Who Says
Chapter 33 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Who Says: Chapter 33

E - Words: 3,897 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
155 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I have decided that yes, I am going to take Who Says until they graduate high school and then do a second part under a new name of them in College. With that being said, there isn't much more left of their high school life. (I sat down and counted it out and it should be about Jan/Feb/March in the fic as of this chapter) Maybe 2-3 more chapters and then I will start on the continuation. Can't say when or how often I'll be able to post after Thursday, but I'm hopeful my weekends can be used for Fics.

Jeff couldn't help it, he was over the top happy with his life. So he is a bit behind in school after taking Christmas break off and not wanting to rush home after sealing Julie as his mate for real, but he has a real mate. Someone he can smell his scent on without doing some pretty gross things constantly throughout the day. Someone that understands him and loves him. Someone that is all kinds of perfect with her accent and red hair. The downside to his happiness? Coming back to learn his friends had their baby really early and were still in the hospital refusing to leave until their pup is given a clean bill of health and the fact that they have severe restrictions on who can visit them in the hospital.

"Blaine!" He hurries over as his friend turns from his locker to see who's calling him.

"Oh hey! Welcome back man!" Blaine hugs him before going back to getting his books from his locket. "So how long were you going to keep the secret you weren't really mated to Julie?"

"Just until we actually mated, like now."

"Congrads by the way. How's it feel being a whipped wolf?"


"Our mates hold all the power over us, trust me. People think alphas run the pack when really our omegas do. They say jump, we tend to say how high."

He cracks up laughing before they head towards class. "True and it feel great! Though we were wondering how Alain and Nick are doing?"

Blaine nods a bit. "They are doing fine actually. Alain had his stitches out and Richard has started to gain weight and more muscle movement. It's amazing how much improvement he's had lately. If you want I'll ask Nick if you and Julie can come visit. You're the only ones in our group that hasn't see the pup."

"That would be awesome. Just let me know what they say and Julie and I will be there."


"Come on ladies! Faster! Harder! I'm not impressed with the effort you're putting into this routine!" Coach Sylvester paces in front of the Cheerios squad, all of which is panting for air after their fifth run through. "The competition is this weekend and if new papa doesn't show up to participate we will have to make up for the loss of his tumbling skills!"

"Ugh... why can't he just suck it up and get his ass here!" One of the girls groans out as they reset for the routine again.

Kurt clacks his jaw at her. "Because he's got his priorities straight."

"Whatever Porcelain."

"Bubble-butt! Stop bad mouthing another member of the team! He has a legitimate reason not to be here and my complaint has more to do with your inability to cover for the loss of a member of the squad." Coach Sylvester barks out to shut the girl up. "Now again!"

While they run through the routine none of them see Nick run out from the locker rooms and go to talk with Coach Sylvester before starting to warm up. The second Blaine does see him he stumbles and misses his mark throwing everything off to the point he gets smacked to the ground by another cheerleader doing a tumble.

"Blaine!" Kurt runs over with Nick while someone else checks on the girl. "God your nose is bleeding... Do you think it's broken?"

"Nick Duval what the hell are you doing here!" Blaine blurts out while Kurt is trying to stop the bleeding and check for swelling and broken bones.

"Would you believe Alain has a limit of how many days he can be locked in a room with me and have nothing to do?"

Kurt laughs as he stuffs tissues one of the girls is giving him into his mates' nose. "I can. After so long being fawned over, kicking the alpha out is the only way we get piece and quiet. So you came to break others to get your spot back?"

"No... I didn't think he'd just stop like that."

"I can. Curly-Q just gets distracted to easily. Speaking of, I want you to go get some ice and sit out the rest of practice. No need having you get a swollen face for the competition." Sue tries not to laugh at how fast Blaine gets up and runs to do as she says. "You got yourself a winner there Hummel."

"Don't I know it. Back to stage one?"

"Back to stage one. Duval, get your lazy ass in there!" She blows the whistle getting them all to jump up and go through the routine again.

Once they were all worn out and Coach Sylvester was finally satisfied with their performance or more accurately she didn't think they could physically pull off another run through without one of them getting seriously hurt, they all stumbled towards the parking lot except Nick. Jeff and Julie are snuggled together sitting on the hood of their car while talking with Wes and Amy.

"You guys look tir-what the hell happened to your face Blaine?" Amy shrieks and rushes over moving his chin this way and that to look at the discoloration around his eyes.

"I looked away and got a firsthand view of what shoes the girls wear." He mumbles it out, though the guys laugh at him. "Shut up!"

