Who Says
Chapter 25 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Who Says: Chapter 25

E - Words: 3,489 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Kurt sighs as he relaxes back into Blaine's arms as they watch the sun setting over the ocean, hands caressing over the swell of his stomach as the pups are staying still for he first time in days.

"Can't believe we're going back to Ohio tomorrow." Nuzzling in Blaine groans at the thought of heading back to the cold climate. He hates that idea almost as much as he hates the idea of Kurt being on a plane again.

"Um, I know but we can always save up and visit here with our pups."

"Family vacation huh?"

"Yeah I think they could enjoy the sun and the waves. Just think we could build sandcastles with them."

"Sounds like a good play kids." They both look over as Burt comes walking towards them. "You two all packed? We leave pretty early."

"Course we are, Kurt wouldn't let us relax any until it was all done."

"Good good. I also know there is something going on down the beach a ways and I was sent to find out if you boys are up for a beach party?" His grin hides his worried look pretty well, though he knows Kurt's been sleeping a lot more then normal since they got there.

Their eyes meet as they have a silent conversation until Kurt nods slowly, leaning in and snuggling back against Blaine more. "Yeah, we'll go check it out and if Kurt get's tired we'll turn in."

With that they both help Kurt stand up and head towards where they can see a group gathered. People on the beach and others out on the surf seeming to be having a blast. The closer they get the more they can see it's mainly wolves of all ages with a few humans mixed in with surf boards.

"Really.. is that Nick out in the water?" Both boys laugh at the uncoordinated Nick being taught how to paddle on a board by Alain. "They look so happy now."

"That they do." Burt sighs letting a frown fall across his face. "There still not fully in sync and I doubt they ever will be."


"That time apart, no ones ever started a bond and then separated for a month before." Burt helps Kurt sit down in a beach chair as Blaine rushes to get him something to drink. They all wave and give greetings to everyone. "Kurt what you did saved Nick's life, but only time will show if those two can go through their life normally."

Kurt rubs his stomach as the pups kick their displeasure at his having moved. "Their strong dad, I know they'll be fine. If anything they love each other."

Nick comes running over dripping water all over Kurt as he hugs him tight. "So glad you felt well enough to come! Isn't this a trip?"

"It's something else." Kurt laughs as his dad walks off to socialize with the older crowd.

Blaine raises a brow and sends a warning growls towards Nick. "Hands off. You have your own mate." He hands Kurt a bottle of water before shaking his head. "Sorry, he hasn't been feeling well and I'm just .."

"Overly protective right now. Sorry man." He moves away turning his eyes towards where Alain is out surfing. "I know how you feel." They all stay up late, even Kurt and Blaine, telling stories and giving well wishes as a bonfire burns high. Alain nuzzling into Nick with the biggest grin on his face as they get teased by Scotty and Nathan. Tears running down his their cheeks when they finally have to say goodbye.


"Mom I know we promised to work on the papers with you today, but Kurt really isn't feeling well." Blaine keeps raiding the fridge in the main house while his mom feeds Abigail her bottle. It's been a month since they got home from Australia and every day since Kurt just seems to have gotten more and more miserable with being pregnant. "I don't know what's wrong, but today seems to be one of the worse ones yet."

"Blaine head out of the fridge." She snaps her jaw so he listens, smiling again when he closes the door and turns to face her. "Have you two been intimate lately?"


"What? I know it makes things hurt after when your really far along."

"He isn't really far along and really? Like I wanted to have that image in my head!"

"It's only natural and you boys aren't quiet, but if you did anything this morning it might be why he's feeling so bad." She laughs at his red cheeks. "So? This morning?"

Looking everywhere but at his mom. "Yes we had sex this morning."

"So there is probably why he feels so bad. A hot bath will definitely help and extra rest, though keep an eye out. He's in his seventh month, still under weight, and still having more off days then on."

"Wait.. you think ...?"

"Yes I do."

"Ok." he nods his head, curls bobbing as his mind processes what their both thinking now. "I should get back to him. Keep an eye on anything that goes less normal and... mom are we really ready for this?"

