Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 4

E - Words: 3,901 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Chapter 4

A lot can happen in four years. As Burt looks out over the campground that has become their yearly sanctuary. Elizabeth, now back to being bright and happy even though they have yet to conceive a pup, is helping Lillian, who never fully recovered and has coped with it by never mentioning Cooper. Henry has even changed, graduated college at the top of his class in Political Science and a minor in Pack Dynamics (A study of how werewolf packs function and where their trends seem to take them) and has started vying for a rank among the wolves in their area. But knows that his eye is on the pack leader position and making one of his first statements to be the abolishment of a lot of old laws. He may even have his eye on finding a way to get their son back, but with Phillip Masterson moving to France where most of his business is centered that is not very likely. He himself has given up everything and lives life for his mate, and as of two years ago wife. The only thing missing in their gathering are pups, though Rob is walking in with his new litter of Malamute, a half wolf half Husky dog breed, it just isn't the same.

"Hey, these fish are not going to clean themselves you know." Henry chucks a piece of fish gut at his friend.

"Yeah, yeah. Already taking to bossing me around mister top dog." Burt gets back to work cleaning the fish with his friend.

"Hush you." Henry laughs a bit. "You know I'd want you on my advising board. We've talked about that. You have always had a good head for what's right and where the packs future should lay."

"You become pack leader, and I may just take you up on that offer. Depending on Lizzie."

"She's better now Burt. You need to start doing things for you along with taking care of her."

"Yeah. We'll see."

The last day of their trip, after their yearly run as a small pack, Elizabeth asks if they could all go out to dinner. She wants to tell everyone, including Burt something. Lillian suggests just ordering out since she really doesn't want to be in a restaurant smelling like a weekend trip in the woods and her friend agrees, just as long as everyone is there. Once everyone is seated around the Hummel coffee table, Chinese take out in hand, Elizabeth pulls a large yellow envelop out of her bag and smiles.

"I hope you're not mad at me for doing it this way Burt." She passes him the envelop, blue eyes watching his every facial expression and bottom lip between her teeth.

His heart skips a beat when he pulls out a sonogram, his thumb running over the image of a small dot of a baby. "Lizzie?"

"Don't be mad. Please." She puts a hand over her stomach. Smiling slowly.

"How far.. How far along are you? Have you been sick? I mean.. god the doctor said you wouldn't be able to..." He hands the packet to Lillian and Henry, moving to wrap his arms around his mate and sniff at her neck making sure she still smells the same.

Elizabeth laughs and licks at his cheek. "I'm four months along. Everything is going smoothly, no signs of the trouble I had before and the doctor has considered this a miracle." She moves his chin to look Burt in the eyes. "We are having a pup. Our own miracle pup."

Lillian claps her hands then snuggles to Henry. "I am so happy for you Lizzie! I know how long you've been wanting to be a mother."

"Congratulations. Both of you." Henry holds his wife, knowing she is trying to be stronger then she is. Her own wishes for another pup not coming true yet. "If you need anything Lizzie, you let us know."

"Thank you. I just want you to be as happy as I am." She pulls herself from Burts arms, wrapping around Lillian. "You'll be next. I just know it." She leans in and whispers to her friend. "Our pups will be the best of friends just like us. They will have all of us to teach them and raise them to be happy and strong no matter if they are an Alpha or Omega. They will be everything we couldn't be."

"Oh Lizzie." She starts to cry and wraps her arms around the pale wolf.

"No more crying!" Elizabeth stands up and goes to pick a movie. "Lets do what we always do. Cheesy movie that we can all make fun of while we eat our take-out."

Once the movie is in, she goes and settles into her husbands embrace. Letting him feed her more then her share of food before the pairs separate for the night. Burt nuzzling into his wifes stomach, keeping close to their unborn child.

As Elizabeths stomach grows and the house gets changed to accommodate a soon to be new arrival, Lillian finds herself drawn back to Henry. Neither of them had let their friends know how hard they have tried to have another pup, eventually having stopped trying with the belief it wasn't meant to be. The hope that if Elizabeth could have a pup, when she medically shouldn't be able to, drew the couple back into talking about it at first. Then Henry started coming home more often from work so they could try again.

The only way Burt could tell something was up, was the small smiles they would give each other. They held in any news until their friend was near eight months along and the nursery was painted in a beautiful pastel yellow and the dresser full of adorable boy clothes that they decided to say anything.

"Lilly, are you alright?" Elizabeth walks as best she can over to where the other wolf is eating ice cream from the container.

"Just peachy." Her golden eyes sparkle with mischief.

