Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 26

E - Words: 6,630 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
154 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Bry - Pronounced Bree (The ry sound from Henry on the end of a Burt sounding B)Puppies Coats: www.youwallpapel/d62ea42f33.jpg
Kurt sat in the passenger seat waiting for Blaine and his dad to get the pups loaded into the back sea of the navigator. He should have known it wouldn't take 'a few minutes' like Blaine promised, seeing as the nurses are in love with the twins not just because it's a rare to see twin pups but because they are just to adorable. It's images of his little ones curling around each other and watching everything they can with their newborn abilities as he runs his fingers over the stamps of two little feet on the birth certificates in his hands. Elizabeth Lilly, a talk from Lillian had them convinced that Lil would set their daughter up for fights in the future having a name that sounds like a tease on her height, and Timothy Bry Hummel printed across the tops. He also wasn't shocked that Dr. Barnaby had been right, his little girl is a protective alpha that fusses and wiggles about trying to find Timothy anytime the young omega boy is crying. Their perfect pups that somehow have just Hummel as a last name. Why? Blaine had convinced him that it would be an honor to have their kids carry the Hummel name on as Kurt is the last in the line for the Hummels and the Anderson's have Cooper to make tiny Anderson puppies.

So why was he still a bit sad even though they were all headed home? They never finished the nursery and anytime he had brought it up his dad and Lillian had stressed that everything would be fine. He still worries about it now. What if the cribs didn't show up or the paint isn't dry? What if it never got painted and the pups will have to put up with a dull colored wall until summer when Kurt can paint it while Blaine takes them out to play in the pool, wait not in the pool. One of them could drown and oh god now he's got that image in his head. Blue eyes snap up with a rising whine in his throat growing louder as his mind jumps from drowning to falling to bleeding to dieing and he just has to see his pups now. Thank goodness Blaine and his dad are coming out now with smiles on their face and a car seat each. Kurt hurries out of the passenger seat and over to examine his sleeping pups.

"Kurt, what's wrong? You look pale love." Blaine leans over kissing his cheek as he lets the worked up wolf take the car seat.

"Just.. panicking about things going wrong and one thing lead to another and I just worried that something was wrong with them." he blushes at the laugh his dad tries to cover with a cough as the older wolf goes to the other side and hooks his granddaughters seat into the holder. "Don't look at me like that Blaine. If you imagined our babies drowning, breaking their necks, or being crushed by an unsecured shelf of shoes you would be just as worked up as I am."

"Shoes? Really Kurt, shoes?" Burt eyes his son a bit worried.

"Shut it dad."

Blaine lets Kurt hook Timothy in while he wraps comforting arms about his waist. "it is a scary thought, but everything is fine. I'll even double check your shoe rack when we get home."

"No, you'll do an all niter building at least one crib for our pups while I make a shopping list for emergency supplies since we never got prepared."

Burt cough and turns away to hide his face from the two boys when they look towards him. "I'll help with that. I'll meet you there alright?"

"Okay dad. I think you should get some more vitamins with all the coughing your doing today."

"Smart idea, I'll do that after getting you boys settled in at home." with that Burt rushes off before his grin gives anything away.

Shaking his head Blaine gets Kurt back in the passenger seat before running to get behind the wheel. There was something going on, he just knows it. No one came buy to see them the last few days except Burt and Lillian and that was strange. Then there was the odd conversations they've had over the phone with Alain and Nick mixed in with out of place questions from Burt. Just odd, but he's hoping that it just means their two friends are figuring out their relationship now that their in Ohio and dealing with living alone. Blaine tries to clear his mind as he starts the vehicle and drives his family home.

On the other side of the city two other wolves were wrapped up in a heated kiss, their first one in a week since they've been keeping busy with their surprise for Kurt an Blaine. Alain whimpers as Nick shoves him into the wall harder moving the kiss down to his neck, purposefully biting and sucking hard enough to leave a very big and dark mark on his mate so everyone knows who he belongs to. It had been a shock when a week after getting to Ohio the Duvall family handed them a set of keys and with odd looks on their faces informed the boys they would have to move by the end of the weekend. Neither of them knows what happened as Nick's family seemed to welcome their sons mate with open arms during Christmas, but now that the 15 year old was back for good as their sons unusual mate they didn't want anything to do with them. Nick's siblings had snuck over a few times and tried to explain something about the other wolves in the pack talking about how unnatural it is to never have a run and be mated to someone who isn't developed yet let alone an outsider that was found on the beach on Australia. What the two couldn't comprehend was how such a modern moving set of parents like them could be swayed by the other wolves like that, so they both think there is something else there, but they don't want to think about it. Instead they have been keeping busy setting up their own home in a house way to big for just the two of them and fronting a surprise for who they feel is their real family.

