Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 32

E - Words: 3,147 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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As much as he's glad so many people care about him and his welfare and the health of his pup, Alain was ready for them all to leave him the hell alone. All he wants is to spend his days with the tiny squirming son that he spent every day praying to every god he can think of that he would start getting stronger. It took a week to calm the boys down enough in order to do the kangaroo care, with the little baby tucked against the bare chest of one of his daddies, usually ends up being Alain. Now, that's all he wants. Alone time with his son and mate, though family was tolerable.

He can see how much improvement his son has made when he's against his chest. His color improves, he starts squirming, and he swears there are little mewls coming from him. All of these made every day precious in his eyes, if only it wouldn't be interrupted by the constant blabbering of classmates and pack members coming and going or telling him about all the paparazzi outside wanting a story or a picture of the retired surfer and new music sensation, as soon as he's ready to start doing publicity at least.

Looking at Nick, sitting between him and their newest guests that he doesn't even remember their name, Alain whines to get his mates attention. It's time for their pups to be tube fed and he refuses to let anyone be in the room except family while their little guy gets the special mixture fed to him. Alain can't wait until he gets the muscle memory to suckle and breathe so that they can move to bottles.

"Love?" Nick turns back as Alain keeps whining and smiles. "Alright hun. Sorry guys, todays visit is over but thank you for coming and seeing us." He hugs the two girls. "Tina you can just drop the gifts off with Kurt and Blaine and Brittany same for your gift, I'm sure when he gets older he'll enjoy the fondue pot you gave him."

Alain watches as Nick leads them out on his way to fetch the nurse before lifting the corner of the blanket wrapped around him and the baby, smiling down at his son that wiggles as the slight chill hits his skin. "So sorry, I know you were comfy, but it's yum-yum time as soon as daddy comes back with the nurse." He busies himself checking to make sure the oxygen is still flowing and all the tubes are still attached right. It's hard, but he resists the urge to sniff and mark the tiny baby. The growl in his chest is automatic when the door opens again.

Finn doesn't even think about the deep growls coming from the bed as he comes in smiling, Rachel slipping in behind him. "Hey dude, we just wanted to come by and see how you were doing."

Narrowed eyes and a deeper growl as he covers the baby and instinctually curls around its small frame.

"I can't believe no one told us how you were doing! You would think they would tell us, seeing as we're practically family..." Rachel keeps spurting off random reasons why she should have been told when she could come and see him. Most of what gets through his instincts to protect is that they're the most talented in the school and therefore should be closer friends then they are, but she understands that he's been busy. "Oh! Is that the baby? Can I see..."

"Rachel I don't think..." Finn tried to stop her but he wasn't fast enough.

The second her hand moved to pull the blanket from over the baby he lost it snapping at her as he hold the baby closer as his growling gets louder and alarms start going off bringing a hurried set of nurses and Nick running through the door. One of them escorting Rachel and Finn out of the room while Nick tries to calm Alain down and get the pup out of his arms.

"Alain. Please calm love. You need to relax and let go. You're holding him to tight." Nick nuzzles and huffs at his mate trying not to let his tears fall. "Let the nice nurses check him, please."

He doesn't He can't they are all out to hurt his pup and he has to protect him. That is until a very weak cry hits his ears. Once that tiny noise hits his ears he relaxes and pulls the blanket back looking down at his son, crying for the first time with one of his tubs out of place. "I'm sorry." The nurses take the baby away for more in depth tests. When Kurt and Blaine visit on their way to pick up their kids they find Nick trying to calm Alain down.


The front door at the Hummel-Hudson home flies open and slams against the wall as a furious Kurt storms in, Blaine trying to calm him down as Elizabeth and Timothy burst into tears at being startled awake from their nap. "FINN HUDSON! Get your sorry ass down here!"

"Love, calm down."

"Like hell I'm going to calm down! You saw their faces when we got there and how broken they are that their son is back on intensive care because SOME ONE WAS AN IDIOT AND BROUGHT THEIR UNWANTED GIRLFRIEND IN WHO TRIED TO TOUCH HIM!"

"I know. I know love, but you can't get this way with our kids near! Listen to them, their scared!"

"Then go calm them down and I'll go beat some common sense into that frankenteen ass-hat." Kurt clacks his jaw as he glares death at Blaine, a growl growing from inside him the longer Blaine tries to hold him back. "Let. Me. Go."

"No Kurt. You need to calm down."

Burt rushes in from outside where he was working in the backyard when Carol called out the nursery window that he needed to come in and calm Kurt down just in time to see his son snap his jaw at his mate. He doesn't even get a chance to stop the fight that breaks out when Kurt shifts and goes after Blaine, forcing him to shift as well and they go at it. The only thing he can do, move things out of their way and attempt to get them outside, which seems to be what Blaine is trying to do.