"Son you better be." She laughs at his confused and worried face. "The baby shower is next week and I know the Nursery is going to be finished this weekend. So any day now you will be a papa and then you can worry, fret, and go nuts before you turn around and complain to your parents and we tell you it's all normal and send you back in there with your head held high to beam and fret over your family with pride."

Blaine relaxes before he rushes over to hug his mom, kissing Abigail on the cheek when the baby frets over having her space invaded. "Thanks mom."

"No go get your homework done and keep an eye on your mate. I need to calm your sister down."

"She really doesn't like me."

"No, she doesn't like alphas. She fusses even when your dad holds her until she catches his scent and realizes it's family." Lilly coos down at her little girl who's staring up at her with those smart knowing brown eyes.

"Isn't that a bit odd? Don't omega pups usually latch onto an alpha?"


"What's my brother have to do with our conversation?"

"She's head over heals in love with Cooper. She knows his scent, his voice, and she's always looking around when she hears his name like now." The baby is sniffing the air and shoving the bottle away to try and find her oldest brother.

"That is just... wow. Ok, going off to check on Kurt and do my homework." They both laugh slightly as she gets fussy that Cooper isn't there and as Blaine slips out the door he can hear his mom soothing her with a song. His happy mood fades when he get's into the pool house and finds Kurt leaning against the kitchen counter hands on his stomach rubbing hard at the sides trying to get a muscle kink out. "Baby, let me help you." Rushing over and putting his hands along Kurt's to help rub the muscles that he can feel spasming below his fingers.

"Thank you, it just wont stop and I really just wanted one day without some kind of pain or ache." He nuzzles in against Blaine as soon as the cramp eases. "It started so well too."

"Um, it did now how about you just lay down and I'll get you what ever you want."

"What if I want you?"

"Again?" Their eyes meet as their smiles grow. "Go lay down and we'll see what happens after I make you something to eat."

"You, are a god." Kurt kisses him softly before waddling off with one hand firmly pressing into his lower back and heading to bed again. Groaning in pleasure when the pressure is off his body when he get's as comfortable as he can until Blaine comes in with a sandwich. They lounge about on the bed eating and working on their assignments, Kurt's not even suspicious as Blaine keeps a very close eye on him. Eventually he falls asleep with Blaine wrapped around him tight, a hand slipped under the bottom of his shirt caressing over the swell holding their pups.

It's later that night that Kurt wakes with a really strange feeling of just needing his mate closer. Pushing back against him and trying to get his attention a needy whine escaping his throat.

Startling awake Blaine tries to focus on what's happening around him before instinctively pushing closer to his mate. "Wa's wrong?"

"Need you."

"Huh?" His eyes start focusing more as Kurt grinds back against him. "Baby?" He gets another push from Kurt before he pushes their sleep pants down and pushing into him. Nuzzling close as he moves in a very slow rhythm. "Better?"

"Yes." Kurt moans before he shudders. "Faster."

He lets out a claiming growl before picking up his pace making them both get to the edge fast. Both of them releasing before to long. Blaine licking and nuzzling at his mates neck as Kurt keeps whimpering and fidgeting with tears forming in his eyes as he just can't kick the feeling inside him.

"Baby.. what's wrong?" Blaine licks at his neck willing his knot to shrink faster as his worry for Kurt grows with each whine and whimper. "Tell me. Please. Talk to me love."

"J-just doesn't feel right. I still feel a need, a pressure inside and it needs you." He groans as Blaine pulls out of him a little to soon. "Blaine..."

They both go quiet as the bed get's wet. "Kurt is that..."

"Oh god. My water." He starts to cry now as Kurt finally catches onto what that feeling really was. "Blaine it's early. I'm not ready. I'm not ready."

Blaine is up and dressing in sweats as fast as he can as he holds the phone to his ear, the main house phone ringing. "It's alright Kurt, baby just relax and breath we'll be fine, we're ready." He stops moving long enough to talk into the phone. "Dad? It's Kurt his water broke. Yes we'll meet you at the car and can you call Burt? Kurt needs me. Thanks dad." He tosses the phone down before getting Kurt into some sweats and helping him up from the bed. "Shh baby. I've got you."

"...I'm scared..."

"I know love, I'm right here though and I wont leave your side."


