Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 18

E - Words: 4,807 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Author's Notes: xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxNow this story is all caught up on here. I am taking requests for what people would like to see. I am aiming for 30 chapters before it's all done and with so many character side stories that could be touched on, there is a bit of curiosity on my part as to who everyone wants to know more about. Drop me a line on here or email: dracopup@gmail.com
Chapter 18

He couldn't help it. Really he couldn't, even though Kurt wont stop growling at him every time he tries to nuzzle and lick at his neck to reassert his scent. All Blaine wanted was for everyone who didn't already know, to know that Kurt was his mate. Every last pimple faced geek and smelly unwashed jacket wearing jock needs to know that Kurt is no longer to be their target. That he has a strong, dominate, and fully attentive mate now.

"If you put another hickie on my neck before the third class of our first day of school I will make you sit on the other side of every single class the rest of the week." Kurt states as a matter of fact, his eyes narrow towards Blaine.

Yeah, he's in trouble. "Ku~rt you know I can't help it! Look! There's another one!" He gestures towards the jock turning to watch them. "I know they all have their eyes on you. Wanting you or wishing you harm. I'm just making sure they know that if they lay one finger on you I'll get them."

"Getting yourself suspended like you did in middle school?" Kurt eyes his mate.

"Hey! They all deserved it!" His smile grows a bit as Bliane becomes a bit more teasing. "Don't forget you use to get suspended right along with me."

"Yes well, that all resulted in you being sent to private school so I doubt our parents would be happy if that trend picks up again." Kurt leans in kissing Blaine softly. "Love you, but please. Stop marking me."

Blaine flops his head down and nods slowly as a pout covers his face. "Yeah ok. No more marking."

"Awe baby, don't pout. I didn't say you couldn't kiss me." Kurt leans forward, kissing Blaine softly. "Now lets go. One more class before lunch with everyone."

"Is it wrong of me to want you all to myself at lunch instead?" He hurries to keep up with Kurt, entwining their fingers as they walk.

"You get me all to yourself every night. I think you can spare a little of our time for friends." Kurt leans in, whispering into his ear. "If you behave for the rest of the day, I will let you have me the second we get home." he laughs as Blaine growls his approval.

The first day of school is always stressful, but this year McKinley was way unprepared for the amount of wolves moving through their halls. Not only did Blaine transfer in to be by his mates side, almost all the wolves from Dalton transferred in adding to their already large population of young pack members and causing the school to bring in more adult wolves to make sure there are no fights. Especially with the large number of newly mated pairs. Kurt and Blaine. Jeff and Julia. Quinn and her Alpha, a new guy to the school named Joe. Santana and Brittney. And the one pair that shocked everyone when they showed up, Wes and Amy. Amy explained to everyone that after a nice long talk with Wes and her parents about how the two could become closer and show Wes that everything is ok, they would attend McKinley with everyone else instead of their two separate private schools and Amy would continue her music with a private tutor after school. Everyone also started to notice the lack of Omegas in school. Tina being the only one that anyone could really think of that would turn 16 during the school year. The rest were all freshmen.

Henry had tried to explain it to the kids that until the wolf laws can protect omegas who are unmated from being forced into a bond, the parents have the kids home schooled and bring them out to pack gatherings to find potential mates. Cooper seemed to take this information to heart and shuttled himself away to work on a plan for the next few months.

Glee club turned into the most amusing part of the day. At least to Kurt. Rachel the first week was happy to have Blaine, Jeff, Wes, and Nick join their group since they were definitely talented. She changed her tune with in days when she realized the boys also knew how to plan and get Mr. Schuester on their side with things causing Rachel to be more equal and solos being picked depending on who sounds the best for the songs instead.

The biggest fight was happening now. Three months into the school year and Mr. Schuester was still just doing assignments instead of planning their competition pieces for practice. Blaine watched on with a rather amused look on his face as Wes argues with Mr. Schuester about needing to practice at least once a week to make sure their performance was perfected before they needed to be preformed. Rachel standing by her teachers need to have them all 'express themselves' so that they are a better team before practicing the important songs, that have yet to be chosen. Blaine is so wrapped up in the now daily fights that he doesn't even notice Kurt being a bit more distant then normal and rubbing a hand over his stomach.

Nick entertains himself in the back of the room with his phone. A common occurrence lately for him. His eyes shifting to Kurt between messages with his new friend. His chatting habits having gone up since all his friends have been busy with their new mates, but he is a bit curious as to when Blaine is going to notice the change in the way Kurt smells. He leans forward, towards Kurt, putting a hand on his friends shoulder.

"You alright?" Nick smiles softly when Kurt turns worried blue eyes towards him.