It takes forever, but with a well-placed bite to his mates' leg, Blaine gets Kurt to follow him out the open door to the back yard. He knows he needs to let his mate wear himself down so they can talk about this and if it takes getting cuts and bites to the point of needing to miss school, Blaine will sacrifice his well-being to achieve that.

The second the boys are out the door, fighting it out in the back, Burt pulls out his cell calling Henry as he hurries up the stairs to find his step-son and figure out what the hell is going on. "Carol, how are the kids?"

"Agitated. They know their papa's are here and can hear them fighting..." She scratches behind one fluffy puppy ear. "They shifted once they smelled their papa's wolves."

"Keep them calm as you can. This might be a long bout between them, I've never seen Kurt so worked up before. Henry?" Burt nods towards Carol to signal he's moving down the hall. "You need to make a trip over here to make sure Kurt doesn't tear his mates' throat out while I figure out why they were after Finn." Finn who is curled up in the corner of his closet when Burt walks into his room without even knocking. "I'll see you soon. Bye." Once he hangs up, Burt raises a brow as he stares down at the awkwardly big boy hiding. "Care to explain?"


Hours later finds a still mad Kurt patching his mates' wounds with multiple apologies, huffs, licks, and nuzzling as he runs his hands over the skin around the bandages, but his eyes are glued to Finn. The taller boy is smart enough to keep his head bowed showing submission to his stepbrother, stepfather, Henry, and Duncan who just got in to visit his son. Carol and Lillian are keeping the pups in the nursery with Lydia. It's probably the smartest think Finn has done all day. After he confessed what happened to Burt, who got a confirmation that Nick and Alain are in a pretty bad place from Henry and Duncan that had dropped by to visit them only to be turned away by the nurses.

"Kurt, I know you're up set and you have every right to be since Finn apparently lost his ability to think when it comes to proper behavior around wolves that are in a delicate situation, but you need to calmly tell us what you know." Burt tries to stay calm. He really does.

Duncan nods slowly, his heart breaking over being turned away from his sons' room. "The nurses wouldn't tell us much past that they didn't want any visitors until they say so and who they say can go in. They said there was something with the pup."

Nodding slowly Kurt takes a deep breath. "They told us that they were going to restrict visits now. Did you know what HE allowed to happen?" when the adults all confirmed they knew about it. "Alright well it seems that when Alain was in instinct mode, protecting his pup from what he perceived as a threat, he squeezed a little too tight and shifted the baby a little too fast. The breathing tube was being pinched and then pulled out of place. They won't be able to do the Kangaroo care again until his blood oxygen levels re-stabilize and the bruising from being squeezed heals. Their worried about him not recovering, since it's been a very slow process so far they don't know if he'll be able to heal the bruising."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know she would do that."

"Finn, you shouldn't have taken her in there to begin with and especially not without Nick there! You took someone that isn't family into a room with an omega and his weak newborn pup without his mate there. Because of your stupidity their son, who has a low chance of surviving to begin with, even less of a chance to live."

"I'm sorry..."

"I know and in a way I forgive you, but you better come up with a way to say sorry enough to them to make up for the life you could have ended. Plus, start seeing your girlfriend for what she is. You really think she cared about seeing them and their pup when she was so against me having pups in high school? She's only trying to get close because Alain has a recording contract and she thinks he'll give her an in into the music industry."

"I know, alright, I know. We had a fight after leaving because she didn't understand what had happened and why he didn't talk to her at all."

"It's not our place to tell you who you can or can't date." Burt snaps his jaw when Kurt opens his mouth to make a remark. "But you need to make sure they know how to be around wolves and how the pack works."

All their heads turn when they hear tiny paws running down the hall. Their only warning before two hyper puppies are jumping up onto their daddies laps sniffing and licking at their faces while their tails wag happily behind them.

"I think that is the signal to end this conversation." Henry goes over to his grandkids and scratches Timmy behind the ear making the pups turn and sniff at his fingers before going back to licking all of his daddy's booboos. "We'll call the boys and let them know Duncan got in and check up on the condition of the pup in the morning."

"Sounds good!" Blaine ruffles his sons' fur before nuzzling him playfully. "How about we get headed out so these guys can have some yummies and run out this energy!" The pups yip and hop about at that.

Kurt smiles as much as he can feeling horrible for hurting Blaine and knowing he's the reason the pups are all wound up. "Let's go get your clothes sweeties and head home!"

"How about we order pizza and you can take them out back and run them down instead?" Carol offers as she comes out with Lydia laughing. "Miss Lydia here requested we all have a big dinner and watch some movies so that she can spend more time with the itty bity pups."

