Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 30

E - Words: 3,462 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Who Says 30


Ever since getting back from Hawaii everything seemed to be going smoothly. Yes, it seemed a bit odd to Kurt that everything in their lives could be working out so well, but was he to question their good luck? Elizabeth and Timothy started sleeping at regular interval during the night and during the day starts crawling and exploring the house in ways that had Blaine running around re-checking all the baby proofing they had done. Alain was still in a neck brace, the muscles in his upper body not having healed quite right and leading the doctors to find a small tear in his tendons which isn't to serious as long as he stays with the brace on and is careful with lifting anything over 20 pounds. The three of them have been pampering the pregnant boy as often as they could. There is also the joy Kurt found when he realized Alain is the same size he was when he got pregnant and he happily gave him the old maternity clothes and sitting with magazines and sketchbooks to plan out what room they would turn into a nursery and plan for when the twins would need their own rooms.

The other good luck that came with the babies sleeping more soundly, is the return of a normal sex life between Kurt and Blaine. Yes, Kurt was very happy about that. Being able to take their time and get intimate more often lent to less delayed schedules or pawning their kids off on others as they got knowing looks about why they wanted the alone time. Like right now while he is arching his back as Blaine thrusts into him slowly while their hands cling to each other and Blaine sucks marks into his shoulders and neck, Kurt couldn't be happier.

It's only after they have both had their mind blowing releases and stay cuddled waiting for the knot to release that the perfect bubble of their life is broken and it's Blaine that does it.

"I want to go back to public school instead of home schooling."

Yeap. Bubble blown. "Oh." what else was he suppose to say? Kurt was perfectly fine being at home in their bubble doing work on his own while the pups roll around on the floor playing. Of course that could lead to a really long and boring last two years of high school, but it was better then going back to that building that hated him.

"Alain plans on going and I know everyone really misses having us around. Plus the pups are older and we'll have to get use to daycare systems for when we look at colleges."

"You've really thought about this..." He buries his face in his mates neck.

"I have. We promised our parents we would look into going back after the pups were older and I think now is a good time, but if you ant to stay home and do home school still then that's fine. We've been mated long enough that time apart is alright and I know you probably want to stay with the pups."

"This sounds like you're breaking up with me."

"Ku~rt! I would never think of leaving you! One mate a lifetime remember?" Blaine huffs and wiggles to mix their scents more. "I just think that it would be healthier for us if we made our own choices about school instead of making each other do something we don't want to do."

"Oh." He couldn't help the small sinking feeling in his stomach that Blaine just wants to be away from him. "I think that would be a good idea. Going back to McKinley doesn't really appeal to me and I was thinking about offering to help Cooper set up his school so that it can open by second semester."

"That sounds fun." A whine escapes his throat when the knot finally let's him pull free of Kurt and shuffles around to snuggle in a better position. "You're really alright with this?"

"Yeah. Of course I am." No he wasn't, but he wasn't going to fight his mate. His alpha on this.

Two weeks later, Kurt still didn't like the idea even though Blaine had already been register back at McKinley and they were all sitting around the dinner table on the Sunday before classes start with everyone talking about the new semester and what classes they have together. The parents making sure everyone has their class supplies and making sure they all had their alarm clocks set. Being the only one who wasn't going to public school, Kurt sat quietly as he tried to get Timothy to eat the mushed peas and carrots instead of painting his sister with them. He was a bit worried Elizabeth was going to starve since Blaine was to busy talking to pay attention to how much his daughter was eating. Of course he had the pup that wanted the baby food, her little hands reaching out for the spoon when it would move away from her mouth when her daddy would turn to talk to someone.

"That's it! Everyone just shut up!" The room went silent as they all turn to look at Kurt who was seething and reaching over to force his mates hand closer to their daughter while she made a triumphant noise before shoving the spoon into her mouth. "I'm tired of listening to all this school talk and watching my daughter starve because her daddy is to busy with public school talk to make sure he's getting the spoon in her mouth."


"Shut it dad. I didn't get any pre-warning that Blaine was even thinking about leaving his family at home to go back to school, which was alright, but now he's not even paying attention to our kids when he should be feeding them!" His blue eyes were burning as they stared down his mate. "Talk about school after dinner so that I can just take the kids home and clean them up all by myself and learn to be a single parent because you're to busy talking about going back to that hell hole of a school then taking care of the kids!"

Blaine was trying hard not to cry with how much it hurt having Kurt point out that he wasn't being a good dad, the pain growing more when he looks down at his daughter reaching as far as she can to try and grab the jar of baby food with cries of hunger coming out of her throat compared to her yawning and covered in food brother sitting next to Kurt. "Lizzie... I'm so sorry baby girl." He moves the food closer to her and starts to feed her with shaking hands. His eyes darting to Kurt to see that he's still on edge, hair standing up on his neck while he cleans Timothy up. "Kurt..."

"Not. Now." The jaw clack was enough to make everyone jump and quickly set about downing their food and saying their good nights. Nick and Alain quietly went upstairs to their part of the house after cleaning dinner up and leaving the two mates alone to wash their babies and lay them down for bed. No words being uttered that wasn't meet with a growl, clack, or teeth being shown on Kurt's part and a kicked puppy whine on Blaine's.