"Love, it is kind of funny. To think all that time you were jealous of Nick and me when I'm the one who should have been worried." Kurt kisses his cheek as Blaine turns bright red and everyone laughs even harder.

"Speaking of the trouble maker, where is he?" Jeff hops down before helping Julie down from the car hood.

"He had something to talk with Coach Sylvester about." They all go to put their bags in each of their cars. Kurt frowning when he sees Blaine squinting his eyes when the car light comes on. "I think I'm going to take Blaine and pick up the pups for an early night."

Wes hugs his friends "Sounds like a good idea. We'll see you tomorrow?"

"Let's play that by ear." Kurt hugs him back before they head off. Waiving to Nick as he exit the same time they leave.

"Blaine must be pretty bad if they left already." He tosses his bag in the car acting a bit nervous.

"Yeah." Jeff grabs his friend up in a big hug. "We still good for seeing the little Nicky?"

Nick laughs as he hugs him back. "Of course! Just follow me over and we'll get the introductions underway. If you're lucky, our little guy will give you a smile and a wiggle. That's his new thing, but so far only Alain and Kurt can get it out of him."

"Challenge accepted then!"


Alain might have kicked Nick out, but he was miserable without him there to keep him calm when it comes to the nurses coming in and doing their regular checkups on Richard. He may have actually bit one when they made his son cry before realizing that was the strongest cry he's made so far. The regret got even bigger when he was told their son no longer needed the feeding tube and there was a good chance he'd be able to go home sooner than they expected. A normal human baby born 10 weeks early would usually be kept in the hospital until their original due date, but since Richard is a wolf he's growing stronger faster. His weight and the oxygen tank are the only things they need to work on, though the nurses said if he passes everything else they would send him home with a home breathing unit.

The only thing he requested is that they wait to feed Richard his first bottle when Nick got back. There is no way he could keep that milestone from his mate. Hopefully a mate that would be back real soon as their son is getting cranky wanting food.

More crying comes from the bundle in his arms as Alain groans. "Nick, you better walk through that door in the next minute or you'll have to miss it." He slowly gets out of the bed hobbling as best as he can to the door with Richard, sticking his head out and telling the nurse he sees walking past that he'll be feeding Richard shortly.

"What are you doing?"

Alain turns from talking to the nurse to where Nick is rushing over to him. "Doing what I was told to do. Ask for a bottle when he was hungry and he's starving because he was waiting for his daddy to come back. What took you so long?" He huffs as Nick scoops the crying pup from his arms and starts pacing to quiet him down. Leaving Alain with Jeff and Julie to help him shuffle back to the bed.

"You must be doing much better ta be walking about like that." Julie coos as she gets him back in bed with Jeff going over to coo at the baby.

"Just a bit stiff from being in here so long. Guess it's a good thing we'll be going home soon." He makes sure to talk loud enough for Nick to hear over the babies cries and draws all eyes to him. "That's what you missed. Our baby has been moved from the feeder tube to his first bottle that should be here shortly and he's able to maintain his body temperature. He just needs to gain weight and hopefully breathe without assistance and we're outta here."

"Really?" Nick looks down at the odd face his son is giving him, brow creased as tears stream down his cheeks and he makes whining noises wanting his food. "Oh my big boy! You're going to be going home and meet the twins who have been waiting to meet you."

"Knock. Knock!" The Nurse sing-songs as she comes in with his chart and a bottle. "One first bottle is here! I just need to watch and make sure he has no issues with his suckling, breathing, and swallowing reflexes. Who would like the honor?"

"C-can I? Alain I know you were looking forward to it, but please can I feed him?"

"Well duh, why do you think I waited so long? He should have eaten half an hour ago because you were late."

"You know I needed to talk with Coach. SO sorry sweets." He kisses Richards cheek before going over to the bed and settling down with his back against Alain and the pup secure in his arms as the nurse walks them through how to feed him properly.

Richard takes to his bottle like he's been feeding that way forever. Tiny fingers wrapped around his dad's fingers as they hold the bottle up, his eyes watching his daddies as he suckled down the entire bottle and starts to cry again when its empty way to soon.

"He's a natural! Well there is no issues with him feeding, which is good, so I'll go fetch you another bottle and all the fixings you need to keep up with his feedings every hour. If I remember correctly you know how to mix a bottle?"

"Yes our roommates have twins and we've helped look after them."

"Alright then I'll be right back!" She hurries off gushing to all the other nurses about how well the little guy did.