Blaine doesn't know what to do, his heart breaking seeing Kurt is such pain and when Henry see's his sons pained eyes he hurries over to them to help him get Kurt to the car giving his own comforting words and trying to give Blaine time to gain his strength back. All through the drive and as they get Kurt checked in at the hospital, Henry tries to give Blaine his strength as he goes to be at Kurt's side in the delivery room.

"It's been hours."

"Burt, that's how it goes the first time around and he's having twins." Lillian watches the alpha as he paces the floor, Abigail happily snuggling in Coopers arms.

"They should have told us something by now, anything. Something. Don't care what."

"You're making me dizzy." Finn watches Burt pace, his cell in hand texting constant updates to everyone.

"He's my son, I should be told what's going on."

"I really don't think he's listening to us, he's been saying the same stuff for the past four hours." Henry passes his wife a bottle of water before handing one over to Carol as well as Burt keeps pacing and mumbling.

"Thank you." Carol takes a sip before taking her eyes fully off her husband. "How are you holding up Henry? It's your son in there as well."

He sits down keeping his eyes on his friend, making sure he doesn't get even more riled up. "Surprisingly calm. At first I was scared shit-less. Ouch." he jumps when his mate smacks him. "Sorry Abby, daddy has a tired head and lost control over my mouth." He shifts his weight when Lillian nods her approval of that. "Blaine was so pale when we got here and you could just smell the fear on both of them, but I remember being like that when Cooper was born."

"It's amazing how the first one really opens your eyes." Lillian laughs with Carole as they set about just talking kids.

Cooper rocks his sleeping sister as his dad looks over at him. "You seem to be a natural papa."

"Thanks Dad, she's just so easy to take care of. Maybe next year I'll have one of my own, huh Abby? Think you could handle a niece or Nephew sharing your big brother?"

They all look up when a nurse steps into the area. "What's going on with my son?" Burt has to be held back by Henry so that he doesn't actually touch the poor lady.

"His contractions are finally starting, but he hasn't fully dilated yet. He's asking for you to be at his side and the doctor think sit would be a good idea since he's getting very tired and we need to keep him awake until both pups are out." He doesn't even hesitate to follow her when she heads back down to the delivery room.

"Kurt baby you need keep your eyes open for me, ok?" Blaine licks and nuzzles at Kurt's cheek, tears heavy in his eyes though he refuses to let them fall. He has no clue how long they've been in this room waiting for Kurt's body to finish preparing to push out the pups while he grows paler by the second. Even his complaints have stopped and have been replaced with groggy heavy eyes and labored breathing. He jumps slightly when Burt puts supportive hands on his shoulders to try and boost his morale some, but it doesn't work as he can see the worry in the older wolves eyes.

Dull blue eyes turn towards the new arrival before slipping closed again as his body shakes through another contraction. "...hurts..."

"I know son, it has to hurt though it's so you know everything is alright." Burt takes one of the weak pale hands in his. "Just stay awake and stay strong for us."

Dr. Barnaby shakes his head after checking Kurt's vitals and seeing how far along he is. "You're still not quite ready, but you need to tell us if you feel the need to push."

Kurt nods his head as he whines through a particularly painful contraction. "Hurts."

Now Henry takes up pacing as the time ticks by. Alain and Nick showed up about an hour ago to give their support to their friends as both boys admit that if it wasn't for them things would have been a lot worse for the pair. Finn is still sending updates to everyone else, including Coach Sylvester who wants to know immediately when their team mascots are born, though now he's outside talking to his mysterious girlfriend that no ones meet. 8 hours after Kurt was admitted at the hospital everyone freezes as they hear a bone chilling scream of pure pain that they all know is Kurt's before everything seems to go silent for a minute. Then all of a sudden there is movement everywhere as machines and people go in and out of the delivery room. A different nurse rushes over to them, beckoning Henry and Lillian to follow her immediately to help with the two alphas causing trouble.

Their eyes meet a sight that makes them both a little uneasy though they hurry to the twos sides, Lillian wrapping her soothing arms around Blaine as Henry tries to subdue Burt, there's blood all over the floor as Kurt lays on the bed motionless besides the very slow rise and fall of his chest as Dr. Barnaby works on stopping the bleeding. The pups are rushed into the next room over with NICU as neither is crying or moving.