Kurt nods slowly. "I... I think so." He fidgets in his seat a bit as Nick gives him a knowing look. "Fine. No I don't feel alright. My stomach feels weird, my head hurts, and I have been dieing to have chocolate." His cheeks grow pink as he looks towards Blaine. "I want to go home and stay in bed for a week."

Nick holds in a laugh as he slips one chair forward to sit next to his friend, answering another message before talking again, his own dopey smile on his face. "Did you ever have those tests done?"


"Tests. You know, the tests to see if you are a carrier or not?"

"Oh, no. We never got around to it." Kurt looks down at his stomach as he bites at his bottom lip. "With Cooper showing back up we spent most of our time with him or, you know, being a new mate."

"Thought not." Nick turns back to his phone for a bit before looking Kurt in the eyes. "You smell different. You smell like my aunt when she goes into heat."

"I.. Nick! I CAN'T be in heat!" Kurt covers his mouth when a he realizes the room just got silent and everyone is looking at him. Blaine with the darkest eyes he's ever seen him have.

Nick laughs a bit before shaking his head. "I bet you are. Ask Blaine what he thinks of your new scent."

Kurt turns and looks at Blaine. Seeing his nose flaring a bit as he finally registers the change in his mates scent. "Oh my god..." He is up out of his chair and running out of the room when he realizes Nick is probably right.

Blaine taking off after him with their bags. "Kurt!"

Jeff slaps Nick in the shoulder as Blaine leaves. "What the hell you do that for?"

"Do what? Tell Kurt the truth about what we can all smell on him?" Nick looks around to the other Alphas who turn away to stay out of it. "Oh come on! You all know what that smell means and they were crazy enough to not get Kurt tested! Isn't it better I tell him now before he ends up pregnant?"

"That isn't our call Nick. Maybe they wanted it to be a surprise." Wes sits down next on the other side of Nick.

"Sorry... I owe them one don't I?"

"I think you owe them a lot more then one." Jeff ruffles his friends hair as everyone goes back to what ever the assignment was that week. "You owe all of us an explanation about that beeping cell of yours."

Nick covers his screen as he smiles shyly. "Later. Right now I want to watch Rachel sing some silly song to Finn even though she has no want to be mated."

Wes and Jeff both snicker. "Half breeds. The only ones that can truly play Alphas one heart string at a time." They all turn back to pretending to watch the performance.

By the time Blaine catches up to Kurt at the car, wrapping his arms around him from behind. Kissing at his neck to try and ease his crying and just holding him close until he stops crying. Soothing words streaming from his lips as calming huffs come from his chest. "We need to talk."

"I know." Kurt smiles slowly. "Let's go home."

Nodding his head gently, Blaine helps Kurt into the car before driving them both home. Thoughts going through his mind at the possibility of their future, his nose drawing in the scent coming from Kurt. They should have caught it sooner, the way his scent had changed to match all fertile wolves. Both of them stay silent all the way home and during the short walk from the car to their house.

Once the front door is closed Kurt turns to face Blaine, his bottom lip between his teeth. "So..."

"So.." Blaine guides Kurt over to the couch. Sitting down and trying to lighten the heavy mood around them. "We should talk about what we both want."

"We should. Have you... Blaine have you ever thought about if you want kids or not?"

Blaine blushes as he looks away. "I may have dreamed about tiny white pups running around our feet during pack runs."

"Little white pups?"

"Yes little white pups. With blue eyes."

"My eyes? Really? Do we get to compromise so they have your beautiful curls?" Kurt moves closer to Blaine. Teasing him a bit.

"Really? My unruly curls?" They both laugh. "Well I think I can allow my curls on our pups, though really how ever they look I will love them."

"Good." Kurt kisses him softly before nuzzling under his chin and letting his mate wrap around him. "How about when? Did you want to actively try, let nature takes it course, or just wait and I can go to the hospital for birth control."

As Blaine opens his mouth to give his opinion when there's a knock on their door. "Hold that thought baby." With a gently kiss to his mates lips, he gets up opening the door to find his mom smiling at him. "Hey mom."

"Hi boys. I wanted to know if you were alright." She smiles at how confused Blaine look. "Nick called me. Told me about what happened at school today and how Kurt ran off."

"Oh well, yeah we're fine. Just talking about what our future should be. What this.. Means for us."

"How about I give you another set of ears and maybe some helpful hints to help you choose?"