"G-going to be late." Alain moans as he feels his body responding to his mate. Something he's not really use to yet as it doesn't respond all the time like he's heard other omegas tell him about how their bodies crave their alpha all the time.

Nick growls as his hands grip tighter. "I know, but I can smell you. I just.." He takes a deep breath resting his forehead against Alains as their hearts race on. "We don't usually end up like this. I'm scared."

"Love, what are ya scared about?" He runs gentle fingers through his mates hair willing their bodies to calm down as it wouldn't be right to be late to their own surprise.

"That we're not normal. What if my parents fears were right and we're just, wrong." he refuses to make eye contact, knowing as he hears the sharp intake from Alain that he's hurt his mate again.

Voice shaking Alain forces Nick to look at him. "How can we be wrong? We loved each other before we mated and now we're together as, mates." He's been trying to accommodate to the American vocabulary. " A bit unconventionally, but still we're soul joined. Do I wish we would have waited? Psh course, shit I dreamed about our run and how I'd love every second of you hunting me down, but this is what was in the cards for us. So this is what happened and we'll deal with it side effects and all."

"So, you still love me?"

His eyes are so full of worry Alain can't help but kiss him softly. "Course I do dummy. You're my partner for life and the wolf I'll always want to run with. If we're granted the same blessing as Kurt and Blaine, I'll happily carry your pups unless you want to have more then just a few, because really I don't think being pregnant at all times is something I could do." he screams as Nick twirls them.

"I love you too Salty!" They both crack up laughing at Nicks nickname for his mate. An observation that the alpha made about how much Alain smells like the ocean instead of a wolf.

"Oi! Put me down you fool!" He clings and laughs harder. "We gotta get going!" He pushes at Nick and runs out the door calling behind him. "Dun forget to lock up this time!"

Nick locks the door before running after Alain, catching up only a few houses from the Anderson residence. That was the one thing they liked about the house, it was walking distance to their friends. Blaine and Kurt down 6 houses, Wes and Amy 3 blocks to the right, and if you were really into a good long run you can go 12 blocks over to the Hummel house to talk with Burt and play games with Finn. The only one that's really not close by is Jeff and Julia as their family picked a place out in the woods with no real neighbors. Nick knows its so no one catches onto the fake mate situation, but it sucks having the guy who was his closest friend so far away now.

"What'cha think bout love?" Alain swings their joined hands as he studies the others face, his minds happy their hormones are controllable enough to have left and seeming to have gotten to the Andersons before Kurt and Blaine got there.

"How big our house is. Big and lonely."

"Yeah, I was thinking about seeing if Kurt and Blaine wanted to move in with us. I know their saving money for college in New York, but their isn't a lot of room in that pool house now that they have twins."

Nick shifts his eyes and studies Alain to make sure he isn't joking. "You mean that?"

"Shit yeah. Why wouldn't I? They saved our lives and have done so much for us, the least we can do is offer them more room for the next year and a half. We're close enough for the pups to still have their grandmum be able to watch them during school hours and I wouldn't mind sharing space with them. What bout you?"

"I think that is the best thing I've heard since you told me you still love me."

"Sap. Let's ask them before prom and nationals."


They pick up their pace when they see the Kurt's navigator turning the far corner, they cut through the yard and into the pool house with a laugh as Wes scolds them for being late and Puck has to remind him that their newly mated and allowed to be late. Everyone quiets down when Henry calls out that Burt just sent him the message signaling their arrival. Seconds tick by before they hear the front door open and two fussy babies starting to cry. Their noses scrunching as they sniff the air and their eyes dart around scared of the new surroundings.