Blaine keeps growling as tears stream down his face as Lillian sort of hears the nurses explaining to the two new comers that the cords got tangled at some point when the pups either turned in the womb or tried to come out and they had one out when they realized the second was tied to her and stuck. He collapses into his mothers chest just crying now that his pups are out of the room having everything done to make sure they are alive and getting their breathing going before there's any permanent damage.

"Shh. It's ok. Everything is going to be ok." She looks over at Henry who is consoling Burt, repeating that it isn't like Elizabeth and that Kurt is fine and the pups will be fine.

"Mom... what if it's not? What do I tell him if they don't make it?"

She looks into his golden eyes as her heart breaks at the pain obviously in them. "Then you be there for him. Be strong and supportive because he'll need you so much more."

"Who'll be there for me?"

"We all will baby." She cups his face with her hands, kissing his forehead. "Your family and friends will give you all our strength, but you won't need it. I refuse to believe this wont come out alright in the end."

Her words are proven true when the pups are brought back in pink and squirming in their incubator with little breathing tubs attached to them. Dr. Barnaby smiles as the little boy tries to wiggle closer to his sister before stilling in slumber as the girl yawns letting out a tiny squeak like noise. "All three should be fine. We have the bleeding stopped and we're just going to get Kurt admitted for the next week and monitor the pups closely at the same time. Though I suspect that they will surprise us and be out of that incubator in a manner of days."

"Thank you doctor!" Blaine hugs him, surprising the man, before he goes to his mates side and noses at his cheek, licking his neck and anywhere he can to comfort himself and his sleeping Kurt.

"Burt, you ok?" Henry squeezes his friends shoulder as the other male lets tears fall freely.

"They're going to be fine?" Henry nods slowly. "Ok. I.. I need to go tell Carole." and he takes off leaving a stunned Henry to follow him as he goes to the waiting area and falls into his wife's open arms crying about how scared he was.

Cooper is smart enough to get Finn, Alain, and Nick down the hall to talk to Henry and leave the older alpha to have his moment of weakness. "They alright dad?" Abigail peeks about from his chest, fist firmly being suckled on as she studies all the movement around her.

"They have to stay here a week, but they should be fine." He gives them a brief of what happened before they all decide it's time to go home as Kurt won't be wanting visitors until the next day or so and Blaine might not accept anyone but family near his pups and mate.

As the doctor predicted both pups get stronger with in a couple days and three days later when Kurt finally opens his eyes with something more then dulled out drug hazed eyes, he's meet with the site of Blaine sleeping in a chair with two babies against his chest sleeping with their dads arms around them. Alain and Nick are in the corner sorting through a list of what everyone wants to eat for a food run as Burt, Henry, Cooper, Lillian, Finn, and Carole quietly give their orders. His smile grows wider when his eyes shift back to Blaine who's watching him with shining golden eyes before getting up from the chair with practiced ease holding the babies firmly and stunning everyone quiet as he crawls up into the bed and passes the babies that are starting to fuss into the waiting arms of his mate.

"Hi sweeties." Kurt nuzzles and sniffs them to make sure they don't have any strange odors other then family. Two sets of eyes open and study his face, both having dark blue eyes with gold around the outer edge. Haunting and beautiful in his eyes.

"They've been waiting for you." Blaine licks his mates neck as he sniffs him. "They don't quiet down unless I'm near you."

"That's because I'm their Daddy." Kurt giggles as everyone tries to move out the door to give them a moment even if they all want to just hug Kurt.

"No, I'm daddy. Your Da or Papa."

"Where did Da come from?"

"Cause I think it's adorable and this little curly haired sweety." he runs his fingers atop the golden curls on their daughters head. "Would looks so beautiful bashing her eyes and asking her Da for something."

"ugh, we'll let them choose then." Kurt rolls his eyes before kissing Blaine's cheek. "I love you."

"Love you to Da." Their lips meet gently before they go back to just watching their kids sleep. Happily greeting everyone when they come back with food, including something for Blaine and Kurt, and just counting down the days until they can go home as a happy family.


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