His nod and moving to let Lillian in the house is her invitation. All three sitting down and talking through their thoughts and worries for the future. She just sits and listens to them let everything out before walking Kurt through the talk most little girl wolves get. How his body will act differently then a human woman's body. Cramps and most PMS symptoms will be the same, time they last will be about the same. What differs is how he'll get even more needy right before his cycle starts, his body wanting to become with pup sooner rather then later and that his bleeding will be more invisible. Their bodies cycling out with their normal body functions with very little discharge. Lillian admits that its her favorite part about being a wolf, the fact she only needs liners and that she recommends Kurt pick some up as well.

Lillian relaxes now that the boys have off loaded all their concerns about choosing to have a family now or waiting and that Kurt seemed to take the lesson about his cycles well. She smiles as Kurt nuzzles into Blaine and her son just wraps his mate up into the comforting embrace. "If it helps, your dads and I talked about this possibility and if you wish to have a pup soon, we would be willing to help watch him or her while you're still in school."

"You would do that for us mom?"

"I would, we would. It would just be easier for me to watch our grandkid then Burt or Henry." Her eyes sparkle as she smiles wider. "We were going to tell you this weekend, but I think you should hear it now."

"Mom, we already know Cooper meet someone and is planning a mating run."

She laughs softly. "Well yes there is that, but your dad and I just found out that you two are going to be older brothers."

"Really?" Kurt perks up at her news.

"Mom! But you're like old!" Blaine spurts out.

"Oh well, thank you for that, but the last time I checked I was only 38 and quite capable of having another pup." She challenges back to her son.

"This is just so weird.. So, you're with pup? Like for real?"

Kurt slaps Blaine in the chest. "She wouldn't have told us if it wasn't real. How far along are you? What does it feel like?" He wiggles his way out of his mates arms. His own instincts of being a parent kicking in with knowing someone so close that is with pup.

"Only a few months. Well, more like almost four." She blushes at admitting the whole month spent with just Henry on vacation was spent reliving their newly mated days. "So um, yes, we are expecting a new pup and if you boys plan to have one or just let nature take its course, we will be here for you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have dinner to make and a husband to tell I spilled the news early."

"Mom. Thank you." Blaine nuzzles down against Kurt as his mom gets up to leave.

"Your welcome sweaty."

"Um and congratulations. I can't wait to be a big brother." He smiles as Kurt kisses his neck in a soothing manner.

Lillian smiles. "I think you will be a great big brother and a very good papa." She heads out leaving the two boys smiling at each other.

"Papa" Kurt nearly purrs as he shifts back to straddle Blaine. "Kinda like the sound of that."

"Me too." Blaine grips those wonderful hips tighter. "Does this mean..."

"We let nature take its course." Kurt leans down, nipping at the sensitive skin on his mates neck. "If we get pregnant, then we have a pup. If not, then it isn't a big deal."

"Sounds like a perfect plan." Blaine growls. "Love you so much baby."

"Love you too." Kurt grins wickedly as he gets up off of his mate, laughing when all he hears is needy whines and whimpers. "Dinner first. Then we can see how our bodies connect."

"I don't want to wait."

Kurt walks away, swaying his hips. "I know love, but you will. You know I can out match you if you try and tackle me."

Blaine groans. "I know! Fine. I'll go finish the laundry while you cook."

Meanwhile back across town Nick sits at one of the tables in the Lima Bean, as his friends surround him. All of them with impatience written all over their faces as Nick delays talking. His phone beeping with another message, Jeff groaning his frustrations.

"That's it!" He snags the phone out of Nicks hands. "Who are you messaging everyday?"

Nick shrugs his shoulders. "Just someone I meet over the summer."

"Meet where?" Wes narrows his eyes at Nick, Amy putting a hand on his arm to try and keep him a bit calmer.

"Remember the week long trip my parents and I took to Florida?" Everyone nods slowly. "We ended up down there during a surf tournament and while I was watching the athletes, I ran into someone." Nick blushes slightly.

Jeff laughs. "Holy shit! You mean little Nicky boy has a boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend..."

Wes leans forward, poking a finger at his friends blushing cheeks. "Why not? You seem to love talking to him and just the mention of him has you all flushed."

Nick fidgets, turning his coffee cup on the table. "Because... He.. He lives in Australia."

Wes raises a brow at his friend. "So? He lives in another country. He seems to travel since you meet him in Florida."

"He does, he's a surfer. I mean he's a really good surfer." He reaches into his backpack, pulling out a few sports magazines and passing them over to everyone. "He's only on one cover. This one." He points to a picture of a young boy, dirty blonde hair falling over his shoulders as he bright blue eyes smile at you through the camera.

Julia whistles as she reads another article about the kid. "Nick. He's 14."

"He is."

Amy smiles. "He is cute though."

Wes side eyes his mate. A bit of a jealous huff coming out of his chest. "He's a wolf?"