When they laid down for bed themselves, Kurt finally gave Blaine the look saying it was alright to talk. "Kurt I'm so sorry! I didn't know you felt this way and I'm not leaving you and the kids, I could never leave you guys even if it wasn't because of being mates, I love you soooo much!"

"Then start acting like you do. I don't know how I really feel about you being gone all day for class, but I do know how I feel when your socializing interferes with you being a dad. Elizabeth was starving and you wouldn't even look at her to know that."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing to me and figure out if you can balance a normal teenage life and your family, because this is the time for you to learn how to do that before people think you are turning me into an old fashioned omega who does nothing but raise your kids!"

Blaine sits up with that, eyes wide. "That's what this is about... Kurt I would never run your life you always have a say in everything that goes on. You're my equal, not my submissive slave."

"I don't feel like an equal... I feel like I'm not important anymore because I don't want to go back to that school and deal with Rachel and the jocks and not get the education I deserve because I'm an omega. You didn't see it, the teachers treat me differently. They would ask you questions meant for me, because you would know the answer. Now they are all going to think you put me in my place and you guys were all talking about it like it wasn't that unexpected that I would stay home and be a good omega."

"No one will think that and if they do I'll let them know the truth." Pulling his mate into his arms Blaine kisses along the top of his head. "I love you so much. Remember that."

"I love you too... now make love to me so that I can feel it all day tomorrow while I sit at home waiting for you and I wont have to get all moody thinking about you out and about without me having fun."

"Um who ever thinks I'm the one making the decisions in our pairing should hear you right now. Barking orders that I happily comply with." With that Blaine flips Kurt over onto his hands and knees while he pulls his loves pants down and buries his tongue deep inside the quickly moistening entrance that smells oh so good.


After two weeks of classes, dealing with Kurt and the kids all night, and trying to get his homework done Blaine was exhausted. Was he happy? Yes he was actually. His kids were getting more mobile everyday, his mate was giving his body to him nightly and sometimes twice, and so far he's in the top running for a solo in Glee. Ok, so he's ignoring the push he's getting from Coach Sylvester and Nick to join the Cheerios. It's a bit confusing why Nick joined the cheer leading squad unless you look at the eyes Alain sends his mates way when he wears the uniform. With those thoughts, he might join just to turn Kurt on more.

"You look like a zombie." Jeff, with Julia at his side, taps his shoulder against his friends while Blaine is getting his books out of his locker.

"Feel like one, but a happy one."

"So school was worth it?" Leaning against the other lockers and pulling Julia up against his chest, Jeff keeps a close eye on his friend who just gives him a shoulder shrug. "Not liking all the teasing about how you put Kurt in his place then..."

"No, I'm not and Kurt told me it would happen which makes it all worse."

"Just ignore them, you know the truth. We know the truth." Julia tries to reassure him. "That's all that matters. By the way when does he start coming to Glee?"

Blaine smiles, happy at least some people are wanting to see Kurt back with them. "Tonight. We had some trouble with the home school system getting him registered for Glee and something else, though he wont tell me what it is."

"Gym credits."

They all jump and turn to see Kurt standing behind them, gym bag over his shoulder and grinning while he waits for them to catch on he's actually there.

"Kurt!" Jeff and Julia hug him tight and let go fast, knowing that Blaine would probably start growling if he didn't get his own hug in. "You should have told us you'd be here now!"

He shrugs before nuzzling up to Blaine. "I wanted to surprise you guy. My class isn't until next block but I needed to talk to Sue to see about getting some credits if I join the cheer squad or something else."


"Blaine love, you've been practice writing how you would ask me if you could join the team and I thought it might be fun if we both joined. You're not the only one who wants to get their partner going with a uniform kink." He walks away with his hips swaying as Blaine gapes after him.

"You look like a dieing fish." Jeff tries not to laugh to hard at his friend.


"Yes, yes he did say that."


"No he isn't a mind reader, we all know how alpha like he is when you get surrounded by others who have to grope you."


"Am whipped. We know this, now let's get to class so that during next break you can go talk to Sue about joining the cheer squad as well so that we all have something to laugh at."


"Really Blaine?" His single brow raises in question. "Jeff joined because his mate has a uniform fetish and you and Kurt are joining to mutually tease each other. The rest of us are going to watch and take bets on who breaks their arm first because their to distracted to tumble right."

"That's mean Jeffrey."

"Thank you Julia."

"You know their never going to last long enough on the squad to break anything."

Jeff and Julia burst out laughing when Blaine just growls at them before chasing both of them down the hall.


Blaine fidgeted as he saw everyone from Glee sitting in the stands after school to watch them tryout for the team. Nick was the only one missing due to the fact he already had his uniform on and was over warming up with the rest of the team.

"Curly Q, where's that mate of yours? I don't usually have tardiness from Porcelain." Sue checks the watch on her wrist and eyes Blaine. He can see the bit of worry in her features.