"Shh it's alright, Papa and Daddy are here. This is your new home." Blaine coos down at them after the car seats are put down so they can hand up their jackets before there's a loud noise and all the lights come on.


In everyone's head it would be so cool and the guys would be surprised and then happy, but no. Kurt screams and clings to his dad as Blaine hops in front of the babies growling defensively at the intruders. The pups eyes go wide as everyone goes silent for a few seconds before, starting with Timothy, a blood curdling wail starts up as he radiates fear and tries to find his safety, his sister. She starts an ear piercing cry when the car seat keeps her from the poor little brother her instincts scream to protect. Blaine gives everyone a bit of a glare before scooping Timothy out of his car seat as Lillian is rushing to get Elizabeth and help sooth them since Kurt wont take his head out of his fathers chest.

"Well that went well." Puck shakes his head. "Told you guys that this part."he gestures at the whole surprise party bit. "Was a very bad idea with new parents."

Nick slips closer trying to get Kurt to calm down "I'm so sorry, it was our idea. Alain and me got everyone together for a baby shower since you didn't get one."

"And we finished the nursery." Alain inches closer to Blaine as Timothy starts to settle down. "Please don't be mad."

Nervous blue eyes peek out at Nick as he calms down and his ears perk up trying to hear if his kids are alright. "Y-you finished the nursery?"

"Yeap. Alain has an eye for style just like you do and trust me all those weird questions you were getting mad about? Yeah that was all us trying to figure out what you wanted." Nick offers his hand to Kurt pulling him towards the babies new room with Blaine close behind now having two babies snuggled into his chest, it was the only way both of them would calm down. "So we went with a mint green with yellow, pink and blue trimmings."

"We also kept it Disney because Lillian said those movies mean a lot to you both." Alain chews on his lip as he watches them both walk around the room slowly, his body instinctively going closer to Nick.

Kurt stops when he gets to the wall above the cribs and runs his fingers over the image of Sleeping Beauty dancing with the animals as a fake prince. "Thank you." He sniffles before running over and hugging the both of them. "Thank you so much. I was so worried the babies wouldn't have anywhere to sleep and the paining... it's perfect."

"This is just... is that Mulan?" His smile grows. "You had to put Mulan up huh? The only female alpha wolf in a Disney movie."

"Your little Elizabeth needs someone to look up to and who better then a kick rear Disney Princess." Nick leaves Alain to show Kurt all the clothes and things with bows and tags all over with who gave them what while he helps Blaine to get the babies into one crib. "Not going to separate them?"

"Not yet. Dr. Barnaby told us to make it a slow process of getting them use to being apart. If we force it they'll just develop dependance issues, same if we ignore their draw to each other."

Lillian sticks her head in ."Boys, there's cake and food when you're ready."

"Thanks mom. We'll be out soon." Blaine looks around the room again as Kurt and Alain head over to peek at the babies.

Alain shoulder bumps his mate and gestures his head towards their friends. "Um well... before things get to hectic and stuff Alain and I were wondering, well we noticed this place is a bit small for the both of you and twins and our place is only 6 houses down from here and way to big for both of us..." Nick rambles out.

"We want to know if you would like to move in with us." Alain nibbles his lip in worry. "It is way to big for the two of us and we talked about it and we would love for you to be there until we all separate for college and stuff, but you don't have too."

Blaine smiles at the offer. "Can you wait for our answer? That's something we'd need to talk over first since we're trying to save for New York."

"Alright, just let us know oh and it wouldn't cost you anything. My parents paid for it or whatever as a 'thanks for being our son now get the hell out' kind of gift. All we pay is utilities and that's being covered by Alains agent after we told him what happened."

"your agent pays it?" Kurt ushers them towards the door when he notices the babies are sleeping and they continue to talk about the house and payments and such the rest of the night. Bringing it up again when the parents are near by between thanking everyone for the gifts. It's as everyone is leaving that Kurt pulls Alain aside. "Tomorrow after school you and Nick should come over and we'll give you our answer."

It doesn't take any words for Nick to translate his friends grin as they are invited into the pool house. Kurt is on the couch snuggling with the babies, smiling over at them when he sees they made it. They all sit down and talk about what rooms in the house will be what and how their living together will work out.


With all the fun of moving during spring break Kurt and Blaine were happily sitting with their new house mates in the choir room joking with their friends when there was a loud bang at the front of the room.