"He is." Nick taps out a message to the boy their all talking about. "An Omega. it's the age and distance thing that is keeping me from asking him to be mine. Plus... I don't want to ruin his career."

"Oh Nick, as an Omega he only has two more years before he either ends his career or mates." Amy reaches out for Nicks hand. "What does he feel about this?"

"Alain? Truthfully, he plans to keep surfing for as long as he can."

"No silly, what does he think about you." Amy shakes her head at his silliness.

"We talked about it a bit and he wants to make a decision on us next summer after we meet up while he's training in Cali."

Jeff laughs. "You are just to adorable! Just remember to leave sometime for us."

"I'd tell you guys the same thing." Nick laughs as they all blush. "New mates are notorious for the amount of time they spend fawning over each other." They all break out into laughter and fun the rest of the day.

Much later while the moon shines high in the sky, two bodies move together with soft caresses and loving touches. Groans and growls, hands moving as lips connect. Blaine was in heaven, has been in heaven since their failed attempts at dinner. Yes, it had started out innocently with Kurt cooking as Blaine finished up the laundry, but it ended up with Kurt up on the counter naked with Blaine slamming into him. Now they finally made it to the bedroom. Frenzied movements from earlier switched out for loving caresses. Screams of passion replaced my soft gruffing and growls of pleasure. Sweat dripping down their flushed skin as they move as one.

Kurt is so overly sensitive by the time Blaine pushes the knot in. Arching his back at how geed it feels to be stretched so wide over his mates swollen shaft. The knot sitting perfectly as he cries out with his own release. Arms clinging tighter as his legs pull Blaine in closer. He briefly hears his name as Blaine shoves as hard as he can into Kurt before spilling his seed, a growl deep in his chest.

Neither moves for a good long while. Blaine shifting first, his lips caressing over pale skin as his knot is still firmly in place.


"Hum?" he keeps kissing at all the skin he can reach.

"Can we stay home from school?" Kurt pretty much purrs at how good it feels with Blaine still firmly in place inside his body as his hands caress over every inch and his lips cover Kurt as much as possible.

Blaine lets a slight laugh out as he moves up to look into those perfect blue eyes. "You really want to stay home all day?"

"Um. Yes. I'm just so tired and it's my first cycle. I want to stay home."

"What if your cycle doesn't start hum? Mom did say it would take a few days after the symptoms show." Blaine rolls his hips, shifting his knot and causing Kurt to moan. "We could have just stopped your first cycle."

Kurt blushes before kissing Blaine hard. "There is no way I would get knocked up my first heat."

"We'll see about that."

No one is surprised Blaine and Kurt don't show up the next day at school. More giggles and teasing between their friends about what that could mean and Rachel being pissed that Kurt and Blaine would risk not being at full throttle for the future competition season. No one really pays her to much attention. At least not for the next few weeks. Kurt gets moody and starts to drag his feet through out the day. Usually spending his lunches curled up against Blaine napping. Blaine hides his worry for his mate with smiles and gentle probing at how he feels.

Lillian on the other hand keeps a closer eye on him. Her belly growing a bit rounder and her memories going back to how weak Elizabeth had gotten that first year. She doesn't talk to Blaine until she catches Kurt on their couch sleeping while Blaine is in talking with Henry. She runs a hand over his forehead as he sleeps, Kurt barely stirring when she touches his face. With a sigh she walks to the office where Henry laughing can be heard loud and clear. Once she gets into the office they smile at her, Henry hurrying to get her seated.

"Hey hun. What brings you into our little talk about school life so far this year?" Henry kisses her cheek as a hand reaches down to caress over the growing pup inside her. Blaine watching the exchange with a dopey grin on his face as his mind views Kurt and him like that.

"I was just a bit worried about Kurt." She looks at Blaine. "Has he been napping this heavy often?"

Blaine frowns a bit. "He's asleep again?"

"Yes, out on the couch. I checked for a fever and couldn't find any."

"No he hasn't been sick, just tired and really moody." Blaine slouches down in his chair.

Lillian turns to face Henry with pure worry on her face. "Like Lizzie. Remember that first year?"

Henry groans. "Blaine make him an appointment."

"Wait what? Why? He's just being moody."

"Son, did Burt ever tell you boys about Elizabeth and how we always knew when she was with pup?" Henry sits down on his desk. When Blaine shakes his head no, Henry and Lillian tell him all about their first year together. How Kurt almost had an older sibling, an older sister that was still born after a very draining pregnancy. How she started off just like Kurt is now, tired and drained until she just passed out.