"I don't..."

"I'm here! Sorry I got stopped in the hall on my way here and had to explain that I was a student here." His pale hands on his hips as he catches his breath from the jog he made out to the field.

"That's an acceptable excuse. Don't be late again, I don't tolerate my team being late. Especially when we have a large audience." She smiles and heads off with the big bull horn and Becky following behind with the clipboard.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Blaine move closer to stretch a bit extra while Kurt warms up.

"We'll talk at home. I really don't want to bring up what I just went though here."

He didn't want to, but Blaine let it go as he made a mental note to remind Kurt about it later. After the first tumbling pass he stumbled through, he was glad they waited to talk about it. His breathing coming faster as he gets a bottle of water and turns to watch Kurt attempt the tumbling. Alright so attempt was an understatement as everyone stands up and cheers around the field and bleachers as Kurt uses all those flexible skills he had as a kid to fly through the tumbling passes. Yes, passes. Blaine had barely gotten through one without falling while Kurt seems to have no problem with them.

"Very nice Porcelain. Very nice. About time we have a boy that can keep up with the girls on the team. Curly, not that bad either though you need a lot of practice. You'll be on lifts and catches until you catch up to your mates skills." Checking her watch. "That brings the end to practice, new guys pick up your uniforms tomorrow and see you tomorrow. Hit the showers!"

His hazel eyes burn as he watches Kurt limp towards him and he finally sees the corner of a bruise poking out from under the sleeve of his shirt. "Did you fall?"

"Huh?" Kurt kisses him lightly and makes to head in to shower when he feels Blaine lift his shirt.

"Did. You. Fall." he knows that isn't from a fall. He can clearly see the finger indents that will be a dark purple by tomorrow, if not black.

"Blaine. I told you not her-"

"Now. Tell me now who the fuck put their hand on you this hard!"

Their friends freeze at the raised voice and everyone who hadn't cleared the field turns to look. "It was during gym class."

"Bullshit! You didn't have a bruise during Glee, so where the hell did it come from!"

"Blaine, please..." He get's one sharp jaw clack before he caves. "A group of jocks cornered me and told me I should go back to where I belonged, at home raising your pups like a good omega, and when I refused and told them off one of them grabbed me before I pummeled him to the ground in one of my old moves. I was late because I got dragged to the office to explain what happened since I busted the guys nose."


"So, now are you happy you couldn't trust me and had to bring this up now taking away our shower time since we need to pick the kids up from your parents house in about five minutes?"

"I'm sorry."

"I'm tired of hearing your sorry! Just start trusting me and making me feel like an inferior being! I'm your equal and every time we get past one issue another pops up!" Kurt growls. "Lets go get our kids and on the way you can explain to me why they all think your some hot shot alpha that put me in my place."

It takes the entire ride to Lillian and Henry's place to talk over how everyone assumes what happened between them is Blaine being a dominating alpha, a conversation with the two adults about the issues and attack on Kurt who still refuses to press anything because he caused more harm and Henry telling them to go home and talk and they will watch the kids for the night, and a tense drive home before both their tempers had calmed down before they apologized to each other and spent the evening eating dinner and talking about their issues and just snuggle up and getting a good nights sleep.


Alain was worried about his friends having watched Kurt and Blaine fight so much now a days. That seemed to be the topic of choice between everyone, if the perfect couple keeps fighting what do the rest of them have to look forward too. He knows it has to do with the stress of juggling twins, school, and life. Just like him and Nick are doing now. Juggling life, expectant child, and right now the fact that they have to wait and see what the tests say about the status of him getting the neck brace off. He's overly ready to be a normal wolf again.

"Good afternoon Alain!"

"Hi Dr. Greene. Are my tests good?" He squeezes Nicks hand tighter in anticipation.

"Well you seem to still have some tenderness, but I think that will fix itself once we get that brace off of you today." He laughs as Alain get's overly giddy after hearing that. "I'm going to give you a lighter brace for if you have any bouts of weakness or your neck gets overly sore. Take it easy for a bit before trying anything to athletic, but seeing as your pregnancy is progressing well I don't see that happening to soon."

Alain grins as his free hand rubs over the slowly growing bump. "True, but getting this thing off would make life a hundred times better."

"Let's take it off then."

The doctor probably didn't expect the first thing the pair did at home on the first night of freedom would be to reconnect physically, but other the showering properly is all Alain really wanted. Wear each other out until they pass out snuggled up listening to their friends making up.

Nick chuckles rubbing his hands over the bump holding their baby. "Think they'll stop fighting?"

"Um... I think so. This is just a stressful time in their life." Alain yawns and stretches out. "What are we going to do when our pup is born? We don't have the options they do for family to watch him so that we can still go to school and I'll have recordings and travel... Our lives are going to be so much harder then theirs."

"Baby, we're going to be fine. You know Burt offered to watch our little guy with his grandkids, we've been adopted by the Andersons and Hummels so don't worry about school. When it's time to go on the road, I'll be there happily watching our pup while you go be a superstar."

"You're perfect love."

"The perfect one is you darling."


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