Coach Sylvester stormed in slamming the door behind her as she took in everyone's startled faces. "I've just come from a very provocative and mind numbing meeting with Principle Figgins and that should have been fired Mr. Schuster and it seems we, as a school sponsored musical group, are required to fill the entertainment gaps during the prom this coming weekend along with sharing the stage with the untalented New Directions." She holds up her finger to shush everyone. "I know we need to practice for Nationals as this is the first time in years this school has had a team qualify for anything besides my Cheerios, but we will do the same thing we did for Christmas. We'll practice our numbers on stage during Prom and everyone will have a chance at a solo and duets and such. Be on your best behavior and to those who are only here as extra curricular credits for home school, you now have the ability to experience your first prom." Her smile gives away that she isn't really upset about this news. Why would she? Porcelain and Cotton ball deserve to have a prom just as much as anyone else. "Now! Let's get to practicing! Porcelain, ass in gear we don't have that long to get you up to snuff with the dance steps!"

The upside to being able to go to prom? It gave Kurt a reason to put together new awesome outfits for himself and Blaine. The downside is that night would be the first time they would be away from their kids. Lillian and Henry promising that nothing will go wrong and that they should both have a great time while their babies have a sleep over with their big auntie Abigail. Burt just tried not to laugh at how hard it was for the boys. Giving them a final picture before pushing them towards the navigator. "Go! Have fun and be kids for one night!"

It was hard, it was very hard but they do it. Kurt thinking about the pups and Blaine thinking about being intimate with his mate again. Why can't he have a statistical Prom? Especially when his mate made himself a kilt and is showing off his slimmed down post baby body. This is going to be a very long night. Starting with warm ups before the Prom officially starts with Coach pushing them through the routines with a grin on her face when they pull all three pieces off with very few misshaps, Puck blames the smaller prom stage for his tumble out of line. When everything gets started they let the New Directions go first. No one really impressed by the Rachel show, besides Finn which get's Kurt a bit curious about that.

The night goes great for everyone. Opening with a group number and then everyone doing a few songs in sets giving the entire group a chance to enjoy the attmosphear of being at prom. Blaine can't help pulling Kurt closer as they dance to the son Alain is belting out with Artie and Santana. He gestures towards Nick, when Kurt looks over he tries not to awe at how in love he looks as Alain flirts directly at him from stage.

"Those two are just so cute." Kurt turns back to Blaine licking a bit at his neck. "Kind of glad the kids will be at your parents house tonight." a light blush tints his cheeks.

"Is that a hint that you're horny love?" Blaine tightens his hold on Kurt's hips.

"I have weeks worth of pent of need and desire making me want to just shove you down and ride you so hard your eyes roll back into your head." He winks at his mate before moving away to dance with Mercedes leaving a gapeing Blaine to drool over his mates ass as he swishes the kilt in a teasing fashion. Yeap tonight is Blaine's luckiest night since becoming a dad.

Eventually Nick and Blaine team up for a number trying to get back at their mates for the entire night of teasing for which Nick suspects Kurt talked Alain into being the flirt he is for the night, not like he's complaining. No, if he did have something to do with the positive mood between the new mates he'll owe his friend a box full of scarves. When both sets of boys stumble in their front door laughing and wrapped around each other Nick doubles that scarfs owe and mentally adds a weekend of babysitting as he can smell how much Alain wants him. The awkward moment when all the boys realize they can smell each others want only lasts a few minutes before Kurt leans over and whispers to Alain before taking off running towards his and Blaine's bedroom at the same time Alain takes off for his own room with Nick fast on his heels.


Burt carried the tuporware of food that Carole insisted be taken to their boys into the house his son has been living in for a few weeks now. His face breaks into a wide smile as he spies Blaine down on the rug blowing rasberries into Timothy's belly causing the small boy to laugh and squirm trying to grab his dads curls. Diaper changing materials around them makes it obvious what started the play session. He jumps a little when Kurt comes up next to him with a smelly Elizabeth in his arms.

"Hey dad."

"Hey, I brought some pot roast for all you boys." He gives his son a half hug and kiss on the temple.

Blaine perks up at the sound of food being brought to them. "Thanks Burt!"