"No, something is up. You never eat triple fudge, though that sounds so good." Her pale finger sneaks into the container and come out covered in cold chocolate goodness. Stuffing the digit into her mouth and moaning at how good it tastes.

"Well, you know, eating habits change when you are eating for two." She keeps her golden eyes on Lizzies face.

"True. I have been eating the most gross stuff that I.." Blue eyes brighten as she catches on, grin spreading as she fully turns to study her friend. "No way."

Lillian nods, lifting the bottom of her hoodie up, revealing a slight bump. "Yes way. I'm almost at four months." She laughs as Elizabeth put her hands on the small bump. "We have you to thank."

"Me?" She looks up into Lillians eyes.

"Yes you. If your little miracle hadn't happened, we wouldn't have tried again." She sighs. "Henry ad I had stopped trying we were... we were drifting apart with his obsession of making a difference in the pack and my still dealing with issues."

"Lillian Anderson are you telling me after four years you have not told him you love him yet and that you were actually slipping into some shadow of a mate?"

How can someone even try to lie or get away with anything with that blue eyes glare. No wonder Burt lives his life with Elizabeth as the sun and the moon. "Yes. You know it was hard after... after what happened. I felt abandoned when he could do anything to fix it and bring our boy home. It took me until almost a year ago to finally forgive him and know for sure he had no idea that was in the contract and to believe he has done everything he could to get Cooper back."

"Do you still love him Lilly?"

"Yes. I love him and I love that we are getting a second chance." She hugs Elizabeth as best she can with the bump in the way. "I love you for encouraging me to be a better person and not just be an Omega. You're my best friend Lizzie."

"No I'm not." She giggles at Lillians surprised face. "Your best friend is your husband. I'm you second best friend."

"How about we change it to sister. You're the sister I should have had."

"I like that." Elizabeth links their pinkies. "Well sister, did I tell you what names we were fighting about?"

"No, do tell."

"Charles, Duncan, and Kurt." She eeps at the fluttering from her baby. Giggling as she rubs a hand over to sooth him. "I think he really likes Kurt though Burt is determined our boy be named Duncan. I think he's watched to much Highlander."

"What is that kid suppose to run around beheading other wolf boys? I don't think I'd let my pup play with a sword wielding highlander pup." They break into laughter spending the rest of their time together comparing baby room decorations for Lillians new baby and eating all the ice cream in the house, then calling Burt at the garage to tell him and Henry that they both want more triple chocolate fudge ice cream.

That results in Burt giving Henry a glare to get the truth on why both of them want the ice cream. In the end they have a celebration beer at both of them going to be dads and then a night on the couch at each of their houses for forgetting the ice cream.

It's two days later while they are all having lunch that Elizabeth starts to show the same signs from her last pregnancy. Skin getting paler, dark circles showing under her eyes, and Burt watching her every move along with Lillians eyes never leaving her friends. The third day is when they all really start to worry, Lillian having talked Henry into staying with the Hummels until she is sure everything is alright. That day Elizabeth didn't get out of bed, claiming she was just worn out from carrying such a large stomach. Burt lets her sleep and keeps busy around the house washing the dishes as Lillian makes them lunch and they wait for Henry to get back from his outing to work. His heart drops when he hears Elizabeth scream his name, that same sound she had made four years ago when they lost their daughter. They both rush to her side, Lillian freezing when they see her pale hands along with the sheets soaked with blood.

Lillian takes off, grabbing the keys to get the car started, tears springing to her eyes and feeling a bit happier seeing Henry pull up while she is fumbling to get the right key in Burts car door.

"Lilly, what's wrong?"

"It's Lizzie, Henry get in the car and start it we need.. Oh god there's blood.. please.. We need to get her.." They both turn to see Burt coming out the front door with a whining Elizabeth in his arms. "Hospital. Now Henry."

Through a lot of hurried movement Henry gets them all in the car and hurries the drive to the hospital. All of them trying to think positive while Elizabeth mumbles over and over that she can't lose her little angel. That she would give anything if she could just have this one pup live.

Elizabeth is taken from them at the hospital, Burt having to be held back by Henry. Both of their mind reliving the same situation years before, but this time Lillian is there helping to sooth and comfort the agitated Alpha as her own hand rest over her own baby.

It's a few hours later when the echoing foot steps can be heard as a doctor, still wearing his scrubs with specks of red here and there, walks into the waiting room. All three look up, Burt watching the doctors face waiting for the same thing or worse to have happened this time, but what he gets is a smile.

"Mr. Hummel?"

"Yes. Is she ok? Is she awake yet?"

