Blaine tears Joseph away from Kurt and throws him down.

The brief shock of seeing their leader thrown down gives Kurt the chance to break out of their hold and run, grabbing Blaine with one hand while his other holds across his stomach. Both heading towards the jungle gym. The pack of bullies turn and chase after them when they realize the boys are running.

Kurt coughs in pain. "Plan.. Need a plan..."

"Win. We need to win."

"Blaine... "

"Like this summer. Get them separated and take them one at a time." Blaine parts from Kurt and the boys get set, Blaine being the bait and pulling them in different ways until one tires and Kurt moves in from the side and knocks his feet out from under him. Knocking the wind out of their aggressors. The two keep it up until all but Joseph are on the ground panting and holding a sore arm or bruised face. The boys stand facing off against Joseph. Growls low in their throat. "What do you think now huh? Kurt still weak? I don't think so. I think he is one of the best wolves out there and the only reason he didn't do this earlier is because he knows you are to stupid to know any better."

"He's a damned Omega! He's weak!"

"You're weak!" Blaine lunges forward and drops out of the way when Joseph goes to block him and isn't expecting Kurt to hit him from the side. Kurt standing over the Alpha, still holding his stomach but grinning at the now frightened boy.

"Leave us alone." Kurt whimpers as his stomach gives a jolt of pain. "You never know when the people you pick on will have finally had enough and fight back."

Suddenly everyone freezes as a teacher finally rushes over and everyone is sent to the office. The older kids first and then Blaine and Kurt go in and sit with their parents and the principle. Lillian and Elizabeth more worried about the fact the boys have bruises all over, Blaine has blood on his shirt and dried blood around his nose and Kurt is now in ruined pants and wont stop holding his side. When the principle asks what happened Blaine pops up out of his chair.

"They have been picking on us since last year because Kurt isn't an Alpha and I like to hang out with him. Today I had it. I told them off and when they went to punch me, Kurt stopped Joseph until the others jumped him and held him down."

Kurt whines. "They were hitting me."

A growl comes out of Blaines throat from hearing that Kurt was hit before he knew of the one hit. "He punched me in the face and then punched Kurt in the stomach. I jumped him to get them off of him and we ran."

The principle nods. "At which point you started a full on attack."

"No. We started to defend ourselves and show them that we are not weak. There are no differences even though Kurt isn't an Alpha. We did it to protect the other kids on the play ground because now they wont know if the smaller person lets them beat them, not because they can't defend themselves, but because they know better then to hit back."

"You still are being held responsible for what happened."

"Fine. It was worth it." Blaine doesn't back down his glare at the principle. "It was worth it to show them that Omegas are not there to be beaten and pushed around. They are there to make us stronger with their own strength."

Henry clears his throat, though he is very proud of his son. "The boys that started this in the first place, are they being disciplined as well?"

"Yes they are. All five of them are receiving a week worth of suspension." Her eyes look down at the paper in front of her. "Kurt and Blaine are both receiving two weeks. For five accounts of assault, even though it was in defense at first."

Burt and Henry look at each other before Burt speaks up. "Fine. We will accept their punishment, but trust us the school board will hear that you suspended two first graders for defending themselves against five sixth graders who have terrorized them with mental and physical abuse for over a year and that this school has done nothing about it."

They stand up and usher the boys out before the principle can say another word. Elizabeth scooping Kurt up once they are out the front door and holding him tight while he cries in pain.

Blaine looks up at his dad's mad face and then back down at the ground as they walk. "I'm sorry daddy."

"What for son?"

"For getting in trouble."

Henry stops and kneels down at his sons eye level. "I wont lie and say I am not disappointed that you got into a fight at school, but you have nothing to be sorry for about it other then giving into your need to defend others." He lifts his sons chin to look into his golden eyes and smiles. "I am so proud of you for standing up for everyone and for standing by what you believe in, that Kurt is your equal."

Blaine starts to cry and then throws himself into his dads arms. "I love you daddy."

"Love you too. So much son. Now no more fighting. Find a less aggressive way to express yourself ok?"

"Ok daddy."


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