"Oh no you don't mister, you have one more butt to change first." He passes their daughter to Blaine cooing at Timothy as their son whines at the loss of attention from his dad. "I'll make some roast sandwiches for lunch while you take care of that smell." He kisses Blaines cheek when his mate rolls his eyes at the diaper duty, though they both know he really loves it since he can play with them afterwards. "Dad do you have time to talk before work?"

"Yeah kiddo." He follows his son into the kitchen a bit shocked that the house seems spotless even though it has four teenage boys and two babies living in it. "What's up?"

"Well I was wondering if it would be alright to take the pups out to the campsite to see Uncle Rob for their first moon instead of the big pack hunt. Kind of keep the family tradition going with that."

"That sounds good, but how come I think there's more."

"I want Nick and Alain to experience a real run. You were right there's something off with them and I think it has to do with Alain emotionally having wanted to experience a run for claiming. He isn't," Kurt's cheeks get bright pink as he pulls out all the sandwich fixings. "He isn't getting stimulated to mate with Nick like all newly bonded wolves do and I think giving him a run might trigger his bodies ability to crave his mate and cheer him up. Don't get me wrong, he loves Nick to death and is happy being with him.."

"But his wolf isn't happy?"

"Yeah. Dad, think you could take them out to the campsite a few days before the moon and get them to run and claim each other? Then we can all come and meet you there for a family hunt. Henry, Lillian, Abigail, Cooper and his mate, Carole, Finn, and maybe let Finn bring this mysterious girlfriend of his."

"Yeah, I'm with you on that girlfriend. Getting a bit tired of him running out of the house and refusing to bring them back to meet us. Well, I'll talk it over with Carole, but I don't see a problem in that plan." he hugs his son tight. "That all you wanted to ask me?"

"No." Kurt buries his face in his dads chest. "About the Nationals trip? I don't know if I can be away from the pups that long."

"Son, it's only three days."

"I know! But their growing so much everyday and I can't think about leaving them and missing something new in their life and what if they get hurt and I'm to far away to come kiss it better..."

"Kurt. Stop." Burt cups his cheeks and forces his son to make eye contact. "You will go and have fun on your trip. Trust me they pups will be fine, if not a little extra spoiled by the time you get home. Enjoy your vacation and live your life. Remember? You promised us that the babies wouldn't stop your normal life."

"Ok. I still don't like it, but I'll go and leave them here." he pulls away finishing up the sandwiches before making two bottles. "just expect calls at least six times a day!"

He bursts out laughing as he wouldn't expect anything less from his boy.

It wasn't hard to convince Alain and Nick to head off with Burt a couple days before the hunt. It was a bit harder when Burt gets them out to the field and starts to set up everyones tents for the next day as well eying the boys as they help him.

"You knew the deal. I'll get base camp all ready while you two go be normal wolves. Go have fun." He doesn't push them though as Nick walks back to the car to get the next tent to set up.

Alain watches his mate with a slight frown. "We're not sure about this. Alright we're scared it wont work." He looks directly at Burt, his green eyes shimmering with fear and unshed tears.

"What's to be scared about? Kurt said you really wanted a run like normal mates."

"Yea I do, but what if it doesn't fix our problems? What if I'll never want my mate like I should, like Kurt wants Blaine or Wes wants Amy. I want... god I just want to want him!" he does start crying now wrapping his arms around his own body. "Why can't I jus be a normal wolf? I love Nick so much, but I just... I'm so scared that his parents were right and I'm just some kind of bad luck freak he's stuck with!"

"Hey now." Burt rushes over and hugs the shivering boy in a tight hug. "There is nothing bad or freaky about you except your talent with a surfboard and from what I hear music." He looks over towards Nick who's nervosly watching them. "The only thing different about you boys is that you found a way to be unique, just like my boy did. You two are your own pair and no one that looks at you can see anything but the love you have for each other. If we didn't see that, you think we would have arranged for you to have the run you've been wanting?"

He gets a shrug in response. Nick puffs his chest up and goes over hugging about Alain from the other side. "Salty, we're a unique pair and we're perfect. I don't care if you never crave me and we never have sex again. I love you for you baby. Every perfect 15 year old imperfectly perfect you." He starts growling his desire causing Alain to blush and Burt to back up with a knowing grin. "You're going to be mine."

