Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 17

E - Words: 2,558 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Chapter 17

"No Kurt. This is a horrible terrible worst idea you have ever had." Blaine stares down his mate, trying not to back down the more Kurt narrows his eyes or the louder that warning growl is getting.

"You better rethink what you just said." His blue eyes bore into the golden eyes of his mate. "I haven't been on a pack run since I turned 16 and you are NOT keeping me from the first one with us as a mated pair."

"Kurt please no. I don't want anyone to see you... see you..." His eye drift down the barely dressed body of his mate. "I don't want anyone else to see your skin."

Kurt raises one brow, his face still set into an agitated stare as his growl somewhat dies down at that confession. "You just don't want anyone to see me naked? Really Blaine? Everyone has seen us naked ever since we were little fuzzy pups. That just comes with being a wolf! Now MOVE! I want to go out this cabin door and join our parents and our brothers so that the run can get underway."

"Please. Jeff isn't going to be here so why do we?" Blaine moves in closer, gripping Kurts hips and ignoring the now increasing growls. "I just want to stay here with you and me." He noses around his mates neck, sniffing and licking at the skin to try and sooth the wolf.

"Get off me Blaine. We have a run to attend and I will not accept any reason you give me to skip it." When Blaine doesn't back up. Kurt gives out a last warning growl before he bares his teeth and pushes the other wolf away. His growl growing to less warning and more danger territory.

Blaine freezes as he catches the threat. He doesn't even move when he hears the door to the cabin open and Burt walks in to find the boys in a stand off. "Kurt, put your growl away and one of you better have a damn good reason your both not already out there."

"Dad, Blaine doesn't want to do the mass run because people will see me naked for a few minutes before I'm a fuzzy white wolf. Though I think there maybe another reason because that one was just stupid." Kurt drops his growl since his dad said too,

"Blaine?" Burt turns towards the shuddering Alpha. "Don't be afraid. All Alphas go though this their first run after mating."

Both boys look towards Burt. Blaine smiling that his feelings aren't a figment of his imagination. "So you went through this too?"

"I did. The need to protect and keep your mate to yourself will always be stronger during the runs and especially the first year of being a couple. You boys spent the last run on your own since Henry wasn't here to organize one, but this time you need to go out there. Besides, Cooper is out there boasting how he'll beat you in the hunt."

Blaine narrows his eyes and puffs up his chest. "No way! I've always won the hunt! He is so on." he reaches back and drags Kurt out the door by the hand. Leaving a laughing Burt behind.

Kurt groans. "So to get you to do what I want I need to ruffle your stupid alpha traits?"

"Shut up. You still wont show anyone your naked body."

"How do you plan to accomplish that feat?"

"Easy. Bushes."

"Bushes? Really? You want me to hide behind bushes?"

Blaine pulls Kurt into his arms and growling into his ear. "Yes I want you to shift behind the bushes so no one sees you naked." He noses and licks at Kurts neck as someone else walks up behind them. "Please Kurt. For me. Please."

"Fine." Kurt whines before connecting their lips in a passionate kiss. Arms wrapping around each other as their bodies try to get closer.

A throat clearing beside them gets their attention as Blaine goes back to growling defensively with Kurt tucked into his body. "Now that is no way to treat your brother now." Cooper grins at them.

"A brother who should know not to come to close to me when I'm with my mate." Blaine eyes the older man.

"Sorry. I do seem to be walking in on your two a lot these past few weeks." Cooper blushes a bit at all the times he's caught the boys having sex. The pool, the bathroom at the Lima Bean, the living room of the main house, the time he walked into the pool house because the door was open, and he lost count on how many times he's caught them in their car parked in front of the house after a date. Needless to say he finds his brother has a very healthy sexual appetite. "Dad is looking for you so we can get everything started."

"On our way." Blaine keeps a hold of Kurt.

Kurt laughs as he wiggles his way from the tight hold and urges his ate towards their parents. "Come on. Sooner we get this done the sooner we can go hunting."