"Both your wife and your son are fine."

Burt freezes before his smile grows "They both made it?"

Lillian clings to Henry, tears streaming down her face at hearing everything is fine.

"Yes Sir. There was a slight complication. Your son was caught in the umbilical cord and caused her to hemorrhage. We stopped the bleeding and delivered your son. Now she is a bit weak, her body seems to have been reacting to the pups trauma for a few days now and she lost a bit of blood. We want to keep her here for a couple extra days to make sure she is alright, along with the pup."

"Can we see her?" He reaches back to take Henry's hand for support, not sure any of this is real.

"Of course. She's being settled in room 302 and your son will be brought up as soon as the standard tests for him being a preemie are finished."

"Thank you doctor." Burt hugs the man with out thinking before heading down the hall to find his mate. Lillian and Henry right behind him. As soon as they get the door open their eyes are meet by the vision of Elizabeth being handed a small squirming blue bundle, her blue eyes shinning with more love then any of them have ever seen before.

The nurse gestures for them to come in as Elizabeth fusses with the blanket around her sons face, tears streaming down her pale cheeks. "Burt... he's more perfect then I ever dreamed. Look at his tiny hands. Button nose. This so soft blonde hair. He's truly an angel."

Burt slips up onto the bed, Wrapping himself around his mate as he looks down at the bundle. "I have to say he's to pretty to be a Duncan."

Lillian laughs as Henry wraps around her from behind. "I agree with Lizzie. He really liked the name Kurt."
His little wrinkled face shifts as his bright blue eyes try to focus on where the name came from. "See Burt, I told you he liked Kurt." The babies eyes land on his mother and she just melts falling even more in love with her son then she had before he was born.

"Well then, I officially welcome you to the family Kurt Even Hummel." Burt holds his finger out letting the baby wrap its tiny fingers around it before he yawns and snuffs out a wolfish sneeze, face crinkling up ready to cry. "Hey little fella, don't worry. That was just your wolf saying hello back for you." The babies face relaxes a bit studying the man staring down at him then just decides that this is to much, his blue eyes close and he tries to snuggle into the warm arms holding him in the blanket, drifting off into sleep.

"I think I want a nap too." Elizabeth holds the baby out for Lillian to take. "Would his god parents like to put him in the little bassinet so his mommy can get some much needed sleep?"

"I would be honored to Lizzie." Lillian slips her arms around the baby, staring down at his face as he starts to fuss about the movement. Henry moving the blanket in the basket and laying it over the small guy once Kurt is safely in his new bed. "You mean it about the god parents?"

Burt nods, kissing Elizabeths cheek as she closes her eyes giving into the much needed call for sleep. "Of course we do. Lizzie and I were going to ask you but... Kurt seems to have wanted to do it in person."

"Burt, we gladly accept." Henry hugs his wife before going to get them both chairs to sit and watch over the newest addition to their small group. All of them now looking forward to the arrival of the new little Anderson.


Lillian giggles as the tiny hands play with her rounded belly. "Kurt, are you trying to play with little Blaine?" The slight fluttering in her belly where the tiny hands are placed to feel the kicks, blue eyes trained on the rounded stomach trying to figure out what the movement is. His nose sniffing and a whine starting as he gets confused. "Oh sweetie. Here, he's over here now." She moves the babies hand to the new place that Blaine is kicking. His eye opening wider as he tries to figure it out again.

"What is going on in here?" Elizabeth comes out of the kitchen, crossing her hands over her chest while she watches her baby sniff and push at Lillians belly.

"I think little Blaine is having fun confusing poor Kurt here."

The tiny blue eyes shift up to her face as a whine and snuffing meets he ears before he moves closer and sniffs the belly again. Yipping when he gets kicked in the chin. His eyes starting to water and lips start to quiver.

"Oh poor baby!" Elizabeth hurries over and picks her little boy up, kissing his chin. "Don't cry. He didn't mean it. Right now Blaine can't see you."

His tiny hands cling to her shirt, nose sniffing at her neck before settling down at the familiar scent of his mom.

"Lizzie he is so adorable." Lillian starts the process of attempting to get up from the couch. "I hope Blaine is half as adorable when he finally decides to come out."

"Still no contractions?" She comforts her little boy with a hand on the back of his head, a move she noticed soothes his Omega instincts when he gets to frayed or worked up.

"None. Not even a harder kick then his normal flutters." She reaches out and takes Elizabeths hand when she can reach it, finally standing up. "I think he has to much fun teasing Kurt from in there to come out."
Her tinkling laugh is only halted she her son puts his hand over her lips to study where the noise is coming from. "Lilly, he can not stay I there forever. He's only two weeks late."