Alain shivers at the commanding sound in his mates voice, tilting his head to show his neck. "Y-yours." When Nick scrapes his teeth along the pale skin on his neck something clicks inside and with a happy groan Alain slips out of his mates hands and takes off for the treeline his scent slowly getting stronger as he lets his body go on instinct.

Alive. That's how Nick feels as he chases down his mate, nose filling with scents from the forest around him and the growing tint of his mates essence. He has to believe this will help Alain relax and feel normal, he can already smell the difference but it wont mean anything if his mate gets trapped in his own mental degradations again. His own mind is slipping back and forth between primal need and mated control as he jumps over a fallen tree and cuts left when he smells the change in direction his mate made. This is right, this is what his wolf wanted. Craved. He can hear Alain running ahead of him, his wolf leaving a trail to follow and calling out to Nick's inner being. Kurt was right. This is what they both needed. Growl deepening as he corners his mate in a dense cropping of trees, his nose flares as he inhales the heavy odor of his mates need for him as his eyes are filled with a mix of fear and desire.

"Now which way love? Think you can get around me?" He holds his ground, eyes following every move the blonde in front of him makes. He knows the wolf will try and run around him, it's just a waiting game to see if he can tackle him to the ground when he does.

"Not fair. You know this area." Green eyes dart to the side seeing how much room he has to duck around his mate and keep running.

"No, it's not my knowledge of the woods here. It's how much I want you. I love you so much with my human heart and crave you with every inch of my wolf."

Alain smiles knowing he feels the same and the only way he can prove that is to try to dodge around Nick screaming out when he's caught around the waist and thrown to the ground on his stomach. A comforting weight above him and a deep claiming growl in his ear. "Then prove it. Make me yours."

Neither of them know how long it took for Nick to get their pants down or how long he was biting submission into Alains neck. What they do recognize is the immediate feel of completion when their bodies are finally joined. Hands holding him down and bodies moving as the air fills with their needy whines and moans of pleasure mixed with a growl making the omega wolf know who it's alpha is. A point that is driven deep into his soul when the knot pushes into him sending pleasure shooting through every fiber of his being, the last thing he remembers is whispering "I love you" before the world goes black.

When his eyes open, the sun has started to set sending the last ray of lights shining back at him from the eyes of his mate. "Hi."

"Hi beautiful." Nick licks at his neck breathing in their mixed scents, a grin growing on his face as he realizes this is the first time Alain has had any physical proof of being claimed. "You smell so good now."

"Um, I feel good too. Lighter. Happier." He stretches out before snuggling into his mates chest. "I feel complete."

"Think we owe our friends a.."

"Not friends. Nick their family." Peeking up at Nick's surprised gasp he smiles. "I've never known my real family and yours disowned us. With everything the Hummel and Anderson families have done for us there is no other way to describe it." He gestures his head so they can start to get up as the cold air brings a shiver out of his body. "Let's go snuggle in our tent. I know I've brought up a sensitive subject about your family I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." they help each other get their clothe sin order before Nick leads him back towards camp. "What my parents did was cold and you're right about our friends. I think Kurt and Blaine are the best brothers ever and Burt has been there for us no matter what it is. Even bringing us out here for their family hunt, it means so much to me and I hope they let us keep the tradition with them."

"What, bring our pups out here for their first run instead of going with a big pack?"

"Yeah." Minds full of what their pups would look like if they get that chance the boys are shocked to find Burt has food ready for them. "Burt?"

"Thought you boys would be hungry after that. So sit. Eat and let me know what ever you want to talk about." He startles when Alain wraps about his shoulders in a loving hug. "Alain?"

"Thank you so much. I feel so much better and we're incredibly greatful that you think enough of us to do this."

He's trying to hold back the growl at seeing his mate wrapped around someone else so soon. "We both really appriciate it."

"Well you are my boys and I just want you to be whole, perfect, and happy." Burt lets Alain switch to snuggling with Nick to eat some of the hot dogs that are ready for eating.

"I told him you were family." Alain blurts out and they all laugh spending the night just talking about what the hunt will entail and when everyone else would get there. An ease falling over the three wolves as they just talk sports, school, and future plans.

