Who Says
Chapter 23 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Who Says: Chapter 23

E - Words: 2,208 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
151 0 0 0 0

Hours. It's been hours since they've heard anything. Everyone had gone home, leaving Blaine, Kurt, and Burt to wait. There's a nagging feeling in Kurt's stomach that he should have been honest with Blaine and left hours ago. Another wave of nausea washes over him, making his head spin. The doctor had warned that when the stress and anxiety from earlier caught up, he would be extremely drained. He'd said Kurt should sleep as soon as possible. At the least, Kurt should be off his feet, because the chemical something or other put pressure on the baby. Like he had time to worry about actual terms when the nurse was stitching Blaine back together. It's annoying when doctors are right.

Blaine is pacing the floor as the next wave of nausea hits Kurt, making him groan. That, and the way Kurt rubs a hand over the spasming muscles around his stomach, grabs the attention of the two Alphas. Blaine is at his side in an instant, worry heavy in his eyes.

"Kurt, buddy, are you ok?" Burt studies his son as a flash on panic goes through him. Lizzie had been just that pale and sick.

"I'm fine dad."

"How come I don't believe you?" Burt pulls the cap from his head, nervously running his other hand over the thinning hair.

"Because you're paranoid. You told me mom and Lillian always went into labor around the same time and now you're worried about me."

"I don't believe you either, love." Blaine kisses Kurt's sweaty temple. "What's wrong?"

"He was supposed to go home hours ago." They all look at the doctor standing with a very unhappy expression leveled at Kurt. "You had a very bad anxiety attack and high levels of stress. I told you to go home and rest as soon as possible. I expect that to happen after I pass on the news about the Andersons."

Narrowed golden eyes and a low growl keep Kurt silent, warning him they will be talking about this later.

The man smiles as he looks at Burt and gives them the news. "Everything is fine now. There were a few complications because the pup had not fully turned. We ended up doing an emergency C-section. Right now, both mother and daughter are stable, but I don't recommend visitors. Lillian and the baby are sleeping soundly after their long ordeal, with a very protective Henry at their side."

"Thank you doctor. I'll get these two home and check back in tomorrow then."

"I'll pass that on to Henry. Blaine, don't forget your appointment to have the stitches out in a couple weeks. And Kurt, I expect you to follow my orders. Stay in bed and rest for a couple days, work up to more solid food as your system allows. Stay home from the run. Your body needs to regain its strength."


"You. Look. Beautiful." Nick offers his hand to help Alain, who looks more like a model than the surfer boy he is, out of the vehicle. Internally Nick, puffs up with pride at his extremely hot boyfriend.

"Thank you. Though I think you're a bit biased, hon." A small laugh escapes Alain's lips before he kisses Nick, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. The other boys wolf whistle at them from the opposite side of the car.

"Oi! Give it a break you two!" Scotty ignores Nick's growl as he wraps his arms about both of them. "Two weeks of sucking face is enough for my eyes. Let's go party before we have to leave this country!"

Outside, the music is so loud only the bass can be heard. The Aussie boys grab the love birds and drag them through the front door, laughing. They're greeted with cheers from the other teens. Puck had invited everyone for New Year's Eve. It promised to be a great send off for the visiting wolves, and an opportunity to bond with the new pack members at McKinley. Providing booze and a parent free environment ensured almost everyone came. They'd even invited most of the Warblers to hang out. A few friends couldn't be there, due to other issues and obligations.

Jeff, Julia, and her family were on a short vacation to keep up the pretense of their mating. Kurt really wanted to come. It'd been awhile since he'd seen anyone from school, but anytime he tried mentioning the party, Blaine growled darkly. When Kurt swore to stay seated the majority of the time, the look in Blaine's eyes made him drop the issue.

Not that he would complain about the choice, laughing while Blaine paints delicate flowers and vines over his growing belly. They take pictures for their baby book with huge smiles on their faces.

"So beautiful." Blaine snaps another picture before leaning down and kissing right above a blue and pink petalled flower around Kurt's bellybutton.

"Sap!" Kurt pulls his mate up to connect their lips in a soft kiss.

"You love me anyway." Blaine kisses him again before plopping a dot of pink paint on his mate's nose.

Laughing, Kurt returns the favor, spiraling them into an all-out tickle and paint fight.


He has no clue how much he's had to drink or how long they've been at the party. All Nick knows is that Alain is looking more edible than ever. His eyes are trained on the young wolf singing karaoke with his fellow Aussies. Nick can't help the possessive growl growing deep in his chest.

"You know sitting here drinking until you're numb while your boy hangs out and parties with everyone else isn't very healthy."

Turning his head, Nick narrows his eyes at the mohawked wolf. "Just shut up."

"Hey." Puck puts his hands up. "Just pointing out that you have until 4pm tomorrow with him and you're just watching him."

Ignoring the deeper, warning, growl coming from Nick, Puck wraps an arm around his shoulders.

Leaning into his ear, Puck says, "Go get him. Trust me, losing him will hurt more than you could ever imagine."

His eyes turn towards Quinn and Joe dancing together.

Nick stops growling as he studies Puck's sad eyes. "Why didn't you get her?"

"I wasn't what her parents wanted in a mate. Too Jewish and too blue collar."

"You'll find a mate."

"I had a mate. There won't be another one. Now go get your guy!"" He ruffles Nick's hair before leaving to get another drink.

Downing the rest of his drink, Nick hurries towards the singing wolves. He wraps himself around Alain, joining in the end of their song. They dance and drink, planning to start the new year with a bang.