Cooper follows them with a wide grin. "I can't wait. Only thing you have to hunt in France is silly foxes and squirrels. Especially since we were in the city and no where near the forests."

Blaine side eyes his bother. "Then how do you expect to beat us in a hunt?"

"Simple. Older brother luck." The two brother bicker the rest of the walk over who is the better Alpha.

Henry laughs watching them from a distance, Burt standing at his side. "So this is what it would have been like if they grew up together huh? Constantly trying to see who is the better brother?"

"Pretty good chance at that." Burt chuckles as Kurt rolls his eyes at some odd comment Blaine is making to Cooper. "Soon as they get over here that is the last of the new pairs."

"What about Jeff and his new mate from Chicago?"

"Not coming."

"Why not? They know the run right before school starts is when we show off all the new pairs. They should be here."

"Unless they are hiding something," Burt sighs as Henry looks a bit confused. "Just a bit of observation on my part. They don't act like mates. They sort of smell like mates, like they have marked each other, but there is nothing that screams MATE at me."

Henry groans. "Guess we'll have to get them here and have a bit of a chat then. See if I find the same oddities you did." He turns towards his sons and Kurt with a grin. "About time you boys got here." They all bow their heads as Henry puts out the call. Howling long and loud as Burt joins in with the call before everyone else does.

From there everything moves quickly as everyone starts to shift. Kurt being the pleasing mate he is, shifting behind the bushes and causing Blaine to puff up his chest when he sees that. Cooper and Blaine stare at each other once Kurt is at his mates side. The two nearly identical black wolves with a slight wave in their hair drawing a bit of attention from the younger pack members. Henry and Lillian trot over sniffing at Cooper before Lillian starts to lick and clean her older sons fur, showing that her wolf accepts the new wolf as her son. As soon as the rest of the pack howls their acceptance of the new wolves, including Cooper, Henry sends up the call to hunt. Kurt noses at Blaines side before taking off into the woods around their hunting grounds, Blaine perking his ears up in interest before taking off after his mate.

The hunt goes well with young pups learning how to catch squirrels and rabbits now that they are old enough, new mate pairs learning to hunt as a team to get bigger game, and Cooper snagging a small deer on his own and proudly taking the nuzzles from his parents in congratulations before they take off to get their own meal. Kurt and Blaine team up in the same way they always have and get a buck that they happily share with Burt and Carole before the young couple runs off, tummies full and bodies ready to just play.

Wes leads a timid Amy through the brush, teaching her how to hunt. They only catch a few squirrels and a bird, but the happy huffing coming from Wes and the way he watches his mate with pride when she starts to play with a squirrel lets everyone, especially Amy, know how much happier he is with his situation. Nick jumping out from the bushes tackling Wes playfully. Amy perking up and turning her head, studying the two males wrestling about. Kurt huffs and barks a few times before charging in to join the match. Leaving a whining Blaine to watch as his mate tackles two Alphas and he goes over checking on Amy. Sniffing and barking the two of them lay down and watch the tussle, Blaine barking out to Kurt when he hears a yelp from his mate. Eventually the whole thing ends with Kurt sitting on top his tail wagging happily as the other two growl in response. Kurt trots over to Blaine, licking his mates muzzle before running off with a barking call as his nose picks up the scent of more animals to chase. Blaine groans a bit before running after his mate leaving their friends behind.

Eventually Kurt and Blaine make their way back to the start and their cabin. Curling up together on the bed and Blaine absently licking the at the pure white fur covering his mate as both of them drift off to sleep.

Blaine wakes up first, smiling down at Kurt still asleep and snuggled into his chest. He reaches down, pushing some stray hair behind his ear that was blocking his view of those perfect features. He huffs a bit when he sees Kurt stir a bit, his eyes fluttering before they slowly open.

"Morning beautiful." Blaine kisses the tip of that adorable nose.

Kurt smiles slowly as his eyes adjust to being awake now. "Good morning. Been watching me long?"