The whole story gets cut short when Blaine pretty much up and runs out of the office to pull Kurt into his arms. Protective growls escaping his chest as his parents rush to catch up with him. "Blaine, sweetie, calm down please." Lillian hold onto her stomach as all she gets in response is Blaine growling.

Kurt groans at being woken up in such a rough way. Snuggling back against Blaine in instinct. "Wha' the hell?" He rubs at his eyes. "Blaine?" A growl reaches his ears. "Blaine. Stop growling." His own growl starting up to warn his mate that he is not happy.

"...don't wanna lose you..." Blaine starts to growl a little less, but still keeps a hold on his mate with defensive growls still going.

"Lose me? Why would you lose me?" Kurt tries to sit up, but gets pulled down against Blaine again. "What the hell is going on!"

"Kurt we are so sorry. It's sort of our fault." Lillian sits down in a chair across from them.

"Your fault? What did you do to make him act like this." Kurt tries to sooth Blaine. Nuzzling under his chin and nipping at his neck.

Henry sits on the arm of the chair Lillian is in. "We told him about your mom and your older sister."

"You didn't. Gods." Kurt doubles his efforts to sooth Blaine. Nuzzling and nipping more. Huffing and turning his growls into more purrs then anything else.

"You knew?" Henry sits up straighter.

"Of course I knew. Dad told me everything about mom, especially now that we know I'm a carrier. He told me a couple weeks ago when I ran by the shop to see him. We talked, he dragged me to the doctors for some tests to make sure I don't have what mom had and I got the all clear." Kurt turns his eyes on the two adults. "Why? Why would you tell Blaine about that?"

Lillian looks down in guilt. "Consider it part of my hormonal worry, but you are acting the same way Lizzie did that first pregnancy. Before she passed out and got really sick."

Kurt kisses at Blaines jaw. "That's because I'm with pup."

That gets Blaine to snap out of his over possessive mood. "What?"

"I'm with pup. I wanted to wait a bit longer to tell you, but with how everyone here is acting there's just no way to hide it." Kurt blushes as Blaine puts a hand to his very flat tummy, right under his shirt.

"How long have you known?" Blaine looks down to study where his hand is, eyes looking for some sort of sign of the pup inside.

"Since those tests were run. It sort of popped up on their blood tests and trust me. It cost me a crap ton of cookies and bartering time at home with dad to keep him from telling all of you." Kurt giggles when Blaine kisses at his neck, nuzzling and purring out soothing sounds. "Blaine, baby your parents are watching."

"Dun care. We going to be parents." Blaine grins wider until he laughs. "God Rachel is going to have kittens. When are you due?"

His wider grin gets everyone more drawn in. "Our anniversary. Give or take a week."

"So you'll make it through the school year?" Blaine is shivering with even more giddy happiness now.

"I will make it through the school year, but.." He holds up a finger to keep Blaine silent. "I won't be able to do the harder dance routines. The doctor made sure to stress that I get support from my mate and read the signs my body gives me. If I'm to tired, sleep. If I get a craving for something, eat. If I find that the dances and stress of glee get to me, take a seat on the sideline. My health and the health of our pup comes before Rachel and her need of backup dancers."

"Oh please, please, PLEASE let me be the one to tell her! Wait! No. Let me sell tickets so everyone can watch her dramatic storm out fit when I tell her!"

Kurt laughs so hard he nearly falls off the couch. "Fine you can tell her. Though I bet if Wes told her it would be an even more epic storm out."

"That would be spectacular! We have to get him to do it!"

"You guys really are not a Rachel fan are you?"

"Not really. I mean come on, you guys should have been winning every year with the amount of talent there. If there would just be more time spent on practicing competition pieces, a bit more spreading out of the solos to draw out the power of the songs, and a lot less listening to her singing to Finn when she has no interest in being his mate."

"You just want a solo."

"No, I don't care if I have one or not, I just want it to be a bit more fair about who gets them."

"And now you boys have figured out what we have put up with for the past two years." Kurt kisses him softly. "Now can we leave your parents place? I want to get back to my nap while you make me some very yummy pasta with olive, anchovies, and mushrooms in the sauce?"

Lillian laughs when Blaine wrinkles his nose at the mention of putting little fish in their pasta sauce. "How about you boys go get comfy and Henry can run out for take out Italian. That way only yours has anchovies in it."

"Sounds like a great plan! lets get going Blaine. I have a nap calling my name."

The entire family gathers at the little pool house, Burt and Carole coming over to celebrate Kurt announcing the pregnancy. Blaine watching as Kurt eats twice as much as everyone else. Finishing his own serving of oddly flavored pasta, all those poor little fishies, and then starting on anything Blaine didn't eat. Their futures looking brighter by the minute.


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