Jeff takes his time moving closer to the pair, listening for Alain to give warning growls if he's too close, the way you're supposed to approach new wolf parents. "He's beautiful guys. Really the prettiest pup I've ever seen."

"Stop lying." Alain glances at him. "We all know Timothy wins in the looks department. How can you beat those sparkling eyes and pale skin?"

"With shining green eyes and blonde hair." Julie stays by Jeff's side, keeping her hands down and not making eye contact. "We'll have to wait till he's older to tell which one of the three wins in cuteness though I bet it will be a three way tie. Yes, I'm rooting for the lone girl in the house."

"In a way I feel sorry for Timothy. Two alphas in the house with him." Nick groans.

"I don't." Alain smiles as the nurse brings them a second bottle and all the fixings. His turn to feed the baby. "He'll have twice the protection growing up. Our little guy won't let anyone pick on him because he's an omega. Isn't that right sweetie?" Richard coos before suckling on his second bottle with a smile in his eyes.


Kurt was frantic as he speeds around the house making sure everything is perfect while the twins sit and watch their papa go in and out of rooms moving things about and complaining when something just isn't right now. It was pretty amusing to their young minds. All they knew was there was going to be a new baby and the big wolves that live with them will be back too. They were told they had to be good and play gently around the new pup because he's little and not able to play like they can yet.

It had been a very stressful three weeks for everyone. The Cheer competition went perfectly, they won of course since nothing less could be expected from a cheer team coached by Sue Sylvester. After which Nick come clean about what he had talked to Coach about, he was dropping out of public school and going the homeschool route with a tutor Alain was getting from his agency. He wouldn't be taking part in the following weeks show choir competition.

They ended up getting second in the Show Choir Regionals. It was a bit sad, but Coach Sylvester let them know how proud she was to coach them and that they did really well in an extremely close competition after losing one of their members at the last second. Then of course if you mix in the anxiety from waiting to hear from the schools you applied too you have the worst three weeks of their lives.

Topped off with today. This week was the one little Richard decided he was going to be a big boy and start breathing on his own and grow to five pounds three ounces, so they were bringing him home. Which is where Blaine is. And Burt. And Henry. And Lillian. And Cooper. And Duncan, who flies in every weekend there isn't a full moon. All of them to pick up one small baby and no one to help him make sure everything is ready for said little pup.

SO here sits Timothy and Elizabeth, toys in hand watching their crazy papa until the door opens and they smell daddy. Now it's a race as they take off crawling with happy goo's and gaa's and the mixed in Daa's to get to him first, though Timothy doesn't really try he knows Elizabeth will beat him and he doesn't care. Like hell he would leave behind Mr. Fluffy his stuffed velveteen rabbit.

"Careful sweetie, let them through with the pup before you crowd them." Blaine has Elizabeth up in his arms as she turns, sticking her tongue out at her brother because she won.

"There seems to be a lack of people following you." Kurt helps Nick with the bags of baby gifts and balloons while Alain makes for the couch with a tiny bundle in his arms, care seats are evil unless you're driving,

Nick laughs. "Well someone seems to be a very territorial wolf when it comes to our pup and, I'll put this nicely, told them they could shove it and to leave him the beep alone until he says otherwise."

"Alain! Did you really?"

"Of course and I'll do it again, all those people telling me twenty different ways to hold him and put him in his car seat like I haven't spent the last month in the hospital with him or haven't put a baby I a car seat before! Stupid people." Alain sits down gently cooing when he shifts Richard so he can see his face. "Isn't that right? They were just upsetting you." Richard coos and smiles up at his dad, nose working hard to take in all the new smells. "I think he'll want to shift the next moon. More of his wolf traits are coming out now."

"Oh?" Kurt rushes over and awes at the baby scrunching its nose and moving its eyes to see what it can. "There are a lot of new things for you to figure out." He looks down at a tug on his pant leg. "Timothy, are you wanting to see the pup?" He scoops his son up, bunny and all, and turns him to see the baby. "This is Richard. Richard, this is Timothy."

Elizabeth fusses in her daddies' arms because Timothy found a sneaky way to see the new pup before her and she doesn't know if this alpha is safe for her brother to be around yet. Timothy blinks and waives as he mumbles baby talk to Richard, confusing the little guy.

"Do you like him Timmy?" Kurt sits down so they are closer as Blaine brings Elizabeth over and sits on the other side while Nick slides in behind his mate.

Timmy chews his lip as Elizabeth gets her introductions and sniffs at the baby, getting scolded when she pokes at him and makes the little guy start to cry. He doesn't like him crying. No one should cry because of something his silly sister did, so he does the one thing that always makes him happy. He places Mr. Fluffy on the baby so that he can touch him and see him, but not be smothered. It gets the response he knew it would. A very confused Richard starts a stare down with the bunny before he looks at Timothy and then back at the rabbit.