"Please say yes! They are so much fun and so sweet!" Lydia claps her hands as the two older women wheel her out.

They can't say no to that.


At the end of the night Lydia had asked so sweetly if the twins could stay over at the Anderson house with her for the night that Kurt caved and let his sweet babies have a slumber party with the older girl. In a way he was kind of glad they were out of the house as he just needed to be as close as possible to Blaine as soon as possible.

That lead to where they are now, clothes starting at the front door leading to the couch where Kurt is riding Blaine.


"Need more." Kurt moves his hips harder. "Please... more..."

With a needy growl Blaine pulls Kurt off of him and quickly flips their positions, getting Kurt on his hands and knees as he slams back in and just takes what is his. Marking his mate as his arms grip about his chest and his teeth sink into his neck making Kurt scream in pleasure as he finally gets what he was wanting. He wanted Blaine to reassert himself as his alpha and show him how sorry he was for starting the fight earlier. He also knows there is no way Blaine is going to school in the morning. Kurt plans to keep him going all night as many times as they can physically get through.

For now he whines and submits to his wolves need to be taken, marked, and put in its place. Body going tight as the knot shoves into place right before his hold snaps and Kurt is crying out in release moments before he feels his mate fill him.

"Sorry." Blaine licks at the new bite mark as he shuffles them around into a more comfortable position to wait for his knot to release.

"No. I need to say sorry." Kurt holds those strong arms wrapped about him as tight as he can. "I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you. Hurt you the way I did. I feel horrible."

"It's alright love. You were worked up and had every right to be. What Finn did was stupid and has put the life of a new pup in danger." He nuzzles and breathes in their mixed scent. "Not just any pup, a new member of our little pack."

"You really think...?"

"That we've formed our own pack inside the main pack? Yes. I think the four of us have grown into something more than just friends, we're family. That would work you up even more since you're parental instincts are in tune with Alain and the pup, like any family unit would be, and you reacted."

"So, we're good?"

"We're good. Now rest. I know you want to go again. I can smell your arousal seeping out of you."


Nick curls around Alain as he breaks out into tears again. Silent sobs wrecking through his body the same way they have for the past week since their son was taken from them and they were told the next morning he had tested positive for a bacterial infection. The nurses had stressed how common it is for babies in NICU situations usually get at least one infection, Alain was still upset and blaming himself. Plus it was harder to calm down when your pup isn't in the room anymore, having been moved to a private room with a constant nurse.

His head turns towards the door when someone comes in signally either family or a member of the medical staff were coming to check on them. After the Finn and Rachel debacle there was now a strict sign in policy with only specific people allowed to visit them. Nick smiles as Duncan comes in with Kurt, Blaine, and their main nurse.

"Hey. He's a bit emotional right now." Nick caresses his mates back as Alain burrows as deep as he can into his side.

"I think I know what will cheer him up." The nurse checks Alain's chart. "I come baring news."

"If you're going to tell us our son only has moments to live, you better damn well have him with you." Alain peeks out at her.

Laugh she shakes her head. "No silly, he's far from trying to leave us. Just the opposite. The medication was highly effective and he's coming back in here in mere moments to get back on the kangaroo care as long as you are emotionally stable enough to hold him." She laughs as Alain sits up and nods his head. "Plus it's about time you give us a name."

"We have one." Alain huffs but tries to dry his eyes. "Can it wait until he's in here with us?"

"Most definitely."

The next time the door opens the nurses are wheeling in the incubator with a crying baby in it. Both Kurt and Alain perk up at the sound of the pups' distress, fingers twitching with their need to make sure he's alright even as the nurse opens the unit and gently lifts the tiny baby out.

"Someone has been calling for his daddies since we told him he was going to get to see you today." The second nurse coos as she moves to hand the tiny baby to Alain. Helping him get the pup snuggled against his bare chest and wrap them both in the warm blanket with a smile.

Little eyes open as the cries stop, looking and studying his papas face. "Hey there. Did you miss your daddies? Well we sure missed you." Alain caresses the soft blonde hair on his babies head. "How about you say hi to everyone." The baby tries to look about when he hears each of them aww and mumble about him. "Everyone, Nick and I would like you to meet Richard Kurtis McKay."

"And we'd like you guys, Kurt and Blaine, to be his godparents." Nick bites his lip, nervous that they would say no.

"Oh my god!" Blaine is grinning ear to ear. "Yeah, of course! That's just... that's such a great honor."

The deal seems to be sealed when they hear happy cooing coming from little Richard, pulling tears from everyone including the nurses that were finishing the birth certificate and hooking the incubator back up. For the first time since the little pup was born, things were looking up.


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