"Two long agonizing weeks. He's so hyper. Kicking so much you would think there was two of them."

"Going to be a good a handful when he does come out then."

"I am planning on that tiny little cutie in your arms to calm him down. He just has a way of making everyone stop and stare." Lillian taps his tiny nose.

His eyes cross to try and see what she was doing and stay trying to focus on the end of his nose. Why do people always tap it and how does he turn off that beacon of 'tap me' it upsets his smelling of the world.

Lillian giggles at his scrunched up nose. "Lets just hope so." She waddles off towards the kitchen, hand on her back. "ugh This needs to end soon."

"I'll be right back. Going to change his little diaper." She gets Kurt cleaned up and tucked into his crib for a nap before she heads back to find Lillian hunched over whimpering. "Lilly?"

Her golden eyes shift to Elizabeth ad she tries to smile through another contraction. "My water broke. In the kitchen."

"Oh god! Lilly! We need to get you to the hospital!"

"Don't think there is time. I called Henry at work and he's on his way."

"Ok. ok. ok. Lay down I'm going to call an ambulance." She picks up the phone and calls, telling them about Lillian being in labor and freaking when they tell her to look and see if the baby is showing. Lillian whines as another contraction goes through her body as Elizabeth looks and freaks out. "Yes, yes I can see the head. What do we do?"

"Ma'am the ambulance is on its way, but they wont be there in time. You will need to deliver the pup. I want you to get a clean towel to wrap the baby in when it comes out and something to cut the chord."

Elizabeth looks around and puts the phone down rushing to get one of the blankets from the nursery, Kurt would never miss one and a pair of scissors. Going back calmly and picking up the phone. "Ok. What do I do now?"

"You need to put you hand below the babies head and walk her through pushing when the contraction feels like she needs to push. Keep an eye out for the babies head turning blue."

"Lilly.. I. I'm going to help your baby ok? Just, just push when you need to ok?"

"It's ok Lizzie, I trust you." She groans. "I've been through this before... ok ok.. Lizzie I need to push!"

A lot of screaming and Elizabeth trying to be strong and together for her friend pay off. When Henry rushes in the door ahead of the medics with the ambulance, He is greeted by the sight of a dirty Elizabeth hugging to Lillian as his wife cries and holds a wiggling bundle. She smiles when she feels him come up slowly and moves the corner showing him the wrinkled little face of a little boy, head full of mated down black hair.


"I'm fine Henry." The girls giggle, Elizabeth to greet the medics and telling them what happened. "Blaine just wanted to come out and play."

He laughs and kisses her cheek. "Really? Well Blaine, it is a pleasure to know you were in such a rush. Two weeks late and to impatient to wait for the hospital."

They kiss while the little golden eyed baby sneezes before opening his eyes. His view being filled with medics taking him to check and make sure he is ok and his mom is rolled into the ambulance. Not exactly what he wants to see, so he just goes to sleep. Trying to ignore the poking and prodding.

Elizabeth gets cleaned up and calls Burt showing up at Lillians room a few hours later. A cranky Kurt in tow. The baby whining and struggling from his dislike of how the hospital smells. His eyes shifting and landing on the other crying he hears, his own quieting down as he leans to get a better look at where that noise is coming from.

"Henry. Lillian. That little guy is just adorable. Congratulations." Burt sits down to watch the squirming and crying boy in Lillians arms.

"He's also not very quiet. He hasn't stopped fussing since they brought him in all cleaned up." She frowns at him.

Henry shrugs a bit. "I take it he just didn't like getting pocked with a needle." He tries to sooth the squirming bundle.

Elizabeth moves Kurt closer s he can see and tries hard to hold onto him as he squirms until he's laying in Lillians arms staring down at the wrinkled little face of the other pup. The other little guy finally stopping his crying to sniff at the new intruder in her personal space. Focusing in on the blue eyes pup looking at him.

Elizabeth pulls out her camera, taking a pick before awing "They are so cute!"

Lillian laughs at how her son finally got all quiet. "So you really did just want to come out and play."

Her son peeks up at her and then back at the blue eyes studying him. He sneezes and startles them both, the little blue eyes pup starting to cry. His golden eyes widen as he reaches out to try and make it stop. Succeeding when he gets his wrinkled little fingers on those pudgy pale cheeks. Burt and Henry just watch as their wives ooo and awe over how adorable the boys are as the two pups snuggle up closer and close their eyes to sleep. The new to the world Alpha feeling comfort in being so close to the other tiny pup with the blue eyes.


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