"He's too young to play with your bunny Timmy." Alain smiles, ruffling the young wolfs curls. "But that was very sweet of you."

He claps and giggles at the praise before nuzzling into his papas chest. One thing Timothy loves is playing peek a boo and he's trying to play with Richard making all the adults laugh at how cute he's being when he peeks back out then goes back to hiding.

Lizzy huffs at her brother being silly over the new alpha and she hasn't even given her approval yet. She has to test this little guy and see if she's going to have to look after him like she does Timmy or he'll hold his own, so she does what all kids do when they want attention. Her mouth opens and she lets out a loud squeal scream and she bounces in her daddies lap drawing all eyes to her. Too bad those eyes seem angry as the new tiny guy startles jolting his eyes to her before his face crumbles into an obviously scared state and he wails for his daddies to make it stop. Pfft. She's going to have to protect him.

"Elizabeth! That was not very nice!" Blaine is up with her as he swats her bum a couple times before taking her to her room. "I think it's time for your nap young lady."


Blaine had forgotten what it was like to have a newborn in the house and this time it wasn't even his pup, but he was still up every hour for the last three days. It seems that having a tiny alpha in the house that seems to have developed very strong lungs can upset his little Timothy and Kurt, their omega genes clicking into overdrive at his call for attention. Even though Alain and Nick are at his side within minutes of him starting to fuss, Timmy can't settle down, which irritates Elizabeth because she somehow decided that Richard isn't a strong enough alpha to care for himself so the longer he cries the more she wants to go see what's wrong and the more agitated Timmy is the more upset with the baby she gets for upsetting her brother.

This time it seems Timothy got out of his crib and is snuggling in Nick's arms while rocks a newly changed Richard back to sleep.

"Little escape artist now huh?" Blaine leans against the door frame, trying to hide the yawn showing how tired he is. "Your sister is freaking out little man."

Timothy hides his face from his dad and babbles in the way nearly toddlers do. "Dada."

"I know. You can't help it when this little prince calls for help." Blaine takes his son from Nick.

"I think it's adorable." Alain watches the little boy cling to his daddy. "Who knows, maybe they will end up a pair and we'll really be a family then."

"No. No. Hell no." Nick huffs out making the other two laugh. "What? Like you want to think about your kids mating already. They're not even two years old yet!"

Richard fusses when Nick gets too loud. "Now you need to get him back to sleep, since you decided to wake him up." Alain huffs with a warning jaw clack. "And don't even lie that you think it would be adorable if they end up like Kurt and Blaine. Knowing each other all their lives, growing to love each other, and then mating with someone they really love. Nothing wrong with wanting my son to mate for love instead of hormonal fulfillment."


"Shut it. I love you, I really do, but Nick our mating was a drunken fling that left me broken." He leans over and kisses his mate as Blaine makes a sneaky retreat. "And I wouldn't want it any other way, besides maybe not so drunk, but definitely with all the love."

"The second Richard is asleep. I'm going to show you how your words have effected me."

Kurt rolls his eyes as they are trying to kiss over the sleeping pup. "Go. I'll take care of the little guy."

Jumping apart Alain blushes as Kurt takes Richard from an embarrassed Nick. "Huh?"

"It's been over a month since you've connected and I know from experience that it can help in more ways than one. So let me take care of your pup while you go and have some S. E. X. or are you going to deny that's what you want to do?"

Hours later, Blaine goes to see where his mate is since he never came back to bed and the house has been somewhat quiet. As quiet as Nick and Alain can be when they haven't touched in a long time. He nearly panics when neither of his pups are in their beds either and he hurries down the hall to go to the second nursery, stopping when his eyes catch a glimpse of something in the living room. The sight that greets him when he moves closer has him running to get the camera.

Laying on the sofa with a throw over him is Kurt, arms protectively holding a sleeping Richard and Timothy and Elizabeth are curled up snuggling between the back of the sofa and their papa each with a hand touching Richard. A protective gesture that he figures they saw Kurt doing and mimicked it. After clicking a few pictures of his perfect family, Blaine covers them all with another blanket to stay warm, checks Richards comfort before going back to bed. Only frowning when he tries to imagine his kids grown up and finding the one they want to spend forever with. No one's good enough to win his pups from him, though he knows that all they need to do is say 'But daddy I love them" and he'll give in and let them go.


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