Blaine shakes his head before kissing right below his mates ear. "Not long." He moves to kiss at his lips with a soft hum. "Just long enough to realize how lucky I am to have you as a mate." He kisses Kurt on the lips again. "How lucky I am to have someone as good as you love me."

"Blaine, you are just way to sweet." He reaches up, wrapping his arms around Blaines neck. "Love you so much."

Their lips meet as Blaine moves between the open legs Kurt wraps around his waist. Their hands roaming over heated flesh. Moans echoing through out the cabin as their hips starts to move. Just when Blaine shifts and starts pushing into the wet heat of Kurts body, their cabin door flies open and he startles, pushing in all the way faster then he intended. Kurt whining at the slight pain.

"I completely won the hunting competition!" Cooper freezes when he sees what they are doing. "What the hell!" He turns his back as a blush deepens his cheeks. "Do you two ever do anything else?"

Blaine growls in warning. "Get out!"

"You better hurry up and get dressed. Our parents want to talk with you."

Kurt keeps his face hidden in Blaines neck. "Fine Cooper. Just please leave."

"Going. I'm going!" Cooper leaves the two boys behind to make love and hurrying over to his parents that are talking with some of the younger wolves.

Lillian hugs Cooper when he comes near. "Kurt and Blaine on their way?"

"I wouldn't think so." He groans. "I think if Kurt becomes fertile you will have no worries about grandkids."

"Oh Cooper! I should have realized they would..." She shakes her head as Henry walks over. Explaining that their youngest son isn't going to be ready to head home for a bit.


It's a few days later that Jeff and Julia walk into the Anderson main house and are lead to the office by Lillian, Burt and Henry waiting for them. Jeff frowns when he sees their unhappy faces.

Julia looks between the two men. "Are we in trouble?"

Henry gestures towards the two empty chairs. "Not yet, but we have a few questions for you. Especially about why you didn't show up to the mate debut run?"

Jeff sits down slowly. "We wanted to spend it together. Just us and Julia's family."

"But you know it was a mandatory group run." Henry looks between the two of them. "We have another theory though."

Burt moves closer to the kids. "We think you two never mated."

"We think you two are trying to find a way to live a normal life when you," Henry points towards Jeff. "have very demanding and over controlling parents and you," he points to Julia "Are an Omega. Very dangerous for you to walk around after you turn 16 unless you have a mate."

Jeff and Julia look at each other before Jeff gives in. "Are you going to force us to mate or something now?"

Burt frowns. "No, why would we do that?"

"Because that's what my parents would make us do after they beat my ass." Jeff crosses his arms as he slouches down in his chair. "Was horrible enough being dragged to Chicago to be sent into some mating ring. The best thing that happened to me was meeting Julia."

"Aye. His plan was far fetched bu' we have been tryin to pull it off. I jus dun want to be pursued like a piece of meat. Please."

Henry groans. "We told you we wont make you mate. Do you intend to be mates eventually?"

Julia blushes as they both nod. "Aye we do. We come to find we really do have a lot in common. We jus want to get through high school first. Less distractions with the hormones going crazy."

Both men groan thinking about how many times everyone has caught Kurt and Blaine mating or in their own world the past couple months. "Trust us, we can understand the hormone thing." Henry rubs his hands over his face. "If you're going to pull this off you really should act more mate like though."

"You have the scent down, but I caught on from your behavior around others." Burt watches them. "You never touched, never kissed, and were perfectly fine being out of eye line from each other. All those things are something you are going o have to do." He gestures for them both to come look out the window. "Watch Kurt and Blaine out back with Cooper and Lillian." They all look out to see the rest of the family talking and moving about setting up for a family meal.

Henry smiles watching his family. "See how when Kurt moves away from Blaine, his eyes shift or his body moves so that he can keep an eye on his mate at all time. Then randomly they move closer and have to touch each other. Hand on the shoulder, the back, just anywhere. Simple little things that you will have to practice and get down pat before you go out with your friends again."

Julia nods slowly. "So you are helping' us?"

Burt laughs as he nods. "Consider this day one of your basic training. By the time school starts you two will be acting like real mates."


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