Kurt lounges on the sofa, freshly washed and watching the New Year Festival broadcast from New York. His smile grows as Blaine slips in behind him, naked, with water dripping from his curls. His hands join Kurt's, rubbing lotion onto his belly.

"Any good bands play while I was showering?"

"Not really, just some overplayed songs from this year. Now give me your arm so I can put some of this lotion on it."

"Yes dear." Blaine laughs when Kurt elbows him for the teasing tone in his voice, even as he turns his arm over. "It healed nicely."

"Not nice enough." Kurt runs his fingers over the pinkish scar tissue. "I still get shivers of fear every time I see it."

"I know love." Blaine kisses the back of his mate's neck. "It'll fade with time, as will your memory of it happening." He kisses Kurt's neck again, drawing a contented whine from him. "Other than your sadness at my clumsiness, how are you feeling?"

"Pretty good. The pup has started to move a lot more. He's letting me know he's your kid without a doubt."

"Oh yeah?" Blaine runs his free hand over the bump again, wishing he could feel the kicks.

"Mm." Kurt moves his hands to where he can feel fluttering movements inside. "He gets more active when you talk. I'm fairly certain he has your affinity for jumping on things too, namely my backbone and bladder."

"That's my pup." Blaine beams with pride. "Can't have a lazy little guy that won't go hunting with us."

His concentration goes back to figuring out if he can feel movement below his hands. Cheering can be heard on the television before the next band plays. "We find out the sex next week right?"

"Yes. Next Wednesday we have another scan and some more tests. Then a really close look at our pup."

"Then you wipe out the bank account buying baby decorations and rope Burt, Dad, and I into painting and setting up the nursery. Meanwhile, you and mom sit and coo over little Abigail and plan future play-dates between aunt and niece or nephew."

"Damn straight." Kurt pushes his hips back against Blaine to get his attention. "Though I'll reward you for all that hard work, love."

"Really?" Blaine grins as he rolls his hips against his mate's backside, his member showing that it's definitely interested.

"Really." Kurt attaches their lips in a searing, needy kiss as they ignore the television announcing the last hour of the year.


The boys are lost to the world as they kiss and grope each other, the party raging all around them. Neither of them remembers which one started the public make-out session, but neither Alain or Nick are sober enough to care. They definitely aren't sober enough to tell that Nick is losing control of his wolf's needs, or that it is probably (definitely) a very bad idea to join hands and walk away from the party. They find an unoccupied room far enough away that they can't hear anything but the dull thumping of the music. No one realizes they've disappeared.

They groan in pleasure when Nick lifts Alain up. The boy wraps his legs around Nick's waist as they connect in a heated, hungry kiss. A primal growl drags out of Nick as he stumbles to the bed.

They tug at each other's clothes the second they hit the mattress. Lips map out every inch of revealed flesh. Nick licks and kisses his way to where a very faint, sweet scent is emanating from between Alain's ass cheeks. His nose pushes in as he inhales the intoxicating scent and Alain screams with pleasure as Nick slides his tongue out to taste. The gentle rimming becomes more forceful with Nick's determination to get Alain open and wet.

Alain's body starts to feel weird the more his desire for Nick grows, and not all because of the alcohol. He knows they shouldn't be doing this. They had talked about waiting until they were old enough to mate, but he can't bring himself to tell Nick to stop. Instead he grabs Nick by the hair and pulls him up, attacking his boyfriend's lips to taste himself on them. He spreads his legs wider, drawing Nick closer. Alain keens when he feels the head of his lover's penis pushing at his entrance, slowly pressing into his body. But he isn't prepared for the change in Nick. The older wolf's growl turns to one of claiming, his hands grip tighter on Alain's hips. He breaks their kiss to bite Alain's neck and shoves the rest of the way into the body below him, which arches instinctively in pleasure.

From that point, things changed between them. Alain starts to panic, bringing his hands up to shove Nick off of him. The Alpha growls deeper, his body moving faster, his hands reaching to grab the hands that are trying to stop him and pin him to the bed. He bites the younger wolf harder, drawing blood. At the sharp pain he stops fighting, his instincts finally kicking in to calm him. Alain keens even louder when he feels the start of Nicks knot, beginning to move his hips with Nicks. His back arches more as he feels the knot push in. The last thing he remembers as his own orgasm sweeps through his body is the pure pleasure of being filled by Nick's release.

The next morning finds them both groggy, with only hazy images of what had happened the night before. The second Nick sees the dried blood on the angry red bite mark on Alain's neck he bursts into tears.

"Oh god... I..."

"Don't." Alain shoves him away as he tries to get his clothes back on. Pain shoots through his body from both the bite on his neck and his ass, which feels raw and crusty between his cheeks.

"Alain please! I'm sorry, I'm not sure what happened bu-"

"Just STOP!" He turns, glaring at Nick with tears heavy in his eyes. "I don't remember it either. I. I don't..."

Nick scrambles from the bed and wraps himself around his lover. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"We were supposed to wait. We were supposed to wait until we were mated." Alain shoves Nick away pulling the rest of his clothes on. "J-just get dressed. I want to go. I need to pack before my flight."

Nick pulls his clothes on, still trying to soothe Alain as best he can. It's to no avail. Each time he tries to comfort the boy he is shoved away. He isn't even get invited to help Alain pack.

Later, there's no response to his texts and phone calls. Nothing but the fear of losing half his soul in one stupid night. What hurts even more is the text from Andy saying the group caught an earlier flight and he's sorry Alain won't talk to him.


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