Its that same ease that Blaine drives up on, Kurt and the pups sleeping in the back with his mom and sister, Henry in the passenger seat keeping his son awake for the drive. Carol pulls up after with Cooper and his mate, Justine, Finn would be up a little later as he needed to go pick up his girlfriend. They all just look at the site in front of them of Burt participating in a water fight with the boys. It took mere seconds before Blaine was out of the car and joining in along with Cooper and Justine leaving Henry laughing as he gently wakes up Lillian and Kurt.

Kurt yawns as he looks out to see his mate on Nick's back pouring water over his head. "When did I get a third pup?" He smiles his thanks to Henry as he helps get Elizabeth out of the van as Carole gets the playpens set up with Lillian.

"The second you gave birth to twins, you're pup count jumped to three." Their eyes meet before the two guys start laughing.

Kurt coos at Timothy as his son starts crying from all the loud noise. "They have been a lot more adjitated lately."

"That would be the moon." Lillian puts Abigail in her playpen with her favorite stuffed puppy that Cooper gave her. "When their first shift comes near it scares them and makes them a bit more irritatable. Tomorrow they'll sleep extra long from all the exertion and you'll have your perfect twins back."

"I so hope your right." he get's both babies into their pen and smiles as they curl up together trying to sooth the strange feelings and Kurt starts a countdown to when he'll be able to see his pups wearing their inner soul for the first time.

A few hours later as he strips the babies down laying them in the circle with Abigail, the twins crying loudly at the feeling of their wolves wanting out as the moon starts to shine brighter while the sun finishes setting. Blaine shifts to show them it's alright. Huffing and licking at his kids as Timothy clings to the hair on his muzzle, Kurt licking Elizabeth to sooth her into shifting so that her brother can see it's alright.

Everyone else pacing around tails wagging impatiently to welcome the new arrivals, Carole keeping her eyes on the road hoping Finn changes his mind and comes to join them instead of staying home with his girlfriend. Their eyes all turn to the babies as a cry turns into puppy whining and their ears all perk up stepping closer as the white wolf licks the fur of one white puppy with a white face framed with black fur, haunting blue and golden eyes looking around as she takes her first few steps licking at her brother as he shifts, coat matching hers with one difference. His nose has a bit black spot on it.

Both puppies start batting at each other in play until their bowled over by a blur of black fur with the name Abigail attached to it. Lillian gestures towards the woods using huffs and gruff noises to let them all know that Carole and her will watch the pups while the rest hunt, even though Kurt is torn between staying with his two beautiful bundles of fur that are currently wrestling with their aunt making an even bigger bundle of fuzz. It's Nick that gets him to finally leave them and head into the woods to follow the trail of small game, looking for something to bring back to the pups.

To Kurt's horror it's a rabbit that is brought back to the pups. Yes he still remembers that poor little thing that was tossed at him and Blaine their first moon. That image still haunts him. He tries to convince Blaine to just drop it and bring the pups back part of a deer or something else, but to no avail. The rabbit is put down in front of the puffs of fur that came to great them and sends Timothy running to hide behind Elizabeth, eyes trained on the strange creature as everyone else brings back their kills to share and sit and watch the puppies play in the safety of the circle.

Elizabeth sniffs the long eared thing finding it curiously odd since none of the other puppies of wolves have those kind of ears. She jumps when it stomps its hind feet in warning, in turn giving her own warning with a yip and jumping to stomp her fuzzy feet against the ground before giving chase to the rabbit when it moves to attack her brother wen he slinked out to sniff the creature. The adults can't help huffing out laughter at the adorable sight of Elizabeth chasing the rabbit out of the circle with adorable little yips and barks. Continually stopping to do the hop thing she learned from the rabbit along the way. Eventually she wobbles back to eat what ever it is her dads have for her and Timothy. Eatting themselves into a food coma curled up against the white fur of her dad as he licks her clean. Everyone curling up to sleep until the sun rises and they all go and curl up in their tents.

Alain has never felt so wanted or loved by anyone as he does now. Being accepted in the Hummel-Anderson hunt and making his bond with Nick stronger gives him hope that America wont be so bad after all. Maybe one day he'll have his own pup to play along side the others.


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